The Left Refers to the Unborn as "Babies" when it suits their agenda.


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2022
The leftwing media normally takes great pains to dehumanize unborn children. They call them fetuses, zygotes, lifeless blobs of cells, anything but the children and babies they are. But this changes with a story about a pregnant woman whose unborn may not survive pregnancy.

Now check out this ABC News article on the Fort Worth woman suing Texas on it's abortion law, saying she wouldn't be allowed to abort a moribund fetus from her uterus. All the sudden the unborn is called a "child" and a "baby" all over the place. 11 times in the article. These leftwing hypocrites will use the language that serves their purpose.

The plaintiffs are a white married couple who want a child. The left is pretending these are typical abortion patients. They disregard the fact that 85% of those having abortions are unwed, most are minority, and most want abortions for convenience. Instead, they highlight this red-herring case, and do everything possible to humanize the unborn child....but only when it suits their overall baby-killing agenda. Normally, they're ready to throw unborn "blobs of cells" into the dumpster, but now, all the sudden the left gets all mushy over the precious unborn "baby" who can't be properly aborted. Can a group get more twisted than this?
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The leftwing media normally takes great pains to dehumanize unborn children. They call theme fetuses, zygotes, lifeless blobs of cells, anything but the children and babies they are. But this changes with a story about a pregnant woman whose unborn may not survive pregnancy.

Now check out this ABC News article on the Fort Worth woman suing Texas on it's abortion law, saying she wouldn't be allowed to abort a moribund fetus from her uterus. All the sudden the unborn is called a "child" and a "baby" all over the place. 11 times in the article. These leftwing hypocrites will use the language that serves their purpose.

The plaintiffs are a white married couple who want a child. The left is pretending these are typical abortion patients. They disregard the fact that 85% of those having abortions are unwed, most are minority, and most want abortions for convenience. Instead, they highlight this red-herring case, and do everything possible to humanize the unborn child....but only when it suits their overall baby-killing agenda. Normally, they're ready to throw unborn "blobs of cells" into the dumpster, but now, all the sudden the left gets all mushy over the precious unborn "baby" who can't be properly aborted. Can there be a group more twisted than this?
Abortion will be legal again there soon enough. Most Americans are not extremist religious freaks.
Because the mother decides.

Not you.

Get it through your head.
The leftwing media normally takes great pains to dehumanize unborn children. They call theme fetuses, zygotes, lifeless blobs of cells, anything but the children and babies they are. But this changes with a story about a pregnant woman whose unborn may not survive pregnancy.

Now check out this ABC News article on the Fort Worth woman suing Texas on it's abortion law, saying she wouldn't be allowed to abort a moribund fetus from her uterus. All the sudden the unborn is called a "child" and a "baby" all over the place. 11 times in the article. These leftwing hypocrites will use the language that serves their purpose.

The plaintiffs are a white married couple who want a child. The left is pretending these are typical abortion patients. They disregard the fact that 85% of those having abortions are unwed, most are minority, and most want abortions for convenience. Instead, they highlight this red-herring case, and do everything possible to humanize the unborn child....but only when it suits their overall baby-killing agenda. Normally, they're ready to throw unborn "blobs of cells" into the dumpster, but now, all the sudden the left gets all mushy over the precious unborn "baby" who can't be properly aborted. Can there be a group more twisted than this?
The leftwing media normally takes great pains to dehumanize unborn children. They call theme fetuses, zygotes, lifeless blobs of cells, anything but the children and babies they are. But this changes with a story about a pregnant woman whose unborn may not survive pregnancy.

Now check out this ABC News article on the Fort Worth woman suing Texas on it's abortion law, saying she wouldn't be allowed to abort a moribund fetus from her uterus. All the sudden the unborn is called a "child" and a "baby" all over the place. 11 times in the article. These leftwing hypocrites will use the language that serves their purpose.

The plaintiffs are a white married couple who want a child. The left is pretending these are typical abortion patients. They disregard the fact that 85% of those having abortions are unwed, most are minority, and most want abortions for convenience. Instead, they highlight this red-herring case, and do everything possible to humanize the unborn child....but only when it suits their overall baby-killing agenda. Normally, they're ready to throw unborn "blobs of cells" into the dumpster, but now, all the sudden the left gets all mushy over the precious unborn "baby" who can't be properly aborted. Can there be a group more twisted than this?
I love to see all the problems Red states are having after banning abortion. She should come to Michigan. Spend some of her tourism dollars here. Then go back to being a Texas whore.
The leftwing media normally takes great pains to dehumanize unborn children. They call them fetuses, zygotes, lifeless blobs of cells, anything but the children and babies they are. But this changes with a story about a pregnant woman whose unborn may not survive pregnancy.

Now check out this ABC News article on the Fort Worth woman suing Texas on it's abortion law, saying she wouldn't be allowed to abort a moribund fetus from her uterus. All the sudden the unborn is called a "child" and a "baby" all over the place. 11 times in the article. These leftwing hypocrites will use the language that serves their purpose.

The plaintiffs are a white married couple who want a child. The left is pretending these are typical abortion patients. They disregard the fact that 85% of those having abortions are unwed, most are minority, and most want abortions for convenience. Instead, they highlight this red-herring case, and do everything possible to humanize the unborn child....but only when it suits their overall baby-killing agenda. Normally, they're ready to throw unborn "blobs of cells" into the dumpster, but now, all the sudden the left gets all mushy over the precious unborn "baby" who can't be properly aborted. Can a group get more twisted than this?
A TX judge just issued a temporary restraining order to the TX law. She gets her abortion.
A TX judge just issued a temporary restraining order to the TX law. She gets her abortion.
Remember the last time Republicans were all about the sanctity of life? No stem cell research, no to abortions. And they were so extreme they wouldn't let this woman's family kill her because she was "alive"


Republicans are sick. Do not trust them with power.
What does that have to do with it, whether you are it's mother or not? Is it a baby or not?
It's a fetus. If the mother wants to call it her baby, she can. You're trying so hard to prop up a vapid semantic point. And it's not going well.

So you are looking for an assist. You won't get it from me.
It's a fetus. If the mother wants to call it her baby, she can. You're trying so hard to prop up a vapid semantic point. And it's not going well.

So you are looking for an assist. You won't get it from me.
So I have you on record saying 'baby' and fetus are two terms for the same thing. Thanks.
The discussion is about the principles of framing an argument.

Words can be loaded with emotion. Use 'babies' to sway emotion to the side of 'fetuses', which really are not babies until birth.
Most Americans are pro-choice, you poor little fetus, I mean baby :itsok:
Most Americans say they do not favor killing their unborn child. Only when the left disguises the question so as to remove discussion of the child or it's humanity do they get a different answer.

The left is dishonest. They have to be.
And you are on record agreeing that it's the mother's choice.


So you're saying whether it's a living human baby or not is determined by what the mother calls it? Not terribly scientific of you.

But we would expect nothing less of leftwingers in regard to science.
Parents can call their fertilized egg their baby if they want to. It's theirs. Everyone born should be so lucky as to have parents that care and want them.
The discussion is about the principles of framing an argument.

Words can be loaded with emotion. Use 'babies' to sway emotion to the side of 'fetuses', which really are not babies until birth.
So you're saying the leftwing authors of this story are being dishonest when they refer to the Texas woman's unborn as a "baby"?

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