View on the "Greater Israel" plan...

Do you believe that there is a plan for "Greater Israel"?

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Gold Member
Jul 17, 2014
I'm interested in the ideas of Israel not only controlling Israel and Palestine but also the expansion into what is commonly called "Greater Israel"...

I certainly believe that Israel has no intention of ever allowing a Palestinian state to exist... But would Israel stop there?
I'm interested in the ideas of Israel not only controlling Israel and Palestine but also the expansion into what is commonly called "Greater Israel"...

I certainly believe that Israel has no intention of ever allowing a Palestinian state to exist... But would Israel stop there?

Where do you people get all this crap you come up with?
Is there a plan for a 'Greater Israel'? No.

Should there be? Absolutely!

The more of the Middle East that is Israel, the more democratic, socially liberal, innovative, and peaceful the Middle East will be.
Is there a plan for a 'Greater Israel'? No.

Should there be? Absolutely!

The more of the Middle East that is Israel, the more democratic, socially liberal, innovative, and peaceful the Middle East will be.
If I was the leader of that country or this one I would bomb the Gaza strip. It's been the breeding grounds for just about every terrorist group there is. You get rid of every non Jew in that area and it will be more peaceful.
I would give them and those on the West Bank no choice. You migrate back to Jordan or you Die.

Those animals do not know nor want peace so why appease them any longer? As long as Israel even attempts to bargain there will be no peace.
Build a wall keeping Muslims out. That's been the plan so far and seems to work most of the time. They just have to stay vigilant against them and not allow political correctness or liberals take over, that would be the death of them.
I'm interested in the ideas of Israel not only controlling Israel and Palestine but also the expansion into what is commonly called "Greater Israel"...

I certainly believe that Israel has no intention of ever allowing a Palestinian state to exist... But would Israel stop there?

It depends what you mean by "Greater Israel." If you're talking about the Nile to the Euphrates, certainly not. If you're talking about annexing the West Bank and perhaps Gaza, the Likud wants to do that but Labor doesn't.
I'm interested in the ideas of Israel not only controlling Israel and Palestine but also the expansion into what is commonly called "Greater Israel"...

I certainly believe that Israel has no intention of ever allowing a Palestinian state to exist... But would Israel stop there?

It depends what you mean by "Greater Israel." If you're talking about the Nile to the Euphrates, certainly not. If you're talking about annexing the West Bank and perhaps Gaza, the Likud wants to do that but Labor doesn't.

The funny thing is that with all the talking, it's the right-wing in Israel that gives away the lands and the Holy places.
I'm interested in the ideas of Israel not only controlling Israel and Palestine but also the expansion into what is commonly called "Greater Israel"...

"Greater Israel" meaning that Israel plans to encroach upon the sovereignty of other nations and invade them and incorporate their territory into Israel, in some sort of Empire? Ridiculous. Astoundingly ridiculous.

The only possible source for such a silly idea is the classic antisemitism which claims that the Joooooos intend to rule the world. Or, I guess, it could also be projection from those who wish to see an Islamic Caliphate.
Is there a plan for a 'Greater Israel'? No.

Should there be? Absolutely!

The more of the Middle East that is Israel, the more democratic, socially liberal, innovative, and peaceful the Middle East will be.
If Israel is one state it is not democratic: Palestinian Population To Pass Jews by 2017 in Israel and Territories

Here are some of Israel's peaceful actions:

Israeli naval ship bombs Palestinian children on Gaza beach, killing four

Just Like the American Pioneers Fighting Savages

By your slanted definition, democracy would give children the right to vote. The people who contribute to the country have the right to exclude those who don't, such as the Paleonasties and any other unevolved feral minority.. Otherwise, "democracy" is suicidal.
Is there a plan for a 'Greater Israel'? No.

Should there be? Absolutely!

The more of the Middle East that is Israel, the more democratic, socially liberal, innovative, and peaceful the Middle East will be.
If Israel is one state it is not democratic: Palestinian Population To Pass Jews by 2017 in Israel and Territories

Here are some of Israel's peaceful actions:

Israeli naval ship bombs Palestinian children on Gaza beach, killing four

Just Like the American Pioneers Fighting Savages

By your slanted definition, democracy would give children the right to vote. The people who contribute to the country have the right to exclude those who don't, such as the Paleonasties and any other unevolved feral minority.. Otherwise, "democracy" is suicidal.

It is amazing how Israel brings the Apartheid supporting racists out of their holes. It is the state that these people look up to. If only they could the same to who they consider untermensch of the U.S.
Is there a plan for a 'Greater Israel'? No.

Should there be? Absolutely!

The more of the Middle East that is Israel, the more democratic, socially liberal, innovative, and peaceful the Middle East will be.
If Israel is one state it is not democratic: Palestinian Population To Pass Jews by 2017 in Israel and Territories

Here are some of Israel's peaceful actions:

Israeli naval ship bombs Palestinian children on Gaza beach, killing four

Great fun, that, eh?
I'm interested in the ideas of Israel not only controlling Israel and Palestine but also the expansion into what is commonly called "Greater Israel"...

"Greater Israel" meaning that Israel plans to encroach upon the sovereignty of other nations and invade them and incorporate their territory into Israel, in some sort of Empire? Ridiculous. Astoundingly ridiculous.

The only possible source for such a silly idea is the classic antisemitism which claims that the Joooooos intend to rule the world. Or, I guess, it could also be projection from those who wish to see an Islamic Caliphate.

It already does!
I'm interested in the ideas of Israel not only controlling Israel and Palestine but also the expansion into what is commonly called "Greater Israel"...

"Greater Israel" meaning that Israel plans to encroach upon the sovereignty of other nations and invade them and incorporate their territory into Israel, in some sort of Empire? Ridiculous. Astoundingly ridiculous.

The only possible source for such a silly idea is the classic antisemitism which claims that the Joooooos intend to rule the world. Or, I guess, it could also be projection from those who wish to see an Islamic Caliphate.
What do you mean "intend".
We do rule the world.
Is there a plan for a 'Greater Israel'? No.

Should there be? Absolutely!

The more of the Middle East that is Israel, the more democratic, socially liberal, innovative, and peaceful the Middle East will be.
If I was the leader of that country or this one I would bomb the Gaza strip. It's been the breeding grounds for just about every terrorist group there is. You get rid of every non Jew in that area and it will be more peaceful.
I would give them and those on the West Bank no choice. You migrate back to Jordan or you Die.

Those animals do not know nor want peace so why appease them any longer? As long as Israel even attempts to bargain there will be no peace.
Ethnic cleansing and genocide. Why on earth is that ever an acceptable solution?
Is there a plan for a 'Greater Israel'? No.

Should there be? Absolutely!

The more of the Middle East that is Israel, the more democratic, socially liberal, innovative, and peaceful the Middle East will be.
If Israel is one state it is not democratic: Palestinian Population To Pass Jews by 2017 in Israel and Territories

Here are some of Israel's peaceful actions:

Israeli naval ship bombs Palestinian children on Gaza beach, killing four

Just Like the American Pioneers Fighting Savages

By your slanted definition, democracy would give children the right to vote. The people who contribute to the country have the right to exclude those who don't, such as the Paleonasties and any other unevolved feral minority.. Otherwise, "democracy" is suicidal.

Then it is not democracy.

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