USMB Coffee Shop IV

LOL. That's pretty much me before the first cup of coffee, especially if I have to make it. Hombre is usually up first and makes it.

I've been spending part of quarantine watching all of the Harry Potter movies for the first time. Definitely gives you a different perspective on witches & wizards. :)
Nothing much new today except working on some of the plants and preparation to put things where they belong again. :sleep: Hope everyone has a great week! Turning in to take my last nebulizer treatment of the day... Goodnight to all who visit this wonderful thread that Foxfyre started years ago. And don't let the bedbugs bite! ...

I bite the bedbugs. Nite Beautress.

I've been spending part of quarantine watching all of the Harry Potter movies for the first time. Definitely gives you a different perspective on witches & wizards. :)

They were good. I liked Hagrid, hermit, gnarly type like me. Read all the books too. Gave them to a friend sends me books.

I liked the books too. Read most of them. Not all. But the movies really caught the spirit of it all I think, most especially the first two.
You know we have all at some time probably speculated on what a real person would look like with a Barbie doll dimensions? Probably impossible, right?

Well this is Sophi Turner, an Australian top model. . . .

I liked the books too. Read most of them. Not all. But the movies really caught the spirit of it all I think, most especially the first two.

Movies don't cover it all. Books always better, movie later. There may have been another movie/book I hadn't seen. Hang on my broom is calling me.
You know we have all at some time probably speculated on what a real person would look like with a Barbie doll dimensions? Probably impossible, right?

Well this is Sophi Turner, an Australian top model. . . .

View attachment 332421
Om my that is nice. If my unit still worked, yeah right.

Honestly in that photo she doesn't look real but more like a mannequin. But it apparently really is her.
to the


I don't know how I missed it, but the 10th Anniversary of the USMB Coffee shop was May 4, 2020.

The original USMB Coffee Shop opened on 5-4-2010 and acquired 80,455 posts and 3,285,729 views before it closed on 7-30-13.
USMB Coffee Shop II opened on 7-30-13 and acquired 25,935 posts and 486,351 views before it closed on 4-14-14.
USMB Coffee Shop III opened on 4-15-14 and is closing on 5-15-14 with 2,803 posts and 32,229 views.
Versions 1, 2, and 3 acquired about another 100,000 views after they were closed and before they were deleted and sent into oblivion.
The USMB Coffee Shop IV opened on 5-15-14 and has acquired 65,879 posts and 3+ million views.

That is a total of 175,072 posts and something over 6,450,250 views since the Coffee Shop opened on May 4, 2010.

And roughly 492 USMB members have signed our roster, i.e. made at least one post, over that 10 years. I say roughly because no doubt some were missed & some are on there twice due to screen name changes. Some have been here the entire time, some have moved on, some return now and then, and new friends are always arriving. Six continents are represented. I don't know how many countries.

Through all that time we have seen each other through many joys, triumphs, sorrows, disappointments, fears, disasters, births, marriages, divorces, deaths, illness and wellness, and pretty much every aspect of the human experience. We've lifted each other up, provided information, ideas, encouragement and at times hope, comfort, understanding. And we've just plain had a lot of fun and laughed and enjoyed each other.

Here's to another 10 years.

Long live the Coffee Shop!!
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