USMB Coffee Shop IV

Again does anybody know how to recode my sig line so that clickng on it will take folks to the Coffee Shop here instead of the now defunct one?
Is everything ok with Nosmo King? Haven't seen a post from him lately.

I've been wondering that too BBD. Nosmo King please chime in. We're worried about you.
Put your minds at peace. I'm okay. We had a tragedy in the family. My brother's mother-in-law was being cared for in an Alzheimer's facility near by. She contracted the virus and passed away earlier this week.

Her funeral had been pre-planned, but with Ohio's prudent lock down plans had to be radically scaled back. Our ceremonial burial traditions usually meant an evening visitation reserved for family followed by a second evening for friends and acquaintances. The third day is the internment followed by a modest reception with our Calvinist fare of boiled ham sandwiches, potatoes salad and fruit punch or strong black coffee. Anyhow, that's during normal times.

So there were no flower arrangements, no visitation, no limos to the cemetery, no pall bearers and no boiled ham sandwiches. Instead eight of us stood at her grave side. We were all masked up like a gang of hoodlums about to knock over a bank. We wept and prayed and went our separate ways.

May you live in interesting times, someone said. I've given up stuff for Lent before, but never this much, I said.

Meanwhile Daisy the Mutt enjoyed a visit to the dog groomer who lives and works across the street. My hair hasn't been cut since late January. Why does my dog look better than me?

It goes without saying my Movie Nights at the Community and Learning Center are on hiatus. The last movie I screened was The African Queen back on March 12th. Thus far we've missed Harvey, A Place in the Sun, Mrs. Miniver, Roman Holiday, Little Caesar and tonight would have been My Favorite Wife.

Mom is well, but in dire need of a hug from her boys as she reminds us every day. I make a run to the supermarket every ten days or so, but her appetite for fresh fruit and vegetables outpaces my desire to get masked up and mingle with other customers.

So that's a quick dispatch from the upper Ohio River valley. A place wisely locked down for the duration. I hope you are all faring well and staying safe. Stay home and save lives!
Hi all. Just got back from meeting with the wife's cancer team. Nothing has shrunk the masses, in fact they continue to grow, the mass on her kidney now takes up over half of her abdominal cavity and they're out of tumor treatment options. We're now talking hospice somewhere in the not too distant future.
Talk about a gut punch. Right now I'm giving her some alone time, her request and I think I need some time to take it in myself.
Hi all. Just got back from meeting with the wife's cancer team. Nothing has shrunk the masses, in fact they continue to grow, the mass on her kidney now takes up over half of her abdominal cavity and they're out of tumor treatment options. We're now talking hospice somewhere in the not too distant future.
Talk about a gut punch. Right now I'm giving her some alone time, her request and I think I need some time to take it in myself.

I'm so sorry her treatments haven't worked, Ringel. :(
Is everything ok with Nosmo King? Haven't seen a post from him lately.

I've been wondering that too BBD. Nosmo King please chime in. We're worried about you.
Put your minds at peace. I'm okay. We had a tragedy in the family. My brother's mother-in-law was being cared for in an Alzheimer's facility near by. She contracted the virus and passed away earlier this week.

Her funeral had been pre-planned, but with Ohio's prudent lock down plans had to be radically scaled back. Our ceremonial burial traditions usually meant an evening visitation reserved for family followed by a second evening for friends and acquaintances. The third day is the internment followed by a modest reception with our Calvinist fare of boiled ham sandwiches, potatoes salad and fruit punch or strong black coffee. Anyhow, that's during normal times.

So there were no flower arrangements, no visitation, no limos to the cemetery, no pall bearers and no boiled ham sandwiches. Instead eight of us stood at her grave side. We were all masked up like a gang of hoodlums about to knock over a bank. We wept and prayed and went our separate ways.

May you live in interesting times, someone said. I've given up stuff for Lent before, but never this much, I said.

Meanwhile Daisy the Mutt enjoyed a visit to the dog groomer who lives and works across the street. My hair hasn't been cut since late January. Why does my dog look better than me?

It goes without saying my Movie Nights at the Community and Learning Center are on hiatus. The last movie I screened was The African Queen back on March 12th. Thus far we've missed Harvey, A Place in the Sun, Mrs. Miniver, Roman Holiday, Little Caesar and tonight would have been My Favorite Wife.

Mom is well, but in dire need of a hug from her boys as she reminds us every day. I make a run to the supermarket every ten days or so, but her appetite for fresh fruit and vegetables outpaces my desire to get masked up and mingle with other customers.

So that's a quick dispatch from the upper Ohio River valley. A place wisely locked down for the duration. I hope you are all faring well and staying safe. Stay home and save lives!

So sorry for your loss Nosmo. But happy you, Daisy, and your other loved ones are well. It is so terrible for those dealing with funerals, weddings, 50th wedding anniversaries, and other gatherings that just can't happen now. So far we've heard from all parts of the USA, the Phillipines, Germany, and Russia and it seems to be pretty much the same story with a few variations everywhere. Thank you for chiming in.

Here in a state with 1/4th the population of NYC, we aren't allowed in anywhere without a face mask. I've noted joggers who don't wear theirs when widely separated, but who have one they can pull up over their mouth and nose when passing by another walker or runner. So was visiting with a friend in NYC earlier today and he said they aren't wearing masks when they go out there???? Go figure.

Now I
Hi all. Just got back from meeting with the wife's cancer team. Nothing has shrunk the masses, in fact they continue to grow, the mass on her kidney now takes up over half of her abdominal cavity and they're out of tumor treatment options. We're now talking hospice somewhere in the not too distant future.
Talk about a gut punch. Right now I'm giving her some alone time, her request and I think I need some time to take it in myself.

So sorry Ringel. Surgery isn't an option I suppose. There are no words. I have met you of course but not her, yet I feel I know her. Please let us know if we can help in any way.
Know Dave Ramirez?

Name is not familiar...

When I was working so many of the A&P Mechanic types were 10 to 20 years older than I was... Former Pan Am, Continental, Qantas employees that were just biding their time before retirement...
There was one young Korean whiz kid named Chae that was an Avionics genius... Like to know what happened to him... My mentor was trying to get him to go to a Maintenance Facility in Arizona and work... I didn't think it was going to be a good fit for the kid...
You would find the company a ghost of its former self. They bit off too much and the competition ate them alive. Now, I think they have maybe 3-4 mechanics and very few contracts.
Hi all. Just got back from meeting with the wife's cancer team. Nothing has shrunk the masses, in fact they continue to grow, the mass on her kidney now takes up over half of her abdominal cavity and they're out of tumor treatment options. We're now talking hospice somewhere in the not too distant future.
Talk about a gut punch. Right now I'm giving her some alone time, her request and I think I need some time to take it in myself.
My most heartfelt condolences to you and Mrs. R. All your time and effort and it seems have been for naught. Do please take care of yourselves.
Hi all. Just got back from meeting with the wife's cancer team. Nothing has shrunk the masses, in fact they continue to grow, the mass on her kidney now takes up over half of her abdominal cavity and they're out of tumor treatment options. We're now talking hospice somewhere in the not too distant future.
Talk about a gut punch. Right now I'm giving her some alone time, her request and I think I need some time to take it in myself.

So sorry Ringel. Surgery isn't an option I suppose. There are no words. I have met you of course but not her, yet I feel I know her. Please let us know if we can help in any way.
We revisited the subject of surgery, the doctor said she didn't want to kill my wife on the operating table because that would be the outcome.
Ringel05, my cyber phriend please take care of yourself. Stay as strong as you can emotionally... Walk down some of those paths that you and your beautiful bride have traveled down together over the years... Enjoy the laughter and the tears of the past...
Please give my best to your wife and take care of yourself...
Okay we're back up and running yet again everybody. Sorry I wasn't here earlier but hope we don't lose folks in the transition.

And the statistics so far:

The original USMB Coffee Shop opened on 5-4-2010 and acquired 80,455 posts and 3,285,729 views before it closed on 7-30-13.
USMB Coffee Shop II opened on 7-30-13 and acquired 25,935 posts and 486,351 views before it closed on 4-14-14.
The USMB Coffee Shop III opened on 4-15-14 and is closing on 5-15-14 with 2,803 posts and 32,229 views.

The original two Coffee Shops had acquired roughly 100,000 more views before CK had to delete them. I really hate losing all those great photos, especially of those of us who frequent the Coffee Shop, but oh well.

But at any rate, the stats for the Coffee Shop record now stand at 109,193 posts and roughly 3,904,309 views.

375 different people (give or take a few due to name changes) have posted in the Coffee Shop at some time.

I like to think this record is because of the really special people we have learned to get to know and love in the Coffee Shop, and the genuine affection, concern, and encouragement that can be found there. And there's always room for more folks who need or want or appreciate that.

Long live the Coffee Shop!!!
Yo you have any spare toilet paper

I got gold bullion

Alas esalla, we could spare a roll or two maybe. We have two orders out with one batch of toilet paper due to arrive mid May and the second sometime in June. It's crazy.

But welcome to the Coffee Shop and USMB. Happy you found us. Please read over the OP to see what we're all about in here and keep on joining in.

First timers receive a complimentary beverage and since it is bedtime for most of us, we'll make yours a nightcap:
I don't want a drink or to join your club, I do want to be able to wipe my ass as I have become accustomed to and perhaps to know why toilet paper went out of favor

That's okay too though we are a 'club' without dues or membership roll and folks only have to follow a couple of simple rules--no politics/religious arguing or trashing folks--to participate here. Having said that, the answer to your question is that too many folks were so afraid they wouldn't have it, they bought it all leaving none for the rest of us.
No arguing? Is this a board only for snowflakes that can't take the heat?

Seriously how does an internet board not have arguments, that is the same as saying that everyone must agree with everything that everybody does or thinks and with the perspective worldwide use of a place like this that is just not logical.

Why not? We're all have two or less legs, the same arms and about one head :)

Umm our friend esalla most likely won't be visiting any more. And oh well.

So you're doing okay Sbiker? Staying well? Are ya'll still under some kind of house arrest like we all are?

Yes, about two months - living strict in house (only visiting nearest shop two time a week) Working remote every day... And children studing in school remote - so it seems, I'm permanently living in office :))))

And out of house spring is coming...
Found out yesterday I've been delivering to 2 of the biggest Wuhan got spots in the state. Couple of nursing homes that went Cuomo on their patients. Haven't been to either in last couple of weeks so if I was exposed it didn't take or did and didn't affect me. Be interesting to see if they ever do roll out antibody testing.
The wife's trying to keep busy but her energy level is way down. She tried trimming the bush in front of the bedroom window today, got a little done, went in and rested, got a little more, rested again then the third time couldn't so I finished it up for her. Tomorrow she wants to try the electric trimmer on a couple of bushes in front of the garage window, we'll see how it goes.
Hi all. Just got back from meeting with the wife's cancer team. Nothing has shrunk the masses, in fact they continue to grow, the mass on her kidney now takes up over half of her abdominal cavity and they're out of tumor treatment options. We're now talking hospice somewhere in the not too distant future.
Talk about a gut punch. Right now I'm giving her some alone time, her request and I think I need some time to take it in myself.

I am so sorry Ringel, as you know, I know what you're going thru. It's hard, it's a shock and yes, definitely a gut punch in the worst way. You both have my prayers. :smiliehug:

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