USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well..update. After discussing the impending move, MrG and I decided to pass on it. We are just too damn old now to start all over again even though it is not far away. Change of county, change SS and Drivers Lic addresses, looking for new doctors and dentists, vets, the cost of moving, having to pay all utilities where here all we have to pay is cable and internet. Plus..I worry about him. He is already established here with doctors who know his medical needs. I don't want to have to hunt all over again and neither does he. So....much as I wonder if we made the right decision, I have agreed to go along with what HE wants and he wants to stay here. So here we stay.
Well..update. After discussing the impending move, MrG and I decided to pass on it. We are just too damn old now to start all over again even though it is not far away. Change of county, change SS and Drivers Lic addresses, looking for new doctors and dentists, vets, the cost of moving, having to pay all utilities where here all we have to pay is cable and internet. Plus..I worry about him. He is already established here with doctors who know his medical needs. I don't want to have to hunt all over again and neither does he. So....much as I wonder if we made the right decision, I have agreed to go along with what HE wants and he wants to stay here. So here we stay.
I hear that and understand. Sometimes we do what we gotta do. Or have the energy to do.
Well..update. After discussing the impending move, MrG and I decided to pass on it. We are just too damn old now to start all over again even though it is not far away. Change of county, change SS and Drivers Lic addresses, looking for new doctors and dentists, vets, the cost of moving, having to pay all utilities where here all we have to pay is cable and internet. Plus..I worry about him. He is already established here with doctors who know his medical needs. I don't want to have to hunt all over again and neither does he. So....much as I wonder if we made the right decision, I have agreed to go along with what HE wants and he wants to stay here. So here we stay.
Best wishes on your decision, Gracie & Mr. G. :thup:
The sun is orange. Smoke everywhere. Heard Paradise was evacuated again. I feel so bad for those experiencing this again.
I was hoping you weren't threatened by the fires this year. Some of my Twitter contacts have been posting photos and it is terrible. I'm surprised there's enough left in Paradise to evacuate.
I was hoping you weren't threatened by the fires this year. Some of my Twitter contacts have been posting photos and it is terrible. I'm surprised there's enough left in Paradise to evacuate.
There are about 5000 left, out of 26K. Rebuilding. But started somewhere near Concow. Same as last time.

While they are rebuilding...they need to clear out more trees I guess. Paradise died. It will come back, but it will not be the same. It was mostly seniors, and low income. Nice little place with Duck Dynasty vibes of small town folks driving around in their camo trucks with rifles mounted on the back window, lots of pit bulls for property protection and a shit ton of methheads in Magalia. was nice while it lasted. Now? It will just be the burbs of Chico. Rents are sky high for what is being rebuilt or didn't burn, and you can't touch buying a house there any more if you are old and low income where once upon a could.
What do you think? More funny than alarming? :)

Hybrid chickens........
I had to feed the chickens and pigs today and yesterday. It took 3 hours, because I rode the mower all the way out to the piggie's tin playhouse. While I was at it, I mowed the area around the piggie spa. Every time it rains the grass shoots up 4 inches and it seems like it's been raining since hurricane season last September. My 3 acre lake used to be 2.5 acres. lol

Anyway, I had to chop the apples extra fine for the new chickies. I bought another couple of dozen baby chicks a couple of months or so ago because I love Rhode Island reds. Also they were sexed to be layers only when I wanted at least one rooster, but today I noticed two of them had bigger, brighter wattles than the other 22 hens so I'm hoping the 2 rooster wannabes really will grow into the spectacular males Rhode Island Reds are. Even so they are still the dark reddish brown as the hen pullets they seem to have become. Tomorrow I need to get more layer food for the layers, as well as starter food for the young 'uns. Oh, and the other hens brought about 10 assorted chickies, some white and others, mixes of light brown on white and black on white.

It couldn't have been a more beautiful day in Walker County than when I was cutting a 10 foot area between the northwest and southwest pastures and their wood fences we painted last year. Unfortunately, the relentless rains we had since last September faded an entire side of the nw pasture, so I guess it will require another ten gallons of semigloss outdoor paint to bring it back. the grains of the wood has what I can only describe as little blackened ink lines on each and every grain. *frown*

lol. That's what I get for painting it in my mother's favorite shade of blue like the Caribbean shallows around Puerto Rico and other tropical islands in the Gulf of Mexico. Someone was saying paint is now fifty dollars a gallon. The NW fence is downright ugly. I might have to get a flat sander with a battery attachment to lessen the brackish looking grains.

Good night everyone. May all your projects be finished ones before school starts! :huddle:
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Well, I couldn't hold off the puppy train any longer. The Pitsky Charlie that I posted pages back we had staying with us has moved out with the stepdaughter as she gets ready for college. The wife kept bugging me about a poochie and of course I couldn't stop that freight train. Lol.
This is Scout. 8 week Mini Aussie.
Yeah, he is cute...

Will be a medium sized dog around 30-40 lbs.
I love his little brown eyebrows.

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