Used to be a Republican

He posts links to BS and when he gets called on it, he either runs off or tries to double down.

Here's just a few 'non-foul crap' posts of his.

And y'all defend this divisiveness?

Pot meet kettle.

and dont forget that building in this Country flying the Chinese flag over the American one that was SAID in his own dam link that the building was in Shanghai....he left that thread real quick....


he knows what i am talking does Belle and Dave and anyone who was in that thread....
I'm a veteran of the 3d Battalion 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division. I worked first as an 82C (forward observer) then I worked in Military Intelligence where I received the Army Commendation Medal.
I attended Roosevelt University on the GI bill and I have been designing labratory testing equipment for the last 15 years. I have three patents and one piece of equipment I designed is used by companies all over he world to test and rate the flammability of plastics.

The first time Bush ran I voted for him. During his administration, time and time again, he attempted to force scientists to change their data to match administration policies. This is well documented. Top government scientists quit.

Even Kathleen Parker, Chicago Tribune conservative columnist, a hardcore Republican for many years, now refers to the Republican Party as the Confederate Party.

Anyway, this is my first post. Let's see what shows up.

so they trained you to drop rounds, then you switched from combat arms to being an MP? How does that work? :eusa_eh:
He was good, Trajan. He just mentioned what sounded like my dad's Army-Marine resume. Trust me, he deserved his commendation for his service.

I never mentioned any commendations or questioned them :eusa_eh:

I was just wondering how or why he made that switch.....he must have been damn lucky or had a really good Rabbi, I know, trust me, my Rabbi was the best;)
it doesnt matter that he is also pretty dam dishonest though....right?....

Correct, it doesn't matter what subjective evaluations exist in the present, because this was entirely about the exchanges that went on three years ago in RDean's first post. None of that history was established yet, so it could not have been a factor. What I'm observing back there in post 88 (where I came in) is the assault on a newbie, apparently just because he has the temerity to not vote for McCain.

When I posted my intro I was asked for my political label and I knew enough to sidestep that question, but I didn't imagine it would have been this harsh. Had I gotten that impression I might have declined and gone to another site.

but Dudleys post Pogo was referring to the Dean of today....not 4 years ago....

And the post you quoted was in response to Crusader_Frank, not Dudley.
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Why is this being brought up again? I'm just curious. It was an interesting read for sure.

It was, especially if you go back and read from the beginning. It tells you something about the environment here. I put together a summary, just because it stretches credulity:

RD, intro: Here's my background, blah blah... I voted for Bush, he pulled some shit.

Post 2: So you voted for O'bama?​

RD: McCain's education credentials are poor.

Gang: That means have Obama's college transcripts! (non sequitur)​

RD: O'bama edited the Harvard Law Review.

Gang: Hey dick weed, where does the Consitution provide for education? (<< red herring)​

Gang: But...but.. education doesn't mean smart. Words on a piece of paper. And where are those Obama transcripts?​

RD: didn't say I had them. Isn't education important?

Gang: You're dancing, you're losing, you're lame. You're moving goalposts! (<< Danth's Law)​

Gang: par for the course for "used to be Republican" types (<< poisoning the well)​

Gang: but..but.. you said you couldn't vote for poor academic credentials.
Therefore, prove you have Obama's credentials. (<< affirming the consequent)​

Gang: Not arguing against education, but a college degree means nothing.​

Gang (next post): nobody's arguing against education, that's your strawman. :confused:

Gang: Hey, you spelled Laboratory [sic] wrong!​

Gang: you've been bitch slapped! Can't swim with the sharks! Feeble minded!​

RD: you guys never took Bush to task for "nucyulur".

Gang: Liar! Fraud! Baiter! Personal problem! Meltdown!​

---- all this in an Intro to the Board thread.

Not sure what the fuck is wrong with some of y'all... :dunno:

No one mentioned you in your first post and I correct myself it was not last year.
Okay... whatever that means... :dunno:

The history shows the thread was revived after a gap of over four years here:

Go bitch to Lumpy.

Harry, I correct my previous: posts from four years ago, not three.
Math was never my strong suit. :rolleyes:
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Okay... whatever that means... :dunno:

The history shows the thread was revived after a gap of over four years here:

Go bitch to Lumpy.

Harry, I correct my previous: posts from four years ago, not three.
Math was never my strong suit. :rolleyes:

Nope Lumpy has never said anything out of the way to me about an old link. YOU HAVE. YOU bitched bitched bitched and bitched about it.:eusa_boohoo:
Uh - whatever dood. You were cryin' the blooze about reviving an old thread -- well there's your evidence. Leave me out of it.

This is the strangest thread ever. Except maybe for that recent one quibbling over what "black man" and "white man" mean. :confused:
so they trained you to drop rounds, then you switched from combat arms to being an MP? How does that work? :eusa_eh:
He was good, Trajan. He just mentioned what sounded like my dad's Army-Marine resume. Trust me, he deserved his commendation for his service.

I never mentioned any commendations or questioned them :eusa_eh:

I was just wondering how or why he made that switch.....he must have been damn lucky or had a really good Rabbi, I know, trust me, my Rabbi was the best;)
Oh, that wasn't about commendations, which I mentioned as an afterthought. I have a knack for making myself misunderstood sometimes. :lol: I have a definite soft spot for veterans, having survived a game we called "King of the Mountain" as an army brat back in the third grade at Ft. Richardson, Alaska. :D
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Correct, it doesn't matter what subjective evaluations exist in the present, because this was entirely about the exchanges that went on three years ago in RDean's first post. None of that history was established yet, so it could not have been a factor. What I'm observing back there in post 88 (where I came in) is the assault on a newbie, apparently just because he has the temerity to not vote for McCain.

When I posted my intro I was asked for my political label and I knew enough to sidestep that question, but I didn't imagine it would have been this harsh. Had I gotten that impression I might have declined and gone to another site.

but Dudleys post Pogo was referring to the Dean of today....not 4 years ago....

And the post you quoted was in response to Crusader_Frank, not Dudley.

no.....i was responding to Dudley....he was responding to what you said about what Frank said...
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I know you think you understand what you thought I meant by what I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I think I meant by what I thought I said.


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