Used to be a Republican

I'm a veteran of the 3d Battalion 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division. I worked first as an 82C (forward observer) then I worked in Military Intelligence where I received the Army Commendation Medal.
I attended Roosevelt University on the GI bill and I have been designing labratory testing equipment for the last 15 years. I have three patents and one piece of equipment I designed is used by companies all over he world to test and rate the flammability of plastics.

The first time Bush ran I voted for him. During his administration, time and time again, he attempted to force scientists to change their data to match administration policies. This is well documented. Top government scientists quit.

Even Kathleen Parker, Chicago Tribune conservative columnist, a hardcore Republican for many years, now refers to the Republican Party as the Confederate Party.

Anyway, this is my first post. Let's see what shows up.

so they trained you to drop rounds, then you switched from combat arms to being an MP? How does that work? :eusa_eh:
I'm a veteran of the 3d Battalion 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division. I worked first as an 82C (forward observer) then I worked in Military Intelligence where I received the Army Commendation Medal.
I attended Roosevelt University on the GI bill and I have been designing labratory testing equipment for the last 15 years. I have three patents and one piece of equipment I designed is used by companies all over he world to test and rate the flammability of plastics.

The first time Bush ran I voted for him. During his administration, time and time again, he attempted to force scientists to change their data to match administration policies. This is well documented. Top government scientists quit.

Even Kathleen Parker, Chicago Tribune conservative columnist, a hardcore Republican for many years, now refers to the Republican Party as the Confederate Party.

Anyway, this is my first post. Let's see what shows up.

so they trained you to drop rounds, then you switched from combat arms to being an MP? How does that work? :eusa_eh:
He was good, Trajan. He just mentioned what sounded like my dad's Army-Marine resume. Trust me, he deserved his commendation for his service.
I'm a veteran of the 3d Battalion 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division. I worked first as an 82C (forward observer) then I worked in Military Intelligence where I received the Army Commendation Medal.
I attended Roosevelt University on the GI bill and I have been designing labratory testing equipment for the last 15 years. I have three patents and one piece of equipment I designed is used by companies all over he world to test and rate the flammability of plastics.

The first time Bush ran I voted for him. During his administration, time and time again, he attempted to force scientists to change their data to match administration policies. This is well documented. Top government scientists quit.

Even Kathleen Parker, Chicago Tribune conservative columnist, a hardcore Republican for many years, now refers to the Republican Party as the Confederate Party.

Anyway, this is my first post. Let's see what shows up.

This is also the only post you ever made were you sounded sane.

Why did you stop taking your drugs?
I'm a veteran of the 3d Battalion 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division. I worked first as an 82C (forward observer) then I worked in Military Intelligence where I received the Army Commendation Medal.
I attended Roosevelt University on the GI bill and I have been designing labratory testing equipment for the last 15 years. I have three patents and one piece of equipment I designed is used by companies all over he world to test and rate the flammability of plastics.

The first time Bush ran I voted for him. During his administration, time and time again, he attempted to force scientists to change their data to match administration policies. This is well documented. Top government scientists quit.

Even Kathleen Parker, Chicago Tribune conservative columnist, a hardcore Republican for many years, now refers to the Republican Party as the Confederate Party.

Anyway, this is my first post. Let's see what shows up.

wow... you and I have something in common... other than our ability to annoy people... :)

we, you and I, both vehemently voted against Bush in 2004...

btw, thank you for your service to our country, dean...
No amount of race baiting, ignorance, Bush blaming, propaganda, name calling, diversionary tactics,revisionism, media bias, double standards, data harvesting, kickbacks and substandard eduction forced upon the populace is going to change this single fact...

[ame=]"If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan." Barack Obama Supercut - YouTube[/ame]

Obama lied. Deal with it.
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I used to be a Republican as well. Actually I started out as a socialist around 12 or 13; this is primarily from watching Michael Moore movies because my parents were Clinton and Gore supporters.

I then drifted towards NeoConservatism right before high school. After a couple years of dabbling in NeoConservatism I moved towards Libertarianism and PaleoConservatism during the Ron Paul campaign during the middle of high school and stayed there through the beginning of college(I even went through an Anarcho-Capitalist phase during that time).

Over that that time socially speaking I drifted towards certain Social Conservative tendencies and White Nationalism. Now I am a traditionalist with Fascist and Monarchist sympathies. Though I certainly have racialist tendencies, that is merely one facet of my overall political worldview and I support all nationalists and traditionalists of all races. I have been a traditionalist in this sense for the better part of two years now.

During this whole period I have pretty much gone through phases of Deism, Agnosticism, and Atheism as well. I guess I am pretty much an Agnostic but I have sympathies for Traditional Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, and European pagan faiths. I also have a respect for eastern religions like Hinduism and Shintoism.

So I certainly had a political evolution to say the least. My intro is a little late but I thought I would give it.
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I used to be a Republican as well. Actually I started out as a socialist around 12 or 13; this is primarily from watching Michael Moore movies because my parents were Clinton and Gore supporters.

I then drifted towards NeoConservatism right before high school. After a couple years of dabbling in NeoConservatism I moved towards Libertarianism and PaleoConservatism during the Ron Paul campaign during the middle of high school and stayed there through the beginning of college(I even went through an Anarcho-Capitalist phase during that time).

Over that that time socially speaking I drifted towards certain Social Conservative tendencies and White Nationalism. Now I am a traditionalist with Fascist and Monarchist sympathies. Though I certainly have racialist tendencies, that is merely one facet of my overall political worldview and I support all nationalists and traditionalists of all races. I have been a traditionalist in this sense for the better part of two years now.

During this whole period I have pretty much gone through phases of Deism, Agnosticism, and Atheism as well. I guess I am pretty much an Agnostic but I have sympathies for Traditional Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, and European pagan faiths. I also have a respect for eastern religions like Hinduism and Shintoism.

So I certainly had a political evolution to say the least. My intro is a little late but I thought I would give it.

I've been all over the map myself during my 61 years on earth...

my description of where I now stand is "largely apolitical; former-firebrand/now-dormant libertarian; non-Christian; devout follower of Jesus and his message of love for all people...
The point is that Rdean is a mental patient and a pathological liar to boot

Apparently the point is to create that image, even when the record says otherwise.

Nothing new in the world of bullshit tactics --

"liberal media" ...
"Death panels" ...
"Hitler was left wing" ...
"O'bama born in Kenya" ...
"Moving Jeeps to China"...
"Menendez with young prostitutes" ...
"Lefties forced Limblob to yell 'slut'" ...
"Gore claims to have invented the internet" ...

etc etc ad nauseum...

What pisses them off is that he almost always posts links and very very seldom loses his temper or posts the foul crap they thrive on.

it doesnt matter that he is also pretty dam dishonest though....right?....
I'm a veteran of the 3d Battalion 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division. I worked first as an 82C (forward observer) then I worked in Military Intelligence where I received the Army Commendation Medal.
I attended Roosevelt University on the GI bill and I have been designing labratory testing equipment for the last 15 years. I have three patents and one piece of equipment I designed is used by companies all over he world to test and rate the flammability of plastics.

The first time Bush ran I voted for him. During his administration, time and time again, he attempted to force scientists to change their data to match administration policies. This is well documented. Top government scientists quit.

Even Kathleen Parker, Chicago Tribune conservative columnist, a hardcore Republican for many years, now refers to the Republican Party as the Confederate Party.

Anyway, this is my first post. Let's see what shows up.

this is rich! thanks for finding this. His first post and he lies already! :eusa_liar: Jake Starkey had a competitor way back when. Jake at least is competitive and consistant.

Gunny had him did many of us here....a dishonest fuck....
Apparently the point is to create that image, even when the record says otherwise.

Nothing new in the world of bullshit tactics --

"liberal media" ...
"Death panels" ...
"Hitler was left wing" ...
"O'bama born in Kenya" ...
"Moving Jeeps to China"...
"Menendez with young prostitutes" ...
"Lefties forced Limblob to yell 'slut'" ...
"Gore claims to have invented the internet" ...

etc etc ad nauseum...

What pisses them off is that he almost always posts links and very very seldom loses his temper or posts the foul crap they thrive on.

it doesnt matter that he is also pretty dam dishonest though....right?....

Correct, it doesn't matter what subjective evaluations exist in the present, because this was entirely about the exchanges that went on four years ago in RDean's first post. None of that history was established yet, so it could not have been a factor. What I'm observing back there in post 88 (where I came in) is the assault on a newbie, apparently just because he has the temerity to not vote for McCain.

When I posted my intro I was asked for my political label and I knew enough to sidestep that question, but I didn't imagine it would have been this harsh. Had I gotten that impression I might have declined and gone to another site.
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What pisses them off is that he almost always posts links and very very seldom loses his temper or posts the foul crap they thrive on.

He posts links to BS and when he gets called on it, he either runs off or tries to double down.

Here's just a few 'non-foul crap' posts of his.

And y'all defend this divisiveness?

All you ever do is screech empty accusations (aka LIES) and call nasty names.

Pot meet kettle.

and dont forget that building in this Country flying the Chinese flag over the American one that was SAID in his own dam link that the building was in Shanghai....he left that thread real quick....
What pisses them off is that he almost always posts links and very very seldom loses his temper or posts the foul crap they thrive on.

He posts links to BS and when he gets called on it, he either runs off or tries to double down.

Here's just a few 'non-foul crap' posts of his.

And y'all defend this divisiveness?

All you ever do is screech empty accusations (aka LIES) and call nasty names.

Pot meet kettle.

and dont forget that building in this Country flying the Chinese flag over the American one that was SAID in his own dam link that the building was in Shanghai....he left that thread real quick....

The world awaits this valuable information.
Maybe he's got a copy of Mr Obama's thesis to.

It's difficult to get anything like that out of Harvard anymore. You see, before President Bush became president, they used to publish the grades of the freshmen entering class. Once it became known that Mr. Bush was jumped over thousands better qualified, kind of a "rich persons" affirmative action, Harvard stopped publishing the grades of it's freshman class.

Just curious, what could be in Mr. Obama's transcripts that could be so important? It was more that two decades ago. No one on the right asked for Bush's Military Records. Seems that if you become "Commander in Chief", that would be way more important.[/QUOTE]

Man you are one funny dude.
rdean plays you Righties like a cheap :boohoo: because he used to be a repub until he realized what today's Repub party represents, hate/fear. would never admit if your boyfriend is wrong "Dottie".....take your lips off his ass and you might actually see that Dean is an obsessed dishonest asshole.....
What pisses them off is that he almost always posts links and very very seldom loses his temper or posts the foul crap they thrive on.

it doesnt matter that he is also pretty dam dishonest though....right?....

Correct, it doesn't matter what subjective evaluations exist in the present, because this was entirely about the exchanges that went on three years ago in RDean's first post. None of that history was established yet, so it could not have been a factor. What I'm observing back there in post 88 (where I came in) is the assault on a newbie, apparently just because he has the temerity to not vote for McCain.

When I posted my intro I was asked for my political label and I knew enough to sidestep that question, but I didn't imagine it would have been this harsh. Had I gotten that impression I might have declined and gone to another site.

but Dudleys post Pogo was referring to the Dean of today....not 4 years ago....

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