US politicians claim HAMAS attack was unprovoked, but nearly 80 years of Israeli terrorism tells a very different story

Hakeem Jeffries:

Jim Jordan:

The White House:

Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson Condemning Terrorist Attacks Against Israel | The White House

It has been said that the people of the United States are the most propagandized on Earth, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the two-party lockstep of more than 50 years of support for Israel's virulent antisemitic terrorism against the people of Palestine.

Even alleged "maverick" RFKJ has chimed in:

But reality begs to differ.

Why do so many US citizens accept the counterfactual "Israel is innocent" narrative?

Amnesty International - among numerous other groups - has condemned Israeli apartheid:

Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

Why is this not compelling?

Here's a partial list of Israeli bombing attacks on Gaza, wherein untold numbers of women and children were murdered:

Casualties of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

Why is this ignored?

Will US politicians EVER tell the truth about Israel's many crimes against humanity, and endless provocations?

Simple ya stupid commie, you're ignoring the cross border attacks by the PLO and Hamas over those 80 years, plus the invasions of nation states into Israel. Israel has shown much more patients than is reasonable in my book. After this attack I would bulldoze the whole of Gaza into the med.

The "response" by HAMAS is tantamount to firebombing someone's house because they let their dog poop in your yard. HAMAS deserves the retribution they have coming to them. And yes, innocent women and children will suffer and die because of the aggression by HAMAS that brought on the retribution. This isn't to give Israel a blank check in the matter for wholesale genocide.
Hakeem Jeffries:

Jim Jordan:

The White House:

Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson Condemning Terrorist Attacks Against Israel | The White House

It has been said that the people of the United States are the most propagandized on Earth, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the two-party lockstep of more than 50 years of support for Israel's virulent antisemitic terrorism against the people of Palestine.

Even alleged "maverick" RFKJ has chimed in:

But reality begs to differ.

Why do so many US citizens accept the counterfactual "Israel is innocent" narrative?

Amnesty International - among numerous other groups - has condemned Israeli apartheid:

Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

Why is this not compelling?

Here's a partial list of Israeli bombing attacks on Gaza, wherein untold numbers of women and children were murdered:

Casualties of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

Why is this ignored?

Will US politicians EVER tell the truth about Israel's many crimes against humanity, and endless provocations?

Between 2012 and 2018, Netanyahu gave Qatar approval to transfer a cumulative sum of about a billion dollars to Gaza, at least half of which reached Hamas, including its military wing. According to the Jerusalem Post, in a private meeting with members of his Likud party on March 11, 2019, Netanyahu explained the reckless step as follows: The money transfer is part of the strategy to divide the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

Anyone who opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state needs to support the transfer of the money from Qatar to Hamas. In that way, we will foil the establishment of a Palestinian state (as reported in former cabinet member Haim Ramon’s Hebrew-language book “Neged Haruach”, p. 417).
Acts of terrorism are never justified regardless of the reasons. But that is not to say that the israeli government Isn't just as guilty as anyone on the palestinian side.
Far more guilty.
Oppression cannot be an excuse to kill civilians. Neither can fighting terrorism be.

A war crime is a war crime. Why do so many people on here disagree with me?

All the excuses for mass killings will only lead to more violence. It's a snake eating its own tail.
Hakeem Jeffries:

Jim Jordan:

The White House:

Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson Condemning Terrorist Attacks Against Israel | The White House

It has been said that the people of the United States are the most propagandized on Earth, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the two-party lockstep of more than 50 years of support for Israel's virulent antisemitic terrorism against the people of Palestine.

Even alleged "maverick" RFKJ has chimed in:

But reality begs to differ.

Why do so many US citizens accept the counterfactual "Israel is innocent" narrative?

Amnesty International - among numerous other groups - has condemned Israeli apartheid:

Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

Why is this not compelling?

Here's a partial list of Israeli bombing attacks on Gaza, wherein untold numbers of women and children were murdered:

Casualties of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

Why is this ignored?

Will US politicians EVER tell the truth about Israel's many crimes against humanity, and endless provocations?

Should we notify the hundreds of thousands of Arabs living in Israel and serving in the IDF and political offices that they’re being subjected to genocide?
Both the israelis and the palestinians have been guilty of committing atrocities and war crimes in the past.

It's sad that so many people are willing to completely overlook what either side has done in the past. But thats how it usually is. Something that would considered terrorism if done to you or your allies is overlooked when you or your allies does it.
The time has come to push the phukking Muzzies onto the EAST Bank of the JOrdan, in the COUNTRY of Jordan.

And then cook-down the patch of land known as Gaza, and then, once the fires have burned-out, annex the place.

And move hundreds of thousands of Jews into the vacuum.

Go get 'em, Team Israel.
You admire the Warsaw ghetto?
There is no logical connection between the conditions in Gaza and these attacks. There is no conceivable way that these attacks could possibly result in improvement of living conditions in Gaza. In fact, the opposite is the case, and the leaders of HAMAS are surely aware.

The attacks will result in more money flowing into the hands of HAMAS "leaders," and an elevation of their personal status in the Islamic world. That's it. It's an ego thing.
Hamas is a tool for Israel.
Hakeem Jeffries:

Jim Jordan:

The White House:

Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson Condemning Terrorist Attacks Against Israel | The White House

It has been said that the people of the United States are the most propagandized on Earth, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the two-party lockstep of more than 50 years of support for Israel's virulent antisemitic terrorism against the people of Palestine.

Even alleged "maverick" RFKJ has chimed in:

But reality begs to differ.

Why do so many US citizens accept the counterfactual "Israel is innocent" narrative?

Amnesty International - among numerous other groups - has condemned Israeli apartheid:

Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

Why is this not compelling?

Here's a partial list of Israeli bombing attacks on Gaza, wherein untold numbers of women and children were murdered:

Casualties of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

Why is this ignored?

Will US politicians EVER tell the truth about Israel's many crimes against humanity, and endless provocations?

Luv you some terrorists.

For me, they should all be executed on sight. I hope Israel levels Gaza
This video explains the result of hate farming....

This is child abuse pure and simple.

How many dead Jews would satisfy you, Min?

What would satisfy everyone, is for Israel to get back across the 1948 UN partition, and out of Jerusalem and the West Bank, and to allow Arabs the right of return to the homes they were forced out of in 1948 in Israel.

All the deaths are the fault of Israel committing those 2 main crimes.
The truth is that the destruction of Israel and murder of Jews, worldwide is in the Palestinian constitution and the Hamas charter.

That is a lie.
The Palestinian constitution and Hamas charter accepted Israel for over 30 years now.
And no Arab or Moslem ever called for the killing of Jews.
It's also in the Quran.

That is a lie.

The Quran talks about traitors twice in a row, and how they have to be killed an not trusted after that.
It is not at all talking about Jews who were not traitors.
And Mohammed's main allies who were his army when capturing Mecca, were 11 of the 12 Jewish tribes.
Yep == the directive to kill Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees.

This is why Muzzie fundies are so popular with the site leftists,

The Quran says Jews and Christians are "brothers of the book", meaning the Old Testament, and equal sons of Abraham.
And not to be harmed, as they have an equally valid path to heaven.
The Quran is clear, "there can be no compulsion when it comes to religion".

The only Jews the Quran was against were the one tribe that turned traitor on Mohammed, and tried to assassinate him.
The Banu Qurayza.

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