US Military Begins Withdrawing (Again) While US Citizens Remain Trapped


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Here we go again...

U.S. military has started withdrawing from Afghanistan: U.S. officials

The breaking news comes shortly after President Biden decided not to extend his deadline of Aug. 31 to withdraw.

Here we go again...

U.S. military has started withdrawing from Afghanistan: U.S. officials

The breaking news comes shortly after President Biden decided not to extend his deadline of Aug. 31 to withdraw.

ONe thing about it, they won't have to worry about taking any equipment with them.
Here we go again...

U.S. military has started withdrawing from Afghanistan: U.S. officials

The breaking news comes shortly after President Biden decided not to extend his deadline of Aug. 31 to withdraw.

Look, this is beyond stupid. It is a clear example of the ignorant right just looking for something to complain about. Trump set the original date for withdrawal of troops. Biden extended that deadline, twice. Everyone in Afghanistan knew those deadlines. If you are an American and you are in Afghanistan today, it is on YOU and nobody else. I mean WTF, if the American government waited for every single American to leave the country before they withdrew troops our asses would still be in Vietnam, TODAY.
US Military personnel are the ONLY individuals the US Military should be evacuating from Afghanistan. State Department employees, civilians, and foreign nationals should be finding other ways out of the country if necessary.
All military will be gone by 11:59 August 30. What happens at 12:01 August 31? The talibzn will come for a slaughter.
Look, this is beyond stupid. It is a clear example of the ignorant right just looking for something to complain about.
Biden cemetery f*ing up the exit from Afghanistan, abandoning US and allied civilians to the mercy of terrorists, is 'a clear example of ignorant right just looking for something to complain about'?!


UK's Paliament voted to hold the President in Contemp for his disastrous failure, putting UK citizens' lives in danger.

The leader of Germany and France rebuked Biden.

Harris fled to Asia to escape the disaster yet got called out for downplaying the disaster by leaders there.

Having lost all credibility and faith, the UK, France, and now Japan have sent in their own military to rescue their own people.

This disaster is the largest, the worst in US history, according to experts, and thousands of lives remain in the balance.

Precious time to evacuate Americans as Bidenignored his advisors and lied to not only Americans but the world ... while Biden, Sect of Defense Lloyd 'Purge Conservatives from the military Austin, and Secretary of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 'CRT Mandate' Milley f*ed around doing everything but evacuating Americans.

The only thing that makes you look like the SECOND biggest dumbass in the world right now is Biden's continued Afghanistan f*-up.
Look, this is beyond stupid. It is a clear example of the ignorant right just looking for something to complain about. Trump set the original date for withdrawal of troops. Biden extended that deadline, twice. Everyone in Afghanistan knew those deadlines. If you are an American and you are in Afghanistan today, it is on YOU and nobody else. I mean WTF, if the American government waited for every single American to leave the country before they withdrew troops our asses would still be in Vietnam, TODAY.
Great, blame everyone but the demented Commander and Chief. Sad.
Biden cemetery f*ing up the exit from Afghanistan, abandoning US and allied civilians to the mercy of terrorists, is 'a clear example of ignorant right just looking for something to complain about'?!


UK's Paliament voted to hold the President in Contemp for his disastrous failure, putting UK citizens' lives in danger.

The leader of Germany and France rebuked Biden.

Harris fled to Asia to escape the disaster yet got called out for downplaying the disaster by leaders there.

Having lost all credibility and faith, the UK, France, and now Japan have sent in their own military to rescue their own people.

This disaster is the largest, the worst in US history, according to experts, and thousands of lives remain in the balance.

Precious time to evacuate Americans as Bidenignored his advisors and lied to not only Americans but the world ... while Biden, Sect of Defense Lloyd 'Purge Conservatives from the military Austin, and Secretary of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 'CRT Mandate' Milley f*ed around doing everything but evacuating Americans.

The only thing that makes you look like the SECOND biggest dumbass in the world right now is Biden's continued Afghanistan f*-up.
Look dipshit, Trump set the first date. Biden extended it twice. I don't give two shits about stupid assholes, from whatever country, that didn't leave weeks ago. I mean if you guys think Trump would have handled it differently you are just kidding yourselves. Matter of fact, it was Trump that signed a peace agreement with the Taliban, it was Trump that forced the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners, it was Trump that shut out the Afghanistan government.

And again, if the US government waited until every American left a country to remove all troops, WE WOULD STILL BE IN VIETNAM.
Look dipshit, Trump set the first date. Biden extended it twice. I don't give two shits about stupid assholes, from whatever country, that didn't leave weeks ago. I mean if you guys think Trump would have handled it differently you are just kidding yourselves. Matter of fact, it was Trump that signed a peace agreement with the Taliban, it was Trump that forced the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners, it was Trump that shut out the Afghanistan government.

And again, if the US government waited until every American left a country to remove all troops, WE WOULD STILL BE IN VIETNAM.
Leaving, even the timing, is not the problem, snowflake. It has been how f*ed up Biden's failed attempt to leave Afghanistan has been!

This is ALL Biden's clusterfu@k!
Leaving, even the timing, is not the problem, snowflake. It has been how f*ed up Biden's failed attempt to leave Afghanistan has been!

This is ALL Biden's clusterfu@k!
I like how you Repukelicans operate. You do everything in your power to obstruct progress, and then bitch about the lack of progress. Trump left Biden with an untenable situation, releasing prisoners, leaving out the Afghanistan government in peace negotiations, hell, actually taking the Taliban for their word and refusing to implement any enforcement measures. And now you want to bitch about it. I mean this is getting old. Past time to kick the Republican party to the trash heap of history. The implementation of the ACA a classic case in point. You guys don't give two shits about this country, you only care about "winning". Kind of like Charlie Sheen, and it is going to turn out the same way for you morons as it did for him.
I like how you Repukelicans operate.
No you don't. You don't even know how things in general are supposed to operate. If you did, you wouldn't be defending Biden right now. The whole world is dumping on and laughing at Biden right now, including the Taliban, ISIS, and Al Qaeda.
Here we go again...

U.S. military has started withdrawing from Afghanistan: U.S. officials

The breaking news comes shortly after President Biden decided not to extend his deadline of Aug. 31 to withdraw.

He started moving them from day one but
Biden cemetery f*ing up the exit from Afghanistan, abandoning US and allied civilians to the mercy of terrorists, is 'a clear example of ignorant right just looking for something to complain about'?!


UK's Paliament voted to hold the President in Contemp for his disastrous failure, putting UK citizens' lives in danger.

The leader of Germany and France rebuked Biden.

Harris fled to Asia to escape the disaster yet got called out for downplaying the disaster by leaders there.

Having lost all credibility and faith, the UK, France, and now Japan have sent in their own military to rescue their own people.

This disaster is the largest, the worst in US history, according to experts, and thousands of lives remain in the balance.

Precious time to evacuate Americans as Bidenignored his advisors and lied to not only Americans but the world ... while Biden, Sect of Defense Lloyd 'Purge Conservatives from the military Austin, and Secretary of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 'CRT Mandate' Milley f*ed around doing everything but evacuating Americans.

The only thing that makes you look like the SECOND biggest dumbass in the world right now is Biden's continued Afghanistan f*-up.

In case it has slipped through your sieve like brain, he removed 23000 people in 24 hours yesterday. Ask them if he has abandoned them.
You dickhead.
He started moving them from day one but

In case it has slipped through your sieve like brain, he removed 23000 people in 24 hours yesterday. Ask them if he has abandoned them.
You dickhead.
Congrats on learning to work the 'reply button this time.

Nothing slipped my mind - can you say the same? The Pentagon declared out of 2,000 people evacuated on the 1st flight only 300 were his latest report it came out to be just over 10% of those flown out have been Americans.

I'm so glad you and Joe are 'Making America Last Again'.
Congrats on learning to work the 'reply button this time.

Nothing slipped my mind - can you say the same? The Pentagon declared out of 2,000 people evacuated on the 1st flight only 300 were his latest report it came out to be just over 10% of those flown out have been Americans.

I'm so glad you and Joe are 'Making America Last Again'.

With 20000 yesterday and only 3.5 k troops there, I'm expecting the others would be Afghanis, would you?
They wouldn't be tourists from the beaches in Kabul would they??

You refuse to acknowledge you are still bashing a dead horse. You hate it when Biden performs against your wishes and hatreds. Grow up you fool.
No you don't. You don't even know how things in general are supposed to operate. If you did, you wouldn't be defending Biden right now. The whole world is dumping on and laughing at Biden right now, including the Taliban, ISIS, and Al Qaeda.
Really. Trump told us the Taliban would help us with Al Qaeda and ISIS. And I will ask again, what would Trump have done, at least in your fantasy world? And since when did the US give two shits about the rest of the world. I thought it was America first, did that suddenly change? Trump set the date of withdrawal at May 1, 2021. Tell me, why should we give a damn about individuals that ignored that withdrawal date? I mean we are now almost four months past that date, and we still have troops there. Should you not be bitching about Biden ignoring Trump's withdrawal date instead of bitching about Biden? I mean you Repukelicans are not that bright are you? Honestly, I think I am going to purchase a list of people that support Trump and start initiating scam efforts toward them, I would make a damn fortune. It sure worked for Trump.
With 20000 yesterday and only 3.5 k troops there, I'm expecting the others would be Afghanis, would you?
They wouldn't be tourists from the beaches in Kabul would they??

You refuse to acknowledge you are still bashing a dead horse. You hate it when Biden performs against your wishes and hatreds. Grow up you fool.
You are still including Afghan numbers to make it look like Biden is not abandoning US civilians.

Kirby claimed there are between 10,000 20,00] 0 still in Afghanistan ... 4,000 were evavuated today, not counting any of those 1st mentioned. There is 2 days left before Kirby said the mitary will begin pulling out tge math - they can't get out 10,000 - 20,000 Americans in 2 days.

The Brits, French, & Japanese knew Biden wod never get their people out so they sent their own troops yo get their people out.

The Brits were getting OUR people out while our troops were ordered not to do so,to instead guard an airport no o e could get to.

Biden was reduced to begging the Taliban for more time, & they told him to GTFO of Afghanistan by the 31st or face THEIR consequences.

I can't believe snowflakes are defending him While the rest of the world is rebuking him And the terrorists are openly mocking him.

Look dipshit, Trump set the first date. Biden extended it twice. I don't give two shits about stupid assholes, from whatever country, that didn't leave weeks ago. I mean if you guys think Trump would have handled it differently you are just kidding yourselves. Matter of fact, it was Trump that signed a peace agreement with the Taliban, it was Trump that forced the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners, it was Trump that shut out the Afghanistan government.

And again, if the US government waited until every American left a country to remove all troops, WE WOULD STILL BE IN VIETNAM.
Your President has dementia. Wake the fuck up.
Here we go again...

U.S. military has started withdrawing from Afghanistan: U.S. officials

The breaking news comes shortly after President Biden decided not to extend his deadline of Aug. 31 to withdraw.

thats lying Biden for ya.

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