Biden is worth every ounce of my contempt!


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
While thousands of Americans remain behind enemy lines begging and pleading for our government to rescue them, it instead does this. At the behest of Biden. He is worthy of the purest form of contempt imaginable.

I will look upon anyone who enabled this man into his office with contempt as well. You voted with your emotions, not with any considerations of how this might impact your fellow Americans, which it now has. There will soon come a day when you see videos of Taliban fighters executing Americans they suspect as spies, and loading innocent American women and children into the backs of MRAPs we left there with reckless abandon.

No more words can describe how utterly disgusted I am.
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Will anyone here man up and admit their mistake? Because you have signed the death warrants of thousands of Americans and consigned thousands of American women to a possible life of sexual servitude to the Taliban.

If you come to me saying you care for other Americans or women's rights, don't bother. I will know you are lying. Look at what you have done! Just look!
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While thousands of Americans remain behind enemy lines begging and pleading for our government to rescue them, it instead does this. At the behest of Biden. He is worthy of the purest form of contempt imaginable.

I will look upon anyone who enabled this man into his office with contempt as well. You voted with your emotions, not with any considerations of how this might impact your fellow Americans, which it now is. There will soon come a day when you see videos of Taliban fighters executing Americans they suspect as spies, and loading innocent American women and children into the backs of MRAPs we left there with reckless abandon.

No more words can describe how utterly disgusted I am.

Biden has not handled this well. But Trump is as much to blame as he is. The Trump negotiated peace empowered the Taliban.
Trump's mistakes do not make Biden unaacountable for his mistakes.
What drives me crazy are those who always blame the other side when there is blame to go around.
What also drives me crazy is those who cannot criticize and hold accountable, politicians they vote for. If that happens, it is a cult not a political party.
Biden has screwed up and Trump has screwed up.
While thousands of Americans remain behind enemy lines begging and pleading for our government to rescue them, it instead does this. At the behest of Biden. He is worthy of the purest form of contempt imaginable.

I will look upon anyone who enabled this man into his office with contempt as well. You voted with your emotions, not with any considerations of how this might impact your fellow Americans, which it now hass. There will soon come a day when you see videos of Taliban fighters executing Americans they suspect as spies, and loading innocent American women and children into the backs of MRAPs we left there with reckless abandon.

No more words can describe how utterly disgusted I am.

But Trump is as much to blame as he is. The Trump negotiated peace empowered the Taliban.

Repeat after me:

Trump. Is. Not. The. President. Anymore.

Trump is not the President anymore. Biden and Biden alone had the ability to execute every facet of this withdrawal without incident. But he didn't. Biden is in control now, and he failed, miserably.

So what if 5000 prisoners of war were freed? We got nothing in exchange except possibly the worst hostage situation human history. He has given the Taliban enormous leverage against us, both militarily and diplomatically.
Repeat after me:

Trump. Is. Not. The. President. Anymore.

Trump is not the President anymore. Biden and Biden alone had the ability to execute every facet of this withdrawal without incident. But he didn't. Biden is in control now, and he failed, miserably.

So what if 5000 prisoners of war were freed? We got nothing in exchange except possibly the worst hostage situation human history. He has given the Taliban enormous leverage against us.
Everyone knew we were pulling out of Afghanistan. It's not Biden's fault that people ignored repeated warnings to leave.
Is there anything incorrect in my statement?

Yes. Plenty. Where did you get the idea that these people chose to stay behind willingly? Nobody in their right minds would choose to stay in that hellhole and risk being sold off into sexual slavery or executed unless they are facing pressure or obstruction from the American government to continue remaining there.

The only thing your statement is is twisted.
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Again women and girls are used, as we are in so many societies. We are one-half of any society.
Yes. Plenty. Where did you get the idea that these people chose to stay behind willingly? Nobody in their right minds would choose to stay in that hellhole and risk being sold off into sexual slavery or executed-unless they are facing pressure from the American government to remain there.

The only thing your statement is is twisted.

People went on their own.

The government says (and has been saying for the last 4 months) that if you decide to go to Afghanistan, make a will and tell people how you want to be buried because you're on your own.


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