Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

Of course I do. I have been arguing that no rules apply to them like we are told about the CIC
In this situation, no rules applied to the alphabet asshats. And you KNOW tipping off CNN ahead of time makes this nothing but a photo op and abuse of power.

You know what happens the next time a GOP CIC is in charge? Jimmy Carter and Obama will be perp-walked twice a week.
Yes, the CIC has the final Classification Authority. That does not change what happens after a document is declassified. Unless the CIC changes those rules as well. If you can show us where Trump changed those rules I would be happy to read them.
According to one of his staffers, Patel, he followed a policy of declaring everything he took from the premises, declassified, as was his right. If you are saying show the documentation that proves this, no one seems to know if there IS any set protocol for that. Do you support charging the man with spying for a foreign government because he has some formerly TS classified docs in his possession?

If they were coming after him over a violation related to NARA, it would be a first in our history but they are going for the whole smash. We all know what this is about and they will torture the truth until they can convict him of something that's actually a non-event for a Dem in the same situation and on top of that they'll claim he's DQd from running. Well, it isn't going to stop him from running so what is their ultimate goal? I believe they are setting the stage for refusing to accept his legitimacy when he wins in '24.

They're literally like a bunch of spoiled children who trash the place if they don't get their way. The rest of America is about fed the hell up with their nonsense.
In this situation, no rules applied to the alphabet asshats. And you KNOW tipping off CNN ahead of time makes this nothing but a photo op and abuse of power.

They followed the rules, like them or not. The went through the proper procedure to obtain a warrant.

If they tipped of CNN ahead of time why was the search going on for more than 5 or 6 hours before anyone found out about it?
They followed the rules, like them or not. The went through the proper procedure to obtain a warrant.

If they tipped of CNN ahead of time why was the search going on for more than 5 or 6 hours before anyone found out about it?

It's a bald faced lie... Trump announced the raid.
And the Top Secret class has SCI s well. Compartmented...which means only a few people can even see it on a need to know basis.

Some of these docs (presumably national security docs) were those
HItlery had SAP info on her home-brew, unsecure server.

According to one of his staffers, Patel, he followed a policy of declaring everything he took from the premises, declassified, as was his right. If you are saying show the documentation that proves this, no one seems to know if there IS any set protocol for that.

But there has to be some sort of protocol. There has to be a way to know what was declassified.

If he took a box of classified materials from the premises, without even knowing what all was in the box, how would anyone know what is no longer classified? Almost every classified document has more than one copy, you cannot declassify one copy and not the rest

Can you truly not see the problem with the POTUS going "that box is now declassified" without at least an inventory of what is in the box? Without anyone else but the POTUS knowing they are no longer classified? That becomes the ultimate get out of jail free card.

Do you support charging the man with spying for a foreign government because he has some formerly TS classified docs in his possession?

I have not supported charging him with anything.

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