Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

FYI presidents can declassify any classified documents. Before they leave the white house.
Regardless...mishandling national defense information STILL violates several different laws...three of which were listed in the warrant and none of those three rely on "classification".
And if they never did that, all we have to go on is the word of the POTUS, who has every reason in the world to say that he did it.

I agree that if all Trump had were some generic improperly marked documents this was the biggest fuck up by the DOJ in history.

I will also add this, though I know it is pissing in the wind on this forum, if Trump just declassified documents by the boxful without even knowing what all was in the box that is a huge problem, even if it was legal for him to do so. Everyone, even those that support him should have a problem with such an action. As the old saying goes, just because you can does not mean you should.

That would not even come close to warranting a 30-person raid on his home during which they went through Melania's clothes. That would be an oversight not even on par with Clinton's. Trump didn't even do this; there is no way he went through boxes of documents before he moved. He is just not a detail man like this.

Your first conclusion is right. FUBAR
But they never did.

But that's not what happened.
Except we don’t know that do we? All we know is the FBI took docs marked with that classification. That may turn out to be the case certainly but we don’t know what actually happened yet
Regardless...mishandling national defense information STILL violates several different laws...three of which were listed in the warrant and none of those three rely on "classification".
Who said that? The same group that lied to the FISA court?
So our branches of govt are: Congress, Supreme Court, Bureaucracies.

You all run your nation like that when we split. We won't.

In fact, after Hillary, Trump toughened the laws about handling classified information and made it a Felony

Now the law he signed applies to him
Sean Duffy, filling in for Laura Ingraham last night, asked former FBI official Chris Swecker for his view on another guest's contention that Trump did not violate any laws by taking classified documents to Mar-A-Lardo.

"Sean, these are heavyweight statutes," he argued.

"The first statute, 793, is basically the espionage statute. It talks about things that he may have done with the documents that would result in injury to this country and… he did these things willfully. That is serious enough that is a ten-year penalty if he’s convicted.

"Now, the third statute, which is the obstruction-related statute, carries a 20-year penalty and it alleges that he somehow impeded an ongoing matter, which could have been the grand jury investigation of what we now know is an espionage case. So this is a much more serious case than just possession of classified documents.

He said it's clear the DOJ is alleging “actions” by Trump, which is much more serious.

Swecker appeared on Fox on the day of the search, and at that time, called it "absolutely wrong." Now that he's seen the warrant, he's walking it back.
But none of that will apply if the docs were declassified Which is the key piece of information we don’t haveyet
YOU folks are beyond redemption

This involves national defense. There was NO reason for that material to be there. There was no reason to hide it and not return it when first demanded.

Fucking incredible that you still defend this

You fell for every one, didn't you?

Steele Dossier
The phone call

At no time do you think...hey, I've seen this movie before, maybe I should take a minute this time...

That you think carelessness is a defense here is astounding

I think ultimately, that will be Trumps defense
His clam that the documents were declassified will fall apart when he is asked to provide proof.

He will fall back on he is being picked on and that he didn’t know what was in the boxes.

He will use the fact that he was President to expect dismissal of charges
That you think carelessness is a defense here is astounding

Sure it is. Hillary wasn't even careless and she got of free as a bird. (meaning, she passed classified info on purpose, on unsecured servers)

Sandy Berger had documents stuffed in his socks and got a slap on the wrist.

So yeah, lots of precedence here
I think ultimately, that will be Trumps defense
His clam that the documents were declassified will fall apart when he is asked to provide proof.

He will fall back on he is being picked on and that he didn’t know what was in the boxes.

He will use the fact that he was President to expect dismissal of charges

It's weak and pathetic and I don't care what comes out of your typing fingers afterward, you know it.

Your people stepped in it big
Trump may be indicted over a bill he signed into law!

If they have any shred of brain cells left they will not indict him

That deer in the headlights look Garland had this week gives me a little hope that they know they stepped in it big this time

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