Unless you're gay, on the dole, or a commie why would you vote Democrat ?

That's obviously pure PC bullshit. Whether you get HIV depends entirely on two activities: IV drug use or having anal receptive sex or having vaginal sex with an infected male. It's virtually impossible for a male to contract the disease by having intercourse of any kind with a female.

You're spouting gay propaganda, not facts.
It depends on coming into contact with the disease. Your chance of getting infected if you come into contact with the disease is the same as that of a gay person. Or do you think that heterosexual women have some special protective barrier in their vaginas that wards off AIDS?

And you come into contact with the disease by getting a dick stuck up your ass. How many straight men have that happen vs gay men?
I rest my case. AIDS is predominantly a disease of the gay community.
You are also fucking retarded.
It depends on coming into contact with the disease. Your chance of getting infected if you come into contact with the disease is the same as that of a gay person. Or do you think that heterosexual women have some special protective barrier in their vaginas that wards off AIDS?

It depends on whether a person who is HIV positive rams his penis up your ass. Women can get it through vaginal sex, but it's much more difficult. The vagina is a tough muscular wall. The membrane in your rectum, on the other hand, is thin and it tears easily. To get HIV you have to have blood to blood contact. That rarely happens unless you're getting a penis rammed up your ass.
You're fucking retarded.

That's probably the best argument you've posted so far.
You obviously believe facts are retarded.
You quoted an opinion piece from an unknown shill. "It doesn't matter who the author is because it's all totally for reals!" Yeah, good job, dingleberry.

Learn, or kill yourself.

How Do You Get HIV or AIDS?

Your quoting a government website. The government is the primary source of disinformation about HIV.

You have no credibility. You're just another shill for the gay lobby. You're probably gay yourself. It's been my experience that all the fanatics who argue for gay marriage are homosexuals.
The government lies about AIDS............

Kill yourself. I'm not kidding. Turn off your computer and hang yourself.
It depends on coming into contact with the disease. Your chance of getting infected if you come into contact with the disease is the same as that of a gay person. Or do you think that heterosexual women have some special protective barrier in their vaginas that wards off AIDS?

And you come into contact with the disease by getting a dick stuck up your ass. How many straight men have that happen vs gay men?
I rest my case. AIDS is predominantly a disease of the gay community.
You are also fucking retarded.

Translation: I"ve been thoroughly pwned here.

Yes you have. Pages and pages and finally you come unhinged, claiming the Bible is the only reason people oppose gay marriage, despite the fact that no one opposing it has quoted the Bible.
It depends on whether a person who is HIV positive rams his penis up your ass. Women can get it through vaginal sex, but it's much more difficult. The vagina is a tough muscular wall. The membrane in your rectum, on the other hand, is thin and it tears easily. To get HIV you have to have blood to blood contact. That rarely happens unless you're getting a penis rammed up your ass.
You're fucking retarded.

That's probably the best argument you've posted so far.

It's as true as any of the others he's posted.

Good job, btw. These fudge packers and their fellow travelers can only repeat the same tired talking points: Gays are the new blacks, the courts have sided with gays, opposition to gay marriage is only due to hatred and bigotry, etc. They spout the same crap in every thread and then go ballistic when you show they're wrong.
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Yeah, "pwned" by religious talking monkeys who insist that AIDS can only be spread by anal sex.

Kill yourself.
You quoted an opinion piece from an unknown shill. "It doesn't matter who the author is because it's all totally for reals!" Yeah, good job, dingleberry.

Learn, or kill yourself.

How Do You Get HIV or AIDS?

Your quoting a government website. The government is the primary source of disinformation about HIV.

You have no credibility. You're just another shill for the gay lobby. You're probably gay yourself. It's been my experience that all the fanatics who argue for gay marriage are homosexuals.
The government lies about AIDS............

Kill yourself. I'm not kidding. Turn off your computer and hang yourself.

So you believe you can trust whatever the government tells you? Really?
Etymologically speaking it's Sodomy whetehre practiced by heteros or homos - So far as the history of Sex Toys, so what ? Who cares ? And not that it matters but there is not proof positive that they were sex toys , ... doesn't matter barely relevant.
Actually it is very relevant because those sex toys (click on that link for "The Christian Bedroom.com". Tell us what that item on the right was used for if not a cock) were used in anal intercourse. This means that heterosexuals have been engaging in sodomy for just as long as gay people, and the world hasn't been destroyed by an invisible man in the sky. "Gay sex is not true sex". Jesus monkey-fucking Christ. How do you people even get dressed, let alone log in to an internet messageboard?

Your religious opposition to gay marriage has no strength under the US Constitution.

It really doesn't matter whether you are gay or straight, the only way to get HIV is to have a penis jammed up your ass.

Gay ... men - who have sex with men (MSMa), particularly young black/African American MSM, are most seriously affected by HIV.


MSM = men who have sex with men. MSM continue to bear the greatest burden of HIV infection

Source = http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/statistics/basics/ataglance.html
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One reason to at least think twice before voting Republican is to consider the company you would be joining, as represented here.

One reason to vote Democrat is to defend the liberal principles of the Founders, not that Democrats always honor them. They just honor them more than Republicans do.
By forcing people out of work if they don't grab their ankles for the gay militants? You're full of it.
Actually it is very relevant because those sex toys (click on that link for "The Christian Bedroom.com". Tell us what that item on the right was used for if not a cock) were used in anal intercourse. This means that heterosexuals have been engaging in sodomy for just as long as gay people, and the world hasn't been destroyed by an invisible man in the sky. "Gay sex is not true sex". Jesus monkey-fucking Christ. How do you people even get dressed, let alone log in to an internet messageboard?

Your religious opposition to gay marriage has no strength under the US Constitution.

It really doesn't matter whether you are gay or straight, the only way to get HIV is to have a penis jammed up your ass.

Gay ... men - who have sex with men (MSMa), particularly young black/African American MSM, are most seriously affected by HIV.


MSM = men who have sex with men. MSM continue to bear the greatest burden of HIV infection

Source = CDC ? HIV in the United States ? Statistics Overview ? Statistics Center ? HIV/AIDS
Yeah, you stupid fucking monkeys. More gay people and more blacks are infected with HIV than other demographics. Only in your fucked up minds does that mean that heterosexual men can't contract the disease from heterosexual females. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
It depends on whether a person who is HIV positive rams his penis up your ass. Women can get it through vaginal sex, but it's much more difficult. The vagina is a tough muscular wall. The membrane in your rectum, on the other hand, is thin and it tears easily. To get HIV you have to have blood to blood contact. That rarely happens unless you're getting a penis rammed up your ass.
Jesus. I'm glad there was no video on that one.
Yeah, "pwned" by religious talking monkeys who insist that AIDS can only be spread by anal sex.

Kill yourself.

Why are you still posting here? You've been thoroughly discredited as an ass clown without a clue. You're reduced to telling people to kill themselves because you can't face obvious facts.
It depends on whether a person who is HIV positive rams his penis up your ass. Women can get it through vaginal sex, but it's much more difficult. The vagina is a tough muscular wall. The membrane in your rectum, on the other hand, is thin and it tears easily. To get HIV you have to have blood to blood contact. That rarely happens unless you're getting a penis rammed up your ass.
You're fucking retarded.
Well no, he's right. The vagina also has some protection to foreign matter, it was essentially built for it to put it bluntly. Why do you think gay men get AIDs more redily?
It really doesn't matter whether you are gay or straight, the only way to get HIV is to have a penis jammed up your ass.

Gay ... men - who have sex with men (MSMa), particularly young black/African American MSM, are most seriously affected by HIV.


MSM = men who have sex with men. MSM continue to bear the greatest burden of HIV infection

Source = CDC ? HIV in the United States ? Statistics Overview ? Statistics Center ? HIV/AIDS
Yeah, you stupid fucking monkeys. More gay people and more blacks are infected with HIV than other demographics. Only in your fucked up minds does that mean that heterosexual men can't contract the disease from heterosexual females. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Almost all the "black heterosexual men" in that graph are Haitians. About half of the black heterosexual women are Haitians. The other half are the sex partners of men with HIV. The same goes for the white heterosexual women. They are also the sex partners of men with HIV. Of course, a lot of people lie about how they acquired the disease. A lot of closeted gay men will not admit to having homosexual relations, for obvious reasons, and both men and women will deny using IV drugs.
It depends on whether a person who is HIV positive rams his penis up your ass. Women can get it through vaginal sex, but it's much more difficult. The vagina is a tough muscular wall. The membrane in your rectum, on the other hand, is thin and it tears easily. To get HIV you have to have blood to blood contact. That rarely happens unless you're getting a penis rammed up your ass.
You're fucking retarded.
Well no, he's right. The vagina also has some protection to foreign matter, it was essentially built for it to put it bluntly. Why do you think gay men get AIDs more redily?

His argument is that gay men and straight men have an equal possibility of getting AIDS if they both engage in unprotected anal sex with a man as the recipient.
Thats true, kind of. Stupid, but true.
It depends on whether a person who is HIV positive rams his penis up your ass. Women can get it through vaginal sex, but it's much more difficult. The vagina is a tough muscular wall. The membrane in your rectum, on the other hand, is thin and it tears easily. To get HIV you have to have blood to blood contact. That rarely happens unless you're getting a penis rammed up your ass.
Jesus. I'm glad there was no video on that one.

I try to use polite terminology, but it doesn't seem to penetrate the skulls of these numskulls unless you get graphic. Using euphemisms allows them too much leeway for weaseling.
You're fucking retarded.
Well no, he's right. The vagina also has some protection to foreign matter, it was essentially built for it to put it bluntly. Why do you think gay men get AIDs more redily?

His argument is that gay men and straight men have an equal possibility of getting AIDS if they both engage in unprotected anal sex with a man as the recipient.
Thats true, kind of. Stupid, but true.

A straight man would never have anal receptive sex with a homosexual.
Well no, he's right. The vagina also has some protection to foreign matter, it was essentially built for it to put it bluntly. Why do you think gay men get AIDs more redily?

His argument is that gay men and straight men have an equal possibility of getting AIDS if they both engage in unprotected anal sex with a man as the recipient.
Thats true, kind of. Stupid, but true.

A straight man would never have anal receptive sex with a homosexual.

Well yeah, of course. That's why it's a stupid argument.
It really doesn't matter whether you are gay or straight, the only way to get HIV is to have a penis jammed up your ass.

Gay ... men - who have sex with men (MSMa), particularly young black/African American MSM, are most seriously affected by HIV.


MSM = men who have sex with men. MSM continue to bear the greatest burden of HIV infection

Source = CDC ? HIV in the United States ? Statistics Overview ? Statistics Center ? HIV/AIDS
Yeah, you stupid fucking monkeys. More gay people and more blacks are infected with HIV than other demographics. Only in your fucked up minds does that mean that heterosexual men can't contract the disease from heterosexual females. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Normal Vaginal secretions of a healthy vagina will generally prevent HIV infection, this is one of natures dirty little secrets. However, an unhealthy vagina can allow various types of microbes to inhabit , which ultimately leads to complications such as sexually transmitted diseases HIV in particular.

Oral sex is als an extremely rare mode of tramsitting HIV , unless of course the recipient is a cum guzzler, as queers are [in]famous for.

The primary mode of transmitting HIV sexually is from Gay Anal Sex [Or just Anal Sex, which is pretty Gay].

Did you get that you "stupid fucking monkey" ? Oh yes talking about monkeys -- it is theorized that the HIV virus originated in our primate cousins - so were Gay Africans banging Monkeys ??? HMMmmm
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I try to use polite terminology, but it doesn't seem to penetrate the skulls of these numskulls unless you get graphic. Using euphemisms allows them too much leeway for weaseling.
Yes, I know. I was kidding. AIDs also came from the homosexual community, they overlook that little gem. I talked to a doctor decades ago that said it should have been quarantined at the time (and he was a lib) but it was not politically expedient.

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