Uber CEO says the service might shut down in California if it has to reclassify workers

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.

This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.

If Uber disappears, the uber drivers will still have their cars and will still be looking for people to drive around in California.

Likewise, the passengers will still need to get from where they are to where they want to be.

Remember, Uber is only like 7 years old maybe. Drivers and passengers got together without them for ages.

I'm sure the parties will be able to get together after Uber is history as well.
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees.
Why do you think Uber shareholders deserve more?

The 10 Biggest Winners From Uber's IPO Will Control $38 Billion
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.


The people of California have the right to pass that law.

If Uber doesn't want to comply with the law then they will have to leave California.

Other companies who do comply with the law will stay in California. Plus the normal taxi companies. It will mean more business for those companies. It's a win/win.

If Uber doesn't want to treat their employees properly according to California law they can leave.

I'm sure the people of California won't miss them.

They're just another company that takes advantage of people. Now the people of California put their foot down to put a stop to it.

Boo hoo for Uber.

That's properly regulated capitalism. More states should follow California's lead.
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.

To top it off, the legislation was aimed at school tutors so that they could put an end to 'home schooling'.
Talk about the law of unintended consequences.
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.


The people of California have the right to pass that law.

If Uber doesn't want to comply with the law then they will have to leave California.

Other companies who do comply with the law will stay in California. Plus the normal taxi companies. It will mean more business for those companies. It's a win/win.

If Uber doesn't want to treat their employees properly according to California law they can leave.

I'm sure the people of California won't miss them.

They're just another company that takes advantage of people. Now the people of California put their foot down to put a stop to it.

Boo hoo for Uber.

That's properly regulated capitalism. More states should follow California's lead.
and they can turn into a shithole --illegals and immigration is a cause:
overcrowded schools
one of the most expensive places to live and a lot of poverty
more people = higher prices and lower wages= basic economics!

This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.

I will add, if anyone thinks that Uber is going to leave the state that has the highest population in the nation, I have a piece of ocean beach front property in Colorado to sell you.

They can try to blackmail the state but they will lose.

Anyone with a brain that works knows that Uber isn't going to leave the highest populated state in the nation. Filled with rich people who use Uber.

Uber isn't stupid enough to just hand that business over to Lyft and other companies or turn it back over to the taxi companies.

Money is more important to Uber and they know if they leave California, they will probably destroy their company.

Notice the word "MIGHT" not will or shall. Might.

Get back to me when that might turns into Uber packing up and leaving California.
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees.
Why do you think Uber shareholders deserve more?

The 10 Biggest Winners From Uber's IPO Will Control $38 Billion

Actually, your graph shows why Uber shareholders do need more. Look at all the amount that they have invested in the company. Do they "deserve" more? Who deserves anything , really. But if SoftBank put almost $10 Billion into this venture, they need to receive a return to justify that kind of investment.

BTW, your graph is out of date, the figures quoted are based on Uber's IPO price of $45, now the value is a third less at $30/share. And some of the holders your list, like founder Travis Kalanick are pretty much divested by this point in time.
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.

Just what they want and true to California's style, more unemployment.
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.

The democrat party...the party of chaos, death and decay...everything they touch turns to crap.
Actually, your graph shows why Uber shareholders do need more. Look at all the amount that they have invested in the company. Do they "deserve" more? Who deserves anything , really.
Corporations privilege shareholders over employees.
This isn't a law of nature; it's man-made policy.

The Divine Right of Capital: Chapter 1

"Here’s the basic formula you’ll find on financial statements:

"Capital Income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Employee income + Cost of materials)

"Kelly uses some simple algebra to show that this formula could just as easily be re-written as:

"Employee income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Captal income + Cost of materials)

"In other words, the company could just as easily be optimized to maximize employee income."

Imho, Uber is the latest Wall Street scam, designed to fatten speculators by exploiting drivers.
Imho, Uber is the latest Wall Street scam, designed to fatten speculators by exploiting drivers.

What you are failing to consider is that the Drivers weren't even working in the transportation business before Ride Sharing was invented in about 2012. No one is exploiting anyone. Uber OFFERED an opportunity and they accepted. No one was bound to take it, and if they didn't care for it, they could stop at any time.
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.

I don't like the gig economy. It will create an underclass of working poor who will never be able to retire and in time, consumption in the economy will decrease. it's huge in Ontario and our economy is the worst indebted, artificially subsidized in the world.

What follows is inevtiably an angry, resentful society that votes for big money socialists who offer them help and, offer to stick it to those who stuck it to them.

Greed is good, but only if sustainable. I think respecting your worker, paying a fair amount that at least allows them to be full-time employees, when we all know they are. If not, say hello to President AOC in the future.

On this issue, even Tucker Carlson understands. He has stated it in more detail. Make proper, reasonable changes (without undermining capitalism, invention and risk/reward investment), or, the next generation will. Those older than them may just bear the brunt.
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.

Plenty of out of work taxi drivers ready to jump in and help.
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.

Plenty of out of work taxi drivers ready to jump in and help.

The taxi concerns don't have nearly enough cars to transport all those Uber patrons. Further, taxis charge a lot more.
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.

Plenty of out of work taxi drivers ready to jump in and help.

The taxi concerns don't have nearly enough cars to transport all those Uber patrons. Further, taxis charge a lot more.
A. They did fine before Uber.

B. The taxi companies treat the employees like employees, not slaves.
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.

If people want benefits then get a job for that. People suppliment with these services.
No one is exploiting anyone. Uber OFFERED an opportunity and they accepted. No one was bound to take it, and if they didn't care for it, they could stop at any time.
Capitalism doesn't exist without exploitation; Uber controls every aspect of the work lives of its drivers. Uber can unilaterally lower pay rates, "switch drivers off" without due process, and oversaturate the market by adding more drivers at any time it wants.

Drivers lack health and UE insurance, overtime pay, retirement benefits, workers' compensation, and the right to unionize all to help buy a $70 million mansion for Uber's founder.


"Goldman Sachs and Wall Street even loaned $1 billion to Uber, so they could provide predatory subprime auto loans to drivers to build out its car fleet infrastructure.

"Uber strongly encourages drivers to buy new, attractive cars, and aggressively markets loans for those cars to drivers ― many of whom earn too little to maintain a good credit history."
This is how "Progressives" destroy everything they touch. They pass a law in California forcing the gig economy to classify it's drivers and delivery people as employees. The legislation went even further to include freelance photographers and journalists. The result was a loss of jobs right off the bat. The very left wing Vox, for example, who championed the legislation, had to cut ties to contributing authors because of the new rules. Now more than 100,000 rideshare drivers who rely on the service for a living or for supplemental income are on the brink of losing their jobs because leftists in California decided they had to "help" them.


The people of California have the right to pass that law.

If Uber doesn't want to comply with the law then they will have to leave California.

Other companies who do comply with the law will stay in California. Plus the normal taxi companies. It will mean more business for those companies. It's a win/win.

If Uber doesn't want to treat their employees properly according to California law they can leave.

I'm sure the people of California won't miss them.

They're just another company that takes advantage of people. Now the people of California put their foot down to put a stop to it.

Boo hoo for Uber.

That's properly regulated capitalism. More states should follow California's lead.
"Regulated capitalism" lol you idiot

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