Our government wants to prop up the service industry- But The service industry workers have zero workplace protection


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Many of us know of service industry jobs associated with companies like Uber, Lyft, Door Dash, Postmates, GrubHub, Instacart, I think Amazon has one, there is also Seamless, Uber eats, and there are so many more I think “appetite” is a new one

One thing that all of these jobs have in common is they are not unionized. And our country wants to prop up these jobs as the future of our nation. What is fascinating is you could have an example where you have an Uber driver who has done 50,000 or 100,000 rides…. it literally takes one customer to make a false complaint against a driver and what happens is the driver is fired for life. This is something from the devil.

The other issue is safety for those in the service industry. There have been cases of Uber drivers and food delivery drivers getting attack because of their race, being brutally verbally abused, being physically assaulted robbed, and yes getting murdered. This is why all of those in the service industry who otherwise have to pass a background check anyways need to be fast tracked to be able to carry a pistol. Every single person working in the service industry should be able to carry a gun and a gun should be paid for by the United States government or by the service company. This way these fellow Americans can protect themselves from the following

Oh we got work to do in this country… we got to take a stand for the workingman and working woman.

Doordash Driver Confronts CVS Manager For Reporting That “She Did NOT Receive Her Food”​

Doordash Driver Confronts Customer Who Got Him Fired​

We have to take a stand for these fellow American workers^ These are crystal clear violations of American civil liberties. Workers rights are being violated and we need to do something about this.

So it’s two things. Fast track the pistol permits for all service industry workers so they can protect themselves on the job. And we need to have unions for the service industry so they have workplace protection and they cannot be ruthlessly fired for a made-up reason. I can’t believe this is happening in America where workers are being fired because the customer makes up a false complaint. We will right the wrongs as we always have in this country.
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Maybe here’s a reason why we need to get back to steel and auto jobs. Can’t always rely on tips. Especially in a bad economy especially in a country where we have a government that doesn’t really teach people mutual respect.

In some countries there really is no tipping mechanism but there is in the United States that’s how things work …Most Americans tip very well in my opinion but there seems to be a trend going the other way and it’s something to watch out for associated with the rise of materialistic greed, associated with the rise of self-loathing America ie people who believe that America has a racist imperial history are often people who tip nothing. Often far left rich privileged Democrats tip nothing and treat service industry workers like trash. . We gotta watch out for this stuff. We really need to tip our people in the service industry

Every single person working in the service industry should be able to carry a gun and a gun should be paid for by the United States government or by the service company
Bullshit. Where in the fuck did people get the idea that the government is here to GIVE them everything. What happened to self sufficiency. If someone works in the service industry and doesn't like it, get out and find a job THEY like that pays THEIR bills. I could care less if all of those phony ass jobs disappeared. I don't use any of them. Bullshit jobs serving lazy people. Next you'll be saying they shouldn't have sign "non compete" agreements -- even when they don't.
I think we could all agree that as soon as somebody gets a job as an Uber driver or a DoorDash driver for example they automatically have a right to go carry a pistol and the government or the company should pay for the pistol. These folks are out there and there lives are on the lines

Can’t think of a better topic to galvanize Democrats and Republicans to the same side. The message to the criminals of the United States you think you could mess with an Uber driver you’ve got another thing coming.! These criminals think they can put a gun on an Uber driver. These criminals think they can rob a DoorDash driver they can go to hell!

America prevails
Thousands tens of thousands of rideshare workers and delivery drivers have been deactivated due to false complaints. What are the rich phony politicians in our country doing about there’s nothing because they are criminals. Our country is not what it used to be. How ugly we are today with a working man doesn’t have somebody to stand up for them. Americans are taking a hold of this stuff though and positive changes are slowly but surely coming. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Seriously to hell with a fake Democrats who say all Black Lives Matter or we care about the poor no they don’t give a damn about anyone except themselves. Stand up for the working class!
Thank God for the Second Amendment people in this country who will stand by rideshare workers and DoorDash and GrubHub delivery drivers being able to carry a gun.

Congress or the Senate need to figure out some kind of a bill to pay it forward that can cover the costs for all of the pistols that will be needed to give to the rideshare workers.

Enough is enough enough is enough we can’t have women being kidnapped on the job and murdered.
I think we could all agree that as soon as somebody gets a job as an Uber driver or a DoorDash driver for example they automatically have a right to go carry a pistol and the government or the company should pay for the pistol.
The government shouldn't pay for any of it. We are not in agreement. You sure like to spend other people's money. If you want to defend yourself, buy a gun. It's not my responsibility to arm you.
Thousands tens of thousands of rideshare workers and delivery drivers have been deactivated due to false complaints. What are the rich phony politicians in our country doing about there’s nothing because they are criminals. Our country is not what it used to be. How ugly we are today with a working man doesn’t have somebody to stand up for them. Americans are taking a hold of this stuff though and positive changes are slowly but surely coming. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Seriously to hell with a fake Democrats who say all Black Lives Matter or we care about the poor no they don’t give a damn about anyone except themselves. Stand up for the working class!
White Collar Betrays All Other Whiteness

Wimpy Yuppie brown-noses sacrificed their manhood by going through the misery of college poverty in order to steal jobs from the few smart people who have self-respect. In revenge, they take out their bitterness not on the sadistic employers who mandated such indentured servitude, but on those who refuse to submit to that emasculating corporate mandate and wind up in the working class as punishment for their defiance. The Diploma Dumbo snob-mob has nothing to be proud of, but such no-talent flunkies are made to feel superior by both wings of the ruling class.
Ahem, our government wants the service industry to serve them, as government dependents. That's why Dems hit them with taxes and fees to keep them down. If the masses achieve financial independence they may get uppity and boot all those politicians out of office.
Ahem, our government wants the service industry to serve them, as government dependents. That's why Dems hit them with taxes and fees to keep them down. If the masses achieve financial independence they may get uppity and boot all those politicians out of office.
Very well written. And I would like to also bring up a point that was brought up in another thread ….there was a mother who was murdered while she was driving for Uber by some gang banger. Probably also one of those BLM supporters who on one hand says “BLM and the cops are the enemy” and then goes around robbing and looting people.

So Uber is a company that doesn’t give one damn about their employees it is a disgraceful company. The United States government local, state officials , federal officials they need to do whatever they have to do to fast track gun permits for all fast food delivery drivers and Uber drivers. So if you’re able to work for these companies like Uber, Grubhub, Door Dash, Postmates, Amazon delivery you name it every one of these folks has to pass a criminal background check…. they should automatically be allowed to carry a gun that is paid for by their company.

This terrorism by criminals in America against American citizens has gone on long enough. You look up at that picture of that beautiful mother that hard-working American and she gets gunned down in cold blood by some criminal beast. She needs justice

More than anything Uber drivers need to be able to carry a gun as soon as they sign up on the job that’s it man that’s it. And these left-wing people in America can go burn in hell if they think that they have a right to control gun ownership in America.

Oh ya talk with the far left posters on the US message board and they are out of control maniacs with the criminal mindset. They want “ gun control “they don’t give a shit that criminal bastards these criminal beasts BLM criminals they can go around selling crack cocaine , carrying guns illegally while American citizens can’t get a gun. What the hell happened to this country

skews13 JackOfNoTrades Moonglow
Dragonlady Sixties Fan

Yes I am angry and upset that that mother that Uber driver was murdered. And so should you people

You people have some hope. I think that some parts of you realize that we need to go back to the old-school ways of John F Kennedy …. Do what is right please and many more far left message board posters you have a responsibility to stand up for the Second Amendment in this country ….every American citizen has a right to own a gun according to our Constitution and Bill of Rights and common sense and Christianity. You need to do the right things enough of this nonsense like how American citizens can’t carry a gun in New York City… That’s really needs to be over turned
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Enough is enough with these gun control people …you see that woman was walked out to the woods and executed. If she was able to carry a gun she might’ve been able to at some point during her time with that man pulled out her gun and shot him.

There is no excuse for the gun control activists…. We will always have guns in the hands of the drug dealers and the criminals. So we need to counter that by going back into American history appreciating the Second Amendment…..and most certainly every Uber driver has to have the right to get a gun as soon as they sign up for the job paid for by Uber. Well hell Uber has billions of dollars to work with they can afford it.

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