Turns out it was liberal Iowa Senator Tom Harkin who coined the phrase "Make America Great Again" while running for president in New Hampshire

If that's plagiarism, then we are all guilty whenever we use a common phrase.

Also, was the phrase "Make America Great again" racist when Bill Clinton used it? It has been pointed out many times in other threads that Trump was not the first to use the praise..
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Trump has never had an original thought. He only steals from others pumping populist chants. Trump stole Covid vaccine & "Project Light Speed," from Germany's BioNTech

Democrat President Clinton With Democrat House & Senate Increased Jobs, Slashed the Deficit, Crime, Healthcare Cost creating the Greatest US Economy in history.
Nothing new under the sun, as it was pointed out by one of the old school Israeli Heads of State and recorded by Almighty God in the Holy Bible.

If Harkin is pissed off that this phrase he is claiming he coined is now being used by moderates, he should trademark it.
If that's plagiarism, then we are all guilty whenever we use a common phrase.

Also, was the phrase "Make America Great again" racist when Bill Clinton used it? It has been pointed out many times in other threads that Trump was not the first to use the praise..
I guess that, if I am going to use a four word phrase, I must check and be sure that it has never been used before. That's going to make writing fun, especially for all the moronic leftists who NEVER say anything that they didn't get, word for word, from their TV's.

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