Zionist genocide in Israel

You know that there was no Germany or Italy until 200 years ago, but people lived there. Same with Palestine. The Palestinians, Muslims and Christians weren't immigrants. It was their ancestral home.
And yet, we know the history of the Italian and the German nations from before Italy and Germany became sovereign countries. We know their ancestors, leaders, religious beliefs, wars, arts, sciences, personalities, significant events, and relationships with neighboring countries.

What is known about a non-Jewish nation supposedly living in Palestine for 2000 years?
And yet, we know the history of the Italian and the German nations from before Italy and Germany became sovereign countries. We know their ancestors, leaders, religious beliefs, wars, arts, sciences, personalities, significant events, and relationships with neighboring countries.

What is known about a non-Jewish nation supposedly living in Palestine for 2000 years?

We know the history of Palestine too. Where have you been?
We know the history of Palestine too. Where have you been?
I wasn't talking about the history of the territory baptized Syria-Palaestina by the Romans. I asked what is known about a non-Jewish nation that has supposedly been living on the territory mentioned above for the last 2000 years.
Yes. With Orwell and Göbbels is everything we need to know about the present and (presumably) the future.

Like arsonists is destruction their incentive?

You asked:
Re: Like arsonists is destruction their incentive?

By "their incentive", I assume that you mean Netanyahu, Israel's ruling right wingers and the world's infestation of genocidal Zionist shills.

Of course, part of any genocide is the destruction of the previous residents and any evidence that they existed.

For example, IDF has destroyed over 8 major Palestinian graveyards since October, 2023 to erase any evidence of a previous civilization . (1)

Overall, there is more and more evidence that 7 October's attack was far from a "surprise" because the "Greater Israel" expansionists have wanted an excuse to seize Gaza as part of their "Greater Israel".

Now that most all of Gaza is destroyed and Israel's glut of foreign land thieves already have redrawn Gaza's maps for flooding Gaza with more illegal "Settlements".

Therefore, simple destruction of Gaza was not an end goal but extermination / expulsion of Gaza's existing men, women and children and then incorporate Gaza into their "Greater Israel"

So, I suspect that simple destruction and depopulation of Gaza was not the ultimate Zionist goal but the extermination of Gaza's population and additional construction of more filthy (2) "Settlement" sprawl is and has been the agenda since the long planned "Surprise" attack of 7 October.


(1). “Israel-Hamas war: Even Gaza's graveyards have suffered destruction”

EXCERPT “Nearly half the burial sites in the Palestinian enclave have suffered damage by armored vehicles, air strikes and artillery fire from the Israeli army.

The situation at the Jabaliya cemetery was not isolated. Scores of videos and photos, shot and taken by Gazan residents and journalists, have documented the destruction of at least eight major cemeteries in the Palestinian territory since the start of the Israeli army's ground operations. They show destroyed tombstones and human remains dispersed from their graves and scattered over the upturned earth.” CONTINUED

(2). "The devastating environmental effects of Israeli settler-colonialism in the West Bank"

EXCERPT "Israel dumps 80% of the waste products generated from Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. This in turn, “[pollutes] the Palestinian earth and water supply, while Israeli settlers in the West Bank – who produce similar amounts of wastewater to the Palestinian population, despite being outnumbered more than six to one – deliberately poison the water, land and livestock of nearby Palestinian villages”. This means that every year over “2 million cubic metres of raw [untreated] sewage flow into the valleys of streams of the [Palestinian] West Bank…[causing] severe damage through the West Bank… " CONTINUED
Therefore, simple destruction of Gaza was not an end goal but extermination / expulsion of Gaza's existing men, women and children and then incorporate Gaza into their "Greater Israel"

So, I suspect that simple destruction and depopulation of Gaza was not the ultimate Zionist goal but the extermination of Gaza's population and additional construction D
Let's put it this way .... a compromise so to speak:

* The goal of the Zionist leadership is extermination, the Genocide of the Palestinian population.

* The goal of the Hasbara shills is Destruction.
I wasn't talking about the history of the territory baptized Syria-Palaestina by the Romans. I asked what is known about a non-Jewish nation that has supposedly been living on the territory mentioned above for the last 2000 years.

It was called Syria-Palestine by Herodotus in 500 BC. Don't you know know anything about Herodotus?

Goyim always lived in Palestine. The Jews complain about it a lot in scripture.

All the other Canaanites were "nations" living there.
It was called Syria-Palestine by Herodotus in 500 BC. Don't you know know anything about Herodotus?

Herodotus called the region Palaistine. The Romans called it Syria-Palaestina.

Goyim always lived in Palestine. The Jews complain about it a lot in scripture.

All the other Canaanites were "nations" living there.
You claim that for two thousand years a non-Jewish nation has been living continuously in Palestine. Prove your claim.

Herodotus called the region Palaistine. The Romans called it Syria-Palaestina.

You claim that for two thousand years a non-Jewish nation has been living continuously in Palestine. Prove your claim.

It was called Syria-Palestine because Palestine was a province of ancient Syria.

Israel was controlled by Babylon, Egypt, Syria, Persia, the Greeks, Romans and Turks. They were self governing for very little of their history.

By the time of Christ most Jews lived elsewhere.
It was called Syria-Palestine because Palestine was a province of ancient Syria.

Israel was controlled by Babylon, Egypt, Syria, Persia, the Greeks, Romans and Turks. They were self governing for very little of their history.

By the time of Christ most Jews lived elsewhere.

"Shoot yourself in the foot, and cry Mooo...hammad!"

One argues against Israeli right to self determination,
saying 'B- alestine' was never an independent state.

Another throws a "genocide" libel,
claiming Gaza is part of Israel.

The OP's Islamist socks -
not the smartest bunch.
Things Americans don’t know….

In 1948 750,000 Palenstinians were forced from their land, approx 15,000 killed

Israelis have been killing Palestinians every year since, including 35,000 since Oct

Since 1948 less than 5,000 Israelis have been killed including Oct 7

They call the Palestinians the terrorists
Well Komrade, (or are you just another neo-Nazi?), start by documenting and sourcing/linking those numbers you claim.

Next, some things you don't know, or won't be honest about;

There was a "two-state" solution @76 years ago with the U.N. partition into a Jewish State=Israel and an Arab/Islam 'State' = "Palestine".

Arab/Islam nations in the region rejected that solution, as did the "Palestinians" living in the Levant, attacked Israel to eliminate it and the Jews, hence the first "conflict"/"war", in 1948.

Essentially that has continued, been on-going, and resolution will not be pleasant, or acceptable to Islam.

In the wake of Israeli victory in the 1948 War (the nation survived the extinction attempt), a near equal number of Jews had to flee their land/homes in the Arab/Muslim world.

The expulsion of Jews from Arab countries and Iran - an untold history

Jewish exodus from the Muslim world - Wikipedia

Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries - Jewish Virtual Library

The forgotten refugees of the Middle East

Note I could add several more articles/links to this list.
Things Americans don’t know….

In 1948 750,000 Palenstinians were forced from their land, approx 15,000 killed

Israelis have been killing Palestinians every year since, including 35,000 since Oct

Since 1948 less than 5,000 Israelis have been killed including Oct 7

They call the Palestinians the terrorists
"terrorists" has to do with methods of attacks and intended target of attacks.
When Islamic Jihadists(terrorists) use their own people as human shields than the deaths of such are on the hands of the Jihadists/Terrorists and not the Israelis.

Israeli casualties of war - Wikipedia


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