Turn off multi-quote by default?


May 15, 2016
Enjoying the forum. The mods, despite their leanings, left or right, are excellent.

My question is how to turn off multi-quote. Most times I am posting from my phone and when I respond to an individual everything gets dragged in with it. What setting do I need to change so that when I hit reply it only shows that individual's post?
I use my phone also. I don't have a problem with the quote feature because if I accedently select "+quote" for a post, the button toggles to "-quote". If I select the "-quote" then the quote is taken away. I'm back where I'm started....the quote can be toggled on and off. The problem I have is with the reply feature. If I select reply by accident or select reply and then decide I don't want to post a reply at that time, I have no way to cancel the reply. The reply button does not toggle on and off like the quote button.
Enjoying the forum. The mods, despite their leanings, left or right, are excellent.

My question is how to turn off multi-quote. Most times I am posting from my phone and when I respond to an individual everything gets dragged in with it. What setting do I need to change so that when I hit reply it only shows that individual's post?

If you long press on the text in a post, the quote option will popup.

2016-06-29 23.16.21.png
why rip posts out of context?

Because 90% of them are just I TOUCHED YOU LAST!!!NYAH NYAH NYAH!!! idiocy, and are just annoying, that's why. If you think they provide 'context', you are part of the problem, not the solution.

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