What is the measure of a patriot?

Where to you draw the line? The salient question yet to be answered is do members of the mob who beat policemen lose their status as patriots? Are you still a patriot if you did not intervene in the beatings to help a cop like Fanone? It gets tricky.
No, and no. Beating a policeman is not inherently unpatriotic, and under certain circumstances may even be patriotic. Failing to intervene in the beating may be immoral, however.
And what about the circumstance on Jan. 6?
In my opinion, he was defending a government that is corrupt, warlike, has no popular support. It was and is a government by, for, and of the rich. It is a bad government, and if you defend it or are loyal to it, then I think...you may not be a bad person, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if something bad happened to you. That's not to say I supported the motivations behind J6. Overall, I believe that it is unlikely that the 2020 election was stolen.
In my opinion, he was defending a government that is corrupt, warlike, has no popular support. It was and is a government by, for, and of the rich. It is a bad government, and if you defend it or are loyal to it, then I think...you may not be a bad person, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if something bad happened to you. That's not to say I supported the motivations behind J6. Overall, I believe that it is unlikely that the 2020 election was stolen.
IOW, you're in favor of pitch fork anarchy as long as you believe the anarchists are justified.
IOW, you're in favor of pitch fork anarchy as long as you believe the anarchists are justified.
No. But I believe there comes a point at which there's no other way. And of course, it's not anarchy if you're seeking to establish a new government.
And of course, it's not anarchy if you're seeking to establish a new government.
The government would have to be hopelessly corrupt. All other avenues to replace it would have to be exhausted before resorting to violence.

But we getting far afield from the events of Jan. 6. No such conditions existed to rationalize what trump's mob did. Unless, that is, you hold delusional beliefs about the government in power.
The government would have to be hopelessly corrupt. All other avenues to replace it would have to be exhausted before resorting to violence.

But we getting far afield from the events of Jan. 6. No such conditions existed to rationalize what trump's mob did. Unless, that is, you hold delusional beliefs about the government in power.
Like the Joey bribem admin patently was.

Thank you.
The government would have to be hopelessly corrupt. All other avenues to replace it would have to be exhausted before resorting to violence.

But we getting far afield from the events of Jan. 6. No such conditions existed to rationalize what trump's mob did. Unless, that is, you hold delusional beliefs about the government in power.
I believe the US government is hopelessly corrupt and that there are no other avenues to replace it. It's leaders routinely are found to be profiting far beyond what their salaries would suggest, while their own people suffer more and more. They routinely send their own citizens off to die senselessly. Their agents spy on, terrorize, and sometimes kill citizens domestically. The US government has almost a monopoly on public discourse in the country.
Being a patriot doesn't mean waving the flag, cheerleading for a president, and always bending over backwards to defend one's president or party....while ignoring corruption, lies, hypocrisy, unconstitutional anti-freedom policies, and never digging any deeper than CNN or Fox News to get to the actual truth. In recent years I see so many people who call themselves patriots, but seem to have no idea what they're actually cheerleading for. I've had to unfollow a few people like that on Instagram, because it was getting annoying to hear people proudly call themselves patriots, while being completely oblivious to what is actually going on, because they never dig deeper or follow the money.
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