Tulsi Gabbard defends Steve Bannon…

I don’t think so.

Before I post anything else.......I'm just curious.

The most senior US intelligence official told a Senate oversight panel that he “simply didn’t think” of the National Security Agency’s efforts to collect the phone records of millions of Americans when he testified in March that it did “not wittingly” snoop on their communications.

James Clapper: I gave 'erroneous' answer because I forgot about Patriot Act

Do you really believe this?
The video doesn’t prove he knowingly lied.
did you type that with a straight face? hahahahahaahahahahahaa holy fk. what do they have on you dude?

People lie because people lie. Look at Michael Flynn, he didn't even lie and got prosecuted. You're excused now.
Before I post anything else.......I'm just curious.

The most senior US intelligence official told a Senate oversight panel that he “simply didn’t think” of the National Security Agency’s efforts to collect the phone records of millions of Americans when he testified in March that it did “not wittingly” snoop on their communications.

James Clapper: I gave 'erroneous' answer because I forgot about Patriot Act

Do you really believe this?
Regardless...it makes prosecuting very problematic
Before I post anything else.......I'm just curious.

The most senior US intelligence official told a Senate oversight panel that he “simply didn’t think” of the National Security Agency’s efforts to collect the phone records of millions of Americans when he testified in March that it did “not wittingly” snoop on their communications.

James Clapper: I gave 'erroneous' answer because I forgot about Patriot Act

Do you really believe this?
I have reasonable doubt.
I don’t think so.

"The Least Untruthful".

The "Least: untruthful is still untruthful


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