Tulsi Gabbard defends Steve Bannon…


Fuck off..."burn it down"

Yea...anarchy will fix everything...idiot

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
She is deflecting......and yes, she is defending Bannon...

If Tulsi was so concerned about fairness -- why doesn't she call out the leadership in the DOJ who was put into place by the same admin she is always caping up for...

Everything with Conservatives is projection -- they are clutching their pearls yelling "Oh my, the DOJ has been weaponized" -- while these are the same folks who yelled lock her up for 6 or 7 years...

And Steve Bannon himself gave away the gameplan when he said the next GOP president will fire all of the rank and file people in agencies like the DOJ and replace them with loyalists...
Did you prove what you said about her being an "op" and I missed it?
Maybe, but what you have said establishes you do not give one fuck about this country, equal justice, and outright lies from this illegitimate administration. On you traitor.
There is equal justice. Bill Barr outright lied to Congress too but it’s hard to prove that and he wasn’t charged.

Bannon openly defied a subpoena. Find me a Dem that did that and wasn’t charged. Then you can bitch about equal justice.

Until then, you’re just pissed that Trump’s cronies keep breaking the law because they have no respect for this country.
Idiot, that's exactly what Bannon did. He said it wasn't his privilege to wave, and he's right about that.
There was never any claim of executive privilege. That means you can’t use it as a defense.
no not at all. what she is saying is that if bannon is being punished then they all should get punished the same. That's all. funny you missed her point.
Bannon is being punished for flat out ignoring a subpoena...not perjury.....

Again, if Clapper or anyone else perjured themselves -- it was the DOJ under the Trump admin who was responsible for bringing charges...

And I am sure your excuse is going to be "but but but, the Dems and the Deep State, blah blah" -- so if Dems are so powerful that they can control Trump's own handpicked appointments -- why the fuck do yall worship him as some strong man?? He seems more like a weak bitch to me...
Wrong. You're swimming out of your depth right now.
How does Bannon get a claim of executive privilege (that was never claimed) when he didn't work in the admin?

And no he didn't...not for years
his name came up while discussing Tulsi's comments, so yeah.
Democrats protect holder. He helped work with the cartels to bring them their waves of unaccompanied minors to confuse, manipulate, and mutilate.
There is equal justice. Bill Barr outright lied to Congress too but it’s hard to prove that and he wasn’t charged.

Bannon openly defied a subpoena. Find me a Dem that did that and wasn’t charged. Then you can bitch about equal justice.

Until then, you’re just pissed that Trump’s cronies keep breaking the law because they have no respect for this country.
Eric Holder. Obama's wing man.
Already explained. Obama claimed executive privilege. They noticed Congress of this.
And unlike Bannon, Holder actually worked in the Obama Admin at the time.

He also turned over 7,000 documents
Already explained. Obama claimed executive privilege. They noticed Congress of this.
They still charged him with contempt and he was never prosecuted, like Lerner. Only a court can decide what is executive privilege.
And unlike Bannon, Holder actually worked in the Obama Admin at the time.

He also turned over 7,000 documents
Trump has turned over millions of documents and they are still batting 0.
They still charged him with contempt and he was never prosecuted, like Lerner. Only a court can decide what is executive privilege.
Congress can hold people in contempt all they want. It doesn’t mean anything when it comes to whether or not they’re able to be prosecuted.

Holder responded to the subpoena, but Congress didn’t like it. Bannon never responded because he doesn’t respect this country.
Congress can hold people in contempt all they want. It doesn’t mean anything when it comes to whether or not they’re able to be prosecuted.

Holder responded to the subpoena, but Congress didn’t like it. Bannon never responded because he doesn’t respect this country.
You are the one who does not respect the country.

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