Tucker Carlson: Tony Blinken’s Statement Is an Admission the US Was Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Bombings (VIDEO)

The question is actively helping the Kremlin, I consider that wrong.

The answer to the question that Tucker provides also doesn't make much strategic sense. Is it possible? Perhaps, but only if you believe that the President Of the United States is willing to do something both dangerous and pointless, for unknown ends.

My theory only expects people to believe that Putin is cynical enough to use violence to achieve his ends. I believe in Occam's Razor. Maybe you should too?
" Perhaps"............ you really should have stopped there. If Biden wants an "I got Osama" moment then frankly I would not be surprised.

Tucker was right.

" Perhaps"............ you really should have stopped there. If Biden wants an "I got Osama" moment then frankly I would not be surprised.

If Biden was looking for his Osama moment, it would be akin to him going on the aircraft carrier, locating Osama's body, and then cutting his throat before they buried him at sea.

Biden would be blowing up two pipelines that were not even operational at the time.
Does the cult still believe in Santa Claus?

I think they do, now Kris Kringle the US Treasury.
I never said it was. She is just a Putin sycophant.
Skye has always spoken against the Invasion of the Ukraine; that she points out Biden's stupidity in being soft on it prior to the event is also spot on. I think the "jump to the Russians fault" as a default position is somewhat ridiculous. Putin may in fact be responsible for the war AND the pipeline, but the only one about which there is certainty is the war.

Skye has always spoken against the Invasion of the Ukraine; that she points out Biden's stupidity in being soft on it prior to the event is also spot on. I think the "jump to the Russians fault" as a default position is somewhat ridiculous. Putin may in fact be responsible for the war AND the pipeline, but the only one about which there is certainty is the war.

No, I am sorry! Skye has been mastering her skills on Putin, that Linda Lovelace performed in that porn movie years ago.
Really? When, dummy? How? Funny how you idiots can find proof so easily from vanishingly thin nothingness yet with years of looking, just can't seem to find the voluminous treason committed by Bison, Obumma and Hildegarde.
Post number 87 you illiterate moron
The question is actively helping the Kremlin, I consider that wrong.

The answer to the question that Tucker provides also doesn't make much strategic sense. Is it possible? Perhaps, but only if you believe that the President Of the United States is willing to do something both dangerous and pointless, for unknown ends.

My theory only expects people to believe that Putin is cynical enough to use violence to achieve his ends. I believe in Occam's Razor. Maybe you should too?

Your theory is ridiculous.
If Moscow wanted to cut the gas supplies to Germany, all they had to do was to shut the valve.
Blowing up their own pipeline is about 1000 times more difficult, expensive for them to later have to repair, and accomplishes nothing.

Obviously it had to be the US that blew it up, because we did not want Russia to get any income, and go broke.
This might surprise you but Europe is backing Ukraine. They had already cut down on the flow of gas to Europe. The US had no reason to do so. Russia is also capaqble of blowing it up. If you think that Putin is more moral that the US, you clearly have lost your mind.

Capability is not the main point.
The point is that Russia is the last person who would interfere with Russia making money off Germany.
That is why Russia paid to have the whole pipeline built.
So then it is basically insane to believe they would then blow up their own pipeline so that they could no longer make any money?
No evidence points to the US. Treasonous traitors like you need to be deported to Russia.

All the evidence points to the US, because the US was the only one who wanted to impose economic sanctions against Russia.

Other countries do not want to, but are being extorted by the US.

And it is not like Russia ever did anything to harm the US.
The US is the guilty party in China, Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba, Panama, Grenada, Angola, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.

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