Truth IS: Eisenhower's V-Day for Vaccinations can Help us Today

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
Despite the Anti-Vax abuse of ["channeling"] Eisenhower by a Political poster here,
He Urged Americans to get the Polio Vaccine!

Opinion: Eisenhower's V-Day for vaccinations can help us today
By William Lambers
Aug 18, 2021
Austin American-Statesman

To eliminate the dreaded disease polio in the 1950s, President Dwight Eisenhower called for a V-day, asking everyone to schedule a vaccine shot. V-day was to inspire a victory through vaccination against disease.

America had won World War II, culminating with V-days in Europe and Asia. Now they could do the same against polio, a disease that potentially killed or crippled. I remember very well my Aunt Eleanor, who had trouble walking because she had polio as a child in the early 1900s. Had the vaccine been available then it would have saved her from a lifetime medical crisis.

The polio vaccines that were developed saved many lives and eventually made it a very rare disease. But that was only possible because of a sustained vaccination effort to increase participation. It was not easy.

When announcing V-day against polio, Eisenhower said: "Many people are needlessly risking death or lifetime handicap simply because they have failed to take advantage of one of medicine's great achievements." Today many people are also missing out on the COVID-19 vaccine that can save them from hospitalization or death. Not even half of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, and meanwhile the very highly transmissible delta variant of COVID-19 is spreading rapidly.

That’s why we need a V-day, or a V-week, to rally everyone to get the vaccine against COVID-19. That is our best chance in making COVID-19 a rare disease, too. President Joe Biden and the former presidents could make televised statements urging vaccinations for V-day 2021.

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Despite the Anti-Vax abuse of Eisenhower by a Political poster here,
He Urged American to get the Polio Vaccine!

Opinion: Eisenhower's V-Day for vaccinations can help us today
By William Lambers
Aug 18, 2021
Austin American-Statesman

To eliminate the dreaded disease polio in the 1950s, President Dwight Eisenhower called for a V-day, asking everyone to schedule a vaccine shot. V-day was to inspire a victory through vaccination against disease.

America had won World War II, culminating with V-days in Europe and Asia. Now they could do the same against polio, a disease that potentially killed or crippled. I remember very well my Aunt Eleanor, who had trouble walking because she had polio as a child in the early 1900s. Had the vaccine been available then it would have saved her from a lifetime medical crisis.

The polio vaccines that were developed saved many lives and eventually made it a very rare disease. But that was only possible because of a sustained vaccination effort to increase participation. It was not easy.

When announcing V-day against polio, Eisenhower said: "Many people are needlessly risking death or lifetime handicap simply because they have failed to take advantage of one of medicine's great achievements." Today many people are also missing out on the COVID-19 vaccine that can save them from hospitalization or death. Not even half of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, and meanwhile the very highly transmissible delta variant of COVID-19 is spreading rapidly.

That’s why we need a V-day, or a V-week, to rally everyone to get the vaccine against COVID-19. That is our best chance in making COVID-19 a rare disease, too. President Joe Biden and the former presidents could make televised statements urging vaccinations for V-day 2021.

Don;t evr try to compare the polio vaccine to the kung flu vaccine
they are not comparable in any way
Despite the Anti-Vax abuse of Eisenhower by a Political poster here,
He Urged Americans to get the Polio Vaccine!

Opinion: Eisenhower's V-Day for vaccinations can help us today
By William Lambers
Aug 18, 2021
Austin American-Statesman

To eliminate the dreaded disease polio in the 1950s, President Dwight Eisenhower called for a V-day, asking everyone to schedule a vaccine shot. V-day was to inspire a victory through vaccination against disease.

America had won World War II, culminating with V-days in Europe and Asia. Now they could do the same against polio, a disease that potentially killed or crippled. I remember very well my Aunt Eleanor, who had trouble walking because she had polio as a child in the early 1900s. Had the vaccine been available then it would have saved her from a lifetime medical crisis.

The polio vaccines that were developed saved many lives and eventually made it a very rare disease. But that was only possible because of a sustained vaccination effort to increase participation. It was not easy.

When announcing V-day against polio, Eisenhower said: "Many people are needlessly risking death or lifetime handicap simply because they have failed to take advantage of one of medicine's great achievements." Today many people are also missing out on the COVID-19 vaccine that can save them from hospitalization or death. Not even half of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, and meanwhile the very highly transmissible delta variant of COVID-19 is spreading rapidly.

That’s why we need a V-day, or a V-week, to rally everyone to get the vaccine against COVID-19. That is our best chance in making COVID-19 a rare disease, too. President Joe Biden and the former presidents could make televised statements urging vaccinations for V-day 2021.

The FauxiFlu isn't polio, and the polio vax is nearly 100% effective, dullard.
The polio vaccine works
Since the year 2000 you don't get vaccinations for active polio you get innactive polio vaccinations and you must get three of those shots to be 90-100% protected..

In April, the company announced the vaccine had 91.3% efficacy against COVID-19, based on measuring how well it prevented symptomatic COVID-19 infection seven days through up to six months after the second dose
Don't worry when the polio vaccines came out half the people refused to get those shots due to misinformation like the two posters in this thread are spreading trying to say a certain vaccine is ok but another isn't without any sources to back up their claims. Now they can call me a doo-doo head.
Don't worry when the polio vaccines came out half the people refused to get those shots due to misinformation like the two posters in this thread are spreading trying to say a certain vaccine is ok but another isn't without any sources to back up their claims. Now they can call me a doo-doo head.
you people are like Joseph Goebbels--spreading LIES
Despite the Anti-Vax abuse of ["channeling"] Eisenhower by a Political poster here,
He Urged Americans to get the Polio Vaccine!

Opinion: Eisenhower's V-Day for vaccinations can help us today
By William Lambers
Aug 18, 2021
Austin American-Statesman

To eliminate the dreaded disease polio in the 1950s, President Dwight Eisenhower called for a V-day, asking everyone to schedule a vaccine shot. V-day was to inspire a victory through vaccination against disease.

America had won World War II, culminating with V-days in Europe and Asia. Now they could do the same against polio, a disease that potentially killed or crippled. I remember very well my Aunt Eleanor, who had trouble walking because she had polio as a child in the early 1900s. Had the vaccine been available then it would have saved her from a lifetime medical crisis.

The polio vaccines that were developed saved many lives and eventually made it a very rare disease. But that was only possible because of a sustained vaccination effort to increase participation. It was not easy.

When announcing V-day against polio, Eisenhower said: "Many people are needlessly risking death or lifetime handicap simply because they have failed to take advantage of one of medicine's great achievements." Today many people are also missing out on the COVID-19 vaccine that can save them from hospitalization or death. Not even half of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, and meanwhile the very highly transmissible delta variant of COVID-19 is spreading rapidly.

That’s why we need a V-day, or a V-week, to rally everyone to get the vaccine against COVID-19. That is our best chance in making COVID-19 a rare disease, too. President Joe Biden and the former presidents could make televised statements urging vaccinations for V-day 2021.

like the other poster said, polio is NOTHING like is a RIDICULOUS comparison
When the polio vaccine came out, there was no shot. No one refused to get the shot because there weren't any. The vaccine was administered on a sugar cube. I was there, standing in line at school waiting for the nurse to put the sugar cube on my tongue. There was no law, no mandate. No one got fired. No business was closed. We were a free country.

Don't worry when the polio vaccines came out half the people refused to get those shots due to misinformation like the two posters in this thread are spreading trying to say a certain vaccine is ok but another isn't without any sources to back up their claims. Now they can call me a doo-doo head.
And this thread was started to refute the LIE of Political Chic that Eisenhower was somehow warning against the C19 vaccines and science.

Truth is he would be urging Americans to get the vaccines.. like any decent human being with an IQ above 90.
(which would exclude several IDIOTIC posters above like LA Ram Fan and Harmonica, who hopefully practice what they preach and ergo won't be posting here much longer) (They're not exactly 'science section' posters IAC, except the political one.)
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And this thread was started to refute the LIE of Political Chic that Eisenhower was somehow warning against the C19 vaccines and science.

Truth is he would be urging Americans to get the vaccines.. like any decent human being with an IQ above 90.
(which would exclude several IDIOTIC posters above like LA Ram Fan and Harmonica, who hopefully practice what they preach and ergo won't be posting here much longer) (They're not exactly 'science section' posters IAC, except the political one.)
What these people who think that it is illegal for the govt. or a company to mandate a vaccine do not know the law or the history of the US on this matter. Thanks for the thread because Policlick is an enigma of what a liar is.

And this thread was started to refute the LIE of Political Chic that Eisenhower was somehow warning against the C19 vaccines and science.

Truth is he would be urging Americans to get the vaccines.. like any decent human being with an IQ above 90.
(which would exclude several IDIOTIC posters above like LA Ram Fan and Harmonica, who hopefully practice what they preach and ergo won't be posting here much longer) (They're not exactly 'science section' posters IAC, except the political one.)
He also would know that its not his place to unilaterally impose his edicts on the populace, for a relatively benign virus that has a 99.9% recovery rate among people with no comorbidities.

Your polio comparison is one big popcorn fart.

And this thread was started to refute the LIE of Political Chic that Eisenhower was somehow warning against the C19 vaccines and science.

Truth is he would be urging Americans to get the vaccines.. like any decent human being with an IQ above 90.
(which would exclude several IDIOTIC posters above like LA Ram Fan and Harmonica, who hopefully practice what they preach and ergo won't be posting here much longer) (They're not exactly 'science section' posters IAC, except the political one.)
at least I have an IQ

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