If Everyone Need Be Vaccinated.....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....why doesn't everyone need be vaccinated????

Still think vaccine mandates are science rather than politics???

Then.....read this from Reuters:

1. "Fact Check-White House, CDC, FDA, NIAID, Pfizer and Moderna employees are subject to vaccine mandates
Social media users are claiming that employees working in Congress, the judicial branch, the White House, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the United States Postal Service (USPS), Pfizer and Moderna, as well as undocumented immigrants, are not subject to vaccine mandates.

Congress is a part of the legislative branch and therefore not subject to the vaccine mandate.

There is no national vaccine policy for the judicial branch. So far, federal district courts in only three of the 10 largest U.S. cities have announced they are requiring employees to get vaccinated (here).

Even in the country's largest city, New York, divisions exist: The Manhattan-based Southern District of New York imposed a vaccine mandate on Monday, while no such rule exists in Brooklyn's Eastern District of New York. Further reading on this here .


The order encompasses the Executive Branch, which includes the White House and most federal employees (here ).


While USPS is not one of the agencies subject to the vaccine mandate by Biden’s order for federal employees, it does fall under the OSHA rule as the company has more than 100 employees. Vaccine mandate details for the USPS are not yet fully determined.


There is no mandate for migrants or undocumented migrants to receive COVID-19 vaccines. This has been reported by media here and here ."

And....in a related story.....

"Reporting Backlog Means VAERS Vaccine Adverse Reaction Data is SHORT by Hundreds of Thousands of Reports​

Hundreds of Thousands of Covid Vaccine Injuries BACKLOGGED and Not yet Entered Into VAERS … Far Greater Numbers of Injuries and Deaths Are Still to Come"​

Sooo.....you voted Democrat, huh?
.....why doesn't everyone need be vaccinated????

Still think vaccine mandates are science rather than politics???

Then.....read this from Reuters:

1. "Fact Check-White House, CDC, FDA, NIAID, Pfizer and Moderna employees are subject to vaccine mandates
Social media users are claiming that employees working in Congress, the judicial branch, the White House, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the United States Postal Service (USPS), Pfizer and Moderna, as well as undocumented immigrants, are not subject to vaccine mandates.

Congress is a part of the legislative branch and therefore not subject to the vaccine mandate.

There is no national vaccine policy for the judicial branch. So far, federal district courts in only three of the 10 largest U.S. cities have announced they are requiring employees to get vaccinated (here).

Even in the country's largest city, New York, divisions exist: The Manhattan-based Southern District of New York imposed a vaccine mandate on Monday, while no such rule exists in Brooklyn's Eastern District of New York. Further reading on this here .


The order encompasses the Executive Branch, which includes the White House and most federal employees (here ).


While USPS is not one of the agencies subject to the vaccine mandate by Biden’s order for federal employees, it does fall under the OSHA rule as the company has more than 100 employees. Vaccine mandate details for the USPS are not yet fully determined.


There is no mandate for migrants or undocumented migrants to receive COVID-19 vaccines. This has been reported by media here and here ."

And....in a related story.....

"Reporting Backlog Means VAERS Vaccine Adverse Reaction Data is SHORT by Hundreds of Thousands of Reports​

Hundreds of Thousands of Covid Vaccine Injuries BACKLOGGED and Not yet Entered Into VAERS … Far Greater Numbers of Injuries and Deaths Are Still to Come"​

Sooo.....you voted Democrat, huh?
Please forward this to Winterborn, he doesn't believe anything from VAERS as it is the wikipedia of the CDC.
..if you had it, you are a lot more immune to it than getting the vaccine
Up until two days ago when the CDC reversed their stance and said that the vax is more effective. You know this reversal came because they had no plausible explanation for why previously-infected people needed to be vaxxed. NOTHING Fauci or the CDC have said over the last two years has not been contradicted by the same people who made the statements, sometimes multiple times--e.g. masks are ineffective; masks work; masks don't work; masks work; wear two masks, Fauci.
.....why doesn't everyone need be vaccinated????

Still think vaccine mandates are science rather than politics???

Then.....read this from Reuters:

1. "Fact Check-White House, CDC, FDA, NIAID, Pfizer and Moderna employees are subject to vaccine mandates
Social media users are claiming that employees working in Congress, the judicial branch, the White House, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the United States Postal Service (USPS), Pfizer and Moderna, as well as undocumented immigrants, are not subject to vaccine mandates.

Congress is a part of the legislative branch and therefore not subject to the vaccine mandate.

There is no national vaccine policy for the judicial branch. So far, federal district courts in only three of the 10 largest U.S. cities have announced they are requiring employees to get vaccinated (here).

Even in the country's largest city, New York, divisions exist: The Manhattan-based Southern District of New York imposed a vaccine mandate on Monday, while no such rule exists in Brooklyn's Eastern District of New York. Further reading on this here .


The order encompasses the Executive Branch, which includes the White House and most federal employees (here ).


While USPS is not one of the agencies subject to the vaccine mandate by Biden’s order for federal employees, it does fall under the OSHA rule as the company has more than 100 employees. Vaccine mandate details for the USPS are not yet fully determined.


There is no mandate for migrants or undocumented migrants to receive COVID-19 vaccines. This has been reported by media here and here ."

And....in a related story.....

"Reporting Backlog Means VAERS Vaccine Adverse Reaction Data is SHORT by Hundreds of Thousands of Reports​

Hundreds of Thousands of Covid Vaccine Injuries BACKLOGGED and Not yet Entered Into VAERS … Far Greater Numbers of Injuries and Deaths Are Still to Come"​

Sooo.....you voted Democrat, huh?
Nope I don't. But, the US history tells you that if they tell you to get a shot you are gonna get the shot or else be left behind and you will be left out in the cold...I can't help but laugh at assholes like you who supported the drug war and the incarceration of humans that wanted the freedom to do with their bodies as they wished, yet now it's YUGE issue over a shot and you think you have the freedom to deny what has been done since George Washington mandated his troops to get the small pox vaccination or be released from service in the army...Ain't life a bitch...You can't have it both ways...
Nope I don't. But, the US history tells you that if they tell you to get a shot you are gonna get the shot or else be left behind and you will be left out in the cold...I can't help but laugh at assholes like you who supported the drug war and the incarceration of humans that wanted the freedom to do with their bodies as they wished, yet now it's YUGE issue over a shot and you think you have the freedom to deny what has been done since George Washington mandated his troops to get the small pox vaccination or be released from service in the army...Ain't life a bitch...You can't have it both ways...
you fkd up!!!!!!!BIG TIME =
1. using drugs is a LOT different
2. using drugs can KILL OTHERS--if you are driving/etc
3. people commit crimes/rape/MURDER/for drugs or [ being on drugs ] because they can't afford them/etc
4. comparing drugs to the covid vaccine is RIDICULOUS
you fkd up!!!!!!!BIG TIME =
1. using drugs is a LOT different
2. using drugs can KILL OTHERS--if you are driving/etc
3. people commit crimes/rape/MURDER/for drugs or [ being on drugs ] because they can't afford them/etc
4. comparing drugs to the covid vaccine is RIDICULOUS
My body, my choice, sorry you don't get to make the rules now that you don't want to do something that the govt. and business is trying to force you to do. It's either a choice of liberty or subjugation.
I am not "everyone." 71 years old, two inhalers for COPD, and I smoke a pack of the long Black Marlboros every day. I've only had one Flu shot in my life, and can't remember the last time I had the flu. I never catch colds, I never get infections, but did get some damned Dermatitis on a couple fingers of my right hand. I'm thinking it was from the isopropyl alcohol-based hand sanitizers in 2020. The VA have me some shit for it, and it cleared up in a week.

I had the Rona Virus in September of 2020. It started out as a sneezing fit and then I was blowing red and green snot. I felt a little achy and tired, had a low-grade fever, and food tasted a little funny.

I rested up for three days, and then it was gone. I also tested positive for antibodies later.

Over the last two years, I've gone to literally several hundreds of garage sales, yard sales, estate sales, auctions, gun shows, etc. I never wore a mask to any of them. I've come into contact with God knows how many people, been sneezed on, breathed on, had face to face conversations, pissed without washing my hands, and handled things other people have just handled.

So fuck getting the vaccine. I don't want it, I don't need it, and neither does my wife. She never came down with it. We both take a multi-vitamin, a vitamin C tablet, and zinc capsules every day, and that's all I can say.
you fkd up!!!!!!!BIG TIME =
1. using drugs is a LOT different
2. using drugs can KILL OTHERS--if you are driving/etc
3. people commit crimes/rape/MURDER/for drugs or [ being on drugs ] because they can't afford them/etc
4. comparing drugs to the covid vaccine is RIDICULOUS

Dude, I wouldn't even bother trying to argue with moonglow. He's an idiot doper and a Biden ass-muncher.
Dude, I wouldn't even bother trying to argue with moonglow. He's an idiot doper and a Biden ass-muncher.
Yet, I don't do dope unlike you alcoholics which are just as bad. Your cowardice is the only factor that draws you to me because you are an easy target.
Yet, I don't do dope unlike you alcoholics which are just as bad. Your cowardice is the only factor that draws you to me because you are an easy target.

Let's take the challenge: You quit smoking pot every day, and I'll quit drinking a couple shots of vodka every week.

Bet ya can't.
I am not "everyone." 71 years old, two inhalers for COPD, and I smoke a pack of the long Black Marlboros every day. I've only had one Flu shot in my life, and can't remember the last time I had the flu. I never catch colds, I never get infections, but did get some damned Dermatitis on a couple fingers of my right hand. I'm thinking it was from the isopropyl alcohol-based hand sanitizers in 2020. The VA have me some shit for it, and it cleared up in a week.

I had the Rona Virus in September of 2020. It started out as a sneezing fit and then I was blowing red and green snot. I felt a little achy and tired, had a low-grade fever, and food tasted a little funny.

I rested up for three days, and then it was gone. I also tested positive for antibodies later.

Over the last two years, I've gone to literally several hundreds of garage sales, yard sales, estate sales, auctions, gun shows, etc. I never wore a mask to any of them. I've come into contact with God knows how many people, been sneezed on, breathed on, had face to face conversations, pissed without washing my hands, and handled things other people have just handled.

So fuck getting the vaccine. I don't want it, I don't need it, and neither does my wife. She never came down with it. We both take a multi-vitamin, a vitamin C tablet, and zinc capsules every day, and that's all I can say.
I had a flu shot once and got sick--never took another shot and never got the flu
My body, my choice, sorry you don't get to make the rules now that you don't want to do something that the govt. and business is trying to force you to do. It's either a choice of liberty or subjugation.
it's not your choice if you are a danger to OTHERS.......
My body, my choice, sorry you don't get to make the rules now that you don't want to do something that the govt. and business is trying to force you to do. It's either a choice of liberty or subjugation.
Dude. What are you, some kind of sovereign citizen libertarian Ron Paulista or something? it's not "your body." It belongs to the Mexican drug cartels who got you started smoking that shit. And your body belongs to those fuckin' hippies who made you think it was cool, back in the 60's. Hippies like Charlie Manson, ya know. And all those liberals eletist rich capitalist rock musicians who told you it was cool to get high, but would hesitate to drop a dime on your ass nowadays. Just how much of your life did you waste on them back in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's Boomer doper? I'm sure they appreciate it, you old burnout.


Her 'uncanceledNews' (LOL), Citing 'NaturalNews.' (LOL)
Anti-Vaxer PoliticSheik as usual off the wall and unwittingly trying to get people Killed/ by not getting Vaxed.

Natural News (formerly NewsTarget, which is now a separate sister site) is a Far-Right, Anti-vaccination Conspiracy theory and Fake news website known for promoting alternative medicine, Pseudoscience, and Far-right Extremism.[1][2][3][4]
The site's founder, Michael Allen "Mike" Adams, gained attention after posting a blog entry implying a call for Violence against proponents of GMO foods, and then allegedly creating another website with a list of names of alleged supporters. He has been accused of using "pseudoscience to sell his lies".[5] Adams has described vaccines as "medical child abuse".[6]
The website sells various dietary supplements, promotes alternative medicine and climate change denial, makes tendentious nutrition and health claims,[7] disseminates fake news,[8][9][10][11][12] and espouses various conspiracy theories and pro-Donald Trump propaganda.[13][14]
These conspiracy theories include chemophobic claims about the purported dangers of "chemtrails",[1] fluoridated drinking water,[15] anti-perspirants, laundry detergent, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, and vaccines.[1][7][16]
It has also spread Conspiracy theories about the Zika virus allegedly being spread by genetically modified mosquitoes[17] and purported adverse effects of genetically modified crops, as well as the farming practices associated with and foods derived from them.[18]
As of 2014, Natural News had approximately 7 million unique visitors per month.[4]
In May 2020, Facebook banned Natural News content from its platform after discovering that the site was boosting its popularity using content farms in North Macedonia and the Philippines, a form of spamming.[19] Natural News bypassed the ban by republishing its content on a large number of topic-specific domain names, including trump.news, extinction.news, mind.control.news, and veggie.news.[19][20] The Institute for Strategic Dialogue found 496 domain names associated with Natural News as of June 2020.[20][21]..​

Sorry, mang. I couldn't make heads or tails from that word salad. Just come out and tell me, are you somebody I should give a shit about, or not?
Sorry, mang. I couldn't make heads or tails from that word salad. Just come out and tell me, are you somebody I should give a shit about, or not?
I can't even find your stupid one-liners in your giant mess of Sig Memes.
It makes the hole thread unreadable as well

You should have to make one post a year as big/long as your Idiot Meme sig.

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