Trump’s Vanishing Base

Yes....and Trump won't last through December....Trump doesn't want to be President, he is going to get bored and just quit....he can't beat the real republicans in the primary.........he can't win the Primary.......he can't beat hilary....all polls show she has a double digit lead over Trump......Trump is not going to be President.......

President Trump......

You guys keep telling us these things......hmmmm........I wonder if we should trust your powers of prediction?
You forgot the one about putting himself through a 17-month grind just so he could start Trump TV after his defeat.

You gotta admit these lefty loons are a mildly creative bunch.
The deplorable's last hurrah

Blue-collar whites put him over the top. Here’s why it won’t happen again.

The GOP, says Teixeira, is “clearly riding on demographic borrowed time.” In the long run, Trump’s coalition of the aggrieved may have as little staying power as the agrarian populists of the 1880s, whose rural base was ultimately overwhelmed by urbanization. Ironically, if Republicans continue to ignore America’s new majority—women, young voters, and people of color

The trend is so strong that no level of turnout among working-class whites will stem the demographic tide. “The racial composition of the electorate will continue to shift dramatically over the next four elections,” says Teixeira, co-author of The Emerging Democratic Majority. “Even with the astronomically high support for Trump among the white working class and the relatively weak minority support for Clinton, projected demographic shifts will still produce a very different outcome in 2020.” Even if blue-collar strongholds like Macomb County swing redder next time, the GOP will still come up short.

Trump’s Vanishing Base
What is gonna really take Trump to the level he deserves, with is bottom of the pit, are these die hard whites, looking to restore, to make Great Again, not America, but white privilege when it comes to income levels in this country...middle america....He's gonna throw them a infastructual bone for a few months, perhaps a year or two....but after that??? He's got nothing. The fact that this man, still to this day, has his brands all manufactured in foreign countries, who like most business owners, do so for profit only, is never gonna forgo profit for anybody, let alone these lunatics high off of Trump bullshit....I just hope he doesn't get LARRY FLINT'D FOR THIS LIE HE PLAYED ON THESE PEOPLE, CAUSE WHITE PEOPLE ARE GETTING CRAZIER AND MORE DESPERATE THAN EVER....ESPECIALLY THOSE THINKING 1960 PASSIVE NIGGA'S ARE STILL AROUND, CAUSE THEY BEEN DEAD FOR A VERY LONG TIME AND THEIR OFF SPRING????.....JUST SAYIN!!
The deplorable's last hurrah

Blue-collar whites put him over the top. Here’s why it won’t happen again.

The GOP, says Teixeira, is “clearly riding on demographic borrowed time.” In the long run, Trump’s coalition of the aggrieved may have as little staying power as the agrarian populists of the 1880s, whose rural base was ultimately overwhelmed by urbanization. Ironically, if Republicans continue to ignore America’s new majority—women, young voters, and people of color

The trend is so strong that no level of turnout among working-class whites will stem the demographic tide. “The racial composition of the electorate will continue to shift dramatically over the next four elections,” says Teixeira, co-author of The Emerging Democratic Majority. “Even with the astronomically high support for Trump among the white working class and the relatively weak minority support for Clinton, projected demographic shifts will still produce a very different outcome in 2020.” Even if blue-collar strongholds like Macomb County swing redder next time, the GOP will still come up short.

Trump’s Vanishing Base
What is gonna really take Trump to the level he deserves, with is bottom of the pit, are these die hard whites, looking to restore, to make Great Again, not America, but white privilege when it comes to income levels in this country...middle america....He's gonna throw them a infastructual bone for a few months, perhaps a year or two....but after that??? He's got nothing. The fact that this man, still to this day, has his brands all manufactured in foreign countries, who like most business owners, do so for profit only, is never gonna forgo profit for anybody, let alone these lunatics high off of Trump bullshit....I just hope he doesn't get LARRY FLINT'D FOR THIS LIE HE PLAYED ON THESE PEOPLE, CAUSE WHITE PEOPLE ARE GETTING CRAZIER AND MORE DESPERATE THAN EVER....ESPECIALLY THOSE THINKING 1960 PASSIVE NIGGA'S ARE STILL AROUND, CAUSE THEY BEEN DEAD FOR A VERY LONG TIME AND THEIR OFF SPRING????.....JUST SAYIN!!

Please repeat that in a human language.
Hang on a minute. I thought that that old demographic time bomb had already gone off, after Romney lost.

Well, I don't suppose the goalposts are going to move themselves.
If those groups would have showed up Clinton would have won.

And will those whites show up in 2020 if trump doesn't improve their lives?
The deplorable's last hurrah

Blue-collar whites put him over the top. Here’s why it won’t happen again.

The GOP, says Teixeira, is “clearly riding on demographic borrowed time.” In the long run, Trump’s coalition of the aggrieved may have as little staying power as the agrarian populists of the 1880s, whose rural base was ultimately overwhelmed by urbanization. Ironically, if Republicans continue to ignore America’s new majority—women, young voters, and people of color

The trend is so strong that no level of turnout among working-class whites will stem the demographic tide. “The racial composition of the electorate will continue to shift dramatically over the next four elections,” says Teixeira, co-author of The Emerging Democratic Majority. “Even with the astronomically high support for Trump among the white working class and the relatively weak minority support for Clinton, projected demographic shifts will still produce a very different outcome in 2020.” Even if blue-collar strongholds like Macomb County swing redder next time, the GOP will still come up short.

Trump’s Vanishing Base
What is gonna really take Trump to the level he deserves, with is bottom of the pit, are these die hard whites, looking to restore, to make Great Again, not America, but white privilege when it comes to income levels in this country...middle america....He's gonna throw them a infastructual bone for a few months, perhaps a year or two....but after that??? He's got nothing. The fact that this man, still to this day, has his brands all manufactured in foreign countries, who like most business owners, do so for profit only, is never gonna forgo profit for anybody, let alone these lunatics high off of Trump bullshit....I just hope he doesn't get LARRY FLINT'D FOR THIS LIE HE PLAYED ON THESE PEOPLE, CAUSE WHITE PEOPLE ARE GETTING CRAZIER AND MORE DESPERATE THAN EVER....ESPECIALLY THOSE THINKING 1960 PASSIVE NIGGA'S ARE STILL AROUND, CAUSE THEY BEEN DEAD FOR A VERY LONG TIME AND THEIR OFF SPRING????.....JUST SAYIN!!

Sock girl needs a box of safety pins @==> @==> @==> @==> @==> @==> @==> @==> @==> @==>

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