Seymour Flops
Diamond Member
Ruy Teixeira on NPR:
Ruy Teixeira co-wrote an influential book with John Judis 20 years ago called "The Emerging Democratic Majority." It seemed to presage Barack Obama's election as president in 2008 and argued that demographic changes in America and the growth of Hispanic voters and other groups would make Democrats the majority in America in the 21st century. Now he's not so sure. In a series of interviews and posts, Mr. Teixeira has told Democrats that more voters of color - and we'll ask him how he feels about that phrase - are supporting Republicans. Ruy Teixeira joins us now.
TEIXEIRA: Well, what I see happening - you mentioned my book with John Judis. We stipulated in that book that you needed a core level of white working-class support, since white noncollege voters are still such a large share of the population. Now, as it turned out, over time, we did see white working-class voters continue to move away from the Democrats. In some ways, Obama's 2008 election was a high point. Ever since then, they've been bleeding white working-class voters. That's really why Trump got elected.
It's very telling that white working class people turned out in the strongest numbers ever for Barack Obama, but those numbers declined sharply when the Dems ran and old white woman and then a very old white man. Lends the lie to the idea that working class whites support Trump because they are racist. Not that the left ever really believed that.
I can't quote it all, and it is all pretty good, so I won't edit it down. Read or listen for yourself:
It isn't just working class whites that the Dems are losing. They may well get the votes of those illegal aliens they are letting flood in, but they will have to wait until they are eligible for citizenship, since the Dems would never cheat or since cheating is non-existent, or whatever. But right now their fanatical pro-abortion stance, combined with bringing in hundreds of thousands of low-skilled workers to compete for entry-level jobs is losing the votes of working class Hispanics and Blacks, as well as whites.
I have to wonder, who the Democratic Party strategists think their base is? Do they think they can win, by only appealing to liberal college professors and gender dysphorics who want kids involved with their disorder? That's a pretty narrow appeal, isn't it?
Ruy Teixeira co-wrote an influential book with John Judis 20 years ago called "The Emerging Democratic Majority." It seemed to presage Barack Obama's election as president in 2008 and argued that demographic changes in America and the growth of Hispanic voters and other groups would make Democrats the majority in America in the 21st century. Now he's not so sure. In a series of interviews and posts, Mr. Teixeira has told Democrats that more voters of color - and we'll ask him how he feels about that phrase - are supporting Republicans. Ruy Teixeira joins us now.
TEIXEIRA: Well, what I see happening - you mentioned my book with John Judis. We stipulated in that book that you needed a core level of white working-class support, since white noncollege voters are still such a large share of the population. Now, as it turned out, over time, we did see white working-class voters continue to move away from the Democrats. In some ways, Obama's 2008 election was a high point. Ever since then, they've been bleeding white working-class voters. That's really why Trump got elected.
It's very telling that white working class people turned out in the strongest numbers ever for Barack Obama, but those numbers declined sharply when the Dems ran and old white woman and then a very old white man. Lends the lie to the idea that working class whites support Trump because they are racist. Not that the left ever really believed that.
I can't quote it all, and it is all pretty good, so I won't edit it down. Read or listen for yourself:
It isn't just working class whites that the Dems are losing. They may well get the votes of those illegal aliens they are letting flood in, but they will have to wait until they are eligible for citizenship, since the Dems would never cheat or since cheating is non-existent, or whatever. But right now their fanatical pro-abortion stance, combined with bringing in hundreds of thousands of low-skilled workers to compete for entry-level jobs is losing the votes of working class Hispanics and Blacks, as well as whites.
I have to wonder, who the Democratic Party strategists think their base is? Do they think they can win, by only appealing to liberal college professors and gender dysphorics who want kids involved with their disorder? That's a pretty narrow appeal, isn't it?