Trump’s own commission couldn’t find a single case of voter fraud. Trump claims there are “thousands” of cases based on no evidence


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.
And our little mentally challenged Billy with yet ANOTHER "Orange Man Bad" thread. Do you EVER get tired of posting all the sh*t that you post, day after day after day after day? It's hilarious and quite SAD to see you keep doing this. And pathetic, as well.

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.
And our little mentally challenged Billy with yet ANOTHER "Orange Man Bad" thread. Do you EVER get tired of posting all the sh*t that you post, day after day after day after day? It's hilarious and quite SAD to see you keep doing this. And pathetic, as well.
It’s amazing how much facts that don’t coddle your worldview scare you so much. As usual, republicans are proven wrong and all you can do is make this about me lol

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.

The Washington Post is most useful for when you run out of toilet paper.

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.

The Washington Post is most useful for when you run out of toilet paper.
What about the Trump administration’s own investigative body into the issue? Apparently they are pretty useless. They didn’t find any case at all.

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.

The Washington Post is most useful for when you run out of toilet paper.
What about the Trump administration’s own investigative body into the issue? Apparently they are pretty useless. They didn’t find any case at all.

When a blue voting district has more votes than registered voters, something smells. And it happens in every election, especially in California.

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.

The Washington Post is most useful for when you run out of toilet paper.
What about the Trump administration’s own investigative body into the issue? Apparently they are pretty useless. They didn’t find any case at all.

When a blue voting district has more votes than registered voters, something smells. And it happens in every election, especially in California.
Okay so why didn’t Trump’s commission find anything? We all know they doubled down in blue areas. Are they just incompetent?
The Washington Post is most useful for when you run out of toilet paper.

Hey, I have some in stock for ya! Lol


What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.

The Washington Post is most useful for when you run out of toilet paper.
What about the Trump administration’s own investigative body into the issue? Apparently they are pretty useless. They didn’t find any case at all.

When a blue voting district has more votes than registered voters, something smells. And it happens in every election, especially in California.
Okay so why didn’t Trump’s commission find anything? We all know they doubled down in blue areas. Are they just incompetent?
Because the sources in your link, Yahoo AND the Washington Compost Heap are anti-Trump, FAR Left leaning, lying, Fake News pieces of shit? THAT would probably be the reason.............
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Because the sources in your link, yahoo AND the Washington Compost Heap are anti-Trump, FAR Left leaning, lying, Fake News pieces of shit? THAT would probably be the reason............

I saw that, and I was wondering......."Who the hell even goes on Yahoo anyways?" But I know who and why. Lol
Because the sources in your link, yahoo AND the Washington Compost Heap are anti-Trump, FAR Left leaning, lying, Fake News pieces of shit? THAT would probably be the reason............

I saw that, and I was wondering......."Who the hell even goes on Yahoo anyways?" But I know who and why. Lol
Yep, Yahoo is notoriously anti-Trump. And unfortunately my sister gets her ONLY political news FROM Yahoo because she has an e-mail account with them and because we don't have cable TV. It's LITERALLY her only source for news. This would explain WHY she hates our president. It's sad because my sister is VERY smart in many other areas, but SO dumb when it comes to politics.

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.

The Washington Post is most useful for when you run out of toilet paper.
What about the Trump administration’s own investigative body into the issue? Apparently they are pretty useless. They didn’t find any case at all.

When a blue voting district has more votes than registered voters, something smells. And it happens in every election, especially in California.
Okay so why didn’t Trump’s commission find anything? We all know they doubled down in blue areas. Are they just incompetent?
Because the sources in your link, Yahoo AND the Washington Compost Heap are anti-Trump, FAR Left leaning, lying, Fake News pieces of shit? THAT would probably be the reason.............
Mm okay so show me the evidence that Trump’s commission did in fact find voter fraud for the 2016 election.

Go ahead I’ll wait.
You folks on the left are so stupid! Seriously, you guys and gals are so biased. It's no wonder why when you post some link - we on the right, already know how stupid the rest of the posts are gonna be. :auiqs.jpg:

View attachment 341058
I think you know I’m right but you can’t handle it emotionally so you deflected entirely.
I think you know I’m right but you can’t handle it emotionally so you deflected entirely.

Right about what? :auiqs.jpg:

The only thing you have been right so how stupid you really are. And how you make an ass out of yourself with your lame posts. Your true colors are showing. :auiqs.jpg:
Our little mentally challenged Billy is a riot, isn't he? He's SO wrong and SO stupid regarding anything political in nature. It's hilarious to observe!
Billy....we all know how much you despise Trump. We get that.
But wouldn't it just be safe for you to remain in your safe space a little longer? After all, we are still in lockdown. :auiqs.jpg:
Billy....we all know how much you despise Trump. We get that.
But wouldn't it just be safe for you to remain in your safe space a little longer? After all, we are still in lockdown. :auiqs.jpg:
Yep! To be on the SAFE side, dumb little Billy should probably stay in his Safe Space until, let's say, May of 2025. THAT should do the trick!
I think you know I’m right but you can’t handle it emotionally so you deflected entirely.

Right about what? :auiqs.jpg:

The only thing you have been right so how stupid you really are. And how you make an ass out of yourself with your lame posts. Your true colors are showing. :auiqs.jpg:
Nah, I’m just right. What else can be said?

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