Trump throws the Peter Principle out the window.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Prince Jared, husband to Princess Ivanka, has been given an astonishing variety of responsibilities since the Orange Messiah was anointed prez by the EC. Everything from reorganizing the VA to bringing peace to the ME. These are not small tasks for anyone, let alone someone whose only qualification for tackling them is the wedding ring on his finger.

Most recently he was given another job. Help the government procure PPE. It did not go well.

"The fumbling search for new supplies — heralded by Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner as a way to pipe private-sector hustle and accountability into the hidebound federal bureaucracy — became a case study of Mr. Trump’s style of governing, in which personal relationships and loyalty are often prized over governmental expertise, and private interests are granted extraordinary access and deference."

One could argue the Peter Principle applied to Jared from the moment he crossed the threshold entering the WH. But his failures have not stopped Dad-in-Law from heaping ever more responsibility on the prince. And now..........this.

Kushner’s Screwed Up His COVID-19 Jobs—Now He’s Got an Even Bigger One

"Already under fire for his role atop a shadow task force aiding the administration’s response to the coronavirus, senior White House aide Jared Kushner is now being handed another critical job: helping get a vaccine for the disease developed in record time.

President Donald Trump, who has said he believes a COVID-19 vaccine will be available by the end of the year, is turning to his son-in-law to help streamline the effort, branded, “Operation Warp Speed.” Kushner is working alongside White House senior adviser Peter Navarro, who pitched the operation via memo to the president’s coronavirus task force as early as this February."
The thing I want to say about this stunning, shameless display of nepotism is it's going to cost human lives. Just as the admin's bungled response to COVID has cost human lives. The amount of death and human suffering, let alone the economic damage, that has come as a result of Trump's failures may have already exceeded the tragic consequences of Dubya decision to "liberate" Iraq. This country has paid, and is paying, an extraordinary price for electing people like Don and George, people who are simply unqualified for the job of prez.
Prince Jared, husband to Princess Ivanka, has been given an astonishing variety of responsibilities since the Orange Messiah was anointed prez by the EC. Everything from reorganizing the VA to bringing peace to the ME. These are not small tasks for anyone, let alone someone whose only qualification for tackling them is the wedding ring on his finger.

Most recently he was given another job. Help the government procure PPE. It did not go well.

"The fumbling search for new supplies — heralded by Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner as a way to pipe private-sector hustle and accountability into the hidebound federal bureaucracy — became a case study of Mr. Trump’s style of governing, in which personal relationships and loyalty are often prized over governmental expertise, and private interests are granted extraordinary access and deference."

One could argue the Peter Principle applied to Jared from the moment he crossed the threshold entering the WH. But his failures have not stopped Dad-in-Law from heaping ever more responsibility on the prince. And now..........this.

Kushner’s Screwed Up His COVID-19 Jobs—Now He’s Got an Even Bigger One

"Already under fire for his role atop a shadow task force aiding the administration’s response to the coronavirus, senior White House aide Jared Kushner is now being handed another critical job: helping get a vaccine for the disease developed in record time.

President Donald Trump, who has said he believes a COVID-19 vaccine will be available by the end of the year, is turning to his son-in-law to help streamline the effort, branded, “Operation Warp Speed.” Kushner is working alongside White House senior adviser Peter Navarro, who pitched the operation via memo to the president’s coronavirus task force as early as this February."
The thing I want to say about this stunning, shameless display of nepotism is it's going to cost human lives. Just as the admin's bungled response to COVID has cost human lives. The amount of death and human suffering, let alone the economic damage, that has come as a result of Trump's failures may have already exceeded the tragic consequences of Dubya decision to "liberate" Iraq. This country has paid, and is paying, an extraordinary price for electing people like Don and George, people who are simply unqualified for the job of prez.
Too bad your argument was supplied to you by the liars at the NYTimes

No one comes running anymore when libs cry wolf
Prince Jared, husband to Princess Ivanka, has been given an astonishing variety of responsibilities since the Orange Messiah was anointed prez by the EC. Everything from reorganizing the VA to bringing peace to the ME. These are not small tasks for anyone, let alone someone whose only qualification for tackling them is the wedding ring on his finger.

Most recently he was given another job. Help the government procure PPE. It did not go well.

"The fumbling search for new supplies — heralded by Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner as a way to pipe private-sector hustle and accountability into the hidebound federal bureaucracy — became a case study of Mr. Trump’s style of governing, in which personal relationships and loyalty are often prized over governmental expertise, and private interests are granted extraordinary access and deference."

One could argue the Peter Principle applied to Jared from the moment he crossed the threshold entering the WH. But his failures have not stopped Dad-in-Law from heaping ever more responsibility on the prince. And now..........this.

Kushner’s Screwed Up His COVID-19 Jobs—Now He’s Got an Even Bigger One

"Already under fire for his role atop a shadow task force aiding the administration’s response to the coronavirus, senior White House aide Jared Kushner is now being handed another critical job: helping get a vaccine for the disease developed in record time.

President Donald Trump, who has said he believes a COVID-19 vaccine will be available by the end of the year, is turning to his son-in-law to help streamline the effort, branded, “Operation Warp Speed.” Kushner is working alongside White House senior adviser Peter Navarro, who pitched the operation via memo to the president’s coronavirus task force as early as this February."
The thing I want to say about this stunning, shameless display of nepotism is it's going to cost human lives. Just as the admin's bungled response to COVID has cost human lives. The amount of death and human suffering, let alone the economic damage, that has come as a result of Trump's failures may have already exceeded the tragic consequences of Dubya decision to "liberate" Iraq. This country has paid, and is paying, an extraordinary price for electing people like Don and George, people who are simply unqualified for the job of prez.

Prince Jared, husband to Princess Ivanka, has been given an astonishing variety of responsibilities since the Orange Messiah was anointed prez by the EC. Everything from reorganizing the VA to bringing peace to the ME. These are not small tasks for anyone, let alone someone whose only qualification for tackling them is the wedding ring on his finger.

Most recently he was given another job. Help the government procure PPE. It did not go well.

"The fumbling search for new supplies — heralded by Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner as a way to pipe private-sector hustle and accountability into the hidebound federal bureaucracy — became a case study of Mr. Trump’s style of governing, in which personal relationships and loyalty are often prized over governmental expertise, and private interests are granted extraordinary access and deference."

One could argue the Peter Principle applied to Jared from the moment he crossed the threshold entering the WH. But his failures have not stopped Dad-in-Law from heaping ever more responsibility on the prince. And now..........this.

Kushner’s Screwed Up His COVID-19 Jobs—Now He’s Got an Even Bigger One

"Already under fire for his role atop a shadow task force aiding the administration’s response to the coronavirus, senior White House aide Jared Kushner is now being handed another critical job: helping get a vaccine for the disease developed in record time.

President Donald Trump, who has said he believes a COVID-19 vaccine will be available by the end of the year, is turning to his son-in-law to help streamline the effort, branded, “Operation Warp Speed.” Kushner is working alongside White House senior adviser Peter Navarro, who pitched the operation via memo to the president’s coronavirus task force as early as this February."
The thing I want to say about this stunning, shameless display of nepotism is it's going to cost human lives. Just as the admin's bungled response to COVID has cost human lives. The amount of death and human suffering, let alone the economic damage, that has come as a result of Trump's failures may have already exceeded the tragic consequences of Dubya decision to "liberate" Iraq. This country has paid, and is paying, an extraordinary price for electing people like Don and George, people who are simply unqualified for the job of prez.
The Peter Principle was about people getting promoted up to the point where they fail and either stagnate or get demoted or fired. Here, however, we have people who've been promoted BEYOND the initial failure point. Boy, are we in for some trouble.
Whats your beef? I hear you throw around a lot of peter too
Prince Jared, husband to Princess Ivanka, has been given an astonishing variety of responsibilities since the Orange Messiah was anointed prez by the EC. ...

When you start off immediately by using such ridiculous, partisan, hate-driven verbiage, everyone knows you are a miserable, butt-hurt, hate-driven, Trump-hating snowflake and that nothing after that 1st sentence is worth reading. Those who are TDS-suffering, like-minded snowflakes will continue to read, of course, but anyone objective will shut down and ignore you, and you have no hope of swaying anyone. Regulars on this board know immediately, however, that you hate the president, that nothing will ever change that, and that the vast majority of the time what you post is not worth reading because everything you post is so slanted due to that hate. I, personally, stopped reading after this ridiculous 1st line. Just saying...
The Peter Principle was about people getting promoted up to the point where they fail and either stagnate or get demoted or fired. Here, however, we have people who've been promoted BEYOND the initial failure point. Boy, are we in for some trouble.

Gee, what does that say about Hillary, a proven criminal and 2-Time Loser who could not even win a rigged election ?!

:p Bwuhahahahahahaha.........
Too bad your argument was supplied to you by the liars at the NYTimes
You folks are always clueless about the facts. But your reflexive dismissal of them is noted.

"Although some of the volunteers have relevant backgrounds and experience, many others were poorly matched with their assigned jobs, including those given the task of securing personal protective equipment (PPE) for hospitals nationwide, according to a complaint filed last month with the House Oversight Committee.
The complaint, obtained by The Washington Post, was submitted by a volunteer who has since left the group
and who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution from the administration. Key elements of the complaint were confirmed by six administration officials and one outside adviser to the effort, many of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations."
The Peter Principle was about people getting promoted up to the point where they fail and either stagnate or get demoted or fired. Here, however, we have people who've been promoted BEYOND the initial failure point. Boy, are we in for some trouble.
Gee, what does that say about Hillary, a proven criminal and 2-Time Loser who could not even win a rigged election ?!
It doesn't really say anything about it at all, kind of like your post, irrelevant.
Prince Jared, husband to Princess Ivanka, has been given an astonishing variety of responsibilities since the Orange Messiah was anointed prez by the EC. Everything from reorganizing the VA to bringing peace to the ME. These are not small tasks for anyone, let alone someone whose only qualification for tackling them is the wedding ring on his finger.

Most recently he was given another job. Help the government procure PPE. It did not go well.

"The fumbling search for new supplies — heralded by Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner as a way to pipe private-sector hustle and accountability into the hidebound federal bureaucracy — became a case study of Mr. Trump’s style of governing, in which personal relationships and loyalty are often prized over governmental expertise, and private interests are granted extraordinary access and deference."

One could argue the Peter Principle applied to Jared from the moment he crossed the threshold entering the WH. But his failures have not stopped Dad-in-Law from heaping ever more responsibility on the prince. And now..........this.

Kushner’s Screwed Up His COVID-19 Jobs—Now He’s Got an Even Bigger One

"Already under fire for his role atop a shadow task force aiding the administration’s response to the coronavirus, senior White House aide Jared Kushner is now being handed another critical job: helping get a vaccine for the disease developed in record time.

President Donald Trump, who has said he believes a COVID-19 vaccine will be available by the end of the year, is turning to his son-in-law to help streamline the effort, branded, “Operation Warp Speed.” Kushner is working alongside White House senior adviser Peter Navarro, who pitched the operation via memo to the president’s coronavirus task force as early as this February."
The thing I want to say about this stunning, shameless display of nepotism is it's going to cost human lives. Just as the admin's bungled response to COVID has cost human lives. The amount of death and human suffering, let alone the economic damage, that has come as a result of Trump's failures may have already exceeded the tragic consequences of Dubya decision to "liberate" Iraq. This country has paid, and is paying, an extraordinary price for electing people like Don and George, people who are simply unqualified for the job of prez.
Kushner’s work is volunteer work and just a supplement to the Federal response. Is he giving the briefings everyday? No.

But it is hilarious to listen to you morons whine about the only qualifications being a wedding finger. This from the party of Hillary Clinton and now pushing for Michelle Obama to be VP.
Would a Trumplehead like to explain what qualifies Prince Jared for any government job, let alone being involved in coordinating the search for a new vaccine?

Cuz there is a guy who is qualified. But he just got demoted for insisting that science, not connections, should determine the use of any drug to fight COVID.
"Some associates of Mr. Trump sought special treatment from FEMA. In one case, Jeanine Pirro, the Trump stalwart and Fox host, repeatedly contacted task force members and FEMA officials until 100,000 masks were sent to a hospital she favored."

Is this really the way decisions should be made? By virtue of connections.
I see you still have that nasty problem with accepting reality that you acquired back in Nov 2016.
What does that nonsense have to do with the facts revealed in the complaint filed with the Oversight Committee?
He is a demonstrated impediment to progress. when Democrats attempted to author legislation that would prevent President Trump from imposing his life-saving travel ban, the one Biden called Xenophobic and Democrats opposed...until Biden finally admitted it was the right thing to do?

"Some associates of Mr. Trump sought special treatment from FEMA. In one case, Jeanine Pirro, the Trump stalwart and Fox host, repeatedly contacted task force members and FEMA officials until 100,000 masks were sent to a hospital she favored."

Is this really the way decisions should be made? By virtue of connections.
You did not have a problem with it under the Clintons or Obama.....gee, why is that?


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