Trump Says "Real" Unemployment Rate is 42%

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Even using the few figures he cites, I'm trying really hard to determine how he arrives at the idea that 134 million people are out of work.

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. I’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.

Donald Trump Explains All
Trumps goal is to capture votes from poor white unemployed people who are frustrated.

Keep in mind the tea bag and GOP establishment obstructed the Democrats after Obama Reid and pelosi won but guys like Mitch McConnell did everything they could to sabotage his first term.

And what laws have the GOP passed since? They're praying for Jeb or Walker to win.
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Even using the few figures he cites, I'm trying really hard to determine how he arrives at the idea that 134 million people are out of work.

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. I’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.

Donald Trump Explains All

Its probably even higher. Think of all those toddlers and primary school kids who are refusing to go out and support themselves with gainful employment. Or worse....

.....can't find work.

Most unemployment numbers don't include those people because they are being supported by someone so they have no need to work. Democrats are not included for the same reason.

Most unemployment numbers don't include housewives, college students or the retired. Or use the LBR.

But that doesn't stop Trump and his ilk from folding them and legions of phantom, imaginary people into that '42%'.
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Even using the few figures he cites, I'm trying really hard to determine how he arrives at the idea that 134 million people are out of work.

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. I’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.

Donald Trump Explains All

Its probably even higher. Think of all those toddlers and primary school kids who are refusing to go out and support themselves with gainful employment. Or worse....

.....can't find work.

Most unemployment numbers don't include those people because they are being supported by someone so they have no need to work. Democrats are not included for the same reason.
But it has been a right wing practice to include them on this Board. The real unemployment number for actual working age folks is 22 to 23 million.
So Trump thinks the UE rate is 42%, and he's also promising us the best economy ever.

UE during our best economic times was 3 or 4%.

Trump is promising to lower the unemployment rate by 38 percentage points?

Yep just like the conspiracy that 93 million Americans of the working age are sitting idle because they choose to do so...............
Only the most stupid people believe that all 93 million want a job but have dropped out because they have given up.

The fact is only about 6 million of those 93 million want a job and less than 1 million have given up due to discouragement. The rest have health, transportation, child care, etc., problems.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Not in Labor Force, Want a Job Now
Sarcasm went over your head as you ignore the point again. It was sarcasm back at the sarcasm posted at me. Bottom line that too many dang people and historically says our employment situation sucks......................

Perhaps you idiots can create some more 30 hour work week jobs with something similar to Obamacare...............Again, Idiots wrote that clause and put millions in that group as well............But hey............they are employed right..............just that they need a second job to get 40 hours because of the BS Obamacare that you shoved down the people's throats...................Not to mention that insurance rates went drastically up as a result as well.

Poverty's up pal................thanks to the economic policies of the idiot n chief............
So Trump thinks the UE rate is 42%, and he's also promising us the best economy ever.

UE during our best economic times was 3 or 4%.

Trump is promising to lower the unemployment rate by 38 percentage points?

Go Trump Go!
So Trump thinks the UE rate is 42%, and he's also promising us the best economy ever.

UE during our best economic times was 3 or 4%.

Trump is promising to lower the unemployment rate by 38 percentage points?

Go Trump Go!
Go Fakey Go.....................we know you want the Hidabeast......................Perhaps she can get Russia and China to erase her emails there as well. Classified emails need not apply nor the rules she fired others over.
So Trump thinks the UE rate is 42%, and he's also promising us the best economy ever.

UE during our best economic times was 3 or 4%.

Trump is promising to lower the unemployment rate by 38 percentage points?

Go Trump Go!
Go Fakey Go.....................we know you want the Hidabeast......................Perhaps she can get Russia and China to erase her emails there as well. Classified emails need not apply nor the rules she fired others over.
Early morning DTs, huh? Offer something of worth, please. Trump's numbers are wrong if he is implying that 42% of America is employable.
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Even using the few figures he cites, I'm trying really hard to determine how he arrives at the idea that 134 million people are out of work.

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. I’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.

Donald Trump Explains All
He is counting everyone in the country from the new born to the oldest to the lame and crazy, the right wing lazy, as eligible for employment.

This is never a winning argument for the far right.

The far right wants to turn these into slaves for the corporations so we can compete as ******* against south Asia.

I'd suggest tariffing the shit out of imports and doing away with h1b's to allow our people to be paid right.

Matt, really you are becoming hard to take serious anymore. sheesh
So Trump thinks the UE rate is 42%, and he's also promising us the best economy ever.

UE during our best economic times was 3 or 4%.

Trump is promising to lower the unemployment rate by 38 percentage points?

Go Trump Go!
Go Fakey Go.....................we know you want the Hidabeast......................Perhaps she can get Russia and China to erase her emails there as well. Classified emails need not apply nor the rules she fired others over.
Early morning DTs, huh? Offer something of worth, please. Trump's numbers are wrong if he is implying that 42% of America is employable.
As I stated a long time ago he put the lower % in the same answer..................You can't sell me that this isn't a miss speak situation............

But you will try.......................and you will vote for the Democratic nomination.........aka the HILDABEAST.............because you are a fake.
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Even using the few figures he cites, I'm trying really hard to determine how he arrives at the idea that 134 million people are out of work.

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. I’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.

Donald Trump Explains All
He is counting everyone in the country from the new born to the oldest to the lame and crazy, the right wing lazy, as eligible for employment.

This is never a winning argument for the far right.

The far right wants to turn these into slaves for the corporations so we can compete as ******* against south Asia.

I'd suggest tariffing the shit out of imports and doing away with h1b's to allow our people to be paid right.

Matt, really you are becoming hard to take serious anymore. sheesh
LOL. Most haven't taken him seriously for a long time...............He's the village idiot.
So Trump thinks the UE rate is 42%, and he's also promising us the best economy ever.

UE during our best economic times was 3 or 4%.

Trump is promising to lower the unemployment rate by 38 percentage points?

Go Trump Go!
Go Fakey Go.....................we know you want the Hidabeast......................Perhaps she can get Russia and China to erase her emails there as well. Classified emails need not apply nor the rules she fired others over.
Early morning DTs, huh? Offer something of worth, please. Trump's numbers are wrong if he is implying that 42% of America is employable.
As I stated a long time ago he put the lower % in the same answer..................You can't sell me that this isn't a miss speak situation............But you will try.......................and you will vote for the Democratic nomination.........aka the HILDABEAST.............because you are a fake.
ABC buddy, ABC. Anybody But Clinton. ABC. Anybody but Cruz. Kasich and Rubio would be a super ticket that could be any Dem ticket, I think.
the urge to demean is strong in the leftists...

they can't help themselves. You see any of the Democrats running for President talking about jobs, unemployment, our broken Immigration, boarders etc., things that are IMPORTANT to the American citizen? No they talk about how much FREE stuff they think their Subjects should receive VIA from the TAXPAYERS. like free college, free housing, etc. so they resort to he old standard of smearing, tearing down, the other candidates. typical dirty politics
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Even using the few figures he cites, I'm trying really hard to determine how he arrives at the idea that 134 million people are out of work.

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. I’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.

Donald Trump Explains All
There are also many people working part time who'd like full time work..Glad I could help you:thup:

Record 93,770,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Remains at 38-Year Low

A record 93,770,000 Americans 16 or older did not participate in the nation’s labor force in July, and the labor force participation rate remained at 62.6 percent, a 38-year low, according to data released Friday from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

The 93,770,000 Americans not in the labor force are those individuals who did not have a job and did not actively seek one in the past four weeks. This measure increased by 144,000 individuals over the month.

The participation rate, the percent of the population who participated in the labor force by either having a job or actively seeking one in the past four weeks, remained unchanged from June to July at 62.6 percent. This metric hasn’t been this low since October 1977, when it was 62.4 percent—a span of 38 years.

Record 93,770,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Remains at 38-Year Low

Not working is different to being unemployed. Trump doesn't know this?
Remember how the left with the left wing medias Attacked Bush's unemployment numbers? If they were below 6% they blew a gasket saying how bad a jobs President he was. this game with our lives has become a real joke to some it seems
the urge to demean is strong in the leftists...

they can't help themselves. You see any of the Democrats running for President talking about jobs, unemployment, our broken Immigration, boarders etc., things that are IMPORTANT to the American citizen? No they talk about how much FREE stuff they think their Subjects should receive VIA from the TAXPAYERS. like free college, free housing, etc. so they resort to he old standard of smearing, tearing down, the other candidates. typical dirty politics
It's what they always do................There plan for the border.............bring us more voters...........
Even though the Unions want tariffs because they want cheap labor as well and MORE VOTES.
Economy.............raise minimum wages and raise taxes.
Then the usual War on Women.........Black Lives matter.........and Universal Health Care..............

Their tactics are the same. Their Ethics are the same. They openly lie and violate the Constitution and then cheer about it and the average citizen wanting to keep all the hand outs will still vote for them. They've run places like Detroit into the ground. Business is leaving California in droves.............They want to Detroit the entire country with their stupidity.

Then the RINO's like them want to appease the Chamber for cheap labor...............We have the most corrupt politicians money can buy now, and they will continue to screw the people until this country economically implodes.
My mom's retired, I'm retired, my brother works, his wife is retired, my two sisters work.

So there's 50% Trump unemployment right in my family circle, lol.

And btw, that would 0% unemployment by normal measure.

You retire in your 50s now? Kinda like Greece retire at 48....You certainly get around for a retired guy..I guess That Viagra is wonder drug

Just for your info:
Greece's retirement age is 67.

And in 2012 they ranked as the hardest workers in Europe...

I was surprised too
Remember how the left with the left wing medias Attacked Bush's unemployment numbers? If they were below 6% they blew a gasket saying how bad a jobs President he was. this game with our lives has become a real joke to some it seems
That is what they do........back then they quoted the Free Trade Deals and those out of the work force all the time..........Now they deny it..............In this thread they are simply trying to get mileage out of a miss speak. It's what they do...............Hillary leads in the polls when she has allowed Classified data to be compromised.........................and they still want her................

Crazy assed liberals............No morals..........No ethics...............And actually believe the crap they are trying to shovel. Gullible public we have today............
Remember how the left with the left wing medias Attacked Bush's unemployment numbers? If they were below 6% they blew a gasket saying how bad a jobs President he was. this game with our lives has become a real joke to some it seems

So what you people are doing is blowing a gasket?

We are responding to the BS.................I don't believe Trump intended to quote that 42 % number..........If he keeps using it.........then maybe I'll agree.............The first number given in that response was more accurate....................the 22% or so figure........

What is your sides agenda............................On immigration...................Let them come.................
What is your agenda on wages............increase the minimum wage to lunacy.............and send more businesses packing..........
What is your agenda on the military............cut them to the bone until they have to use spit balls on the battlefield.........yet keep them in a constant War.
What is your foreign policy on Iran.............give them money, don't even get our people back, and allow them to get ICBM tech from Russia............
How's Libya doing..........................yeah it's a clusterfuck...........
How goes the battle with ISIS under the current leadership..........yes they are expanding across the region...............

Want more failure.........Want more poverty...........Want more LIES.............VOTE DEMOCRAP.

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