Trump Says "Real" Unemployment Rate is 42%

Perhaps you idiots can create some more 30 hour work week jobs with something similar to Obamacare...............Again, Idiots wrote that clause and put millions in that group as well............But hey............they are employed right..............just that they need a second job to get 40 hours because of the BS Obamacare that you shoved down the people's throats.
The lies just keep on coming. No matter how many times GOP hate radio propaganda is exposed for the lie it is, gullible suckers like you swallow their bullshit and beg for more.

The number of people working PT for economic reasons has gone DOWN since Obamacare was passed.
That's right, there are almost 3 million LESS people working PT for economic reasons today then when Obamacare was passed!!!!!

where's Your proof ole RUDE and nasty one? or you're just going to spout off from leftwing hate sites like, Mediamatters, Stinkprogress, etc. If you're being paid to be a tool for Obama and the DNC, you should be fired
Further proof that the Right are too lazy to do anything for themselves.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Employment Level - Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries
Proves what.........Proves more are having to work part time than before the crash.............While it may be dropping we still have a part time employment problem..................It hasn't returned to the levels before the crash.
No, it proves that LESS have to work PT for economic reasons!!!
How could you possibly miss that and conclude what you posted?????
Any increase in PT work is from those who ONLY want to work PT, like seniors who just want to keep busy, students who only have time for PT work, etc.
Perhaps you idiots can create some more 30 hour work week jobs with something similar to Obamacare...............Again, Idiots wrote that clause and put millions in that group as well............But hey............they are employed right..............just that they need a second job to get 40 hours because of the BS Obamacare that you shoved down the people's throats.
The lies just keep on coming. No matter how many times GOP hate radio propaganda is exposed for the lie it is, gullible suckers like you swallow their bullshit and beg for more.

The number of people working PT for economic reasons has gone DOWN since Obamacare was passed.
That's right, there are almost 3 million LESS people working PT for economic reasons today then when Obamacare was passed!!!!!

where's Your proof ole RUDE and nasty one? or you're just going to spout off from leftwing hate sites like, Mediamatters, Stinkprogress, etc. If you're being paid to be a tool for Obama and the DNC, you should be fired
Further proof that the Right are too lazy to do anything for themselves.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Employment Level - Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries
Proves what.........Proves more are having to work part time than before the crash.............While it may be dropping we still have a part time employment problem..................It hasn't returned to the levels before the crash.
No, it proves that LESS have to work PT for economic reasons!!!
How could you possibly miss that and conclude what you posted?????
Any increase in PT work is from those who ONLY want to work PT, like seniors who just want to keep busy, students who only have time for PT work, etc.
Yet that rate is higher than before the crash................Since the crash the PT work went through the roof...........and it hasn't come down yet..............

How about Home Ownership...........even though the chart was a bubble that Dems denied before the crash.............

If the American dream is alive and well then people should be buying homes...................
If the American dream was alive then our jobs wouldn't be headed overseas.............

Your side is desperate to show Obama as the Great Jobs man and how he saved us all................Even as he sells us out, along with the GOP to the TPP to outsource even more jobs..........

To leave the flood gates open from Mexico and lower our wages here in this country for the Chamber of Commerce..............
To hire a Jobs Adviser only to watch him shift GE manpower to China..........'
Trump is exactly spot on that we are getting our asses handed to us by China and Mexico........and the American Worker is taking that full brunt of these lost GOOD PAYING JOBS................But hey..................the Service Sector is growing...............aka Fast Food and Wall Mart...............

The only really good area that is helping us is the Energy Sector...........Fossil fuels and the jobs with the Liberals try to kill that aspect as well........but they couldn't get CAP AND TAX they try to kill Coal and raise everyone's power bills via the EPA...............

The 42% number is wrong...................the 22% is close to reality................and our country is going down the drain while one president HAS DOUBLED OUR DEBT.
The lies just keep on coming. No matter how many times GOP hate radio propaganda is exposed for the lie it is, gullible suckers like you swallow their bullshit and beg for more.

The number of people working PT for economic reasons has gone DOWN since Obamacare was passed.
That's right, there are almost 3 million LESS people working PT for economic reasons today then when Obamacare was passed!!!!!

where's Your proof ole RUDE and nasty one? or you're just going to spout off from leftwing hate sites like, Mediamatters, Stinkprogress, etc. If you're being paid to be a tool for Obama and the DNC, you should be fired
Further proof that the Right are too lazy to do anything for themselves.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Employment Level - Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries
Proves what.........Proves more are having to work part time than before the crash.............While it may be dropping we still have a part time employment problem..................It hasn't returned to the levels before the crash.
No, it proves that LESS have to work PT for economic reasons!!!
How could you possibly miss that and conclude what you posted?????
Any increase in PT work is from those who ONLY want to work PT, like seniors who just want to keep busy, students who only have time for PT work, etc.
Yet that rate is higher than before the crash................Since the crash the PT work went through the roof...........and it hasn't come down yet..............
And yet further still it is LOWER then when the ACA was passed, which Right-wing liars have been claiming caused it to rise. You keep trying to deflect from that lie rather than admit the truth that all your sources are lying to you and will continue to lie to you al long as you keep swallowing their shit and mindlessly parroting it in a public forum.
Perhaps you idiots can create some more 30 hour work week jobs with something similar to Obamacare...............Again, Idiots wrote that clause and put millions in that group as well............But hey............they are employed right..............just that they need a second job to get 40 hours because of the BS Obamacare that you shoved down the people's throats.
The lies just keep on coming. No matter how many times GOP hate radio propaganda is exposed for the lie it is, gullible suckers like you swallow their bullshit and beg for more.

The number of people working PT for economic reasons has gone DOWN since Obamacare was passed.
That's right, there are almost 3 million LESS people working PT for economic reasons today then when Obamacare was passed!!!!!


WOW! Outdated charts are supposed to support your lies?
There were 9,233,000 working PT for economic reasons when the ACA was signed and there are 6,325,000 now.
There were 138,751,000 total employed when the ACA was passed and 148,840,000 now, which is even more than were employed at the height of the Bush bubble of 146,595,000 total employed.
That's right, there are more Americans working now than ever in the history of this great country that Drumpf and the Right hope to destroy.

The DNC in this one is exceedingly strong...and like them, inaccurate and distorted.
the urge to demean is strong in the leftists...

they can't help themselves. You see any of the Democrats running for President talking about jobs, unemployment, our broken Immigration, boarders etc., things that are IMPORTANT to the American citizen? No they talk about how much FREE stuff they think their Subjects should receive VIA from the TAXPAYERS. like free college, free housing, etc. so they resort to he old standard of smearing, tearing down, the other candidates. typical dirty politics
It's what they always do................There plan for the border.............bring us more voters...........
Even though the Unions want tariffs because they want cheap labor as well and MORE VOTES.
Economy.............raise minimum wages and raise taxes.
Then the usual War on Women.........Black Lives matter.........and Universal Health Care..............

Their tactics are the same. Their Ethics are the same. They openly lie and violate the Constitution and then cheer about it and the average citizen wanting to keep all the hand outs will still vote for them. They've run places like Detroit into the ground. Business is leaving California in droves.............They want to Detroit the entire country with their stupidity.

Then the RINO's like them want to appease the Chamber for cheap labor...............We have the most corrupt politicians money can buy now, and they will continue to screw the people until this country economically implodes.

Agree with everything. this Federal Government and many STATE governments now are so corrupted, we the people don't stand a chance. But when you have a Citizenry that isn't Informed or Engaged this was bound to happen, I guess. Will the people wake before it's too late.

We already have this FEDERAL government under Obama FORCING us to purchase something or be FINED. what country are we living in. the federal government is suppose to protect us not freaking going around FINNING us for not buying something. We have STATE Governments that is suppose to be in charge of most of this stuff.....but his Federal Government has now grown into A MONSTER that is getting ready to CONSUME us with their Demands for more and more Money's all fxxked up

All three branches have become corrupt beyond redemption...The system has been infiltrated and turned against us, the citizens.

YEP, and the people sit and SAY NOTHING. being free a country and a free people is close to being dead. it's been sad watching it happen
where's Your proof ole RUDE and nasty one? or you're just going to spout off from leftwing hate sites like, Mediamatters, Stinkprogress, etc. If you're being paid to be a tool for Obama and the DNC, you should be fired
Further proof that the Right are too lazy to do anything for themselves.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Employment Level - Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries
Proves what.........Proves more are having to work part time than before the crash.............While it may be dropping we still have a part time employment problem..................It hasn't returned to the levels before the crash.
No, it proves that LESS have to work PT for economic reasons!!!
How could you possibly miss that and conclude what you posted?????
Any increase in PT work is from those who ONLY want to work PT, like seniors who just want to keep busy, students who only have time for PT work, etc.
Yet that rate is higher than before the crash................Since the crash the PT work went through the roof...........and it hasn't come down yet..............
And yet further still it is LOWER then when the ACA was passed, which Right-wing liars have been claiming caused it to rise. You keep trying to deflect from that lie rather than admit the truth that all your sources are lying to you and will continue to lie to you al long as you keep swallowing their shit and mindlessly parroting it in a public forum.
During the main fights on these forums and in the nation we quoted time and time again MAJOR COMPANIES putting more in PT positions because of the ACA.........which is why the number of PT employees hasn't dropped back to the norms.................Article after article saying the same danged thing...............and your side just side steps the issue...................Whoever wrote that into the ACA should be Tarred and Feathered.....................

You say look it going down..............slowly yes but not where it should be if we had a good recovery...................

As you ignore the poverty rates, people needing Food Stamps, the Medium incomes, home ownership in the dumps, working age citizens still living with parents, and etc..............
The 42% number is wrong...................the 22% is close to reality
5.3% is reality, but since you and your MessiahRushie have been hoping since the 2008 election for Americans to be unemployed so they can SUFFER for not agreeing with you and that is not happening you simply lie that unemployment is where you hoped it would be.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
Eagle, the number is less than 20 years ago with even more people in the work force.

Do you lie just to lie?
Perhaps you idiots can create some more 30 hour work week jobs with something similar to Obamacare...............Again, Idiots wrote that clause and put millions in that group as well............But hey............they are employed right..............just that they need a second job to get 40 hours because of the BS Obamacare that you shoved down the people's throats.
The lies just keep on coming. No matter how many times GOP hate radio propaganda is exposed for the lie it is, gullible suckers like you swallow their bullshit and beg for more.

The number of people working PT for economic reasons has gone DOWN since Obamacare was passed.
That's right, there are almost 3 million LESS people working PT for economic reasons today then when Obamacare was passed!!!!!


WOW! Outdated charts are supposed to support your lies?
There were 9,233,000 working PT for economic reasons when the ACA was signed and there are 6,325,000 now.
There were 138,751,000 total employed when the ACA was passed and 148,840,000 now, which is even more than were employed at the height of the Bush bubble of 146,595,000 total employed.
That's right, there are more Americans working now than ever in the history of this great country that Drumpf and the Right hope to destroy.
So people who were working and paying for their own health insurance, now are on Medicaid and can sit at home to get "free" health insurance? That's somehow a plus to an idiot like you?:slap:
During the main fights on these forums and in the nation we quoted time and time again MAJOR COMPANIES putting more in PT positions because of the ACA
And time and time again that was shown by the actual stats to be total bullshit, yet gullible suckers continue to swallow the anecdotal bullshit and ignore the actual real numbers. You hate this country so much you would rather believe lies as long as the lies satisfy your need to watch Americans suffer.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: Okay, folks, this health care business. We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.
Well, there are some people that are hoping to experience schadenfreude over health care realizations down the road.
Eeagle, the number is less than 20 years ago with even more people in the work force.

Do you lie just to lie?
On one of his posts I restated the employment numbers via a site to 2015 to confirm his numbers dip shit.............

Our economy is NOT DOING WELL..............We are getting our asses kicked by foreign trade..........and our standard of living is going down....................

Which part of that don't you understand...................but hey...........let's focus on the 42% only and not the dismal state of DEM LEADERSHIP.........
Let's ignore how over half the population of Detroit is gone under Dem, leadership..........
Let's ignore that companies in California are leaving under Dem Leadership........
Let's ignore the doubling of the federal debt under Obama....
Let's ignore that Hillary is the front runner while she violated the rules in the State Dept for Classified Data....
Let's ignore that Sanctuary cities are against the ICE laws of this land..
Let's ignore that the IRS openly targeted people who had conservative values, and no one went to jail
Let's ignore that the current potus brags about the pen and the phone.
Let's ignore that he is pushing amnesty outside of Congress.......
Let's ignore that the DOJ openly attacks states like Arizona for trying to secure the border.
Let's ignore the fast and furious gun running to drug cartels......
Let's ignore that the Potus will hand a 150 BILLION to Iran with a ribbon on it.
Let's ignore that the DNC isn't pushing anything new for the election other than the same ole same ole..

Your skirt is showing
Perhaps you idiots can create some more 30 hour work week jobs with something similar to Obamacare...............Again, Idiots wrote that clause and put millions in that group as well............But hey............they are employed right..............just that they need a second job to get 40 hours because of the BS Obamacare that you shoved down the people's throats.
The lies just keep on coming. No matter how many times GOP hate radio propaganda is exposed for the lie it is, gullible suckers like you swallow their bullshit and beg for more.

The number of people working PT for economic reasons has gone DOWN since Obamacare was passed.
That's right, there are almost 3 million LESS people working PT for economic reasons today then when Obamacare was passed!!!!!


WOW! Outdated charts are supposed to support your lies?
There were 9,233,000 working PT for economic reasons when the ACA was signed and there are 6,325,000 now.
There were 138,751,000 total employed when the ACA was passed and 148,840,000 now, which is even more than were employed at the height of the Bush bubble of 146,595,000 total employed.
That's right, there are more Americans working now than ever in the history of this great country that Drumpf and the Right hope to destroy.
So people who were working and paying for their own health insurance, now are on Medicaid and can sit at home to get "free" health insurance? That's somehow a plus to an idiot like you?:slap:
Notice how when the real numbers expose the lies of the Right, they desperately try to change the subject rather than admit the truth!!!
The 42% number is wrong...................the 22% is close to reality
5.3% is reality, but since you and your MessiahRushie have been hoping since the 2008 election for Americans to be unemployed so they can SUFFER for not agreeing with you and that is not happening you simply lie that unemployment is where you hoped it would be.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.

Your rush obsession is comical...
During the main fights on these forums and in the nation we quoted time and time again MAJOR COMPANIES putting more in PT positions because of the ACA
And time and time again that was shown by the actual stats to be total bullshit, yet gullible suckers continue to swallow the anecdotal bullshit and ignore the actual real numbers. You hate this country so much you would rather believe lies as long as the lies satisfy your need to watch Americans suffer.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: Okay, folks, this health care business. We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.
Well, there are some people that are hoping to experience schadenfreude over health care realizations down the road.
The ACA was written by the lobbyist in the Insurance company areas....
It was designed to be BS so the left can get universal care at a later date..
And Trump might actually be the one to pull that off..........

I'm not on board for selecting Trump...........I haven't picked the one I'll vote for yet..............Trump is bringing up issues I agree on and enjoy it being forced out into the arena..................

Bottom line............we are going deeper and deeper in debt.......and our standard of living is going down...........and tariff walls and immigration controls need to be put in place.........................

Take us deeper chief...........Das Boat
Eagle and Rota are comical trying to divert.
Keep ignoring the dismal state of this country to our peril FAKEY.......

There will be a price to pay one day unless we address it..............and the I want more crowd just takes us to crush depth sooner.

When's the GREAT SHOW gonna OCCUR....................We've been at the Debt Ceiling since March...............oops..........

But the Grand Show will be during the primaries.............Enjoy the Grand Illusion for your the chickens from both parties dance on the stage for more of the same......

Trumps outside the box...........and is stirring shit up..............I'm happy about that...........but he's like you Starkey.............he's a fake.
The 42% number is wrong...................the 22% is close to reality
5.3% is reality, but since you and your MessiahRushie have been hoping since the 2008 election for Americans to be unemployed so they can SUFFER for not agreeing with you and that is not happening you simply lie that unemployment is where you hoped it would be.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.

are your really posting crap from Rush Limbaugh as if we are SUPPOSE TO take you Serious about all this?. what the hell does he have to do WITH ANYTHING about JOBS and Unemployment? for crying out loud. stop it. you are nothing more but a troll for the DNC to derail a thread

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