Trump Lurches Left

Trump's Chumps should be pissed. Mighty pissed.

Trump said he had a replacement for ObamaCare. The rubes should be very, very pissed now that they know he didn't.

They should also be very pissed at themselves for never even thinking to ask for that plan before the election.

Trump said replacing ObamaCare was "going to be so easy". Now he says, "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated."

Trump said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare IMMEDIATELY. He said he would repeal on Day One, and offer a replacement on Day One.

Trump has now removed that promise from his web site. It's gone. He erased it.

Now he claims he never said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare at the beginning of his Presidency.

Yes, he actually believes his Chumps are that stupid they won't notice any of this.

And I'm afraid he's right in that assessment. They have not caught on at all.

What a pack of idiots! :lol:
You act as if it's Trump's fault it didn't pass. It isn't. If anyone is at fault it's the Sims and the establishment Repiblicans.

Sent from my SM-G930U using mobile app
I tole ya!

I tole ya Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat. I told you and told you and told you. But you didn't listen.

Trump is declaring war on the conservatives in Congress.

Trump: ‘We must fight’ hard-line conservative Freedom Caucus in 2018 midterm elections

Remember Eric Cantor? He was the House Majority Leader. A Republican, considered to be a conservative.

But he wasn't bigoted enough for the pseudocons. As soon as Cantor offered up an immigration reform bill which would have given a path to legal status for illegal immigrants, the pseudocons went after him with a vengeance, and he was defeated by David Alan Brat in the 2014 primaries. Brat then went on to win Cantor's seat in the House.

Brat is one of the members of the Freedom Caucus.

And Trump fucking HATES him and his buddies in that caucus. HAAAAATES him.

Trump has declared war on Brat and the Freedom Caucus.

You know why?

Because Trump's ego got seriously gut punched in the ObamaCare repeal debacle. The whole world caught the morbidly obese Emperor without any clothes on. Trump had campaigned on the promise he had a plan to replace ObamaCare, and that massive hoax was exposed. So Trump needs a scapegoat to take out his disastrous embarrassment on.

Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare IMMEDIATELY with his "beautiful plan". And the most gullible people on the planet, Trump's Chumps, never even asked to see Trump's plan! Can you fucking believe it?


Turns out, Trump didn't have a plan.

So then Paul Ryan tossed his plan onto the table, and it just wasn't up to conservative snuff. The Freedom Caucus wouldn't buy it.

So Donald Trump, who spent his entire campaign pandering to bigoted pseudocons who think they are conservatives, has just declared war on conservatives.

You just can't make this shit up.

I warned you and warned you and warned you. Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat. And now he is going to lead all the pseudocons to the liberal cave.

Single payer health care. Amnesty for illegals. Huge increase in the debt.

The New York limousine liberal is going after conservatives. He will be tweeting huge lies about them going forward. Sad.
I commiserate with you, however, between the two shit sandwiches to choose from in 2016 I do believe that we got the more palatable shit sandwich in Trump... for sure!

We did? Trump has more scandals and failures in the first 60 days than the Clintons had in 8 years.
Fuel scandals. Fake news.

Sent from my SM-G930U using mobile app
Trump's Chumps should be pissed. Mighty pissed.

Trump said he had a replacement for ObamaCare. The rubes should be very, very pissed now that they know he didn't.

They should also be very pissed at themselves for never even thinking to ask for that plan before the election.

Trump said replacing ObamaCare was "going to be so easy". Now he says, "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated."

Trump said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare IMMEDIATELY. He said he would repeal on Day One, and offer a replacement on Day One.

Trump has now removed that promise from his web site. It's gone. He erased it.

Now he claims he never said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare at the beginning of his Presidency.

Yes, he actually believes his Chumps are that stupid they won't notice any of this.

And I'm afraid he's right in that assessment. They have not caught on at all.

What a pack of idiots! :lol:
He still looks down on Negroes, women, Hispanics, etc, so they are good.
I tole ya!

I tole ya Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat. I told you and told you and told you. But you didn't listen.

Trump is declaring war on the conservatives in Congress.

Trump: ‘We must fight’ hard-line conservative Freedom Caucus in 2018 midterm elections

Remember Eric Cantor? He was the House Majority Leader. A Republican, considered to be a conservative.

But he wasn't bigoted enough for the pseudocons. As soon as Cantor offered up an immigration reform bill which would have given a path to legal status for illegal immigrants, the pseudocons went after him with a vengeance, and he was defeated by David Alan Brat in the 2014 primaries. Brat then went on to win Cantor's seat in the House.

Brat is one of the members of the Freedom Caucus.

And Trump fucking HATES him and his buddies in that caucus. HAAAAATES him.

Trump has declared war on Brat and the Freedom Caucus.

You know why?

Because Trump's ego got seriously gut punched in the ObamaCare repeal debacle. The whole world caught the morbidly obese Emperor without any clothes on. Trump had campaigned on the promise he had a plan to replace ObamaCare, and that massive hoax was exposed. So Trump needs a scapegoat to take out his disastrous embarrassment on.

Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare IMMEDIATELY with his "beautiful plan". And the most gullible people on the planet, Trump's Chumps, never even asked to see Trump's plan! Can you fucking believe it?


Turns out, Trump didn't have a plan.

So then Paul Ryan tossed his plan onto the table, and it just wasn't up to conservative snuff. The Freedom Caucus wouldn't buy it.

So Donald Trump, who spent his entire campaign pandering to bigoted pseudocons who think they are conservatives, has just declared war on conservatives.

You just can't make this shit up.

I warned you and warned you and warned you. Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat. And now he is going to lead all the pseudocons to the liberal cave.

Single payer health care. Amnesty for illegals. Huge increase in the debt.

The New York limousine liberal is going after conservatives. He will be tweeting huge lies about them going forward. Sad.
I commiserate with you, however, between the two shit sandwiches to choose from in 2016 I do believe that we got the more palatable shit sandwich in Trump... for sure!
No. We Republicans had 16 candidates from which to choose, several of whom are actually conservative. The Tard Herd picked a New York limousine liberal.

Go figure.
I tole ya!

I tole ya Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat. I told you and told you and told you. But you didn't listen.

Trump is declaring war on the conservatives in Congress.

Trump: ‘We must fight’ hard-line conservative Freedom Caucus in 2018 midterm elections

Remember Eric Cantor? He was the House Majority Leader. A Republican, considered to be a conservative.

But he wasn't bigoted enough for the pseudocons. As soon as Cantor offered up an immigration reform bill which would have given a path to legal status for illegal immigrants, the pseudocons went after him with a vengeance, and he was defeated by David Alan Brat in the 2014 primaries. Brat then went on to win Cantor's seat in the House.

Brat is one of the members of the Freedom Caucus.

And Trump fucking HATES him and his buddies in that caucus. HAAAAATES him.

Trump has declared war on Brat and the Freedom Caucus.

You know why?

Because Trump's ego got seriously gut punched in the ObamaCare repeal debacle. The whole world caught the morbidly obese Emperor without any clothes on. Trump had campaigned on the promise he had a plan to replace ObamaCare, and that massive hoax was exposed. So Trump needs a scapegoat to take out his disastrous embarrassment on.

Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare IMMEDIATELY with his "beautiful plan". And the most gullible people on the planet, Trump's Chumps, never even asked to see Trump's plan! Can you fucking believe it?


Turns out, Trump didn't have a plan.

So then Paul Ryan tossed his plan onto the table, and it just wasn't up to conservative snuff. The Freedom Caucus wouldn't buy it.

So Donald Trump, who spent his entire campaign pandering to bigoted pseudocons who think they are conservatives, has just declared war on conservatives.

You just can't make this shit up.

I warned you and warned you and warned you. Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat. And now he is going to lead all the pseudocons to the liberal cave.

Single payer health care. Amnesty for illegals. Huge increase in the debt.

The New York limousine liberal is going after conservatives. He will be tweeting huge lies about them going forward. Sad.
I commiserate with you, however, between the two shit sandwiches to choose from in 2016 I do believe that we got the more palatable shit sandwich in Trump... for sure!

We did? Trump has more scandals and failures in the first 60 days than the Clintons had in 8 years.
Fuel scandals. Fake news.
Lies are Trump's trademark.

Fake news is the food upon which tards like you have been nourished for years: Fool Me A Thousand Times
All things considered, Gorsuch is an awesome selection for SCOTUS.
Trump was provided Gorsuch's name by a right wing think tank. Trump had nothing to do with it. He's too stupid.

Gorsuch would probably have been the nominee no matter which Republican won the White House.

We could have had an actual conservative President (there were several to choose from) AND Gorsuch. This is what the fake Republican tards don't get.

I always suspected you were a Ted Cruz fan.
All things considered, Gorsuch is an awesome selection for SCOTUS.
Trump was provided Gorsuch's name by a right wing think tank. Trump had nothing to do with it. He's too stupid.

Gorsuch would probably have been the nominee no matter which Republican won the White House.

We could have had an actual conservative President (there were several to choose from) AND Gorsuch. This is what the fake Republican tards don't get.

I always suspected you were a Ted Cruz fan.
I was a John Kasich fan. He knows how to get shit done, such as balancing the budget. You will never see Trump do that, and the federal debt is the greatest threat to our future. Trump has the tards thinking darkies are the problem.

I would have liked Ted Cruz more if he wasn't so fucking dishonest about "abolishing the IRS". He had an income tax plan. You can't have a federal income tax and no IRS, and yet his rubes never caught on to that reality.
All things considered, Gorsuch is an awesome selection for SCOTUS.
Trump was provided Gorsuch's name by a right wing think tank. Trump had nothing to do with it. He's too stupid.

Gorsuch would probably have been the nominee no matter which Republican won the White House.

We could have had an actual conservative President (there were several to choose from) AND Gorsuch. This is what the fake Republican tards don't get.

I always suspected you were a Ted Cruz fan.
I was a John Kasich fan. He knows how to get shit done, such as balancing the budget. You will never see Trump do that, and the federal debt is the greatest threat to our future. Trump has the tards thinking darkies are the problem.

I would have liked Ted Cruz more if he wasn't so fucking dishonest about "abolishing the IRS". He had an income tax plan. You can't have a federal income tax and no IRS, and yet his rubes never caught on to that reality.

I have always felt the entire IRS could be replaced by turbo-tax. You could run the entire agency for $39.95
Trump's Chumps should be pissed. Mighty pissed.

Trump said he had a replacement for ObamaCare. The rubes should be very, very pissed now that they know he didn't.

They should also be very pissed at themselves for never even thinking to ask for that plan before the election.

Trump said replacing ObamaCare was "going to be so easy". Now he says, "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated."

Trump said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare IMMEDIATELY. He said he would repeal on Day One, and offer a replacement on Day One.

Trump has now removed that promise from his web site. It's gone. He erased it.

Now he claims he never said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare at the beginning of his Presidency.

Yes, he actually believes his Chumps are that stupid they won't notice any of this.

And I'm afraid he's right in that assessment. They have not caught on at all.

What a pack of idiots! :lol:
You act as if it's Trump's fault it didn't pass. It isn't. If anyone is at fault it's the Sims and the establishment Repiblicans.

Sent from my SM-G930U using mobile app
It is Trump's fault. You poor stupid dumb fucks have still not cottoned onto the fact Trump lied to you about having a replacement for ObamaCare.

Unbelievably, you still have not figured that out. Just when I think you can't possibly be any more stupid...

So, yeah. Totally his fault. He deliberately lied to you. And he did it because he knew you were too stupid to even ask to see his legislation. Obama put his ObamaCare plan on the table 18 MONTHS BEFORE the 2008 election.

Trump just blew smoke up your ass and you still haven't caught on. This is fucking incredible.

And now he is blaming the conservatives. And Ryan. He never takes the blame for his own fuckups. Because he knows you are just that stupid.

Trump has utter contempt for you. He has to, since he treats you like you are idiots.
I tole ya!

I tole ya Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat. I told you and told you and told you. But you didn't listen.

Trump is declaring war on the conservatives in Congress.

Trump: ‘We must fight’ hard-line conservative Freedom Caucus in 2018 midterm elections

Remember Eric Cantor? He was the House Majority Leader. A Republican, considered to be a conservative.

But he wasn't bigoted enough for the pseudocons. As soon as Cantor offered up an immigration reform bill which would have given a path to legal status for illegal immigrants, the pseudocons went after him with a vengeance, and he was defeated by David Alan Brat in the 2014 primaries. Brat then went on to win Cantor's seat in the House.

Brat is one of the members of the Freedom Caucus.

And Trump fucking HATES him and his buddies in that caucus. HAAAAATES him.

Trump has declared war on Brat and the Freedom Caucus.

You know why?

Because Trump's ego got seriously gut punched in the ObamaCare repeal debacle. The whole world caught the morbidly obese Emperor without any clothes on. Trump had campaigned on the promise he had a plan to replace ObamaCare, and that massive hoax was exposed. So Trump needs a scapegoat to take out his disastrous embarrassment on.

Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare IMMEDIATELY with his "beautiful plan". And the most gullible people on the planet, Trump's Chumps, never even asked to see Trump's plan! Can you fucking believe it?


Turns out, Trump didn't have a plan.

So then Paul Ryan tossed his plan onto the table, and it just wasn't up to conservative snuff. The Freedom Caucus wouldn't buy it.

So Donald Trump, who spent his entire campaign pandering to bigoted pseudocons who think they are conservatives, has just declared war on conservatives.

You just can't make this shit up.

I warned you and warned you and warned you. Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat. And now he is going to lead all the pseudocons to the liberal cave.

Single payer health care. Amnesty for illegals. Huge increase in the debt.

The New York limousine liberal is going after conservatives. He will be tweeting huge lies about them going forward. Sad.
I commiserate with you, however, between the two shit sandwiches to choose from in 2016 I do believe that we got the more palatable shit sandwich in Trump... for sure!
No. We Republicans had 16 candidates from which to choose, several of whom are actually conservative. The Tard Herd picked a New York limousine liberal.

Go figure.
Being an ideologue purist is great but don't cut off you nose to spite your face.... Ted Cruz was my guy but when it came down to supporting one that could win in the primaries and then in the general I jumped in with both feet for Trump. Rarely in life do we get what we want without compromise. Best case scenario, a candidate will give you a fraction of what they promise and what you hope for...
Trump's Chumps spent YEARS whining that the Republican Party never put up a candidate who is conservative enough.

Then Trump, a New York limousine liberal, comes along, and he masterfully exploits the stupidity of the retards who have metastasized in the GOP. He bashes Muslims. He bashes Mexicans. And that was all it took for the tards to forget all about the SEVERAL actual conservatives running in the primaries.
I tole ya!

I tole ya Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat. I told you and told you and told you. But you didn't listen.

Trump is declaring war on the conservatives in Congress.

Trump: ‘We must fight’ hard-line conservative Freedom Caucus in 2018 midterm elections

Remember Eric Cantor? He was the House Majority Leader. A Republican, considered to be a conservative.

But he wasn't bigoted enough for the pseudocons. As soon as Cantor offered up an immigration reform bill which would have given a path to legal status for illegal immigrants, the pseudocons went after him with a vengeance, and he was defeated by David Alan Brat in the 2014 primaries. Brat then went on to win Cantor's seat in the House.

Brat is one of the members of the Freedom Caucus.

And Trump fucking HATES him and his buddies in that caucus. HAAAAATES him.

Trump has declared war on Brat and the Freedom Caucus.

You know why?

Because Trump's ego got seriously gut punched in the ObamaCare repeal debacle. The whole world caught the morbidly obese Emperor without any clothes on. Trump had campaigned on the promise he had a plan to replace ObamaCare, and that massive hoax was exposed. So Trump needs a scapegoat to take out his disastrous embarrassment on.

Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare IMMEDIATELY with his "beautiful plan". And the most gullible people on the planet, Trump's Chumps, never even asked to see Trump's plan! Can you fucking believe it?


Turns out, Trump didn't have a plan.

So then Paul Ryan tossed his plan onto the table, and it just wasn't up to conservative snuff. The Freedom Caucus wouldn't buy it.

So Donald Trump, who spent his entire campaign pandering to bigoted pseudocons who think they are conservatives, has just declared war on conservatives.

You just can't make this shit up.

I warned you and warned you and warned you. Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat. And now he is going to lead all the pseudocons to the liberal cave.

Single payer health care. Amnesty for illegals. Huge increase in the debt.

The New York limousine liberal is going after conservatives. He will be tweeting huge lies about them going forward. Sad.
I commiserate with you, however, between the two shit sandwiches to choose from in 2016 I do believe that we got the more palatable shit sandwich in Trump... for sure!
No. We Republicans had 16 candidates from which to choose, several of whom are actually conservative. The Tard Herd picked a New York limousine liberal.

Go figure.
Being an ideologue purist is great but don't cut off you nose to spite your face.... Ted Cruz was my guy but when it came down to supporting one that could win in the primaries and then in the general I jumped in with both feet for Trump. Rarely in life do we get what we want without compromise. Best case scenario, a candidate will give you a fraction of what they promise and what you hope for...
You just admitted you have no principles. You only care about winning. And unprincipled people like you are exactly why Trump won instead of being sent back upstairs the moment he stepped off his fucking golden escalator.

A huckster knows EXACTLY how to exploit human weakness.
I tole ya!

I tole ya Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat. I told you and told you and told you. But you didn't listen.

Trump is declaring war on the conservatives in Congress.

Trump: ‘We must fight’ hard-line conservative Freedom Caucus in 2018 midterm elections

Remember Eric Cantor? He was the House Majority Leader. A Republican, considered to be a conservative.

But he wasn't bigoted enough for the pseudocons. As soon as Cantor offered up an immigration reform bill which would have given a path to legal status for illegal immigrants, the pseudocons went after him with a vengeance, and he was defeated by David Alan Brat in the 2014 primaries. Brat then went on to win Cantor's seat in the House.

Brat is one of the members of the Freedom Caucus.

And Trump fucking HATES him and his buddies in that caucus. HAAAAATES him.

Trump has declared war on Brat and the Freedom Caucus.

You know why?

Because Trump's ego got seriously gut punched in the ObamaCare repeal debacle. The whole world caught the morbidly obese Emperor without any clothes on. Trump had campaigned on the promise he had a plan to replace ObamaCare, and that massive hoax was exposed. So Trump needs a scapegoat to take out his disastrous embarrassment on.

Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare IMMEDIATELY with his "beautiful plan". And the most gullible people on the planet, Trump's Chumps, never even asked to see Trump's plan! Can you fucking believe it?


Turns out, Trump didn't have a plan.

So then Paul Ryan tossed his plan onto the table, and it just wasn't up to conservative snuff. The Freedom Caucus wouldn't buy it.

So Donald Trump, who spent his entire campaign pandering to bigoted pseudocons who think they are conservatives, has just declared war on conservatives.

You just can't make this shit up.

I warned you and warned you and warned you. Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat. And now he is going to lead all the pseudocons to the liberal cave.

Single payer health care. Amnesty for illegals. Huge increase in the debt.

The New York limousine liberal is going after conservatives. He will be tweeting huge lies about them going forward. Sad.
I voted for Trump because I spit on Neo-Cons.

After bashing the Republican Establishment all during the campaign, Trump is now pushing their agenda and declaring war on the very kind of people who voted him in.

Wakey wakey, rubes!
I'm not sure why he would do that. This is pretty damn dumb.
Trump's Chumps spent YEARS whining that the Republican Party never put up a candidate who is conservative enough.

Then Trump, a New York limousine liberal, comes along, and he masterfully exploits the stupidity of the retards who have metastasized in the GOP. He bashes Muslims. He bashes Mexicans. And that was all it took for the tards to forget all about the SEVERAL actual conservatives running in the primaries.
Way to simplistic in your reasoning. Trump tapped into a groundswell that wasn't there in 12 and likely won't be there in 20. You don't stick with a candidate that can't win just because he best represents the tenets of your ideology... you back the candidate than can win... period (if you value winning and pragmatism) the alternative is to be irrelevant, yet sanctimonious in your loss and bitterness.
Last edited:
We were getting one or the other, and we got the one that will in the end do the least harm.
How's that whole "lesser of two evils" been working out for you? Have your evil choices been getting better and better over the years?

Nope. They've been getting way fucking worse.

You know why? Because you are voting for EVIL.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
Trump's Chumps spent YEARS whining that the Republican Party never put up a candidate who is conservative enough.

Then Trump, a New York limousine liberal, comes along, and he masterfully exploits the stupidity of the retards who have metastasized in the GOP. He bashes Muslims. He bashes Mexicans. And that was all it took for the tards to forget all about the SEVERAL actual conservatives running in the primaries.
Way to simplistic in your reasoning. Trump tapped into a groundswell that wasn't there in 12 and likely won't be there in 20. You don't stick with a candidate that can't win just because he best represents the tenets of you ideology... you back the candidate than can win... period (if you value winning and pragmatism) the alternative is to be irrelevant yet sanctimonious in your loss and bitterness.
You decided none of the real conservatives couldn't win, and that is where you are dead wrong.

That's because you clearly don't know a thing about conservatism. This is exactly what I have been saying about pseudocons. In fact, that is precisely why I call them pseudocons.

Reagan won 49 states. That's how awesomely conservatism kicks ass.
Trump's Chumps spent YEARS whining that the Republican Party never put up a candidate who is conservative enough.

Then Trump, a New York limousine liberal, comes along, and he masterfully exploits the stupidity of the retards who have metastasized in the GOP. He bashes Muslims. He bashes Mexicans. And that was all it took for the tards to forget all about the SEVERAL actual conservatives running in the primaries.
Way to simplistic in your reasoning. Trump tapped into a groundswell that wasn't there in 12 and likely won't be there in 20. You don't stick with a candidate that can't win just because he best represents the tenets of you ideology... you back the candidate than can win... period (if you value winning and pragmatism) the alternative is to be irrelevant yet sanctimonious in your loss and bitterness.
You decided none of the real conservatives couldn't win, and that is where you are dead wrong.

That's because you clearly don't know a thing about conservatism. This is exactly what I have been saying about pseudocons. In fact, that is precisely why I call them pseudocons.

Reagan won 49 states. That's how awesomely conservatism kicks ass.
OK... go screech away on that violin of yours.... I wish you the best... and I do appreciate those of you that are staunch conservatives not willing to compromise. I see that as a wonderful luxury, albeit unrealistic...
As I said earlier, the federal debt is the biggest threat to our country's future. It is more of a threat than ten ISIS's. It is a trillion times more of a threat than the illegal Mexican cleaning your local hotel toilet or picking strawberries for your dessert.

In Reagan's time, the Soviet Union was our biggest existential threat, and Reagan was just the guy to finish them off.

Today, we need a fiscal conservative who can balance the budget and pay down the debt, and only ONE candidate, out of all the candidates in both parties, has that kind of experience. Only one candidate knew how to carry that ball over the goal line. And that was John Kasich.

With more experience under his belt, Marco Rubio would be able to do the same. I'm probably the only person on this forum who read his corporate tax reform plan. The man was definitely on the right track, and he would have made an excellent VP.

Ted Cruz was too unrealistic, but he was my third choice. He way overshot the mark on tax reform, but he has the right idea on tax expenditures.

Trump is going to increase our debt. And that means he is an existential threat to our continued existence as a capitalist society.

In fact, Trump is going to increase our debt more than Clinton would have.

Trump is a blustering, lying, clueless huckster who is a clear and present danger to America.

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