Diamond Member
- Nov 26, 2011
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For years now, the credulous people on this forum have been parroting an average of one hoax per week.
In the past month, their credulousness has skyrocketed to about a hoax a day, sometimes two or three!
There is an expression we all know. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
What does it say about you if you have been fooled HUNDREDS of times by the same propaganda mills?
To keep going back to be lied to again and again and again and again is actual mental retardation.
I have to wonder what it will take for these people to come to their senses since...
...Fox News said there was a "stand down order", and there was no stand down order…
Since The Blaze said a Mexican was stuffing an Arizona ballot box, and that Mexican was NOT stuffing an Arizona ballot box…
Since Breitbart said Chuck Hagel met with Friends of Hamas, and there is no such thing as the Friends of Hamas.
Since Bill O'Reilly said he was in combat, when he was a thousand miles from combat...
Since Fox News said the Marines guarding our embassy in Egypt were denied live ammo, and our Marines were NOT denied live ammo…
Since the right wing media hacks said 93 million people will lose their employer health insurance by the end of 2014, and 93 million people have NOT lost their health insurance…
Since Laura Ingraham said Obama was going to be impeached within three weeks, and Obama was NOT impeached…
Since Fox News said you can print ballots at home in Colorado, and you CANNOT print ballots at home in Colorado…
Since the credulous were told Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren had deleted Hillary from their Twitter accounts, and they did NOT delete Hillary from their Twitter accounts…
Since the credulous were told Obama was born in Kenya, and Obama was NOT born in Kenya…
Since the rubes were told Obama demanded to be sworn in on the Koran, and Obama did NOT demand to be sworn in on the Koran…
Since the credulous were told Obama banned Christmas cards on Military Bases, and Obama did NOT ban Christmas cards on military bases…
Since Fox News reported Obama banned Nativity scenes by Executive Order, and Obama did NOT ban Nativity scenes…
Since the credulous were told Obama cut God out of his Thanksgiving addresses every year, and believed it without even…you know…LOOKING to see if that was true, and Obama did NOT leave God out of any of his Thanksgiving or Christmas messages…
Since Fox News reported Obama used his own money to keep a Muslim museum open during a government shutdown, and Obama did NOT use his own money to keep a Muslim museum open during the shutdown…
Since World News Daily reported Obama wears a Muslim ring which says “There Is No God But Allah”, and Obama does NOT wear a Muslim ring which says “There Is No God But Allah”…
Since Fox News reported “far more children died last year drowning in their bath tubs than were accidentally killed by guns”, and far more children died from accidental gun deaths…
Since Fox News reported the Texas School Board of Education is considering banning references to Christmas and the Constitution, and the Texas School Board of Education is NOT considering banning references to Christmas and the Constitution…
Since the credulous bleeved Obama banned the Confederate flag by Executive Order…
Since the credulous bleeved Operation Jade Helm was a joint UN/US government takeover of the American southwest…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax that said Obama has banned the Pledge of Allegiance…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax about a Bill Clinton rape video…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax that Yoko Ono had an affair with Hillary Clinton…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax about a postal worker destroying Trump ballots…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax that Clinton’s campaign chairman wrote a racist screed that was actually written by a Netherlands nazi…
Since Donald Trump and millions of his Chumps fell for a hoax that John Podesta wrote something about Benghazi that a Newsweek reporter actually wrote…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax the Oregon mass shooter was on a Russian terror watch list which Obama refused to take…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax that the Pope said there is no true religion and there is no hell…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax about a Hillary body double on 9/11…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax video about Democratic primary voting fraud which was actually a video of Russian voting fraud which had been deliberately manipulated…
Since the credulous parroted a lie that Obama was trying to get us all killed by Ebola, and that Ebola was going to kill millions of American last year…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax about Obama being snubbed for handshakes…
Since the credulous fell for the “death panels” hoax…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax that 70 Congressional Democrats are members of the Communist party…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax that DHS had bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo…
At what point do you fools WAKE UP!?!?!
In the past month, their credulousness has skyrocketed to about a hoax a day, sometimes two or three!
There is an expression we all know. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
What does it say about you if you have been fooled HUNDREDS of times by the same propaganda mills?
To keep going back to be lied to again and again and again and again is actual mental retardation.
I have to wonder what it will take for these people to come to their senses since...
...Fox News said there was a "stand down order", and there was no stand down order…
Since The Blaze said a Mexican was stuffing an Arizona ballot box, and that Mexican was NOT stuffing an Arizona ballot box…
Since Breitbart said Chuck Hagel met with Friends of Hamas, and there is no such thing as the Friends of Hamas.
Since Bill O'Reilly said he was in combat, when he was a thousand miles from combat...
Since Fox News said the Marines guarding our embassy in Egypt were denied live ammo, and our Marines were NOT denied live ammo…
Since the right wing media hacks said 93 million people will lose their employer health insurance by the end of 2014, and 93 million people have NOT lost their health insurance…
Since Laura Ingraham said Obama was going to be impeached within three weeks, and Obama was NOT impeached…
Since Fox News said you can print ballots at home in Colorado, and you CANNOT print ballots at home in Colorado…
Since the credulous were told Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren had deleted Hillary from their Twitter accounts, and they did NOT delete Hillary from their Twitter accounts…
Since the credulous were told Obama was born in Kenya, and Obama was NOT born in Kenya…
Since the rubes were told Obama demanded to be sworn in on the Koran, and Obama did NOT demand to be sworn in on the Koran…
Since the credulous were told Obama banned Christmas cards on Military Bases, and Obama did NOT ban Christmas cards on military bases…
Since Fox News reported Obama banned Nativity scenes by Executive Order, and Obama did NOT ban Nativity scenes…
Since the credulous were told Obama cut God out of his Thanksgiving addresses every year, and believed it without even…you know…LOOKING to see if that was true, and Obama did NOT leave God out of any of his Thanksgiving or Christmas messages…
Since Fox News reported Obama used his own money to keep a Muslim museum open during a government shutdown, and Obama did NOT use his own money to keep a Muslim museum open during the shutdown…
Since World News Daily reported Obama wears a Muslim ring which says “There Is No God But Allah”, and Obama does NOT wear a Muslim ring which says “There Is No God But Allah”…
Since Fox News reported “far more children died last year drowning in their bath tubs than were accidentally killed by guns”, and far more children died from accidental gun deaths…
Since Fox News reported the Texas School Board of Education is considering banning references to Christmas and the Constitution, and the Texas School Board of Education is NOT considering banning references to Christmas and the Constitution…
Since the credulous bleeved Obama banned the Confederate flag by Executive Order…
Since the credulous bleeved Operation Jade Helm was a joint UN/US government takeover of the American southwest…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax that said Obama has banned the Pledge of Allegiance…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax about a Bill Clinton rape video…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax that Yoko Ono had an affair with Hillary Clinton…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax about a postal worker destroying Trump ballots…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax that Clinton’s campaign chairman wrote a racist screed that was actually written by a Netherlands nazi…
Since Donald Trump and millions of his Chumps fell for a hoax that John Podesta wrote something about Benghazi that a Newsweek reporter actually wrote…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax the Oregon mass shooter was on a Russian terror watch list which Obama refused to take…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax that the Pope said there is no true religion and there is no hell…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax about a Hillary body double on 9/11…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax video about Democratic primary voting fraud which was actually a video of Russian voting fraud which had been deliberately manipulated…
Since the credulous parroted a lie that Obama was trying to get us all killed by Ebola, and that Ebola was going to kill millions of American last year…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax about Obama being snubbed for handshakes…
Since the credulous fell for the “death panels” hoax…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax that 70 Congressional Democrats are members of the Communist party…
Since the credulous fell for a hoax that DHS had bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo…
At what point do you fools WAKE UP!?!?!