Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.
If man can claim he's women, Trump can claim any nationality he likes. Ivanka looks like the poster girl for hot Swedish babes.
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.
There is nothing Trump can say or do that anyone would believe, nothing. He's a walking contradiction....I just hope NK's aim is near this ass ho....never been so sick of a human being in my life, and it ain't been a full year of this mf'!!
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.

Trump was not trying to exploit the Affirmative Action system like Warren was.
What affirmative action/actions did she initiate?
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.
There is nothing Trump can say or do that anyone would believe, nothing. He's a walking contradiction....I just hope NK's aim is near this ass ho....never been so sick of a human being in my life, and it ain't been a full year of this mf'!!
Do you smell? Of course you do.
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.

Trump was not trying to exploit the Affirmative Action system like Warren was.
What affirmative action/actions did she initiate?
Too eloquent please shorten reply...
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.
There is nothing Trump can say or do that anyone would believe, nothing. He's a walking contradiction....I just hope NK's aim is near this ass ho....never been so sick of a human being in my life, and it ain't been a full year of this mf'!!
That is either a sign of weakness or mental illness....We gotz a real weiner here....
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.

Until the past 5 years my father always told us our grandmother was from "Kerry", but when we saw her passport she was from "Derry" (She died before I was born).

In any event, if this is the best you clowns have as a retort to chief-fakeum-squattum....

Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.

Trump was not trying to exploit the Affirmative Action system like Warren was.
What affirmative action/actions did she initiate?
She used it to endear herself to leftards who are easily manipulated and
She used it to get tenure at Harvard - In 1998, the year that Harvard Law School finally tenured its first African American female, Lani Guiner, the Harvard Crimson wrote that “Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women…Elizabeth Warren is Native American.”

According to Cornell Law professor William A Jacobson, Warren’s great-great-great grandfather assisted the U.S. government in the forced relocation of Cherokees known as the Trail of Tears. Native American voters exploited by Brown and Warren | GBMNews
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.
Trump will be visiting SLC today.
It’s usually customary for church leaders to give them a copy of thei geneology
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.

The point was Elizabeth Warren claimed minority status in order to obtain preferential treatment.
No she didn't. Didn't happen. It's a Rightwing myth. You people think if you repeat it often enough it becomes truth. Doesn't happen that way.
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.
did trump lie to get away with stealing?


well fakeahontus did.
Trump lied because he was selling apartments to Jews to whom Germany was unpopular.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.

The point was Elizabeth Warren claimed minority status in order to obtain preferential treatment.
No she didn't. Didn't happen. It's a Rightwing myth. You people think if you repeat it often enough it becomes truth. Doesn't happen that way.

She listed herself as a minority on a legal directory reviewed by deans and hiring committees.

The University of Pennsylvania “listed her as a minority faculty member,” and she was touted after her hire at Harvard Law School as, yes, the school’s “first woman of color.”

Elizabeth Warren, Progressive Fraud

The Boston Globe article in the first link is behind a pay wall but you can read the title for a second before it comes up and somebody fortunately copy/pasted it to freerepublic:

Records shed more light on Elizabeth Warren’s minority status
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.
That is REALLY stupid, even for you.
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.

Trump was not trying to exploit the Affirmative Action system like Warren was.
Hey lying bastard, a link to a credible source as to that accusation. You cannot supply it because that never happened. Just another lying bigoted asshole.

No need for the personal insults.

“Harvard hired Warren for a temporary position in 1992, and the law school reported a Native American woman on its federally mandated affirmative-action report.”

‘Penn’s 2005 Minority Equity Report identified her as the recipient of a 1994 faculty award, listing her name in bold to signify that she was a minority.”

“Warren first listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until 1995, the year she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School.”

Sooooo either Harvard is lying or Warren is lying.

Did Elizabeth Warren check the Native American box when she ‘applied’ to Harvard and Penn?
Your own link says that the GOP through Scott Brown were lying, giving them 2 Pinocchios, not Warren!!!!!

From your own link:
The Pinocchio Test
Brown said that Warren “checked the box claiming she was Native American” when she applied to Harvard and Penn, suggesting the Democratic candidate somehow gained an unfair advantage because of an iffy ethnic background. But there is no proof that she ever marked a form to tell the schools about her heritage, nor is there any public evidence that the universities knew about her lineage before hiring her.

The senator’s debate comments also suggest Warren actively applied for positions with Harvard and Penn, but the evidence suggests the schools recruited her because of her groundbreaking research and writings on bankruptcy. Harvard, in fact, did not give up on her after she first turned down a tenured position with the university.

Some might assume that Warren listed herself as a minority in the law school directories to attract offers from top schools, which would be a pro-active measure. The explanation that she was reaching out to other Native Americans — when she was merely listed as a “minority” — certainly appears suspicious, but there is no conclusive evidence that she used her status in the listing to land a job.

But Warren appears to have been well-qualified for the teaching positions and excelled once she was hired.

The Fact Checker expects accusers to satisfy the burden of proof for their charges. That was the case when Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said that GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney tried to avoid taxes with offshore accounts. We awarded four Pinocchios to Reid because the senator lacked conclusive evidence — or much evidence at all, for that matter. We’ve also knocked the Obama campaign repeatedly for jumping to unwarranted conclusions about Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital.

The outstanding questions about Warren’s directory listing — and her relying on family lore rather than official documentation to make an ethnic claim — certainly raise serious concerns about Warren’s judgment. But in the debate, the Republican incumbent conflated conjecture and sketchy information to make a claim not supported by the available evidence, and so he earns Two Pinocchios.

Two Pinocchios

Yea, The Washington Post contradicted surprise.
But, it's very clear that Warren used being a fake Indian to advance her career.
Trump is ridiculing her for being a faker. She deserves it.
No, YOU lied about the surprise there.
And you have NO proof that she is not part Indian, and it has been proven that she did NOT use her heritage to advance her career, so you can't seem to ever stop yourself from lying.
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.

The point was Elizabeth Warren claimed minority status in order to obtain preferential treatment.
No she didn't. Didn't happen. It's a Rightwing myth. You people think if you repeat it often enough it becomes truth. Doesn't happen that way.

She listed herself as a minority on a legal directory reviewed by deans and hiring committees.

The University of Pennsylvania “listed her as a minority faculty member,” and she was touted after her hire at Harvard Law School as, yes, the school’s “first woman of color.”

Elizabeth Warren, Progressive Fraud

The Boston Globe article in the first link is behind a pay wall but you can read the title for a second before it comes up and somebody fortunately copy/pasted it to freerepublic:

Records shed more light on Elizabeth Warren’s minority status

well, if the freepers say so. :rofl:
No, YOU lied about the surprise there.

Warren has claimed Cherokee and Delaware Indian heritage, citing family stories. She did not have any documentation of her Native American ancestry to prove it, even though Cherokee groups demanded it.

For weeks, Warren struggled to own the narrative, giving more fodder to her opponents. Our colleagues on The Fix wrote in detail the twists and turns of her response, including a reference to a relative’s “high cheekbones” at one point. Warren explained that “being Native American has been a part of my story, I guess since the day I was born, I don’t know any other way to describe it.”

A genealogist at the New England Historic Genealogical Society initially had said there was documented evidence that Warren was 1/32 American Indian, alluding to a family newsletter that had indicated her great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee, the Boston Globe reported early in the controversy. But this point was later corrected, as neither the Globe nor the genealogical society had proven the existence of that document.

Exhaustive reporting by several different outlets surfaced no official documentation that Warren was Cherokee.

Why Donald Trump calls Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’

And you have NO proof that she is not part Indian,

No, correction she has no evidence that she is native American.

and it has been proven that she did NOT use her heritage to advance her career, so you can't seem to ever stop yourself from lying.[/QUOTE]

She listed herself as a minority on a legal directory reviewed by deans and hiring committees.

The University of Pennsylvania “listed her as a minority faculty member,” and she was touted after her hire at Harvard Law School as, yes, the school’s “first woman of color.”

Elizabeth Warren, Progressive Fraud

The Boston Globe article in the first link is behind a pay wall but you can read the title for a second before it comes up and somebody fortunately copy/pasted it to freerepublic:

Records shed more light on Elizabeth Warren’s minority status
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.

The point was Elizabeth Warren claimed minority status in order to obtain preferential treatment.
No she didn't. Didn't happen. It's a Rightwing myth. You people think if you repeat it often enough it becomes truth. Doesn't happen that way.

She listed herself as a minority on a legal directory reviewed by deans and hiring committees.

The University of Pennsylvania “listed her as a minority faculty member,” and she was touted after her hire at Harvard Law School as, yes, the school’s “first woman of color.”

Elizabeth Warren, Progressive Fraud

The Boston Globe article in the first link is behind a pay wall but you can read the title for a second before it comes up and somebody fortunately copy/pasted it to freerepublic:

Records shed more light on Elizabeth Warren’s minority status

well, if the freepers say so. :rofl:

It's a boston globe article you laughable ****.
Trump gets caught lying again.

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Why it matters: After President Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended him saying, ""I think what most people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."

Correction: This story initially misidentified Fred as Trump's brother, rather than his father.

The point was Elizabeth Warren claimed minority status in order to obtain preferential treatment.
No she didn't. Didn't happen. It's a Rightwing myth. You people think if you repeat it often enough it becomes truth. Doesn't happen that way.

She listed herself as a minority on a legal directory reviewed by deans and hiring committees.

The University of Pennsylvania “listed her as a minority faculty member,” and she was touted after her hire at Harvard Law School as, yes, the school’s “first woman of color.”

Elizabeth Warren, Progressive Fraud

The Boston Globe article in the first link is behind a pay wall but you can read the title for a second before it comes up and somebody fortunately copy/pasted it to freerepublic:

Records shed more light on Elizabeth Warren’s minority status

well, if the freepers say so. :rofl:

It's a boston globe article you laughable ****.

really, you lying insane hack? this one is from the freepers

Records shed more light on Elizabeth Warren’s minority status

your other loony "article" was from national review. now be quiet, you insane, vulgar piece of garbage"
Elizabeth Warren, Progressive Fraud

are you incapable of even sourcing your trash?
Last edited:
we don't care or give a shit anymore about ant-Trump articles/etc because it has been beaten to death
24/7 for over a year now.......Trump this, Trump that
Trump ties his shoes wrong/etc
Trump makes 51% right turns
commits this crime commits that crime--but he's not prosecuted???!!??
blah blah blah
Trump this, Trump that, Trump this, Trump that,
Dayam, are you ever in the wrong place. :ack-1:

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