Trump to Dems: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party'

I simply cannot understand why the RW and our so-called president have a problem with women and minorities.

I really love your false narrative; still trying to pass it off I see like diarrhea. 19-0-10 bumfu** Egypt loser narrative they have continued to try for the last 15 years. America is on to ya, but keep using your dial-up-phone there Bosephus-):Boom2:
It is quite a puzzlement why women and minorities don't flock to support our so-called president.

I dunno, women were in by 48%, weren't they? And Cubans voted for him by over 53%.

Oh wait, you mean NON citizens, and far leftist women. You really need to put down the parameters before asking the questions-)
Nope...that's not what I mean. I am referring to women and minority voters....not getting that they aren't all in for the GOP.
I really feel sorry for the soul of the orginial pocahontas who is probably been saying to herself these last 8 years, something along the lines of,,,,,,,"What the %$#@!!K ???? how did Americans ever get me associated with such a dumbass bitch who looks like a hamster with high cheek bones"??
As long as there is a (D) after your name, it's OK to lie about being a member of a minority class in order to get ahead politically and financially.

If not for her LIES abut being Native American, she is just another white lady.
See? I just don't get why women and minorities don't rush to the GOP.

The indoctrination has been very methodical and took a while.

It's incredible how Dems are able to get people to vote against their own self interest by vilifying anyone who disagrees with them.

If you really look at it, liberalism and Scientology are VERy much alike. They demand complete compliance and any dissent is met with personal attacks intended to destroy the lives of those who oppose their lies.
Ha, Trump's bleepin awesome. If the Democrats think he's just gonna roll over and quit, they're sadly mistaken. He loves a fight. He's enjoying every minute of this. Elizabeth Warren's a joke. Most common sense-thinking Americans see that.
Shouldnt Elizabeth Warrens Face be on that new cereal,,,,,"Loopy Lupes" ???
Grow up you little immature asshole. You are only funny to other retards like yourself.

Do tell? Someone that totally blows at punctuation is calling someone a "retard".......what irony.

Now, with that being said, go fuck yourself, asswipe. Any time you want to debate me? Please let me know. I suspect that have got a whole lot of nothin'. Rexx Taylor is 100 times a better read than any of your fool-fueled rants
I know more than you! I know more than you!

I know lots of stuff! I know lots of stuff!

Grow the fuck up asshole. You sound like a fucking 5 year-old with your whacked out conspiracy bullshit. What’s next, my Daddy can beat your Daddy?

My guess is you are some burned out old junky/alchy, who finally kicked the shit a few years back, but by the time that happened, the wife and kids were long gone, and your friends --- basically your running buddies --- also split.

So for the past few years, when you haven’t been on your knees with your hands together staring up at the ceiling mumbling incoherent bullshit to some nonexistent entity that lives in the clouds and your twisted mind, you scour the internet to fill your time.

I’m betting everyone who knows you wishes you would just go back to slamming junk into your arm again, while pouring bottles of rot-gut whiskey down your throat. You were probably more bearable back then, never likable, but at least somewhat more bearable, because you were nodded out most of the time.
I simply cannot understand why the RW and our so-called president have a problem with women and minorities.

I really love your false narrative; still trying to pass it off I see like diarrhea. 19-0-10 bumfu** Egypt loser narrative they have continued to try for the last 15 years. America is on to ya, but keep using your dial-up-phone there Bosephus-):Boom2:
It is quite a puzzlement why women and minorities don't flock to support our so-called president.

I dunno, women were in by 48%, weren't they? And Cubans voted for him by over 53%.

Oh wait, you mean NON citizens, and far leftist women. You really need to put down the parameters before asking the questions-)
Nope...that's not what I mean. I am referring to women and minority voters....not getting that they aren't all in for the GOP.

Well then tell did Trump win? I see all kinds of people, and you know what.........a lot of them voted for Obama last time, are they all stupid too! Go ahead, tell them they are stupid, I dare you.

Trump didn't get elected by Republicans, he got elected by a coalition. Blue collar, white collar, a larger % of African Americans, more Hispanics. Face it------->you just do NOT like the way the coalition is growing, now do you, lol.

The narrative no longer works, but you go ahead. If your narrative with all those protestors would have worked against Walker, against Perry, and others........we might listen. But we know what is happening. You people are propagandists, running from one place to another to seem as if there are more of you, when your numbers are small.

For once, I have absolute confidence that in the short term, you people are going to lose, and going to lose big. And if we are lucky, while you try your phony bull, the rest of the country will see how radical you really are, and reject you even more. Oh, we can't change California or New York, but they mean NOTHING if all the red states stick together. You have less power than a dead battery!

Still, stick with your narrative. I like 1970s reruns, lololol!
I simply cannot understand why the RW and our so-called president have a problem with women and minorities.

I really love your false narrative; still trying to pass it off I see like diarrhea. 19-0-10 bumfu** Egypt loser narrative they have continued to try for the last 15 years. America is on to ya, but keep using your dial-up-phone there Bosephus-):Boom2:
It is quite a puzzlement why women and minorities don't flock to support our so-called president.

I dunno, women were in by 48%, weren't they? And Cubans voted for him by over 53%.

Oh wait, you mean NON citizens, and far leftist women. You really need to put down the parameters before asking the questions-)
Nope...that's not what I mean. I am referring to women and minority voters....not getting that they aren't all in for the GOP.

Well then tell did Trump win? I see all kinds of people, and you know what.........a lot of them voted for Obama last time, are they all stupid too! Go ahead, tell them they are stupid, I dare you.

Trump didn't get elected by Republicans, he got elected by a coalition. Blue collar, white collar, a larger % of African Americans, more Hispanics. Face it------->you just do NOT like the way the coalition is growing, now do you, lol.

The narrative no longer works, but you go ahead. If your narrative with all those protestors would have worked against Walker, against Perry, and others........we might listen. But we know what is happening. You people are propagandists, running from one place to another to seem as if there are more of you, when your numbers are small.

For once, I have absolute confidence that in the short term, you people are going to lose, and going to lose big. And if we are lucky, while you try your phony bull, the rest of the country will see how radical you really are, and reject you even more. Oh, we can't change California or New York, but they mean NOTHING if all the red states stick together. You have less power than a dead battery!

Still, stick with your narrative. I like 1970s reruns, lololol!
You don't believe in pendulums, do you?
Warrren used her false claims of indian ancestry to get affirmative action special treatment in college. Just like obama did with his claims of kenyan ancestry.

Trump to Dems: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party' -

feb 11 2017 Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump taunted Democrats by telling them "Pocahontas is now the face of your party" -- his insult of choice for Sen. Elizabeth Warren -- during a meeting with senators earlier this week, sources told CNN.

The sources said the Warren moment came up in the context of Trump's impromptu analysis of the state of the Democratic Party. Trump made his comments in what appeared to be a reference to Warren's criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions during his confirmation process.

Trump used his pejorative campaign nickname for Warren -- a reference to her claims of having Native American ancestry -- several times during the meeting, which one source described as "equal parts bizarre and completely awkward."
At one point, Trump said the only reason Warren claimed Native American heritage was "because she has high cheekbones," one of the sources said.

And people wonder why we think Trump is a racist... Calling someone Pocahontas for being an Indian is horrible mean , rude..and Racist...
Warrren used her false claims of indian ancestry to get affirmative action special treatment in college. Just like obama did with his claims of kenyan ancestry.

Trump to Dems: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party' -

feb 11 2017 Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump taunted Democrats by telling them "Pocahontas is now the face of your party" -- his insult of choice for Sen. Elizabeth Warren -- during a meeting with senators earlier this week, sources told CNN.

The sources said the Warren moment came up in the context of Trump's impromptu analysis of the state of the Democratic Party. Trump made his comments in what appeared to be a reference to Warren's criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions during his confirmation process.

Trump used his pejorative campaign nickname for Warren -- a reference to her claims of having Native American ancestry -- several times during the meeting, which one source described as "equal parts bizarre and completely awkward."
At one point, Trump said the only reason Warren claimed Native American heritage was "because she has high cheekbones," one of the sources said.

And people wonder why we think Trump is a racist... Calling someone Pocahontas for being an Indian is horrible mean , rude..and Racist...

She's a pathetic liar. And Trump should be calling her out on it. She's exactly what folks hate about career politicians.
Warrren used her false claims of indian ancestry to get affirmative action special treatment in college. Just like obama did with his claims of kenyan ancestry.

Trump to Dems: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party' -

feb 11 2017 Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump taunted Democrats by telling them "Pocahontas is now the face of your party" -- his insult of choice for Sen. Elizabeth Warren -- during a meeting with senators earlier this week, sources told CNN.

The sources said the Warren moment came up in the context of Trump's impromptu analysis of the state of the Democratic Party. Trump made his comments in what appeared to be a reference to Warren's criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions during his confirmation process.

Trump used his pejorative campaign nickname for Warren -- a reference to her claims of having Native American ancestry -- several times during the meeting, which one source described as "equal parts bizarre and completely awkward."
At one point, Trump said the only reason Warren claimed Native American heritage was "because she has high cheekbones," one of the sources said.

And people wonder why we think Trump is a racist... Calling someone Pocahontas for being an Indian is horrible mean , rude..and Racist...
When I see stuff like this it makes me want to smear lipstick all over my face....
I really love your false narrative; still trying to pass it off I see like diarrhea. 19-0-10 bumfu** Egypt loser narrative they have continued to try for the last 15 years. America is on to ya, but keep using your dial-up-phone there Bosephus-):Boom2:
It is quite a puzzlement why women and minorities don't flock to support our so-called president.

I dunno, women were in by 48%, weren't they? And Cubans voted for him by over 53%.

Oh wait, you mean NON citizens, and far leftist women. You really need to put down the parameters before asking the questions-)
Nope...that's not what I mean. I am referring to women and minority voters....not getting that they aren't all in for the GOP.

Well then tell did Trump win? I see all kinds of people, and you know what.........a lot of them voted for Obama last time, are they all stupid too! Go ahead, tell them they are stupid, I dare you.

Trump didn't get elected by Republicans, he got elected by a coalition. Blue collar, white collar, a larger % of African Americans, more Hispanics. Face it------->you just do NOT like the way the coalition is growing, now do you, lol.

The narrative no longer works, but you go ahead. If your narrative with all those protestors would have worked against Walker, against Perry, and others........we might listen. But we know what is happening. You people are propagandists, running from one place to another to seem as if there are more of you, when your numbers are small.

For once, I have absolute confidence that in the short term, you people are going to lose, and going to lose big. And if we are lucky, while you try your phony bull, the rest of the country will see how radical you really are, and reject you even more. Oh, we can't change California or New York, but they mean NOTHING if all the red states stick together. You have less power than a dead battery!

Still, stick with your narrative. I like 1970s reruns, lololol!
You don't believe in pendulums, do you?

Oh yes, politically it swings one way, and after it goes so far, it swings back.....probably to far in the opposite direction, but 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of the other.

Problem is------> American citizens have believed for quite awhile that it has gone to far left. The problem has citizens have over ridden what the citizens paying the bills have wanted.

CONSIDER-----------> Were it NOT for immigration, in 2012 Obama would have gone down to a bigger defeat to Romney, than Mondale did to Reagan. The numbers prove it!

So what does that mean? It means that the people and system that kept this country on top, are being slowly over ridden by new comers, who have no idea how to make/keep a country great, or they would have done it in their country of origin. In other words---------->we are being dragged away from what made us the best, to their culture, which made their country a shithole.

The left doesn't get it. They think America was like every other nation in how it did business, and how it was governed. No it wasn't! In fact, look in history and see how many countries did not have kings, queens, dictators, and how many did their majority of citizens live well in?

The left believes all these world problems have gone away. Really! Have you missed North Korea? Russia? China? Iran? Humans have NOT changed, it is just in this country we the people exert some control. Get rid of our weapons, and in 15 minutes there would be a debate who we belonged to, and that is a fact!

To keep us free, we need a certain outlook or assimilation. A roadmap for ------>if you want this--------->you gotta do this! The left has thrown it in the trash, it really has. You tell me what part of the United States California resembles from 40 years ago! And the amazing thing is---------> California does not want to insure Americas greatness, it wants to insure its weakness. How hard is it to support millions of illegals when you are already 20 trillion in the hole?

No, the left may not be done, but this time we will fight. Doubt it? Try pulling a leftist phony riot in a red state, and watch how fast you end up with your ass handed to you! Oh, you can have California and New York. It is up to their citizens to do something, not us. But you come here, and I promise you, your ass is grass and in jail, if you get out of hand!
Warrren used her false claims of indian ancestry to get affirmative action special treatment in college. Just like obama did with his claims of kenyan ancestry.

Trump to Dems: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party' -

feb 11 2017 Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump taunted Democrats by telling them "Pocahontas is now the face of your party" -- his insult of choice for Sen. Elizabeth Warren -- during a meeting with senators earlier this week, sources told CNN.

The sources said the Warren moment came up in the context of Trump's impromptu analysis of the state of the Democratic Party. Trump made his comments in what appeared to be a reference to Warren's criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions during his confirmation process.

Trump used his pejorative campaign nickname for Warren -- a reference to her claims of having Native American ancestry -- several times during the meeting, which one source described as "equal parts bizarre and completely awkward."
At one point, Trump said the only reason Warren claimed Native American heritage was "because she has high cheekbones," one of the sources said.

And people wonder why we think Trump is a racist... Calling someone Pocahontas for being an Indian is horrible mean , rude..and Racist...

She's a pathetic liar. And Trump should be calling her out on it. She's exactly what folks hate about career politicians.

I don't really know her, but what I do know I don't care for. She talks like we are all 1st graders...
BUT: calling her Pocahontas is like calling a black leader Uncle Sam....very Racist..
Shouldnt Elizabeth Warrens Face be on that new cereal,,,,,"Loopy Lupes" ???
Grow up you little immature asshole. You are only funny to other retards like yourself.

Do tell? Someone that totally blows at punctuation is calling someone a "retard".......what irony.

Now, with that being said, go fuck yourself, asswipe. Any time you want to debate me? Please let me know. I suspect that have got a whole lot of nothin'. Rexx Taylor is 100 times a better read than any of your fool-fueled rants
I know more than you! I know more than you!

I know lots of stuff! I know lots of stuff!

Grow the fuck up asshole. You sound like a fucking 5 year-old with your whacked out conspiracy bullshit. What’s next, my Daddy can beat your Daddy?

My guess is you are some burned out old junky/alchy, who finally kicked the shit a few years back, but by the time that happened, the wife and kids were long gone, and your friends --- basically your running buddies --- also split.

So for the past few years, when you haven’t been on your knees with your hands together staring up at the ceiling mumbling incoherent bullshit to some nonexistent entity that lives in the clouds and your twisted mind, you scour the internet to fill your time.

I’m betting everyone who knows you wishes you would just go back to slamming junk into your arm again, while pouring bottles of rot-gut whiskey down your throat. You were probably more bearable back then, never likable, but at least somewhat more bearable, because you were nodded out most of the time.

Sounds like a classic case of projection to me! No, I simply woke up as to what was really happening in this country so I have dedicated the last 5 years researching , reading and vetting the information by cross referencing so "yeah, I know a lot of stuff" and I know a helluva lot more than you. I am willing to share what I have learned with others in hopes that their intellectual curiosity might kick in....but for those like you? You can't wake up what one does not have.

I suspected that you had nothing and you confirmed it....nicely done! Now, go back to sleep, lil fella...the grown-ups are talking.

Warrren used her false claims of indian ancestry to get affirmative action special treatment in college. Just like obama did with his claims of kenyan ancestry.

Trump to Dems: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party' -

feb 11 2017 Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump taunted Democrats by telling them "Pocahontas is now the face of your party" -- his insult of choice for Sen. Elizabeth Warren -- during a meeting with senators earlier this week, sources told CNN.

The sources said the Warren moment came up in the context of Trump's impromptu analysis of the state of the Democratic Party. Trump made his comments in what appeared to be a reference to Warren's criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions during his confirmation process.

Trump used his pejorative campaign nickname for Warren -- a reference to her claims of having Native American ancestry -- several times during the meeting, which one source described as "equal parts bizarre and completely awkward."
At one point, Trump said the only reason Warren claimed Native American heritage was "because she has high cheekbones," one of the sources said.

And people wonder why we think Trump is a racist... Calling someone Pocahontas for being an Indian is horrible mean , rude..and Racist...

She's a pathetic liar. And Trump should be calling her out on it. She's exactly what folks hate about career politicians.

I don't really know her, but what I do know I don't care for. She talks like we are all 1st graders...
BUT: calling her Pocahontas is like calling a black leader Uncle Sam....very Racist..

Nah, you're taking it too seriously. Don't be a Snowflake. She's a liar who'll say anything to get elected. I actually hope the Democrats do run her. She'll quickly be exposed by Trump as being a joke.

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