Trump to Dems: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party'

How cool is this?:

Ellison DNC Chair
Pelosi & Schumer Minority Leaders

And now: Squakahontas Democrat standard bearer 2020!

What could possibly go wrong?

Hilariously Spot On! Thanks. :clap:
Alan Grayson......Spokesperson for the Man-Bear-Pig Association
And Debbie Wasserrman-Schultz, Spokesperson of the Really Ugly Jewish-Bitch Association.

It may be time for the Dems to rehabilitate Anthony Weiner.
Still'd think that 90%+ of women and minorities would be GOPrs now.

OFCS, get off of it already, lol. You leftists want to divide people by race, and gender. You never want to say----->51% voted for this person, 49% voted for this one. Oh no you won't! You want to break it down to Black people, white people, males, females, Hispanics, Asians, lol. Get a CLUE.........we are ALL Americans.......unless of course some illegal aliens are voting for the Democrat-)

And now, we have Pokie, AKA, Pocahontas, AKA, Elizabeth (1980s narrative) Warren. You leftists are buying into her, aren't you! Have you seen what the voters in her own state say? They want to KICK Pokie to the curb!

That being said, carry on. I am NOT going to be like you people and ridicule Trump while laughing, then after he was elected, cry like a snowflake. If you want Pokie, by all means, get Pokie! You wanted Bernie, you got Bern......oh wait, the DNC forced you to take Hilly, I forgot, so sorry-)

Hey, I betcha Hilly runs again, lol. The odds are pretty good for it folks. She wants a 3 peat! So who wants the bet? You get the field, and I get Hillary and since it is sooooooooo improbable, you are going to give me 20 to1-) I betcha you get Hillary again, if she is alive, and still able to talk without drool coming out her mouth, lololol! Yep, support the DNC, cause we want to laugh again-)
I simply cannot understand why the RW and our so-called president have a problem with women and minorities.

Not sure about trump but most RWers do not believe women and minorities should get special treatment in the job market.
I simply cannot understand why the RW and our so-called president have a problem with women and minorities.

53% of white women voters voted for Trump. A healthy percentage of women of all races voted for him as well, or else he would not have won.

I realize you may not see real American women out there rioting for Trump, and don't expect to any time soon.
Warrren used her false claims of indian ancestry to get affirmative action special treatment in college. Just like obama did with his claims of kenyan ancestry.

Trump to Dems: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party' -

feb 11 2017 Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump taunted Democrats by telling them "Pocahontas is now the face of your party" -- his insult of choice for Sen. Elizabeth Warren -- during a meeting with senators earlier this week, sources told CNN.

The sources said the Warren moment came up in the context of Trump's impromptu analysis of the state of the Democratic Party. Trump made his comments in what appeared to be a reference to Warren's criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions during his confirmation process.

Trump used his pejorative campaign nickname for Warren -- a reference to her claims of having Native American ancestry -- several times during the meeting, which one source described as "equal parts bizarre and completely awkward."
At one point, Trump said the only reason Warren claimed Native American heritage was "because she has high cheekbones," one of the sources said.

drumpf is about 8 years old.

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You idiots really don't understand how stupid and childish you sound when you call Elizabeth Warren " Pocahontas."
She's the most fierce fighter in all of Congress and you see that thus your need to try to marginalize her.
She speaks truth to power and it ties your panties in a knot.
I simply cannot understand why the RW and our so-called president have a problem with women and minorities.

53% of white women voters voted for Trump. A healthy percentage of women of all races voted for him as well, or else he would not have won.

I realize you may not see real American women out there rioting for Trump, and don't expect to any time soon.
Riots? What an asshole you are. Almost all the demonstrations have been peaceful so why lie? Force of habit?
The men women and children who have taken to the streets and townhalls are REAL AMERICANS.
There will be more and more women and men demonstrating once people realize that Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's stocked it with the same Goldman Sachs types he railed against.
And once people catch on what Trump and the EPA are going to do to our environment..., these weekly demonstrations will look like child's play.
I simply cannot understand why the RW and our so-called president have a problem with women and minorities.

53% of white women voters voted for Trump. A healthy percentage of women of all races voted for him as well, or else he would not have won.

I realize you may not see real American women out there rioting for Trump, and don't expect to any time soon.
Riots? What an asshole you are. Almost all the demonstrations have been peaceful so why lie? Force of habit?
The men women and children who have taken to the streets and townhalls are REAL AMERICANS.
There will be more and more women and men demonstrating once people realize that Trump hasn't drained the swamp, he's stocked it with the same Goldman Sachs types he railed against.
And once people catch on what Trump and the EPA are going to do to our environment..., these weekly demonstrations will look like child's play.

Good comedic effort. Do you play Vegas in your spare time-)

Pathetic! You are either lying through your teeth, or are so dumb, you actually believe that these protests are not set up for pay to many of the leaders. In either case, after showing your political intelligence to either lie, or be stupid enough to believe the propaganda, you are proclaimed to be----->incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial! Have a nice day.

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