Trump to Dems: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party'


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Warrren used her false claims of indian ancestry to get affirmative action special treatment in college. Just like obama did with his claims of kenyan ancestry.

Trump to Dems: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party' -

feb 11 2017 Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump taunted Democrats by telling them "Pocahontas is now the face of your party" -- his insult of choice for Sen. Elizabeth Warren -- during a meeting with senators earlier this week, sources told CNN.

The sources said the Warren moment came up in the context of Trump's impromptu analysis of the state of the Democratic Party. Trump made his comments in what appeared to be a reference to Warren's criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions during his confirmation process.

Trump used his pejorative campaign nickname for Warren -- a reference to her claims of having Native American ancestry -- several times during the meeting, which one source described as "equal parts bizarre and completely awkward."
At one point, Trump said the only reason Warren claimed Native American heritage was "because she has high cheekbones," one of the sources said.
I pity moderate Dem's, their party has been taken over and destroyed by left loons like Warren. I love that she and her ilk are the face of the party, RIP Democratic party.
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Outside of affirmative action, there is no benefit to claiming you're an injun. Injuns are nothing but drunken welfare trash. At least blacks are good at sports. If i was part injun, i'd be ashamed of it.
I simply cannot understand why the RW and our so-called president have a problem with women and minorities.

I really love your false narrative; still trying to pass it off I see like diarrhea. 19-0-10 bumfu** Egypt loser narrative they have continued to try for the last 15 years. America is on to ya, but keep using your dial-up-phone there Bosephus-):Boom2:
I simply cannot understand why the RW and our so-called president have a problem with women and minorities.

A problem with women? How so, buttecea? Problem with "minorities"? Do you mean illegals that come over here and don't assimilate into American culture and wave their Mexican flag? You mean the illegals beings sponsored by George Soros NGO money like the racist group La Raza? Holy really wonder why someone would have a problem with that? Only a brain dead commie would be perplexed... which totally explains your confusion! LMAO!!!!
I simply cannot understand why the RW and our so-called president have a problem with women and minorities.

I really love your false narrative; still trying to pass it off I see like diarrhea. 19-0-10 bumfu** Egypt loser narrative they have continued to try for the last 15 years. America is on to ya, but keep using your dial-up-phone there Bosephus-):Boom2:
It is quite a puzzlement why women and minorities don't flock to support our so-called president.
As long as there is a (D) after your name, it's OK to lie about being a member of a minority class in order to get ahead politically and financially.

If not for her LIES abut being Native American, she is just another white lady.
I simply cannot understand why the RW and our so-called president have a problem with women and minorities.

A problem with women? How so, buttecea? Problem with "minorities"? Do you mean illegals that come over here and don't assimilate into American culture and wave their Mexican flag? You mean the illegals beings sponsored by George Soros NGO money like the racist group La Raza? Holy really wonder why someone would have a problem with that? Only a brain dead commie would be perplexed... which totally explains your confusion! LMAO!!!!

They know, they are just floating narratives to see which one will work the best. They are phony, they really are. But know what is even funnier? They are phony......that is true.......but they are scared shitless phonies who know what is coming, if they can't find a narrative that works-)
Shouldnt Elizabeth Warrens Face be on that new cereal,,,,,"Loopy Lupes" ???
Grow up you little immature asshole. You are only funny to other retards like yourself.

Do tell? Someone that totally blows at punctuation is calling someone a "retard".......what irony.

Now, with that being said, go fuck yourself, asswipe. Any time you want to debate me? Please let me know. I suspect that have got a whole lot of nothin'. Rexx Taylor is 100 times a better read than any of your fool-fueled rants
I simply cannot understand why the RW and our so-called president have a problem with women and minorities.

I really love your false narrative; still trying to pass it off I see like diarrhea. 19-0-10 bumfu** Egypt loser narrative they have continued to try for the last 15 years. America is on to ya, but keep using your dial-up-phone there Bosephus-):Boom2:
It is quite a puzzlement why women and minorities don't flock to support our so-called president.

I dunno, women were in by 48%, weren't they? And Cubans voted for him by over 53%.

Oh wait, you mean NON citizens, and far leftist women. You really need to put down the parameters before asking the questions-)

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