Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?

Like YOU, she is a liar and an idiot .easy low hanging fruit to pluck!

She is 1/1024th victim.

God bless her. Her plight is unthinkable.
The test said 6-10 generations assdhole.

She suffered the slings and arrows of NAtive Americans, we know,
Of course you're "offended."

More rightwing Republican POUTRAGE!


Why do you people like whipping yourselves up into frenzies so much?


Aw, knock it off, Marc. I was just being facetious. Warren doesn't bother me. She's a non-factor in my life.

I actually hope you guys run her in the 2020 general. lol.
"I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee".....and where did her father's family get that impression? Gonna blame her for that?

You people say she's smart as a whip, a Harvard law professor. Are you saying Warren is a stupid moron for claiming to be a minority?
Where did she claim to be a minority?

If she wasn't claiming it why did she take a DNA test to prove it?

You may go now
listen jackass, there is a big difference between claiming to have some ancestry and claiming to be a minority. Brainwashed functional morons....

Look dupe, Warren listed herself as a "minority" in a professional publication.
No she didn't. Someone else did or it wasn't a professional publication, just a University Facebook. It's another GOP propaganda joke on you, super duper.
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Of course you're "offended."

More rightwing Republican POUTRAGE!


Why do you people like whipping yourselves up into frenzies so much?


Aw, knock it off, Marc. I was just being facetious. Warren doesn't bother me. She's a non-factor in my life.

I actually hope you guys run her in the 2020 general. lol.
And you dupes believe this Tempest in a teapot will ruin her. Only among you brainwashed fools.
My, life is exciting in imaginary propaganda world...
Apparently exciting enough that they have to start thread after thread after thread about how embarrassed they are that Sen. Warren called Tiny's bluff.

She looks like a fucking clown
In bs GOP propaganda world....
Frank the crank, back to sniffing glue again, I see!...Got to love his deranged those are entertainment!
She looks like a fucking clown
Another Trumpette who believes a woman's value resides only in her looks.

Her vagina to. One can always bag the head.

RealDumb thinks I was commenting on her looks. I was talking about her comical DNA test that blew up in her face

RealDumb looks like a fucking clown

Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
She did not lie, nor did her mother grandmother and great-grandmother. The test proves that stupid. Ever consider reality or issues or policies, dunderhead? Or just ridiculous gossip character assassination as always? Brainwashed functional morons...
My, life is exciting in imaginary propaganda world...
Apparently exciting enough that they have to start thread after thread after thread about how embarrassed they are that Sen. Warren called Tiny's bluff.

She looks like a fucking clown
In bs GOP propaganda world....
Frank the crank, back to sniffing glue again, I see!...Got to love his deranged those are entertainment!
Congratulations again on believing bought off, High School grad, X cokehead DJs over the rest of the world of Journalism, dumbass.
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
And let's see that legal directory.

Why can't liberals just admit to lying? Liberals are creepy, embrace your creepy openly.
And let's see that legal directory.

Its all over the news snowflake.
It's all over your garbage propaganda machine, stupid. Which never react retracts anything, no matter how ridiculous and just plain wrong.
My, life is exciting in imaginary propaganda world...
Apparently exciting enough that they have to start thread after thread after thread about how embarrassed they are that Sen. Warren called Tiny's bluff.

She looks like a fucking clown
In bs GOP propaganda world....
Frank the crank, back to sniffing glue again, I see!...Got to love his deranged those are entertainment!
Congratulations again on believing bought off, High School grad, X cokehead DJs over the rest of the world of Journalism, dumbass.
Told you, glue sniffer, of crack, don't matter to Frank the crank!

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