Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

Warren story is done. A blip in the news cycle whose legacy will be she took a DNA test and the results and legacy of the story showed her family story of a Native American ancestor is probably true and Trump welched on his comment to make a million dollar contribution to Warren's favorite charity. Trivial details and arguments made by his supporters will be forgotten and ignored.

You have as much NA Ancestry.

Do you claim to be NA?

Don’t look at the letter after her name, look at the action.
No, I don't. You misinterpret rhe meaning of how rhe word average is used. It does not mean everyone has an average amount of Native American DNA in everyone, it means and depicts that out of 100 Americans a percentage of them will have Native American DNA.
Another Trumpette who believes a woman's value resides only in her looks.

Her vagina to. One can always bag the head.

RealDumb thinks I was commenting on her looks. I was talking about her comical DNA test that blew up in her face

RealDumb looks like a fucking clown

Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?
RealDumb thinks I was commenting on her looks. I was talking about her comical DNA test that blew up in her face

RealDumb looks like a fucking clown

Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?

Like YOU, she is a liar and an idiot .easy low hanging fruit to pluck!
Poor tiny trumpanzees....can't stop talking about Sen Warren pawning tiny trump.
We love making ABNORMALS LIKE YOU go crazy and keep posting your bullshit....if you didnt take offense so easily, it would disappear...but you scum have genetic defects that simply make you do cigarette addiction!
Warren story is done. A blip in the news cycle whose legacy will be she took a DNA test and the results and legacy of the story showed her family story of a Native American ancestor is probably true and Trump welched on his comment to make a million dollar contribution to Warren's favorite charity. Trivial details and arguments made by his supporters will be forgotten and ignored.
PROBABLY DON'T GET THE PHONY INDIAN A MILLION!....and the DNA IS OF A SOUTH AMERICAN indigenous person...NOT a native American Indian....but you fucking dumb ass ABNORMALS keep spewing your HARRY REID TALKING POINTS... HE LIED ALSO!
Today's argument will be that Warren is not of North American native American heritage, but rather of South American native ancestry. Her past is linked to the Amazon jungles.
Of course....they have to keep going and going and going on this. Their tiny trump's feelings were hurt when his bluff was called.
And she LOST, Did you read...

Elizabeth Warren Has Statistically Less Native American Blood Than Average White ...
The Daily Caller › 2018/10/15

2 days ago · Elizabeth Warren released the results from a DNA test Monday proving ... Are You More Native American Than Elizabeth Warren?
Warren story is done. A blip in the news cycle whose legacy will be she took a DNA test and the results and legacy of the story showed her family story of a Native American ancestor is probably true and Trump welched on his comment to make a million dollar contribution to Warren's favorite charity. Trivial details and arguments made by his supporters will be forgotten and ignored.
PROBABLY DON'T GET THE PHONY INDIAN A MILLION!....and the DNA IS OF A SOUTH AMERICAN indigenous person...NOT a native American Indian....but you fucking dumb ass ABNORMALS keep spewing your HARRY REID TALKING POINTS... HE LIED ALSO!
Today's argument will be that Warren is not of North American native American heritage, but rather of South American native ancestry. Her past is linked to the Amazon jungles.
I don't think so, as it is a fact that most Americans have more Induan DNA than that bitch

Elizabeth Warren Has Statistically Less Native American Blood Than Average White ...
The Daily Caller › 2018/10/15

2 days ago · Elizabeth Warren released the results from a DNA test Monday proving ... Are You More Native American Than Elizabeth Warren?
You have no idea how stupid you sound.
Your link is to a fake news hack propaganda rag. Specially produced for dupes like you.
Warren story is done. A blip in the news cycle whose legacy will be she took a DNA test and the results and legacy of the story showed her family story of a Native American ancestor is probably true and Trump welched on his comment to make a million dollar contribution to Warren's favorite charity. Trivial details and arguments made by his supporters will be forgotten and ignored.
PROBABLY DON'T GET THE PHONY INDIAN A MILLION!....and the DNA IS OF A SOUTH AMERICAN indigenous person...NOT a native American Indian....but you fucking dumb ass ABNORMALS keep spewing your HARRY REID TALKING POINTS... HE LIED ALSO!
Today's argument will be that Warren is not of North American native American heritage, but rather of South American native ancestry. Her past is linked to the Amazon jungles.
I don't think so, as it is a fact that most Americans have more Induan DNA than that bitch

Elizabeth Warren Has Statistically Less Native American Blood Than Average White ...
The Daily Caller › 2018/10/15

2 days ago · Elizabeth Warren released the results from a DNA test Monday proving ... Are You More Native American Than Elizabeth Warren?
You have no idea how stupid you sound.
Well I have an excellent idea how stupid you are!
Her vagina to. One can always bag the head.

RealDumb thinks I was commenting on her looks. I was talking about her comical DNA test that blew up in her face

RealDumb looks like a fucking clown

Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?
Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?

Like YOU, she is a liar and an idiot .easy low hanging fruit to pluck!
Poor tiny trumpanzees....can't stop talking about Sen Warren pawning tiny trump.
We love making ABNORMALS LIKE YOU go crazy and keep posting your bullshit....if you didnt take offense so easily, it would disappear...but you scum have genetic defects that simply make you do cigarette addiction!

But worse.
Warren story is done. A blip in the news cycle whose legacy will be she took a DNA test and the results and legacy of the story showed her family story of a Native American ancestor is probably true and Trump welched on his comment to make a million dollar contribution to Warren's favorite charity. Trivial details and arguments made by his supporters will be forgotten and ignored.
PROBABLY DON'T GET THE PHONY INDIAN A MILLION!....and the DNA IS OF A SOUTH AMERICAN indigenous person...NOT a native American Indian....but you fucking dumb ass ABNORMALS keep spewing your HARRY REID TALKING POINTS... HE LIED ALSO!
Today's argument will be that Warren is not of North American native American heritage, but rather of South American native ancestry. Her past is linked to the Amazon jungles.
I don't think so, as it is a fact that most Americans have more Induan DNA than that bitch

Elizabeth Warren Has Statistically Less Native American Blood Than Average White ...
The Daily Caller › 2018/10/15

2 days ago · Elizabeth Warren released the results from a DNA test Monday proving ... Are You More Native American Than Elizabeth Warren?
You have no idea how stupid you sound.
Well I have an excellent idea how stupid you are!
You believe 330 million Americans have traces of Native American blood because you have horrible reading comprehension and are a sucker for Trumpian propaganda.
Another Trumpette who believes a woman's value resides only in her looks.

Her vagina to. One can always bag the head.

RealDumb thinks I was commenting on her looks. I was talking about her comical DNA test that blew up in her face

RealDumb looks like a fucking clown

Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?
RealDumb thinks I was commenting on her looks. I was talking about her comical DNA test that blew up in her face

RealDumb looks like a fucking clown

Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?

Like YOU, she is a liar and an idiot .easy low hanging fruit to pluck!
Poor tiny trumpanzees....can't stop talking about Sen Warren pawning tiny trump.

You literally cried when HIllary lost, didn’t you?
PROBABLY DON'T GET THE PHONY INDIAN A MILLION!....and the DNA IS OF A SOUTH AMERICAN indigenous person...NOT a native American Indian....but you fucking dumb ass ABNORMALS keep spewing your HARRY REID TALKING POINTS... HE LIED ALSO!
Today's argument will be that Warren is not of North American native American heritage, but rather of South American native ancestry. Her past is linked to the Amazon jungles.
I don't think so, as it is a fact that most Americans have more Induan DNA than that bitch

Elizabeth Warren Has Statistically Less Native American Blood Than Average White ...
The Daily Caller › 2018/10/15

2 days ago · Elizabeth Warren released the results from a DNA test Monday proving ... Are You More Native American Than Elizabeth Warren?
You have no idea how stupid you sound.
Well I have an excellent idea how stupid you are!
You believe 330 million Americans have traces of Native American blood because you have horrible reading comprehension and are a sucker for Trumpian propaganda.
ABNORMALS, such entertainment!
Her vagina to. One can always bag the head.

RealDumb thinks I was commenting on her looks. I was talking about her comical DNA test that blew up in her face

RealDumb looks like a fucking clown

Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?
Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?

Like YOU, she is a liar and an idiot .easy low hanging fruit to pluck!
Poor tiny trumpanzees....can't stop talking about Sen Warren pawning tiny trump.
We love making ABNORMALS LIKE YOU go crazy and keep posting your bullshit....if you didnt take offense so easily, it would disappear...but you scum have genetic defects that simply make you do cigarette addiction! classify yourself as Normal? Based on what exactly?
Her vagina to. One can always bag the head.

RealDumb thinks I was commenting on her looks. I was talking about her comical DNA test that blew up in her face

RealDumb looks like a fucking clown

Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?
Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?

Like YOU, she is a liar and an idiot .easy low hanging fruit to pluck!
Poor tiny trumpanzees....can't stop talking about Sen Warren pawning tiny trump.

You literally cried when HIllary lost, didn’t you?
No....don't cry usually except for family stuff, puppies and sad movies. Did you cry?
Warren story is done. A blip in the news cycle whose legacy will be she took a DNA test and the results and legacy of the story showed her family story of a Native American ancestor is probably true and Trump welched on his comment to make a million dollar contribution to Warren's favorite charity. Trivial details and arguments made by his supporters will be forgotten and ignored.
PROBABLY DON'T GET THE PHONY INDIAN A MILLION!....and the DNA IS OF A SOUTH AMERICAN indigenous person...NOT a native American Indian....but you fucking dumb ass ABNORMALS keep spewing your HARRY REID TALKING POINTS... HE LIED ALSO!
Today's argument will be that Warren is not of North American native American heritage, but rather of South American native ancestry. Her past is linked to the Amazon jungles.
Of course....they have to keep going and going and going on this. Their tiny trump's feelings were hurt when his bluff was called.
And she LOST, Did you read...

Elizabeth Warren Has Statistically Less Native American Blood Than Average White ...
The Daily Caller › 2018/10/15

2 days ago · Elizabeth Warren released the results from a DNA test Monday proving ... Are You More Native American Than Elizabeth Warren?
How many threads do tiny trumpanzees have to start before they feel they have somehow recouped their tiny orange master's honor?
RealDumb thinks I was commenting on her looks. I was talking about her comical DNA test that blew up in her face

RealDumb looks like a fucking clown

Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?
You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?

Like YOU, she is a liar and an idiot .easy low hanging fruit to pluck!
Poor tiny trumpanzees....can't stop talking about Sen Warren pawning tiny trump.
We love making ABNORMALS LIKE YOU go crazy and keep posting your bullshit....if you didnt take offense so easily, it would disappear...but you scum have genetic defects that simply make you do cigarette addiction! classify yourself as Normal? Based on what exactly?
Comparison to you scum....glad to make the distinction!
Warren story is done. A blip in the news cycle whose legacy will be she took a DNA test and the results and legacy of the story showed her family story of a Native American ancestor is probably true and Trump welched on his comment to make a million dollar contribution to Warren's favorite charity. Trivial details and arguments made by his supporters will be forgotten and ignored.
PROBABLY DON'T GET THE PHONY INDIAN A MILLION!....and the DNA IS OF A SOUTH AMERICAN indigenous person...NOT a native American Indian....but you fucking dumb ass ABNORMALS keep spewing your HARRY REID TALKING POINTS... HE LIED ALSO!
Today's argument will be that Warren is not of North American native American heritage, but rather of South American native ancestry. Her past is linked to the Amazon jungles.
Of course....they have to keep going and going and going on this. Their tiny trump's feelings were hurt when his bluff was called.
And she LOST, Did you read...

Elizabeth Warren Has Statistically Less Native American Blood Than Average White ...
The Daily Caller › 2018/10/15

2 days ago · Elizabeth Warren released the results from a DNA test Monday proving ... Are You More Native American Than Elizabeth Warren?
How many threads do tiny trumpanzees have to start before they feel they have somehow recouped their tiny orange master's honor?
One more than you complain about, ABNORMAL!
Speaking as a card carrying tribal citizen of the Cherokee Nation, the entire charade really is inappropriate.

And frankly, I'm offended.
Of course you're "offended."

More rightwing Republican POUTRAGE!


Why do you people like whipping yourselves up into frenzies so much?

Warren story is done. A blip in the news cycle whose legacy will be she took a DNA test and the results and legacy of the story showed her family story of a Native American ancestor is probably true and Trump welched on his comment to make a million dollar contribution to Warren's favorite charity. Trivial details and arguments made by his supporters will be forgotten and ignored.

You have as much NA Ancestry.

Do you claim to be NA?

Don’t look at the letter after her name, look at the action.

I can claim NA heritage. Like Warren did.
RealDumb thinks I was commenting on her looks. I was talking about her comical DNA test that blew up in her face

RealDumb looks like a fucking clown

Wow, you make a misogynistic Comment & then run away from it when caught.

If it were what you claim then you would say "She was a clown or acted like a clown" but you said looked.

I don't expect a panty waisted chickenshit Trumpette to be honest but instead run away whining like a little child.

You might want to put down your device and take a walk around the block.

Why are you so emotionally invested in Liz Warren?

She lied. She got busted. She will never be POTUS.

Her sensibilities are way off.
Why have so many tiny trumpanzees started so many threads about Elizabeth Warren?

Like YOU, she is a liar and an idiot .easy low hanging fruit to pluck!

She is 1/1024th victim.

God bless her. Her plight is unthinkable.
The test said 6-10 generations assdhole.
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
"I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee".....and where did her father's family get that impression? Gonna blame her for that?

You people say she's smart as a whip, a Harvard law professor. Are you saying Warren is a stupid moron for claiming to be a minority?
Where did she claim to be a minority?

If she wasn't claiming it why did she take a DNA test to prove it?

You may go now

The left are discombobulated, Warren has been exposed, she tried to cash in by pretending to be a Cherokee Indian minority. Now even the big 3 liberal networks are mocking her.
No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
"I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee".....and where did her father's family get that impression? Gonna blame her for that?

You people say she's smart as a whip, a Harvard law professor. Are you saying Warren is a stupid moron for claiming to be a minority?
Where did she claim to be a minority?

If she wasn't claiming it why did she take a DNA test to prove it?

You may go now
listen jackass, there is a big difference between claiming to have some ancestry and claiming to be a minority. Brainwashed functional morons....

Just admit it, she tried to cash in by pretending to be a Cherokee Indian minority. She tried to cash in by claiming her parents were victims of racism against Cherokee Indians.
Is there any other kind?
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
And let's see that legal directory.

Why can't liberals just admit to lying? Liberals are creepy, embrace your creepy openly.
And let's see that legal directory.

Its all over the news snowflake.

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