Trump Erasure Continues: Obamacare Alive And Well


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.
We are headed for "Eurosclerosis" plus we still have to subsidize them while no one subsidizes us.
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.
Did you vote for Biden?
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.
I do not care. It did me no harm as I always have had insurance. Many of the people that bitch the loudest always have. It did allow us to keep both our twin sons on our family plans through their college years. We didn't need it, but had I been forced to relocate to find employment after the Bush crash, my wife could have gotten more insurance though she was a less than 10 year cancer survivor. They could not get the votes to kill it in Congress nor prove their contentions enough to kill it in the courts. If you do not want it. Don't sign up for it.
It may be "alive" but it is not now nor was Øbamacare ever "well"

Each family will save $2500. Yeah, more like it screwed tens-of-millions.
The crooked insurance providers, drug companies and Hospitals might like this but the American taxpayer hates it.
Also is the war thing. Biden is sending more troops to Syria! Yay! Let’s kill some brown people and Americans who are not me!!
I do not care. It did me no harm as I always have had insurance. Many of the people that bitch the loudest always have.

It hiked up premiums for a lot people. That may not have happened to you. It didn't for me, actually, but I know a lot of people who did see big increases the year after it became law. It also punished poor people who couldn't afford to purchase on the exchanges, most of which went bankrupt within the first two years. It was a poorly written law and never came close to do doing what they claimed it would, which I said it wouldn't from Day One. I'm truly astonished at the stupidity of people who continue to support that legislation.
I do not care. It did me no harm as I always have had insurance. Many of the people that bitch the loudest always have.

It hiked up premiums for a lot people. That may not have happened to you. It didn't for me, actually, but I know a lot of people who did see big increases the year after it became law. It also punished poor people who couldn't afford to purchase on the exchanges, most of which went bankrupt within the first two years. It was a poorly written law and never came close to do doing what they claimed it would, which I said it wouldn't from Day One. I'm truly astonished at the stupidity of people who continue to support that legislation.
Maybe there will be bipartisan effort to fix it. It started out as a republican state idea. Does not scare me as two of the three plans I have coverage under are government plans now, in my retirement and seems to work pretty well for me.
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.
I do not care. It did me no harm as I always have had insurance. Many of the people that bitch the loudest always have. It did allow us to keep both our twin sons on our family plans through their college years. We didn't need it, but had I been forced to relocate to find employment after the Bush crash, my wife could have gotten more insurance though she was a less than 10 year cancer survivor. They could not get the votes to kill it in Congress nor prove their contentions enough to kill it in the courts. If you do not want it. Don't sign up for it.
If you don't want it don't sign up for it wasn't an option for many people. We small business owners had all of our choices taken from us. We were not allowed to buy Obamacare compliant policies outside of the exchange and were fined if we didn't have compliant policies. People who weren't poor enough to qualify for subsidies saw their policy prices triple with 100% of deductible having to be met before insurance paid a dime. My spouse and mine's final Obamacare compliant policy came to $15,600 per year BEFORE deductible.
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.
I do not care. It did me no harm as I always have had insurance. Many of the people that bitch the loudest always have. It did allow us to keep both our twin sons on our family plans through their college years. We didn't need it, but had I been forced to relocate to find employment after the Bush crash, my wife could have gotten more insurance though she was a less than 10 year cancer survivor. They could not get the votes to kill it in Congress nor prove their contentions enough to kill it in the courts. If you do not want it. Don't sign up for it.
If you don't want it don't sign up for it wasn't an option for many people. We small business owners had all of our choices taken from us. We were not allowed to buy Obamacare compliant policies outside of the exchange and were fined if we didn't have compliant policies. People who weren't poor enough to qualify for subsidies saw their policy prices triple with 100% of deductible having to be met before insurance paid a dime. My spouse and mine's final Obamacare compliant policy came to $15,600 per year BEFORE deductible.
They need to fix it. Will take both parties to do anything about healthcare. Last admin only interested in repeal, not replace. Hope they get it worked out for you.
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.
I do not care. It did me no harm as I always have had insurance. Many of the people that bitch the loudest always have. It did allow us to keep both our twin sons on our family plans through their college years. We didn't need it, but had I been forced to relocate to find employment after the Bush crash, my wife could have gotten more insurance though she was a less than 10 year cancer survivor. They could not get the votes to kill it in Congress nor prove their contentions enough to kill it in the courts. If you do not want it. Don't sign up for it.
If you don't want it don't sign up for it wasn't an option for many people. We small business owners had all of our choices taken from us. We were not allowed to buy Obamacare compliant policies outside of the exchange and were fined if we didn't have compliant policies. People who weren't poor enough to qualify for subsidies saw their policy prices triple with 100% of deductible having to be met before insurance paid a dime. My spouse and mine's final Obamacare compliant policy came to $15,600 per year BEFORE deductible.

You need single payer. Reduce the role of private insurance to "supplemental" things the basic insurance doesn't cover. Like the rest of the first world. Drop your administration costs to 5% from the current 30+% - no pre-approvals, no copays, no paperwork. Photo ID Electronic swipe cards for all.
I do not care. It did me no harm as I always have had insurance. Many of the people that bitch the loudest always have.

It hiked up premiums for a lot people. That may not have happened to you. It didn't for me, actually, but I know a lot of people who did see big increases the year after it became law. It also punished poor people who couldn't afford to purchase on the exchanges, most of which went bankrupt within the first two years. It was a poorly written law and never came close to do doing what they claimed it would, which I said it wouldn't from Day One. I'm truly astonished at the stupidity of people who continue to support that legislation.

It worked out very well. Saved the lives of millions of people. If you are poor and went bankrupt from a healthcare policy that is fully subsidized for your position, then it wasn’t the healthcare policy that made you bankrupt. Now that’s stupidity. Which would also explain your position. The law itself was very well written, and would have worked out even better but for Republican obstruction. Anything a Republican touches turned into shit. It is why they crash economies, and Democrats have to fix them. The original law provided for a public option, which was shot down by Republicans, which the overwhelming majority of Americans want. If your concern is about insurance companies, the solution is an easy one. Support a national healthcare system, like every other industrialized nation on the planet has.
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.
I do not care. It did me no harm as I always have had insurance. Many of the people that bitch the loudest always have. It did allow us to keep both our twin sons on our family plans through their college years. We didn't need it, but had I been forced to relocate to find employment after the Bush crash, my wife could have gotten more insurance though she was a less than 10 year cancer survivor. They could not get the votes to kill it in Congress nor prove their contentions enough to kill it in the courts. If you do not want it. Don't sign up for it.
If you don't want it don't sign up for it wasn't an option for many people. We small business owners had all of our choices taken from us. We were not allowed to buy Obamacare compliant policies outside of the exchange and were fined if we didn't have compliant policies. People who weren't poor enough to qualify for subsidies saw their policy prices triple with 100% of deductible having to be met before insurance paid a dime. My spouse and mine's final Obamacare compliant policy came to $15,600 per year BEFORE deductible.

You need single payer. Reduce the role of private insurance to "supplemental" things the basic insurance doesn't cover. Like the rest of the first world. Drop your administration costs to 5% from the current 30+% - no pre-approvals, no copays, no paperwork. Photo ID Electronic swipe cards for all.

This will RUIN healthcare in the US and frankly, the world. We are the leading inivator in the world with the best specialsists. If the US goes single payer, which country will take over the lead in these areas? How much will we all suffer from less innovation and having the best and the brightest going into the medical field? Having the government completely control healthcare is pure idiocy.
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.
that's a shame. in trump's second term, WHICH WAS STOLEN FROM HIM BY PEOPLE VOTING OVERWHELMINGLY FOR THE OTHER GUY, he would have finally revealed his awesome health care plan.
The better title for this thread is "Disastrous Obamacare Continues After China Joe Steals an Election".

It means now we are going to have higher premiums, higher deductions, higher co payments and be required to pay for a bunch of silly shit we don't need to give subsidies to the fithy ass welfare queens who are too sorry to afford their own insurance.
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.
I do not care. It did me no harm as I always have had insurance. Many of the people that bitch the loudest always have. It did allow us to keep both our twin sons on our family plans through their college years. We didn't need it, but had I been forced to relocate to find employment after the Bush crash, my wife could have gotten more insurance though she was a less than 10 year cancer survivor. They could not get the votes to kill it in Congress nor prove their contentions enough to kill it in the courts. If you do not want it. Don't sign up for it.
If you don't want it don't sign up for it wasn't an option for many people. We small business owners had all of our choices taken from us. We were not allowed to buy Obamacare compliant policies outside of the exchange and were fined if we didn't have compliant policies. People who weren't poor enough to qualify for subsidies saw their policy prices triple with 100% of deductible having to be met before insurance paid a dime. My spouse and mine's final Obamacare compliant policy came to $15,600 per year BEFORE deductible.

You need single payer. Reduce the role of private insurance to "supplemental" things the basic insurance doesn't cover. Like the rest of the first world. Drop your administration costs to 5% from the current 30+% - no pre-approvals, no copays, no paperwork. Photo ID Electronic swipe cards for all.

This will RUIN healthcare in the US and frankly, the world. We are the leading inivator in the world with the best specialsists. If the US goes single payer, which country will take over the lead in these areas? How much will we all suffer from less innovation and having the best and the brightest going into the medical field? Having the government completely control healthcare is pure idiocy.
We have one of if not the worst responses to pandemic of anywhere in the world by confirmed cases and death count. Whatever made you think healthcare in American was not ruined here years ago? Was it just because you and I could afford it and bought extra insurance just to make sure we could always afford the healthcare we wanted in an overpriced dysfunctional market operating and generating profits for those that can control the flow, far out of touch with costs in an uncontrolled free for all of capitalistic self indulgence?
Whatever happened to that beautiful replacement Trump had?

It must have been stolen. Stop the steal!
Maybe Trump's terrific, wonderful, best-replacement-in-the-history-of-America-believe-me fell out of his pocket on the golf course. Along with the 2,000 miles of big, concrete, southern, new, sexy wall Mexico was going to pay for.

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