Trump Drops To Knees, Fellates KGB Putin

Turkey was caught red handed engaging in black market oil dealings with ISIS while Obama protected the whole thing by refusing to let anyone strike ISIS' oil facilities or oil tankers...until France began to do so after the Paris attacks....

..and you so can't handle the truth that you scream out you preverse sexual fantasy in the title of the thread before going on your rant....

Pull yourself together, man!

ummm..... yeeeah, I'm going to need a link for that.
From Putin's propaganda piss to Trump's mouth:
Donald Trump aligned himself with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, saying that Turkey appears to be on the side of Islamic State.

“Turkey looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil,” Trump said in an interview with Sirius XM's "Breitbart News Daily" Tuesday morning, echoing comments from the Russian president on Monday.

"We have received additional data which confirm that Islamic State oil ... enters the territory of Turkey," Putin said. "The decision to shoot down the plane was dictated specifically by a desire to defend supplies."

Trump aligns with Putin in accusing Turkey of siding with ISIL

Putin is using classic Soviet propaganda techniques. When our country used to criticize the Soviet Union's human rights violations, their useful idiots in America would point out our civil rights problems to throw smoke up in front of the USSR's far more evil behavior.

Now he has our domestic useful idiots throwing up smoke for him about our ally Turkey because Turkey gave him a bloody nose.

I have said recently how much the whiny, pessimistic, modern day right wingers who fellate Russia these days remind me so much of the 70s liberals. It's downright weird how alike they are.

Donald the Great Pretender is carrying the Republican brand the rest of the way to the cliff's edge. He is now trying to affect our longstanding diplomatic relations with one of our most faithful allies. Turkey is also the most secular of the Muslim nations.

What a fucking asshole!


"Documents and flash drives seized during the Sayyaf raid reportedly revealed links "so clear" and "undeniable" between Turkey and ISIS "that they could end up having profound policy implications for the relationship between us and Ankara," senior Western official familiar with the captured intelligence told the Guardian."

....that silence you now hear is the sound of this entire false liberal attack rant collapsing around the hate-filled, clueless, partisan OP ...
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Wow, who would have thought the day wold come when the Russian president, a KGB thug, is more believable than the president of the united states.
Who would have though the day would come when alleged "conservatives" believe KGB propaganda over their country's allies.

You tards are eerily akin to the simpering liberals of the 70s.

Because you lie. Because we can smash you into the ground with your lies. Whether it is the ME or the Ukraine we can nuke you.

Turkey has been buying oil and funding ISIS. They have been killing Kurds......

He's right and I've been saying that on many threads.............

We need to forget the BS, side with all who want to take out ISIS and end there dang Caliphate.
urkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday said Turkey does not buy any oil from Islamic State (ISIS), insisting that his country's fight against the jihadist group is "undisputed."

"Shame on you. Those who claim we buy oil from Daesh (IS) are obliged to prove it. If not, you are a slanderer," Erdogan said, lashing out at Russian charges after the downing of a warplane on the Syrian border.

Erdogan also said that Russia was Turkey's biggest energy supplier, followed by Iran.
Erdogan denies Turkey buying oil from ISIS
Turkey has been buying oil and funding ISIS. They have been killing Kurds......

He's right and I've been saying that on many threads.............

We need to forget the BS, side with all who want to take out ISIS and end there dang Caliphate.
urkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday said Turkey does not buy any oil from Islamic State (ISIS), insisting that his country's fight against the jihadist group is "undisputed."

"Shame on you. Those who claim we buy oil from Daesh (IS) are obliged to prove it. If not, you are a slanderer," Erdogan said, lashing out at Russian charges after the downing of a warplane on the Syrian border.

Erdogan also said that Russia was Turkey's biggest energy supplier, followed by Iran.
Erdogan denies Turkey buying oil from ISIS

Turkey is denying the proven connection to ISIS.... SHOCKING.
Turkey has been buying oil and funding ISIS. They have been killing Kurds......

He's right and I've been saying that on many threads.............

We need to forget the BS, side with all who want to take out ISIS and end there dang Caliphate.
urkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday said Turkey does not buy any oil from Islamic State (ISIS), insisting that his country's fight against the jihadist group is "undisputed."

"Shame on you. Those who claim we buy oil from Daesh (IS) are obliged to prove it. If not, you are a slanderer," Erdogan said, lashing out at Russian charges after the downing of a warplane on the Syrian border.

Erdogan also said that Russia was Turkey's biggest energy supplier, followed by Iran.
Erdogan denies Turkey buying oil from ISIS

And even though the New York Times has this son of a bitch Erdogan squarely in the cross hairs.
From Putin's propaganda piss to Trump's mouth:
Donald Trump aligned himself with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, saying that Turkey appears to be on the side of Islamic State.

“Turkey looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil,” Trump said in an interview with Sirius XM's "Breitbart News Daily" Tuesday morning, echoing comments from the Russian president on Monday.

"We have received additional data which confirm that Islamic State oil ... enters the territory of Turkey," Putin said. "The decision to shoot down the plane was dictated specifically by a desire to defend supplies."

Trump aligns with Putin in accusing Turkey of siding with ISIL

Putin is using classic Soviet propaganda techniques. When our country used to criticize the Soviet Union's human rights violations, their useful idiots in America would point out our civil rights problems to throw smoke up in front of the USSR's far more evil behavior.

Now he has our domestic useful idiots throwing up smoke for him about our ally Turkey because Turkey gave him a bloody nose.

I have said recently how much the whiny, pessimistic, modern day right wingers who fellate Russia these days remind me so much of the 70s liberals. It's downright weird how alike they are.

Donald the Great Pretender is carrying the Republican brand the rest of the way to the cliff's edge. He is now trying to affect our longstanding diplomatic relations with one of our most faithful allies. Turkey is also the most secular of the Muslim nations.

What a fucking asshole! are color blnd....that was actually Obama............
Turkey was caught red handed engaging in black market oil dealings with ISIS while Obama protected the whole thing by refusing to let anyone strike ISIS' oil facilities or oil tankers...until France began to do so after the Paris attacks....

..and you so can't handle the truth that you scream out you preverse sexual fantasy in the title of the thread before going on your rant....

Pull yourself together, man!

ummm..... yeeeah, I'm going to need a link for that.

I've put out enough links for forever.

Look up your own shit. I'm damn well tired of putting the crap out on here.
Funny how the dictator Putin seems to be truthful, but our liberals LIE like the Obomanation!

Turkey could cut off Islamic State's supply lines. So why ... › Opinion › Turkey
The Guardian
Nov 18, 2015 - Back in August, the YPG, fresh from their victories in Kobani and Gire Spi, were poised to seize Jarablus, the last Isis-held town on the Turkish ...
BREAKING: Germany's DW Reports ISIS Supply Lines ...
Nov 28, 2014 - The report titled, "'IS' supply channels through Turkey," confirms what ... ISIS supply lines leading from NATO territory should be of no surprise.
Turkish daily exposes transfer of weapons to IS - Al-Monitor ...
Sep 1, 2015 - It was a day of intrigue in Turkey: police raids, weapons smuggling, ..... Turkish supply of ISIS includes NATO soldiers dressed as jihadists, ...

"Documents and flash drives seized during the Sayyaf raid reportedly revealed links "so clear" and "undeniable" between Turkey and ISIS "that they could end up having profound policy implications for the relationship between us and Ankara," senior Western official familiar with the captured intelligence told the Guardian."

....that silence you now hear is the sound of this entire false liberal attack rant collapsing around the hate-filled, clueless, partisan OP ...
In the Libtard world that would be viewed as a microaggression. G0000 is fleeing for a safe place.
From Putin's propaganda piss to Trump's mouth:
Donald Trump aligned himself with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, saying that Turkey appears to be on the side of Islamic State.

“Turkey looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil,” Trump said in an interview with Sirius XM's "Breitbart News Daily" Tuesday morning, echoing comments from the Russian president on Monday.

"We have received additional data which confirm that Islamic State oil ... enters the territory of Turkey," Putin said. "The decision to shoot down the plane was dictated specifically by a desire to defend supplies."

Trump aligns with Putin in accusing Turkey of siding with ISIL

Putin is using classic Soviet propaganda techniques. When our country used to criticize the Soviet Union's human rights violations, their useful idiots in America would point out our civil rights problems to throw smoke up in front of the USSR's far more evil behavior.

Now he has our domestic useful idiots throwing up smoke for him about our ally Turkey because Turkey gave him a bloody nose.

I have said recently how much the whiny, pessimistic, modern day right wingers who fellate Russia these days remind me so much of the 70s liberals. It's downright weird how alike they are.

Donald the Great Pretender is carrying the Republican brand the rest of the way to the cliff's edge. He is now trying to affect our longstanding diplomatic relations with one of our most faithful allies. Turkey is also the most secular of the Muslim nations.

What a fucking asshole!

Imagine gay sex stuff a lot?
From Putin's propaganda piss to Trump's mouth:
Donald Trump aligned himself with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, saying that Turkey appears to be on the side of Islamic State.

“Turkey looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil,” Trump said in an interview with Sirius XM's "Breitbart News Daily" Tuesday morning, echoing comments from the Russian president on Monday.

"We have received additional data which confirm that Islamic State oil ... enters the territory of Turkey," Putin said. "The decision to shoot down the plane was dictated specifically by a desire to defend supplies."

Trump aligns with Putin in accusing Turkey of siding with ISIL

Putin is using classic Soviet propaganda techniques. When our country used to criticize the Soviet Union's human rights violations, their useful idiots in America would point out our civil rights problems to throw smoke up in front of the USSR's far more evil behavior.

Now he has our domestic useful idiots throwing up smoke for him about our ally Turkey because Turkey gave him a bloody nose.

I have said recently how much the whiny, pessimistic, modern day right wingers who fellate Russia these days remind me so much of the 70s liberals. It's downright weird how alike they are.

Donald the Great Pretender is carrying the Republican brand the rest of the way to the cliff's edge. He is now trying to affect our longstanding diplomatic relations with one of our most faithful allies. Turkey is also the most secular of the Muslim nations.

What a fucking asshole!
Why get worked up about Trump? Is he relevant to the future of our country?

Trump is providing propaganda fodder for the terrorists and our other enemies.

So, yeah. We should be worried every time he blows open his fucking idiotic mouth.

Other countries don't realize he's not going to be the President when they watch our election process. That's gotta be disconcerting...

they know there might be hope for america if we elect a patriot this time. I believe they're encouraged.

I agree. An since when is agreeing with what someone else says aligning yourself with what he does??

Kind of a stretch there.
From Putin's propaganda piss to Trump's mouth:
Donald Trump aligned himself with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, saying that Turkey appears to be on the side of Islamic State.

“Turkey looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil,” Trump said in an interview with Sirius XM's "Breitbart News Daily" Tuesday morning, echoing comments from the Russian president on Monday.

"We have received additional data which confirm that Islamic State oil ... enters the territory of Turkey," Putin said. "The decision to shoot down the plane was dictated specifically by a desire to defend supplies."

Trump aligns with Putin in accusing Turkey of siding with ISIL

Putin is using classic Soviet propaganda techniques. When our country used to criticize the Soviet Union's human rights violations, their useful idiots in America would point out our civil rights problems to throw smoke up in front of the USSR's far more evil behavior.

Now he has our domestic useful idiots throwing up smoke for him about our ally Turkey because Turkey gave him a bloody nose.

I have said recently how much the whiny, pessimistic, modern day right wingers who fellate Russia these days remind me so much of the 70s liberals. It's downright weird how alike they are.

Donald the Great Pretender is carrying the Republican brand the rest of the way to the cliff's edge. He is now trying to affect our longstanding diplomatic relations with one of our most faithful allies. Turkey is also the most secular of the Muslim nations.

What a fucking asshole!

Imagine gay sex stuff a lot?
At least he just imagines it.

Anyway, so we can put a number of stories together to make a whole picture.
Obama warned ISIS before bombing their oil trucks. I dont doubt we bombed a lot of empty trucks. Turkey was buying oil from ISIS. Obama was protecting Turkey's lucrative trade with ISIS. All of that explains a whole bunch of US foreign policy failure.
Obama should probably be tried for treason.
It isn't just Russia that reports all of this shit.
Take obama out of you guys mouths and THINK you goddamn morons!
Even OBAMA has talked about it.
FFS Obama even met with Turkey about them buying oil!
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is struggling to cut off the millions of dollars in oil revenue that has made the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria one of the wealthiest terror groups in history, but so far has been unable to persuade Turkey, the NATO ally where much of the oil is traded on the black market, to crack down on an extensive sales network.
“Turkey in many ways is a wild card in this coalition equation,” said Juan Zarate, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and author of “Treasury’s War: The Unleashing of a New Era of Financial Warfare.” “It’s a great disappointment: There is a real danger that the effort to degrade and destroy ISIS is at risk. You have a major NATO ally, and it is not clear they are willing and able to cut off flows of funds, fighters and support to ISIS.”
One senior official, calling President Obama’s recent conversations with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, “sensitive,” said the decisions about what the country will do to counter ISIS “will be theirs to make.”

Funny how the dictator Putin seems to be truthful, but our liberals LIE like the Obomanation!

When the greatness of Martin Luther King is spoken of, it can always be counted upon that someone will talk about his infidelities with women.

When the greatness of our Founders are spoken of, it can always be counted up that someone will talk about them as rich, white slave owners.

During the Cold War, whenever the Right alerted our country to the dangers and evils of the USSR, particularly their human rights violations, the liberals could always be counted upon to point out our own weaknesses and our treatment of minorities.

This tactic is one which attempts to draw some kind of moral equivalency between two entities which are nowhere near alike on the scale of evil.

So now you retards have a choice to make. Right now, you are being tools of a KGB thug. You are useful idiots.

It's time to wake up and see what is going on. Putin wants free rein to commit mass atrocities in Syria. He wants us and our allies out of the way.

That is what is going on.

He would also like an oil price shock since his economy is in a deep recession due to low oil prices.

It is time to take Putin's cock out of your mouth.

Stop being a KGB thug's tool.
From Putin's propaganda piss to Trump's mouth:
Donald Trump aligned himself with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, saying that Turkey appears to be on the side of Islamic State.

“Turkey looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil,” Trump said in an interview with Sirius XM's "Breitbart News Daily" Tuesday morning, echoing comments from the Russian president on Monday.

"We have received additional data which confirm that Islamic State oil ... enters the territory of Turkey," Putin said. "The decision to shoot down the plane was dictated specifically by a desire to defend supplies."

Trump aligns with Putin in accusing Turkey of siding with ISIL

Putin is using classic Soviet propaganda techniques. When our country used to criticize the Soviet Union's human rights violations, their useful idiots in America would point out our civil rights problems to throw smoke up in front of the USSR's far more evil behavior.

Now he has our domestic useful idiots throwing up smoke for him about our ally Turkey because Turkey gave him a bloody nose.

I have said recently how much the whiny, pessimistic, modern day right wingers who fellate Russia these days remind me so much of the 70s liberals. It's downright weird how alike they are.

Donald the Great Pretender is carrying the Republican brand the rest of the way to the cliff's edge. He is now trying to affect our longstanding diplomatic relations with one of our most faithful allies. Turkey is also the most secular of the Muslim nations.

What a fucking asshole!

Imagine gay sex stuff a lot?
At least he just imagines it.

Anyway, so we can put a number of stories together to make a whole picture.
Obama warned ISIS before bombing their oil trucks. I dont doubt we bombed a lot of empty trucks. Turkey was buying oil from ISIS. Obama was protecting Turkey's lucrative trade with ISIS. All of that explains a whole bunch of US foreign policy failure.
Obama should probably be tried for treason.
You are a tool of a KGB thug. A useful idiot.
Funny how the dictator Putin seems to be truthful, but our liberals LIE like the Obomanation!

When the greatness of Martin Luther King is spoken of, it can always be counted upon that someone will talk about his infidelities with women.

When the greatness of our Founders are spoken of, it can always be counted up that someone will talk about them as rich, white slave owners.

During the Cold War, whenever the Right alerted our country to the dangers and evils of the USSR, particularly their human rights violations, the liberals could always be counted upon to point out our own weaknesses and our treatment of minorities.

This tactic is one which attempts to draw some kind of moral equivalency between two entities which are nowhere near alike on the scale of evil.

So now you retards have a choice to make. Right now, you are being tools of a KGB thug. You are useful idiots.

It's time to wake up and see what is going on. Putin wants free rein to commit mass atrocities in Syria. He wants us and our allies out of the way.

That is what is going on.

He would also like an oil price shock since his economy is in a deep recession due to low oil prices.

It is time to take Putin's cock out of your mouth.

Stop being a KGB thug's tool.

I will ONCE the Thug in the White House is gone, and we get President Trump, or President Cruz!

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