Trump Drops To Knees, Fellates KGB Putin

Who says we are ignoring it, tool?
Make up your mind.
What are you talking about?

As I said, every country has dirt on it. That means even our allies. We don't break up over it, we put diplomatic pressure on them.

They have dirt on us and they put pressure on us.

Round and round it goes.

Putin is exploiting your naivete and your ignorance. Don't be a tool.
So did Turkey buy oil from ISIS? Yes or no.
Was Putin telling the truth about it? Yes or no
Did that news prompt discussion here? Yes or no

You are an idiot of the first order. Youa re approaching JakeStarkey territory.
Was the Shah of Iran a dictator, yes or no? Did he torture dissidents, yes or no?

Did our Founders own slaves, yes or no?

See how that works, tool? You are behaving EXACTLY like the liberals of the 70s.
Deflection. You see how that works?
If you had committed yourself by answering the questions you would have undermined your own argument OR looked like a total and complete liar and fraud.
Hard choice.
Actually, the deflection is the attempt by Putin to drive a wedge between allies with his accusations in order to deflect from his aims in Syria.

Just like pointing out the Founders were slave owners serves to deflect from their achievements and minimize their greatness.

Putin is attempting to dwindle the importance of Turkey to us, and you fools are going along for the ride.

You are a useful idiot.
Make up your mind.
What are you talking about?

As I said, every country has dirt on it. That means even our allies. We don't break up over it, we put diplomatic pressure on them.

They have dirt on us and they put pressure on us.

Round and round it goes.

Putin is exploiting your naivete and your ignorance. Don't be a tool.
So did Turkey buy oil from ISIS? Yes or no.
Was Putin telling the truth about it? Yes or no
Did that news prompt discussion here? Yes or no

You are an idiot of the first order. Youa re approaching JakeStarkey territory.
Was the Shah of Iran a dictator, yes or no? Did he torture dissidents, yes or no?

Did our Founders own slaves, yes or no?

See how that works, tool? You are behaving EXACTLY like the liberals of the 70s.
Deflection. You see how that works?
If you had committed yourself by answering the questions you would have undermined your own argument OR looked like a total and complete liar and fraud.
Hard choice.
Actually, the deflection is the attempt by Putin to drive a wedge between allies with his accusations in order to deflect from his aims in Syria.

Just like pointing out the Founders were slave owners serves to deflect from their achievements and minimize their greatness.

Putin is attempting to dwindle the importance of Turkey to us, and you fools are going along for the ride.

You are a useful idiot.
No the deflection is your inability to answer the questions which show that ths is driven by Putin's revelation that Turkey is fucking us over by trading with ISIS and Obama is probably complicit in it.
You are Obama's tool. And a pretty limp one at that.
Turkey has been buying oil and funding ISIS. They have been killing Kurds......

He's right and I've been saying that on many threads.............

We need to forget the BS, side with all who want to take out ISIS and end there dang Caliphate.
urkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday said Turkey does not buy any oil from Islamic State (ISIS), insisting that his country's fight against the jihadist group is "undisputed."

"Shame on you. Those who claim we buy oil from Daesh (IS) are obliged to prove it. If not, you are a slanderer," Erdogan said, lashing out at Russian charges after the downing of a warplane on the Syrian border.

Erdogan also said that Russia was Turkey's biggest energy supplier, followed by Iran.
Erdogan denies Turkey buying oil from ISIS
Did you think he's admit it..............The oil tankers were there.......The Refineries and Wells were there..........and they were selling.......Numerous sources say to Turkey.

Our policy should have long ago been to cut the enemy supply lines which includes the funding. Are we there to win a War or just allow the enemy unlimited cash flow........

Idiotic policy, and Turkey along with Obama want Assad gone..........Turkey wants the Kurds gone as well and it has moved the target away from the ones we should be destroying.............ISIS.
From Putin's propaganda piss to Trump's mouth:
Donald Trump aligned himself with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, saying that Turkey appears to be on the side of Islamic State.

“Turkey looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil,” Trump said in an interview with Sirius XM's "Breitbart News Daily" Tuesday morning, echoing comments from the Russian president on Monday.

"We have received additional data which confirm that Islamic State oil ... enters the territory of Turkey," Putin said. "The decision to shoot down the plane was dictated specifically by a desire to defend supplies."

Trump aligns with Putin in accusing Turkey of siding with ISIL

Putin is using classic Soviet propaganda techniques. When our country used to criticize the Soviet Union's human rights violations, their useful idiots in America would point out our civil rights problems to throw smoke up in front of the USSR's far more evil behavior.

Now he has our domestic useful idiots throwing up smoke for him about our ally Turkey because Turkey gave him a bloody nose.

I have said recently how much the whiny, pessimistic, modern day right wingers who fellate Russia these days remind me so much of the 70s liberals. It's downright weird how alike they are.

Donald the Great Pretender is carrying the Republican brand the rest of the way to the cliff's edge. He is now trying to affect our longstanding diplomatic relations with one of our most faithful allies. Turkey is also the most secular of the Muslim nations.

What a fucking asshole!

So this loser now comes out, as many conservatives are these days, with glowing rhetoric for Putin and with disdain for a NATO ally.

Other NATO allies now have reason to question their future security if Frump is elected.

WTH kind of clusterf#$k nutjob is Frump. He is batshit crazy. He isn't qualified to be dog catcher.
From Putin's propaganda piss to Trump's mouth:
Donald Trump aligned himself with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, saying that Turkey appears to be on the side of Islamic State.

“Turkey looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil,” Trump said in an interview with Sirius XM's "Breitbart News Daily" Tuesday morning, echoing comments from the Russian president on Monday.

"We have received additional data which confirm that Islamic State oil ... enters the territory of Turkey," Putin said. "The decision to shoot down the plane was dictated specifically by a desire to defend supplies."

Trump aligns with Putin in accusing Turkey of siding with ISIL

Putin is using classic Soviet propaganda techniques. When our country used to criticize the Soviet Union's human rights violations, their useful idiots in America would point out our civil rights problems to throw smoke up in front of the USSR's far more evil behavior.

Now he has our domestic useful idiots throwing up smoke for him about our ally Turkey because Turkey gave him a bloody nose.

I have said recently how much the whiny, pessimistic, modern day right wingers who fellate Russia these days remind me so much of the 70s liberals. It's downright weird how alike they are.

Donald the Great Pretender is carrying the Republican brand the rest of the way to the cliff's edge. He is now trying to affect our longstanding diplomatic relations with one of our most faithful allies. Turkey is also the most secular of the Muslim nations.

What a fucking asshole!

So this loser now comes out, as many conservatives are these days, with glowing rhetoric for Putin and with disdain for a NATO ally.

Other NATO allies now have reason to question their future security if Frump is elected.

WTH kind of clusterf#$k nutjob is Frump. He is batshit crazy. He isn't qualified to be dog catcher.

What a fucking :ahole-1: you are!

From Putin's propaganda piss to Trump's mouth:
Donald Trump aligned himself with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, saying that Turkey appears to be on the side of Islamic State.

“Turkey looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil,” Trump said in an interview with Sirius XM's "Breitbart News Daily" Tuesday morning, echoing comments from the Russian president on Monday.

"We have received additional data which confirm that Islamic State oil ... enters the territory of Turkey," Putin said. "The decision to shoot down the plane was dictated specifically by a desire to defend supplies."

Trump aligns with Putin in accusing Turkey of siding with ISIL

Putin is using classic Soviet propaganda techniques. When our country used to criticize the Soviet Union's human rights violations, their useful idiots in America would point out our civil rights problems to throw smoke up in front of the USSR's far more evil behavior.

Now he has our domestic useful idiots throwing up smoke for him about our ally Turkey because Turkey gave him a bloody nose.

I have said recently how much the whiny, pessimistic, modern day right wingers who fellate Russia these days remind me so much of the 70s liberals. It's downright weird how alike they are.

Donald the Great Pretender is carrying the Republican brand the rest of the way to the cliff's edge. He is now trying to affect our longstanding diplomatic relations with one of our most faithful allies. Turkey is also the most secular of the Muslim nations.

What a fucking asshole!

So this loser now comes out, as many conservatives are these days, with glowing rhetoric for Putin and with disdain for a NATO ally.

Other NATO allies now have reason to question their future security if Frump is elected.

WTH kind of clusterf#$k nutjob is Frump. He is batshit crazy. He isn't qualified to be dog catcher.

What a fucking :ahole-1: you are!


Yes that seems to be the height of your cognitive ability Barney Fife. Woudn't expect anything more than that.

You win a red star.
Erdogan is corrupt and definitely not an ally of the US. Most Turks know this to be true.

"But intercepted telephone calls between Erdogan, his son Bilal, ministers and close confidantes -- sound files which have been appearing on the Internet in recent weeks -- have also damaged the prime minister. The phone call recordings are intended to prove that he is corrupt and that he tries to influence both the judiciary and the media. Erdogan himself has confirmed that some of the recordings are authentic."

""But I can't say who leaked the recordings," Baransu says. "They are definitely real. Everybody knows that the government is extremely corrupt.""

Erdogan and the Traitors: Scandal and Protests Threaten Turkey's AKP - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Germany is countering Putin's charges with claims that Assad, Putin's puppet, has been buying oil from ISIS:

German Foreign Ministry deputy spokeswoman Sawsan Chebli told a news conference in Berlin on Tuesday that there was evidence of oil transactions between the Assad regime and ISIL. Anadolu Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claim that Turkey was buying oil from ISIL, Chebli said that German authorities have no information supporting these particular claims.

But what we know for example is that the Assad regime has received large amounts of oil from ISIL. We have evidence; we have indications showing that this is the case,” she added.

The US placed sanctions on Syrian government networks a week ago for buying oil from ISIS: Treasury Sanctions Networks Providing Support to the Government of Syria, Including For Facilitating Syrian Government Oil Purchases from ISIL

OFAC designated George Haswani today for materially assisting and acting for or on behalf of the Government of Syria, and HESCO Engineering and Construction Company (HESCO) for being owned or controlled by Haswani. Haswani is a Syrian businessman who serves as a middleman for oil purchases by the Syrian regime from ISIL. HESCO is a Syrian engineering and construction company that operates energy production facilities in Syria, reportedly in areas controlled by ISIL. The European Union (EU) added Haswani to its sanctions list in March 2015.
How does that counter Russia's claim? Be specific.
Germany said they have no evidence supporting Putin's claims, tool.

They do have evidence that Putin's puppet is buying from ISIS.

So where is it? Let's see the evidence.
From Putin's propaganda piss to Trump's mouth:
Donald Trump aligned himself with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, saying that Turkey appears to be on the side of Islamic State.

“Turkey looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil,” Trump said in an interview with Sirius XM's "Breitbart News Daily" Tuesday morning, echoing comments from the Russian president on Monday.

"We have received additional data which confirm that Islamic State oil ... enters the territory of Turkey," Putin said. "The decision to shoot down the plane was dictated specifically by a desire to defend supplies."

Trump aligns with Putin in accusing Turkey of siding with ISIL

Putin is using classic Soviet propaganda techniques. When our country used to criticize the Soviet Union's human rights violations, their useful idiots in America would point out our civil rights problems to throw smoke up in front of the USSR's far more evil behavior.

Now he has our domestic useful idiots throwing up smoke for him about our ally Turkey because Turkey gave him a bloody nose.

I have said recently how much the whiny, pessimistic, modern day right wingers who fellate Russia these days remind me so much of the 70s liberals. It's downright weird how alike they are.

Donald the Great Pretender is carrying the Republican brand the rest of the way to the cliff's edge. He is now trying to affect our longstanding diplomatic relations with one of our most faithful allies. Turkey is also the most secular of the Muslim nations.

What a fucking asshole!

So this loser now comes out, as many conservatives are these days, with glowing rhetoric for Putin and with disdain for a NATO ally.

Other NATO allies now have reason to question their future security if Frump is elected.

WTH kind of clusterf#$k nutjob is Frump. He is batshit crazy. He isn't qualified to be dog catcher.

What a fucking :ahole-1: you are!


Yes that seems to be the height of your cognitive ability Barney Fife. Woudn't expect anything more than that.

You win a red star.

And you get a Syrian terrorist to keep in your home! Suicidal leftist!
on the other hand....

Russia publishes 'proof' Turkey's Erdogan is smuggling Isis oil across border from Syria
Moscow publishes satellite images purporting to show Turkish trucks filling up in Isis-controlled Iraq and Syria


Russia has unveiled what it describes as proof that Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family have benefited from the illegal smuggling of oil from Isis-held territory.

Moscow defence ministry officials released satellite images they claim shows columns of tanker trucks loading with oil at an installation controlled by Isis in Syria, before crossing the border into Turkey.

Footage was also sent out by the Kremlin that purported to show a flow of lorries crossing the Turkey-Syria border with no restrictions at the Reyhanli checkpoint.

More at link:

Russia releases 'proof' Turkey is smuggling Isis oil over its border
funny pic published by Russians ... they know RW's are easy to dupe.
funny pic published by Russians ... they know RW's are easy to dupe.
Says the guy who voted for Obama twice.

I never voted for Obama, not once or twice.

You're an idiot though.

that sat photo could be Wyoming for all anybody knows.
You have a link to anyone saying it is Wyoming? Or disproving it in any way?
You didnt vote for Obama because you arent old enough to vote. That much is obvious.
funny pic published by Russians ... they know RW's are easy to dupe.


Over the past two months, Russian air strikes have inflicted damage on 32 oil production facilities, 11 refineries and 23 oil pumping stations. A total of 1,080 tanker trucks carrying oil and petroleum products have been destroyed.

This has enabled us to reduce the illegal oil turnover in Syria by almost 50 percent.

According to the most conservative estimates, the terrorist group’s revenues from its illegal oil operations have gone down from $3 million to $1.5 million a day. Multiply that figure by 4 years. After Russian strikes the terrorists’ income has decreased and constitutes 1,5 million dollars a day.

However, terrorist organizations continue to receive considerable financial resources, as well as weapons, ammunition and other supplies for their activities. Certain nations, primarily Turkey, are directly involved in Islamic State’s large-scale business project, thereby aiding the terrorists.


Space reconnaissance data confirmed that after crossing the border oil tank trucks and semi-trailers are heading to the ports of Dörtyol and Iskenderun, where special mooring places for tankers are equipped. There, one part of the oil is loaded into the vessels and is sent to oil proceeding facilities beyond the borders of Turkey. The other is sold on the domestic Turkish market. On average, one tanker is loaded with oil in these ports every day.

The space images of this ports dated November 25, 2015, show a concentration of petrol tank vehicles, which are waiting for shipment.


395 petrol tank vehicles were detected in Dörtyol, and 60 in Scanderoon.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more at link,

Speech of the Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Lt.Gen. Sergei Rudskoy : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
funny pic published by Russians ... they know RW's are easy to dupe.
Says the guy who voted for Obama twice.

I never voted for Obama, not once or twice.

You're an idiot though.

that sat photo could be Wyoming for all anybody knows.
You have a link to anyone saying it is Wyoming? Or disproving it in any way?
You didnt vote for Obama because you arent old enough to vote. That much is obvious.

I said it could be for all anyone knows ... I want you to provide a link that proves you're not an idiot.

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