Trump cuts New Hampshire rally short to receive remains of 2 soldiers killed in Afghanistan

You can deny the facts all day and it won't matter. Our troops are still in Syria.


Trump says U.S. troops stayed in Syria "because I kept the oil"

so Which statement from Trump is the lie? Both?
simply put, he pulled troops out of Syria, from the front line. you all had a kinipshin fit. he put a hundred to guard oil fields. so what? seems logical. morons like you would never understand that need. you bury your heads to ignore the way the world actually exists.

So what? The what is just like Trump you can not be honest. I point out your dishonesty and you have to try and misrepresent my position (I fully supported Trump saying he would remove the troops). You are lashing out like a 9 year old by doing this.

We have basically the same number of troops in Syria as we did the day Trump took over.
he showed everyone that no one wants him to pull troops out of anywhere. It's called evidence.

But you said he did. You were basically calling me a liar for saying he never did. Now your argument is that he has no balls to do the right thing.
he did. I posted several links, here's a new one

Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria

Read the title in the video.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria"
You can deny the facts all day and it won't matter. Our troops are still in Syria.


Trump says U.S. troops stayed in Syria "because I kept the oil"

so Which statement from Trump is the lie? Both?
simply put, he pulled troops out of Syria, from the front line. you all had a kinipshin fit. he put a hundred to guard oil fields. so what? seems logical. morons like you would never understand that need. you bury your heads to ignore the way the world actually exists.

So what? The what is just like Trump you can not be honest. I point out your dishonesty and you have to try and misrepresent my position (I fully supported Trump saying he would remove the troops). You are lashing out like a 9 year old by doing this.

We have basically the same number of troops in Syria as we did the day Trump took over.
he showed everyone that no one wants him to pull troops out of anywhere. It's called evidence.

But you said he did. You were basically calling me a liar for saying he never did. Now your argument is that he has no balls to do the right thing.
he did. I posted several links, here's a new one

Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria

Read the title in the video.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria"

This certainly helps me understand your support of such a dishonest president.
simply put, he pulled troops out of Syria, from the front line. you all had a kinipshin fit. he put a hundred to guard oil fields. so what? seems logical. morons like you would never understand that need. you bury your heads to ignore the way the world actually exists.

So what? The what is just like Trump you can not be honest. I point out your dishonesty and you have to try and misrepresent my position (I fully supported Trump saying he would remove the troops). You are lashing out like a 9 year old by doing this.

We have basically the same number of troops in Syria as we did the day Trump took over.
he showed everyone that no one wants him to pull troops out of anywhere. It's called evidence.

But you said he did. You were basically calling me a liar for saying he never did. Now your argument is that he has no balls to do the right thing.
he did. I posted several links, here's a new one

Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria

Read the title in the video.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria"

This certainly helps me understand your support of such a dishonest president.
except you can't tell me what he has done that is dishonest. I mean, the most punished president in our history outside of Andrew Johnson. I'd say trump has had it worse however given the russia nonsense. the vindictive finger pointing of something the dems actually did. projection of fear!!!!!
Trump will be castigsted no matter what he does. The left exposes themselves by getting tied up in knots over it.
So what? The what is just like Trump you can not be honest. I point out your dishonesty and you have to try and misrepresent my position (I fully supported Trump saying he would remove the troops). You are lashing out like a 9 year old by doing this.

We have basically the same number of troops in Syria as we did the day Trump took over.
he showed everyone that no one wants him to pull troops out of anywhere. It's called evidence.

But you said he did. You were basically calling me a liar for saying he never did. Now your argument is that he has no balls to do the right thing.
he did. I posted several links, here's a new one

Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria

Read the title in the video.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria"

This certainly helps me understand your support of such a dishonest president.
except you can't tell me what he has done that is dishonest. I mean, the most punished president in our history outside of Andrew Johnson. I'd say trump has had it worse however given the russia nonsense. the vindictive finger pointing of something the dems actually did. projection of fear!!!!!

The Russia stuff was nonsense but one could have looked at that as Karma over Trump's birth certificate lies over Obama.
he showed everyone that no one wants him to pull troops out of anywhere. It's called evidence.

But you said he did. You were basically calling me a liar for saying he never did. Now your argument is that he has no balls to do the right thing.
he did. I posted several links, here's a new one

Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria

Read the title in the video.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria"

This certainly helps me understand your support of such a dishonest president.
except you can't tell me what he has done that is dishonest. I mean, the most punished president in our history outside of Andrew Johnson. I'd say trump has had it worse however given the russia nonsense. the vindictive finger pointing of something the dems actually did. projection of fear!!!!!

The Russia stuff was nonsense but one could have looked at that as Karma over Trump's birth certificate lies over Obama.
one could have. One understood it as well. to spend almost 40 million to make that point seemed out there. but fk, you all don't actually give a shit about tax money I guess.

BTW, I still find it curious that the woman that provided the obammy birth certificate died a few weeks later. it's amazing the deaths of people that interface with this corrupt party. really.
But you said he did. You were basically calling me a liar for saying he never did. Now your argument is that he has no balls to do the right thing.
he did. I posted several links, here's a new one

Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria

Read the title in the video.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria"

This certainly helps me understand your support of such a dishonest president.
except you can't tell me what he has done that is dishonest. I mean, the most punished president in our history outside of Andrew Johnson. I'd say trump has had it worse however given the russia nonsense. the vindictive finger pointing of something the dems actually did. projection of fear!!!!!

The Russia stuff was nonsense but one could have looked at that as Karma over Trump's birth certificate lies over Obama.
one could have. One understood it as well. to spend almost 40 million to make that point seemed out there. but fk, you all don't actually give a shit about tax money I guess.

I didn't support it. See that is how it is supposed to work. You don't support something when one side does it while defending it when the other side does it. Only seeing things as one side good, one side bad is why I say politics have become a cult.

The GOP wasted millions on Benghazi and IRS investigations also. You know what? There I supported those investigation because there was actually something to them. Unfortunately the GOP followed up on neither of their promises there after spending millions in the investigations.
he did. I posted several links, here's a new one

Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria

Read the title in the video.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer slams US troop withdrawal from Syria"

This certainly helps me understand your support of such a dishonest president.
except you can't tell me what he has done that is dishonest. I mean, the most punished president in our history outside of Andrew Johnson. I'd say trump has had it worse however given the russia nonsense. the vindictive finger pointing of something the dems actually did. projection of fear!!!!!

The Russia stuff was nonsense but one could have looked at that as Karma over Trump's birth certificate lies over Obama.
one could have. One understood it as well. to spend almost 40 million to make that point seemed out there. but fk, you all don't actually give a shit about tax money I guess.

I didn't support it. See that is how it is supposed to work. You don't support something when one side does it while defending it when the other side does it. Only seeing things as one side good, one side bad is why I say politics have become a cult.

The GOP wasted millions on Benghazi and IRS investigations also. You know what? There I supported those investigation because there was actually something to them. Unfortunately the GOP followed up on neither of their promises there after spending millions in the investigations.
dude, I see the entire picture. That's what makes folks like me dangerous to the leftists. if they didn't cheat, they'd never win. Facts don't exist in their world. That's just a fact. Leftists have existed over the course of time on our planet, and they never change. If you really were serious about absorbing knowledge of parties, you'd invest an effort in the leftist history. The data exists. you have Chuck Schumer saying impeachment is bad while saying trump needs to be impeached. I say any impeachment is wrong. Even Clinton. what say you?

here a Wkikleak description for you to read. Look at the list.

Far-left politics - Wikipedia

"Far-left politics are political views located further on the left of the left-right spectrum than the standard political left. The term has been used to describe ideologies such as: communism, anarchism, neo-Marxism, anarcho-communism, left-communism, Marxism–Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, and Maoism.[1][2][3]"
It is for good and that is the way it is. Please use the rise of isis as the justification. You dismiss the notion of the logistical reality in an unstable world in unstable regions.

Sorry, but that is reality.

What lesson do you learn from the rise of isis? Don't think that would happen again?

What do I learn? I learn that even decades and decades of American presence at a cost of trillions of dollars doesn't rid these countries of loons or make nations want to stand on their own two feet or fight their own battles much less other countries contribute when they see us doing all the heavy lifting. We must be doing too good of a job as they just don't see the need. I also see that if we left and really had the need, we could be back there if necessary in a couple of weeks.

The real answer to the ME isn't tanks or bombs, it is education, modernization and opportunity. And that is ultimately up to THEM.
Not that simple. Sorry. You don't get it.

Oh I think I do. If there was more to the story that YOU got, you'd have something COGENT to say besides "not that simple."
I clearly stated the aspect you don't get. Logistics covers a very wide spectrum. Rapid response is the most basic concept in regards to logistical issues. It is not just something to ignore and pretend it is not a major factor. The entire world, not just America, have interests in that region.

An unstable ME directly effects us all. That is only one of many unstable regions in the world.

Here is what happens if we just leave if we just abandon the region.

Warlord types will move in and immediately take over.

They will fortify their areas heavily and then they will wreak havoc.

The world will demand a response and the pressure will be too immense to ignore and considering terror attacks would increase and Americans will die, our response will be imperative.

Now, we need to ship back over there. All of our hardware is now gone and there are no bases to launch counter strikes anywhere.

That WILL happen. Now what? This country has tried to get out of the worlds affairs since before the Embargo Act passed President Jefferson and it was a disaster. Every time we attempt to abandon allies or dismiss our interests it turns into a worse problem than it was in the first place.

If I repeated myself about the logistical realities, you would ignore it again as though there is nothing to it and you would just repeat the simplistic notion of just abandoning the region.

I get that. Rapid Response. Apparently responding in a week or two or a few days isn't fast enough. The place would just FLY APART if we left? Then what have we accomplished? Planning on staying there forever? Maybe we should take the place over and FIX THE PROBLEM.

The entire world has interest in the region. But only we have to have that rapid response to keep it from flying apart. Maybe we should let it fly apart to get the rest of the world more involved?

Whatever happened to all the billions we've spent that no country around there nor any EU countries still can't stop warlords from taking over these countries? We're keeping Russia out of Ukraine with just a little aid from afar.
The answer is NOT to just allow the warlords to control the region. That is why all of the presidents make the promise while campaigning. None of them or hardly any of them are really privy to classified information. When they get into office and faced with the sobering realities and breaking promises is just the way of Washington. Many, more than likely, have all the intentions to keep the promises. At least the new politicians anyway. However, they simply cannot as much as they would like to.

There have been presidents that tried the old peace and understanding approach with warring factions and nations, only to fail so greatly. Jimmy Carter is an example of his policies in the ME and if you want to trace the real problems involving the US, look at that and we have found it all but impossible to pull out of there since. We know other cases and as we know from the most popular appeasement, hitler came that close to destroying the world. If his scientists got the secret to the bomb, well we could only imagine. This country chose NOT TO GET INVOLVED even though Churchill shouted from the rooftops about this group violating the Treaty of Versailles. Now, by not GETTING INVOLVED the situation grew to something far worse.

Thinking otherwise is really blue pill mentality and should be reserved for pathetic idealistic left wing elitists, whose worlds are all sunshine and rainbows.

Not for clear thinkers like you. Candycorn agrees with you. That ought to make you reevaluate your thoughts.
This certainly helps me understand your support of such a dishonest president.
except you can't tell me what he has done that is dishonest. I mean, the most punished president in our history outside of Andrew Johnson. I'd say trump has had it worse however given the russia nonsense. the vindictive finger pointing of something the dems actually did. projection of fear!!!!!

The Russia stuff was nonsense but one could have looked at that as Karma over Trump's birth certificate lies over Obama.
one could have. One understood it as well. to spend almost 40 million to make that point seemed out there. but fk, you all don't actually give a shit about tax money I guess.

I didn't support it. See that is how it is supposed to work. You don't support something when one side does it while defending it when the other side does it. Only seeing things as one side good, one side bad is why I say politics have become a cult.

The GOP wasted millions on Benghazi and IRS investigations also. You know what? There I supported those investigation because there was actually something to them. Unfortunately the GOP followed up on neither of their promises there after spending millions in the investigations.
dude, I see the entire picture. That's what makes folks like me dangerous to the leftists. if they didn't cheat, they'd never win. Facts don't exist in their world. That's just a fact. Leftists have existed over the course of time on our planet, and they never change. If you really were serious about absorbing knowledge of parties, you'd invest an effort in the leftist history. The data exists. you have Chuck Schumer saying impeachment is bad while saying trump needs to be impeached. I say any impeachment is wrong. Even Clinton. what say you?

here a Wkikleak description for you to read. Look at the list.

Far-left politics - Wikipedia

"Far-left politics are political views located further on the left of the left-right spectrum than the standard political left. The term has been used to describe ideologies such as: communism, anarchism, neo-Marxism, anarcho-communism, left-communism, Marxism–Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, and Maoism.[1][2][3]"

There is nothing "far left" about wanting to make sure that everyone can afford medical care. The rest of the entire first world does so.

Even Trump said he wanted that. Once again, he was lying.
What do I learn? I learn that even decades and decades of American presence at a cost of trillions of dollars doesn't rid these countries of loons or make nations want to stand on their own two feet or fight their own battles much less other countries contribute when they see us doing all the heavy lifting. We must be doing too good of a job as they just don't see the need. I also see that if we left and really had the need, we could be back there if necessary in a couple of weeks.

The real answer to the ME isn't tanks or bombs, it is education, modernization and opportunity. And that is ultimately up to THEM.
Not that simple. Sorry. You don't get it.

Oh I think I do. If there was more to the story that YOU got, you'd have something COGENT to say besides "not that simple."
I clearly stated the aspect you don't get. Logistics covers a very wide spectrum. Rapid response is the most basic concept in regards to logistical issues. It is not just something to ignore and pretend it is not a major factor. The entire world, not just America, have interests in that region.

An unstable ME directly effects us all. That is only one of many unstable regions in the world.

Here is what happens if we just leave if we just abandon the region.

Warlord types will move in and immediately take over.

They will fortify their areas heavily and then they will wreak havoc.

The world will demand a response and the pressure will be too immense to ignore and considering terror attacks would increase and Americans will die, our response will be imperative.

Now, we need to ship back over there. All of our hardware is now gone and there are no bases to launch counter strikes anywhere.

That WILL happen. Now what? This country has tried to get out of the worlds affairs since before the Embargo Act passed President Jefferson and it was a disaster. Every time we attempt to abandon allies or dismiss our interests it turns into a worse problem than it was in the first place.

If I repeated myself about the logistical realities, you would ignore it again as though there is nothing to it and you would just repeat the simplistic notion of just abandoning the region.

I get that. Rapid Response. Apparently responding in a week or two or a few days isn't fast enough. The place would just FLY APART if we left? Then what have we accomplished? Planning on staying there forever? Maybe we should take the place over and FIX THE PROBLEM.

The entire world has interest in the region. But only we have to have that rapid response to keep it from flying apart. Maybe we should let it fly apart to get the rest of the world more involved?

Whatever happened to all the billions we've spent that no country around there nor any EU countries still can't stop warlords from taking over these countries? We're keeping Russia out of Ukraine with just a little aid from afar.

The answer is NOT to just allow the warlords to control the region. That is why all of the presidents make the promise while campaigning. None of them or hardly any of them are really privy to classified information. When they get into office and faced withthe sobering realities and breaking promises is just the way of Washington. Many, more than likely, have all the intentions to keep the promises. At least the new politicians anyway. However, they simply cannot as much as they would like to.

Trump made the decision to pull out of Syria as president. After years of being privy to all the information. He then quickly flopped on that position.

If what you say is true, Presidents wouldn't have to start wars based upon lies.
except you can't tell me what he has done that is dishonest. I mean, the most punished president in our history outside of Andrew Johnson. I'd say trump has had it worse however given the russia nonsense. the vindictive finger pointing of something the dems actually did. projection of fear!!!!!

The Russia stuff was nonsense but one could have looked at that as Karma over Trump's birth certificate lies over Obama.
one could have. One understood it as well. to spend almost 40 million to make that point seemed out there. but fk, you all don't actually give a shit about tax money I guess.

I didn't support it. See that is how it is supposed to work. You don't support something when one side does it while defending it when the other side does it. Only seeing things as one side good, one side bad is why I say politics have become a cult.

The GOP wasted millions on Benghazi and IRS investigations also. You know what? There I supported those investigation because there was actually something to them. Unfortunately the GOP followed up on neither of their promises there after spending millions in the investigations.
dude, I see the entire picture. That's what makes folks like me dangerous to the leftists. if they didn't cheat, they'd never win. Facts don't exist in their world. That's just a fact. Leftists have existed over the course of time on our planet, and they never change. If you really were serious about absorbing knowledge of parties, you'd invest an effort in the leftist history. The data exists. you have Chuck Schumer saying impeachment is bad while saying trump needs to be impeached. I say any impeachment is wrong. Even Clinton. what say you?

here a Wkikleak description for you to read. Look at the list.

Far-left politics - Wikipedia

"Far-left politics are political views located further on the left of the left-right spectrum than the standard political left. The term has been used to describe ideologies such as: communism, anarchism, neo-Marxism, anarcho-communism, left-communism, Marxism–Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, and Maoism.[1][2][3]"

There is nothing "far left" about wanting to make sure that everyone can afford medical care. The rest of the entire first world does so.

Even Trump said he wanted that. Once again, he was lying.
medicare for all would eliminate our country. That's a fact.

Democratic Candidate John Delaney said it best:

Medicare-for-all legislation proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), one of my opponents for the Democratic nomination for president, would basically make private insurance illegal; the federal government would pay all health-insurance costs. That sounds good — if you really, really like the government — but there is one fundamental flaw: Overwhelming evidence shows that, under Medicare, the government doesn’t pay the true costs of health care. According to data from the Urban Institute, Medicare pays providers 89 percent of costs, with higher reimbursements from private insurance companies making up the difference.

medicare for all is not an extension of the current medicare that exists today. it's concept doesn't exist in any other country.

BTW, utopia doesn't exist and couldn't exist.
The Russia stuff was nonsense but one could have looked at that as Karma over Trump's birth certificate lies over Obama.
one could have. One understood it as well. to spend almost 40 million to make that point seemed out there. but fk, you all don't actually give a shit about tax money I guess.

I didn't support it. See that is how it is supposed to work. You don't support something when one side does it while defending it when the other side does it. Only seeing things as one side good, one side bad is why I say politics have become a cult.

The GOP wasted millions on Benghazi and IRS investigations also. You know what? There I supported those investigation because there was actually something to them. Unfortunately the GOP followed up on neither of their promises there after spending millions in the investigations.
dude, I see the entire picture. That's what makes folks like me dangerous to the leftists. if they didn't cheat, they'd never win. Facts don't exist in their world. That's just a fact. Leftists have existed over the course of time on our planet, and they never change. If you really were serious about absorbing knowledge of parties, you'd invest an effort in the leftist history. The data exists. you have Chuck Schumer saying impeachment is bad while saying trump needs to be impeached. I say any impeachment is wrong. Even Clinton. what say you?

here a Wkikleak description for you to read. Look at the list.

Far-left politics - Wikipedia

"Far-left politics are political views located further on the left of the left-right spectrum than the standard political left. The term has been used to describe ideologies such as: communism, anarchism, neo-Marxism, anarcho-communism, left-communism, Marxism–Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, and Maoism.[1][2][3]"

There is nothing "far left" about wanting to make sure that everyone can afford medical care. The rest of the entire first world does so.

Even Trump said he wanted that. Once again, he was lying.
medicare for all would eliminate our country. That's a fact.

The fact is, it is going to happen. It's just a matter of when. You are arguing that the greatest country in the world can not do what every other first world country can do. That's sad.
one could have. One understood it as well. to spend almost 40 million to make that point seemed out there. but fk, you all don't actually give a shit about tax money I guess.

I didn't support it. See that is how it is supposed to work. You don't support something when one side does it while defending it when the other side does it. Only seeing things as one side good, one side bad is why I say politics have become a cult.

The GOP wasted millions on Benghazi and IRS investigations also. You know what? There I supported those investigation because there was actually something to them. Unfortunately the GOP followed up on neither of their promises there after spending millions in the investigations.
dude, I see the entire picture. That's what makes folks like me dangerous to the leftists. if they didn't cheat, they'd never win. Facts don't exist in their world. That's just a fact. Leftists have existed over the course of time on our planet, and they never change. If you really were serious about absorbing knowledge of parties, you'd invest an effort in the leftist history. The data exists. you have Chuck Schumer saying impeachment is bad while saying trump needs to be impeached. I say any impeachment is wrong. Even Clinton. what say you?

here a Wkikleak description for you to read. Look at the list.

Far-left politics - Wikipedia

"Far-left politics are political views located further on the left of the left-right spectrum than the standard political left. The term has been used to describe ideologies such as: communism, anarchism, neo-Marxism, anarcho-communism, left-communism, Marxism–Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, and Maoism.[1][2][3]"

There is nothing "far left" about wanting to make sure that everyone can afford medical care. The rest of the entire first world does so.

Even Trump said he wanted that. Once again, he was lying.
medicare for all would eliminate our country. That's a fact.

The fact is, it is going to happen. It's just a matter of when. You are arguing that the greatest country in the world can not do what every other first world country can do. That's sad.
no other country has it. show me where?
Not that simple. Sorry. You don't get it.

Oh I think I do. If there was more to the story that YOU got, you'd have something COGENT to say besides "not that simple."
I clearly stated the aspect you don't get. Logistics covers a very wide spectrum. Rapid response is the most basic concept in regards to logistical issues. It is not just something to ignore and pretend it is not a major factor. The entire world, not just America, have interests in that region.

An unstable ME directly effects us all. That is only one of many unstable regions in the world.

Here is what happens if we just leave if we just abandon the region.

Warlord types will move in and immediately take over.

They will fortify their areas heavily and then they will wreak havoc.

The world will demand a response and the pressure will be too immense to ignore and considering terror attacks would increase and Americans will die, our response will be imperative.

Now, we need to ship back over there. All of our hardware is now gone and there are no bases to launch counter strikes anywhere.

That WILL happen. Now what? This country has tried to get out of the worlds affairs since before the Embargo Act passed President Jefferson and it was a disaster. Every time we attempt to abandon allies or dismiss our interests it turns into a worse problem than it was in the first place.

If I repeated myself about the logistical realities, you would ignore it again as though there is nothing to it and you would just repeat the simplistic notion of just abandoning the region.

I get that. Rapid Response. Apparently responding in a week or two or a few days isn't fast enough. The place would just FLY APART if we left? Then what have we accomplished? Planning on staying there forever? Maybe we should take the place over and FIX THE PROBLEM.

The entire world has interest in the region. But only we have to have that rapid response to keep it from flying apart. Maybe we should let it fly apart to get the rest of the world more involved?

Whatever happened to all the billions we've spent that no country around there nor any EU countries still can't stop warlords from taking over these countries? We're keeping Russia out of Ukraine with just a little aid from afar.

The answer is NOT to just allow the warlords to control the region. That is why all of the presidents make the promise while campaigning. None of them or hardly any of them are really privy to classified information. When they get into office and faced withthe sobering realities and breaking promises is just the way of Washington. Many, more than likely, have all the intentions to keep the promises. At least the new politicians anyway. However, they simply cannot as much as they would like to.

Trump made the decision to pull out of Syria as president. After years of being privy to all the information. He then quickly flopped on that position.

If what you say is true, Presidents wouldn't have to start wars based upon lies.
Trump had years of being privy to what? He attempted to keep his promise and then you double talking peaceniks crushed him for it.

Crush him for pulling troops out, crush him leaving troops in. You praised your skinny marxist messiah for pulling troops out of Iraq and allowing isis to form, and praised him for sending more troops to Afghanistan while also praising him and the witch for killing Gaddafi.

You are like a petulant snot nosed 5th grader. Really.
He had the ability to pull the troops out safe like he promised but he didnt. That's blood on his hands from me.
/----/ Ask Pocahontas
Many 2020 Democrats Silent On Trump's Afghanistan, Syria ...
Many 2020 Democrats Silent On Trump's Afghanistan, Syria Withdrawals | HuffPost
Warren was one of the few likely Democratic candidates to publicly speak at length about the pullouts in Syria and Afghanistan following Trump's withdrawal announcement. In an interview with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow earlier this month, Warren said she supported withdrawing troops from both Syria and Afghanistan.
I didn't support it. See that is how it is supposed to work. You don't support something when one side does it while defending it when the other side does it. Only seeing things as one side good, one side bad is why I say politics have become a cult.

The GOP wasted millions on Benghazi and IRS investigations also. You know what? There I supported those investigation because there was actually something to them. Unfortunately the GOP followed up on neither of their promises there after spending millions in the investigations.
dude, I see the entire picture. That's what makes folks like me dangerous to the leftists. if they didn't cheat, they'd never win. Facts don't exist in their world. That's just a fact. Leftists have existed over the course of time on our planet, and they never change. If you really were serious about absorbing knowledge of parties, you'd invest an effort in the leftist history. The data exists. you have Chuck Schumer saying impeachment is bad while saying trump needs to be impeached. I say any impeachment is wrong. Even Clinton. what say you?

here a Wkikleak description for you to read. Look at the list.

Far-left politics - Wikipedia

"Far-left politics are political views located further on the left of the left-right spectrum than the standard political left. The term has been used to describe ideologies such as: communism, anarchism, neo-Marxism, anarcho-communism, left-communism, Marxism–Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, and Maoism.[1][2][3]"

There is nothing "far left" about wanting to make sure that everyone can afford medical care. The rest of the entire first world does so.

Even Trump said he wanted that. Once again, he was lying.
medicare for all would eliminate our country. That's a fact.

The fact is, it is going to happen. It's just a matter of when. You are arguing that the greatest country in the world can not do what every other first world country can do. That's sad.
no other country has it. show me where?

Every other country has medical care for all. If you want it done a certain way you need to get on to your politician to do it that way. Otherwise you will get what you get. I am not interesting in "well, it's not exactly the same as ours". We will do it. It's just a matter of when.
Oh I think I do. If there was more to the story that YOU got, you'd have something COGENT to say besides "not that simple."
I clearly stated the aspect you don't get. Logistics covers a very wide spectrum. Rapid response is the most basic concept in regards to logistical issues. It is not just something to ignore and pretend it is not a major factor. The entire world, not just America, have interests in that region.

An unstable ME directly effects us all. That is only one of many unstable regions in the world.

Here is what happens if we just leave if we just abandon the region.

Warlord types will move in and immediately take over.

They will fortify their areas heavily and then they will wreak havoc.

The world will demand a response and the pressure will be too immense to ignore and considering terror attacks would increase and Americans will die, our response will be imperative.

Now, we need to ship back over there. All of our hardware is now gone and there are no bases to launch counter strikes anywhere.

That WILL happen. Now what? This country has tried to get out of the worlds affairs since before the Embargo Act passed President Jefferson and it was a disaster. Every time we attempt to abandon allies or dismiss our interests it turns into a worse problem than it was in the first place.

If I repeated myself about the logistical realities, you would ignore it again as though there is nothing to it and you would just repeat the simplistic notion of just abandoning the region.

I get that. Rapid Response. Apparently responding in a week or two or a few days isn't fast enough. The place would just FLY APART if we left? Then what have we accomplished? Planning on staying there forever? Maybe we should take the place over and FIX THE PROBLEM.

The entire world has interest in the region. But only we have to have that rapid response to keep it from flying apart. Maybe we should let it fly apart to get the rest of the world more involved?

Whatever happened to all the billions we've spent that no country around there nor any EU countries still can't stop warlords from taking over these countries? We're keeping Russia out of Ukraine with just a little aid from afar.

The answer is NOT to just allow the warlords to control the region. That is why all of the presidents make the promise while campaigning. None of them or hardly any of them are really privy to classified information. When they get into office and faced withthe sobering realities and breaking promises is just the way of Washington. Many, more than likely, have all the intentions to keep the promises. At least the new politicians anyway. However, they simply cannot as much as they would like to.

Trump made the decision to pull out of Syria as president. After years of being privy to all the information. He then quickly flopped on that position.

If what you say is true, Presidents wouldn't have to start wars based upon lies.
Trump had years of being privy to what?

I hate when people try and cowardly get out of their arguments like this. You know exactly what I said.

If you want to start over honestly, great. If not, don't bother.

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