Trump considers panel to review complaints of anticonservative bias on social media


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If you've had any bias, let the WH know. Social media is clearly biased. It's insulting to ones intelligence for them to suggest otherwise. Whether conservative, a supporter of Trump or just "controversial' (especially if it is against the alt-left mantra), social media is silencing you in one form or another if you start to become popular.

Trump considers panel to review complaints of anticonservative bias on social media

WASHINGTON — President Trump is considering establishing a panel to review complaints of anticonservative bias on social media, according to people familiar with the matter, in a move that would likely draw pushback from technology companies and others.

The plans are still under discussion but could include the establishment of a White House-created commission that would examine allegations of online bias and censorship, these people said. The administration could also encourage similar reviews by federal regulatory agencies, such as the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Election Commission, they said.

“Left-wing bias in the tech world is a concern that definitely needs to be addressed from our vantage point, and at least exposed [so] that Americans have clear eyes about what we’re dealing with,” a White House official said.

Mr. Trump has long expressed that viewpoint, and in a recent Twitter post indicated that a plan to address complaints of bias is in the works.

Donald J. Trump


The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google. The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation. Stay tuned, and send names & events. Thank you Michelle! …


7:56 AM - May 16, 2020
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Facebook Inc., which also owns Instagram, defended its practices when asked for a response to the nascent proposal.

“People on both sides of the aisle disagree with some of the positions we’ve taken, but we remain committed to seeking outside perspectives and communicating clearly about why we make the decisions we do,” the company said.
Twitter is infested with 90% of anticonservative bias. Facebook just removes anything THEY don't like on their platform. (Which, I doubt they are even a platform. Since, they like to play "Editor" and censor about 90% of the conservative content.
If you've had any bias, let the WH know. Social media is clearly biased. It's insulting to ones intelligence for them to suggest otherwise. Whether conservative, a supporter of Trump or just "controversial' (especially if it is against the alt-left mantra), social media is silencing you in one form or another if you start to become popular.

Trump considers panel to review complaints of anticonservative bias on social media

WASHINGTON — President Trump is considering establishing a panel to review complaints of anticonservative bias on social media, according to people familiar with the matter, in a move that would likely draw pushback from technology companies and others.

The plans are still under discussion but could include the establishment of a White House-created commission that would examine allegations of online bias and censorship, these people said. The administration could also encourage similar reviews by federal regulatory agencies, such as the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Election Commission, they said.

“Left-wing bias in the tech world is a concern that definitely needs to be addressed from our vantage point, and at least exposed [so] that Americans have clear eyes about what we’re dealing with,” a White House official said.

Mr. Trump has long expressed that viewpoint, and in a recent Twitter post indicated that a plan to address complaints of bias is in the works.

Donald J. Trump

The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google. The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation. Stay tuned, and send names & events. Thank you Michelle! …
7:56 AM - May 16, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy

57.2K people are talking about this

Facebook Inc., which also owns Instagram, defended its practices when asked for a response to the nascent proposal.

“People on both sides of the aisle disagree with some of the positions we’ve taken, but we remain committed to seeking outside perspectives and communicating clearly about why we make the decisions we do,” the company said.

Nice post, thanks.
So Trump is upset that more people on social media dislike him than those that like him. How is that going to work? Is he going to force people that don't like him to write nice things about him? Who is going to decide which people are forced to write nice things about him to make it all even? Wouldn't it be easier for him to just stop doing such stupid things so more people would like him?
So Trump is upset that more people on social media dislike him than those that like him. How is that going to work? Is he going to force people that don't like him to write nice things about him? Who is going to decide which people are forced to write nice things about him to make it all even? Wouldn't it be easier for him to just stop doing such stupid things so more people would like him?
You just illustrated that there is a problem. You believe more people oppose trump than support him because that’s the narrative pushed by all media. Even Dr. Birx saw how Wuhan virus stories were steered into dishonest directions the way they were headlined and laid out.
If you've had any bias, let the WH know. Social media is clearly biased. It's insulting to ones intelligence for them to suggest otherwise. Whether conservative, a supporter of Trump or just "controversial' (especially if it is against the alt-left mantra), social media is silencing you in one form or another if you start to become popular.

Trump considers panel to review complaints of anticonservative bias on social media

WASHINGTON — President Trump is considering establishing a panel to review complaints of anticonservative bias on social media, according to people familiar with the matter, in a move that would likely draw pushback from technology companies and others.

The plans are still under discussion but could include the establishment of a White House-created commission that would examine allegations of online bias and censorship, these people said. The administration could also encourage similar reviews by federal regulatory agencies, such as the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Election Commission, they said.

“Left-wing bias in the tech world is a concern that definitely needs to be addressed from our vantage point, and at least exposed [so] that Americans have clear eyes about what we’re dealing with,” a White House official said.

Mr. Trump has long expressed that viewpoint, and in a recent Twitter post indicated that a plan to address complaints of bias is in the works.

Donald J. Trump

The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google. The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation. Stay tuned, and send names & events. Thank you Michelle! …
7:56 AM - May 16, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy

57.2K people are talking about this

Facebook Inc., which also owns Instagram, defended its practices when asked for a response to the nascent proposal.

“People on both sides of the aisle disagree with some of the positions we’ve taken, but we remain committed to seeking outside perspectives and communicating clearly about why we make the decisions we do,” the company said.

While I agree that social media is anti-conservative, I as a Conservative don’t believe the government should get involved into private entities.

Americans don’t need government trying to stop free enterprise. I also believe that these social media sites are intolerant, bigoted, thugs. I also know real Liberals would feel the same and would want social media letting all thoughts and points of view allowed and social media is wrong in suppressing thoughts and ideas.
A charge of censorship can only be leveled against government, not private entities. Even if this were not true, there is no cogent and consistent definition of "conservativism" to work from.

I am not on social media, but the owners/operators are free to set up their own rules, like prohibiting comments that incite violence or revenge porn or those that simply are blame rants against some demographic group.
A charge of censorship can only be leveled against government, not private entities. Even if this were not true, there is no cogent and consistent definition of "conservativism" to work from.

I am not on social media, but the owners/operators are free to set up their own rules, like prohibiting comments that incite violence or revenge porn or those that simply are blame rants against some demographic group.

I hope at the very least the government exposes what Twitter deems a "bot" (oh a Trump supporter, he must be a bot, time to ban his account!"). Let's view why they deem a artificial bottleneck necessary (or anything but creepy) of Trump supporter accounts followers, shadow ban and hide their responses, the new cool term for weak, limp wristed free speak destroying nerds, 'deboosting".

Your social media businesses our operating like our police forces and the businesses they covertly operate in, tamper with, control and ultimately crush. All in the name of "security" or some other flaky, dishonest justification designed to keep their budgets humming even as Canadians are demanding politicians cut them deep. The pandemic has created louder voices against these abuses.

Anyone is free to cheerlead the silencing of others. Don't think it won't come around to you, your families, or your own liberty at one point or another. Just as foreign nations avoid investing in Canada and laugh at how weak our economy and freedoms are, you may find the same occurs when they laugh at how easily they silence any pro-American messages online. The long term impact is great for enemies of the U.S and big media trying to control the narrative. It hurts your free speech.
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So Trump is upset that more people on social media dislike him than those that like him. How is that going to work? Is he going to force people that don't like him to write nice things about him? Who is going to decide which people are forced to write nice things about him to make it all even? Wouldn't it be easier for him to just stop doing such stupid things so more people would like him?
Well he could do what Obama supporters handled anyone who disagreed with Obama. Set the out to be a racist.
So Trump is upset that more people on social media dislike him than those that like him. How is that going to work? Is he going to force people that don't like him to write nice things about him? Who is going to decide which people are forced to write nice things about him to make it all even? Wouldn't it be easier for him to just stop doing such stupid things so more people would like him?
You just illustrated that there is a problem. You believe more people oppose trump than support him because that’s the narrative pushed by all media. Even Dr. Birx saw how Wuhan virus stories were steered into dishonest directions the way they were headlined and laid out.

If there is a problem, then it's your problem. I thought you didn't like demanding equal outcome. Since Trump is only capable of thinking in terms of TV ratings, he is low rated.
So Trump is going to force Google to stop taking down hate speech? Besides the fact that Google is a private company, Google searches are listed in order of HITS. So apparently it means people who hunt for stuff like those articles the most. But until we revoke the First Amendment, telling the federal government to keep its hands off the free press, Trump is just having another pipe dream.
The poor sensitive snowflakes.

Yes. Political censorship is sad and a common feature of totalitarian regimes.
Perhaps you wish we were more like Communist China, comrade?
Seems like Trump is the one trying to censor how Google does business. Hate speech and white supremacist groups do not have to be the flavor of the day on a private platform.
I don't do Face Plant and Twitter..........and that is the key ..........someone else needs to create an opposition site that doesn't do this........and hit them in the pocketbook.
A charge of censorship can only be leveled against government, not private entities. Even if this were not true, there is no cogent and consistent definition of "conservativism" to work from.

I am not on social media, but the owners/operators are free to set up their own rules, like prohibiting comments that incite violence or revenge porn or those that simply are blame rants against some demographic group.
This is the common flaw in every single post defending the social media giants....they are private businesses
so they get to run their affairs as they see fit. If you don't like it leave.

Whether through ignorance or just a lack of honesty what always gets omitted is the fact that yes, Facebook
or YouTube, etc. are private businesses but they are the sorts of businesses that have been granted
a monopoly status by Congress (just like baseball) and Congress is unlikely to fix their mess without
real pressure from the mostly ignorant or apathetic public.

Educate yourself so you can fix your own erroneous assumptions. Facebook should stop discrimniating
against one half of the political spectrum or lose their cushy little monopoly they should never have had
to begin with. I'm betting you don't educate yourself, by the way.

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