TransCanada may shorten pipeline screwing over Obama and his power play

awww..the Obama haters holding their breath. what comes next when this doesn't happen? They stomp up to their room and threaten to runaway?

What the hell are you talking about? There are billions of dollars at stake here. The players are serious.

The unions are outraged at Obama's bullshit decision. The corporations and the States are outraged at this insanity

Your post is, by all accounts, truly strange.

This is not a game.
I will leave this one up to you folks to decide. I know in no way shape or form will the average American see the benefits from any proposal by big oil. You will NEVER benefit. You are necessary to sell the product to nothing more, and your interests are of no concern to big oil. Excuse me while I go to the quiet room.
awww..the Obama haters holding their breath. what comes next when this doesn't happen? They stomp up to their room and threaten to runaway?

What the hell are you talking about? There are billions of dollars at stake here. The players are serious.

The unions are outraged at Obama's bullshit decision. The corporations and the States are outraged at this insanity

Your post is, by all accounts, truly strange.

This is not a game.

Billions for TransCanada wich helps Canada. Only ones outraged is Obama haters and TransCanada.
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I will leave this one up to you folks to decide. I know in no way shape or form will the average American see the benefits from any proposal by big oil. You will NEVER benefit. You are necessary to sell the product to nothing more, and your interests are of no concern to big oil. Excuse me while I go to the quiet room.

Sparky we need to heat houses. I'm sitting here typing away and outside is minus 30 C.

Sparky we need to travel to go to work, shop, and conduct our lives. I don't want to live in a city anymore and I live in the middle of nowhere and I love it. And it is my right to do so.

Sparky this has nothing to do with "big oil".

Sparky this is a bullshit term for people who live in apartments where their utilities are included in their rent and who use blue boxes and think they are saving the planet and lecture the rest of us who choose to live not in little hamster houses called apartments in big cities.

So Sparky, with all due respect, fuck you. I need this energy and all its benefits.
awww..the Obama haters holding their breath. what comes next when this doesn't happen? They stomp up to their room and threaten to runaway?

What the hell are you talking about? There are billions of dollars at stake here. The players are serious.

The unions are outraged at Obama's bullshit decision. The corporations and the States are outraged at this insanity

Your post is, by all accounts, truly strange.

This is not a game.

Billions for TransCandam wich helps Canada. Only ones outraged is Obama haters and TransCanada.

No offense but you are a fool.

Your oil has to get to market. What part of that don't you understand? Phase III was to connect other states to Cushing as well so the oil could get to the Gulf.

Oh and btw, the Unions are seriously pissed.

Did you know because the press has suppressed it that the head of the AFL CIO Trumka is completely distancing the unions from Obama.

Story suppressed. Basically they are tired of the Dems shitting on them after supporting them all these years.

They are forming a mirror left wing organization of the Tea Party. Kudos to them. I guess they are tired of all the bullshit about "jobs jobs jobs" from a limp dick administration that they thought was for real.

Obama killed jobs to appeal to enviro whack jobs. Not nice to mess with the Unions who put him in power.
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What the hell are you talking about? There are billions of dollars at stake here. The players are serious.

The unions are outraged at Obama's bullshit decision. The corporations and the States are outraged at this insanity

Your post is, by all accounts, truly strange.

This is not a game.

Billions for TransCandam wich helps Canada. Only ones outraged is Obama haters and TransCanada.

No offense but you are a fool.

Your oil has to get to market. What part of that don't you understand? Phase III was to connect other states to Cushing as well so the oil could get to the Gulf.

Oh and btw, the Unions are seriously pissed.

Did you know because the press has suppressed it that the head of the AFL CIO Trumka is completely distancing the unions from Obama.

Story suppressed. Basically they are tired of the Dems shitting on them after supporting them all these years.

They are forming a mirror left wing organization of the Tea Party. Kudos to them. I guess they are tired of all the bullshit about "jobs jobs jobs" from a limp dick administration that they thought was for real.

Obama killed jobs to appeal to enviro whack jobs. Not nice to mess with the Unions who put him in power.

About Keystone XL:
•The Keystone XL pipeline is a 2,000 mile pipeline that would transport crude oil derived from Canadian tar sands from Alberta to Texas.
•The pipeline will raise gas and diesel prices in the Midwest, where they are already among the highest in the country. It is estimated that the added cost of the pipeline would be roughly equal to 15 cents per gallon, driving up the cost of living for families at a time when Americans can least afford it.
•The total drain on America’s economy and pocket books could total as much as $3.9 billion annually in 2013, according to what TransCanada told Canada’s National Energy Board.
•Any jobs created will be offset by the higher price of gas and the layoffs that result from the higher cost of doing business. Further, they will be temporary and may not go to local residents, or even Americans.
•TransCanada will generate billions of dollars in profits at the expense of American consumers, and that money will go back to Canada, deepening the U.S. deficit.
•The pipeline will facilitate Canadian crude oil exports to China, not the United States. The market for Canadian crude oil in the Gulf is small. Americans wouldn’t benefit from the crude oil piped in through the Keystone XL.

Mid West Gas Prices - Dirty Oil Sands | A Threat to the New Energy Economy
Billions for TransCandam wich helps Canada. Only ones outraged is Obama haters and TransCanada.

No offense but you are a fool.

Your oil has to get to market. What part of that don't you understand? Phase III was to connect other states to Cushing as well so the oil could get to the Gulf.

Oh and btw, the Unions are seriously pissed.

Did you know because the press has suppressed it that the head of the AFL CIO Trumka is completely distancing the unions from Obama.

Story suppressed. Basically they are tired of the Dems shitting on them after supporting them all these years.

They are forming a mirror left wing organization of the Tea Party. Kudos to them. I guess they are tired of all the bullshit about "jobs jobs jobs" from a limp dick administration that they thought was for real.

Obama killed jobs to appeal to enviro whack jobs. Not nice to mess with the Unions who put him in power.

About Keystone XL:
•The Keystone XL pipeline is a 2,000 mile pipeline that would transport crude oil derived from Canadian tar sands from Alberta to Texas.
•The pipeline will raise gas and diesel prices in the Midwest, where they are already among the highest in the country. It is estimated that the added cost of the pipeline would be roughly equal to 15 cents per gallon, driving up the cost of living for families at a time when Americans can least afford it.
•The total drain on America’s economy and pocket books could total as much as $3.9 billion annually in 2013, according to what TransCanada told Canada’s National Energy Board.
•Any jobs created will be offset by the higher price of gas and the layoffs that result from the higher cost of doing business. Further, they will be temporary and may not go to local residents, or even Americans.
•TransCanada will generate billions of dollars in profits at the expense of American consumers, and that money will go back to Canada, deepening the U.S. deficit.
•The pipeline will facilitate Canadian crude oil exports to China, not the United States. The market for Canadian crude oil in the Gulf is small. Americans wouldn’t benefit from the crude oil piped in through the Keystone XL.

Mid West Gas Prices - Dirty Oil Sands | A Threat to the New Energy Economy


There is so much bullshit in your post I think we need a front end loader to deal with it.

Just for fun. And I'm in a good mood. I am the cat. You are the mouse. Get ready to scream and wish you died as a child.:eusa_angel:

You said in your post...

•The pipeline will facilitate Canadian crude oil exports to China, not the United States. The market for Canadian crude oil in the Gulf is small. Americans wouldn’t benefit from the crude oil piped in through the Keystone XL.

Now dear one, how does this work? Do you have any knowledge of geography? I've seen this argument before. Retarded enviro idiots have it all over the net.

Apparently to the whack jobs Keystone has to make a pipeline to the Gulf of Mexico for Canada to ship oil to China.

Holy mother fucking shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How stupid are you idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check a map will you? We go south a bit in Alberta, go west across BC, don't have to deal with douche bags like Darryl Hannah and bingo bango we have oil ready to go to China.

Secondary point to your bullshit point is that in Keystone Phase III all states could use the pipeline to get their product to Nederland and Port Arthur in Texas.

Americans more than benefit.
Gas is $4.00 per gallon now, scheduled to be $5.00 by summer................what's another 15 cents?? I hope Canada does this and shows the world how screwed up this administration is.

When will the left realize this joker in the White House cares nothing about them, only their vote. Let them eat cake 0bama's need to go back to where they came from, the alley ways and underground streets of Chicago.
Now I am demanding direct links to each of these bullshit claims with data. If you want to play always remember your opponent can best you.

So give me the exact links not a general. I always cough up direct links and not to opinion pieces.

I expect the same in return.

•The pipeline will raise gas and diesel prices in the Midwest, where they are already among the highest in the country. It is estimated that the added cost of the pipeline would be roughly equal to 15 cents per gallon, driving up the cost of living for families at a time when Americans can least afford it.


•The total drain on America’s economy and pocket books could total as much as $3.9 billion annually in 2013, according to what TransCanada told Canada’s National Energy Board.


•Any jobs created will be offset by the higher price of gas and the layoffs that result from the higher cost of doing business. Further, they will be temporary and may not go to local residents, or even Americans


•TransCanada will generate billions of dollars in profits at the expense of American consumers, and that money will go back to Canada, deepening the U.S. deficit.


And the whole weekend is going to be in the minus 20 to 30 C zone so I will be more than happy to spend my weekend decimating your sources.

But cough them up or forever hold your peace. Winter up here makes me right testy. I shall go after your sources.

Put them up.
If Reagan was President, he would of played Battleship with the Iranians and they would of lost their fleet weeks ago! what the hell is obama waiting for? take em out already !!!
This is awesome. We've dealt with enough left wing lib lunatics in power for years up here and we can smell liberal political bullshit a mile away.

Everyone knows this was Obama kow towing to enviro whackos.

Check this out. If they do this Obama and the Feds aren't involved. WhoooooooHooooo!!

" TransCanada May Shorten Keystone XL

By Bradley Olson - Jan 19, 2012 2:04 PM CT

TransCanada Corp. (TRP) may shorten the initial path for its rejected Keystone XL project, bringing oil from Montana’s Bakken Shale to refiners in the Gulf of Mexico and removing the need for federal approval.

“There certainly is a potential opportunity to connect the Bakken to the Gulf Coast,” Alex Pourbaix, TransCanada’s president of energy and oil pipelines, said in a telephone interview today. “That is obviously something we’ll be looking into over the next few weeks.”

TransCanada’s $7 billion Keystone XL proposal to bring crude from Canada’s oil sands to the Gulf was rejected yesterday by the Obama administration. The project required U.S. approval because it crossed the border with Canada. The company may seek that approval after it builds the segment from Montana to the Gulf, Pourbaix said.

The Bakken shale-rock formation is estimated to hold as much as 4.3 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil in North Dakota and Montana, according to a 2008 U.S. Geological Survey report. Oil production in North Dakota surged 42 percent to 510,000 barrels a day in November, exceeding the output of Ecuador.

Production in the Bakken field may reach 750,000 barrels a day this year, Edward Morse, managing director of commodities research for Citigroup Inc., said at a conference in Calgary today. "

More at link:

TransCanada May Shorten Keystone XL - Bloomberg


Great news
The only power play was the Republicans ensuring the project would be blocked so they'd have it as a campaign issue.
The only power play was the Republicans ensuring the project would be blocked so they'd have it as a campaign issue.

That's bullshit. I know the sequence and the time line of all of this.

You are either a liar or completely stupid. Pick one.

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