Tramp talking about God is really hypocritical.

All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.
Politicians mentioning God!!
How do you feel when Ds drop the J name?

They do not try to control the people of the US on what God supposedly believed. They follow Paul.
The Book of James.

Anyone but Jesus.
Does freedom of speech apply to all US citizens?
only to blacks/Dems
Tramp and the GOP are the most ungodly creatures that walk on the earth and I know it.
Fact is fact.
Give some specific examples, where one party was EVER the ONLY party to do whatever you are specifically accusing the party of doing.

Easy the Evangelicals, Fundamentalists and even some Catholics are intrusive on government.
The pro life and pro gun , anti gay, anti trans, anti SSM all in the name of God.

Any such abuses would be checked if we all unite in enforcing the
laws not evading or avoiding them Penelope

The only way people get away with abuses is that other people aren't following
the laws, so nobody has the authority to enforce them anymore.

The most effective way to enforce rebukes, checks and corrections
is peer to peer, and parties/groups policing themselves and each other as EQUALS.

If Liberals/Democrats are too busy imposing their own beliefs through Govt in
violation of the First Amendment, that's why there's no authority to stop others from imposing beliefs.

I argue the same with Conservatives/Republicans who should be uniting in enforcing
Constitutional laws. If they don't follow the laws, they can't compel others too either!

The Liberals/Democrats are just as bad if not worse.
Penelope this is where True Christian Faith comes in.
True commitment to the laws means people will police, forgive and correct
each other as equal responsibility, not preach on the street corner that it's the "other" people or groups that need to change.

The REAL faithful are working WITHIN and BETWEEN/ACROSS groups to
bring about mutual correction and change in a unifying way that RECONCILES relations.

These are the REAL peacemakers that shall be called the Children of God.
They are NOT the pharisees and sadducees "judging and preaching" to each other.
Don't be one of those, which is the whole problem.
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.

Your mind must reign itself in a state of constant indefatigable fear and confusion. Being Christian does not and never has and never shall equate to being morally perfect or coming close. Christians, like every other last human soul on this planet are flawed, imperfect, sinners and failures; they're vulnerable, mortal and just as open to corruption as anyone else. The key difference between the average believing Christian and anyone else? The believing Christian listens and looks for the voice and sight of God, and knows/feels the eternal, ancient presence of God in all places in everyday life. The believing Christian has matured sufficiently enough to be capable of accepting an authority higher than himself; higher than mankind. And lastly, the believing Christian believes in forgiveness, sometimes with consequences where due, and will at least try to live his life by Christ's example, although doing that is next to impossible, as other people will challenge you every step of the way and our own internal conflict unending can be the highest hurdle.

Your problem, same as millions of other morally bankrupt fools, seems to be in your unwavering belief that only paragons of moral virtue can call themselves Christian. Why do you think Christ came down to Earth and showed mankind the way to eternal life of the soul? Mankind was far from your ideal perfection then, and so he still is today. Expecting perfection in any fellow human being is gonna disappoint you in the end, real badly. However, forbidding yourself to practice Christianity simply because you see no perfection in any Christian shows a distinct lack of understanding of your fellow examples of mankind. Look in the mirror. You are not without flaws and never shall be. Nor will I or anyone else you could meet who calls themselves Christian or otherwise. Accept that, move on, deal with it. You want salvation, ask Christ for it. You want human perfection? Write a novel about perfect people . . . although, that'd likely be boring as all hell.
Leftist talkin
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.
A Leftist talking about hypocrisy; is just an example of such...
Politicians mentioning God!!
How do you feel when Ds drop the J name?

They do not try to control the people of the US on what God supposedly believed. They follow Paul.
The Book of James.

Anyone but Jesus.
Does freedom of speech apply to all US citizens?
only to blacks/Dems

Dear harmonica
Too many liberal blacks/Democrats are too busy
abridging their own rights and freedoms. They could be
exercising their rights and investing directly into the solutions
they demand, instead they keep paying donations into campaigns
for people who can't and won't deliver on promises. Better off
investing resources directly and managing those reforms and solutions
by local ownership to empower communities and quit relying on parties.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.

Bonnie and Clyde?

Ha! Another example of the United States government killing Americans without a trial.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
They do not try to control the people of the US on what God supposedly believed. They follow Paul.
The Book of James.

Anyone but Jesus.
Does freedom of speech apply to all US citizens?
only to blacks/Dems

Dear harmonica
Too many liberal blacks/Democrats are too busy
abridging their own rights and freedoms. They could be
exercising their rights and investing directly into the solutions
they demand, instead they keep paying donations into campaigns
for people who can't and won't deliver on promises. Better off
investing resources directly and managing those reforms and solutions
by local ownership to empower communities and quit relying on parties.

Who in the hell would vote for a republican if their skin was black, brown, gay, or trans or mulsim, or any minority
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.

Your mind must reign itself in a state of constant indefatigable fear and confusion. Being Christian does not and never has and never shall equate to being morally perfect or coming close. Christians, like every other last human soul on this planet are flawed, imperfect, sinners and failures; they're vulnerable, mortal and just as open to corruption as anyone else. The key difference between the average believing Christian and anyone else? The believing Christian listens and looks for the voice and sight of God, and knows/feels the eternal, ancient presence of God in all places in everyday life. The believing Christian has matured sufficiently enough to be capable of accepting an authority higher than himself; higher than mankind. And lastly, the believing Christian believes in forgiveness, sometimes with consequences where due, and will at least try to live his life by Christ's example, although doing that is next to impossible, as other people will challenge you every step of the way and our own internal conflict unending can be the highest hurdle.

Your problem, same as millions of other morally bankrupt fools, seems to be in your unwavering belief that only paragons of moral virtue can call themselves Christian. Why do you think Christ came down to Earth and showed mankind the way to eternal life of the soul? Mankind was far from your ideal perfection then, and so he still is today. Expecting perfection in any fellow human being is gonna disappoint you in the end, real badly. However, forbidding yourself to practice Christianity simply because you see no perfection in any Christian shows a distinct lack of understanding of your fellow examples of mankind. Look in the mirror. You are not without flaws and never shall be. Nor will I or anyone else you could meet who calls themselves Christian or otherwise. Accept that, move on, deal with it. You want salvation, ask Christ for it. You want human perfection? Write a novel about perfect people . . . although, that'd likely be boring as all hell.

Yes I know, a Christian is now a pathetical liar, a cheater, an adulterer, a female assaulter, an accused rapist, a bigot, has shown to be racist towards brown, black and Muslims, and the big one:
surrounds himself with like people.

I am not asking for perfection, but he and most of the GOP have gone overboard on everything to such an extent , they use God as a means to justifying everything under the sun.
Leftist talkin
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.
A Leftist talking about hypocrisy; is just an example of such...

Dear Vastator cc Penelope
What Leftists don't understand is taking responsibility for law TO CONSCIENCE
such as taking the OATH to UPHOLD either Christian or Constitutional laws

Too many see it as an "external" or "institutional" practice that has no meaning.
It's all hypocrisy and "talk."

What such people don't get is that taking this SERIOUSLY as a commitment PERSONALLY
is what gives people the POWER TO INVOKE AUTHORITY OF LAW.

It's a shame and should be seen as a TRAVESTY NOT TO TEACH THIS.
Because Equal Knowledge, Authority and Empowerment by the LAW

It should be legally required to teach this to give people EQUAL CHOICE.
Instead people are allowed to run around IGNORANT that the law gives people equal power.
And thus such people are left OPEN TO EXPLOITATION and get bought and sold politically.

It's as bad as not teaching people they have the right and ability to be free and self-governing,
but only teaching them to be dependent on party and govt leaders as slave masters that have all the control.

Abusive and oppressive.

It's not just mass education needed,
but mass spiritual change for people to understand
their choices, and how not to stay victimized blaming others.
The Book of James.

Anyone but Jesus.
Does freedom of speech apply to all US citizens?
only to blacks/Dems

Dear harmonica
Too many liberal blacks/Democrats are too busy
abridging their own rights and freedoms. They could be
exercising their rights and investing directly into the solutions
they demand, instead they keep paying donations into campaigns
for people who can't and won't deliver on promises. Better off
investing resources directly and managing those reforms and solutions
by local ownership to empower communities and quit relying on parties.

Who in the hell would vote for a republican if their skin was black, brown, gay, or trans or mulsim, or any minority
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.

Your mind must reign itself in a state of constant indefatigable fear and confusion. Being Christian does not and never has and never shall equate to being morally perfect or coming close. Christians, like every other last human soul on this planet are flawed, imperfect, sinners and failures; they're vulnerable, mortal and just as open to corruption as anyone else. The key difference between the average believing Christian and anyone else? The believing Christian listens and looks for the voice and sight of God, and knows/feels the eternal, ancient presence of God in all places in everyday life. The believing Christian has matured sufficiently enough to be capable of accepting an authority higher than himself; higher than mankind. And lastly, the believing Christian believes in forgiveness, sometimes with consequences where due, and will at least try to live his life by Christ's example, although doing that is next to impossible, as other people will challenge you every step of the way and our own internal conflict unending can be the highest hurdle.

Your problem, same as millions of other morally bankrupt fools, seems to be in your unwavering belief that only paragons of moral virtue can call themselves Christian. Why do you think Christ came down to Earth and showed mankind the way to eternal life of the soul? Mankind was far from your ideal perfection then, and so he still is today. Expecting perfection in any fellow human being is gonna disappoint you in the end, real badly. However, forbidding yourself to practice Christianity simply because you see no perfection in any Christian shows a distinct lack of understanding of your fellow examples of mankind. Look in the mirror. You are not without flaws and never shall be. Nor will I or anyone else you could meet who calls themselves Christian or otherwise. Accept that, move on, deal with it. You want salvation, ask Christ for it. You want human perfection? Write a novel about perfect people . . . although, that'd likely be boring as all hell.

Yes I know, a Christian is now a pathetical liar, a cheater, an adulterer, a female assaulter, an accused rapist, a bigot, has shown to be racist towards brown, black and Muslims, and the big one:
surrounds himself with like people.

I am not asking for perfection, but he and most of the GOP have gone overboard on everything to such an extent , they use God as a means to justifying everything under the sun.

Dear Penelope
The point of Constitutional laws and limits on govt
is NOT DEPENDING on anyone you vote into office.

What determines laws and social contracts are the DEMOCRATIC PROCESS
by which people CONSENT to terms and make sure laws REPRESENT US.

So you are right, we should NOT be depending on voting people into office.
We should be governing ourselves, and following upholding and enforcing laws
that we agree to.

This idea of depending on party leaders to govern is worse than church-run
govt by "divine right to rule" but that's what is being practiced and taught.

You are right, we should reject this practice.
And just hold EVERYONE accountable for enforcing laws and terms of contracts directly.
We need to check and correct govt OURSELVES, and quit acting like anyone has
divine right to rule over people and dictate laws. That's backwards and not how
the govt was ever set up under the Constitution.

If you think Christians have strayed from the Bible,
the way Govt has strayed from the Constitution is even more outrageous!
The Book of James.

Anyone but Jesus.
Does freedom of speech apply to all US citizens?
only to blacks/Dems

Dear harmonica
Too many liberal blacks/Democrats are too busy
abridging their own rights and freedoms. They could be
exercising their rights and investing directly into the solutions
they demand, instead they keep paying donations into campaigns
for people who can't and won't deliver on promises. Better off
investing resources directly and managing those reforms and solutions
by local ownership to empower communities and quit relying on parties.

Who in the hell would vote for a republican if their skin was black, brown, gay, or trans or mulsim, or any minority
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.

Your mind must reign itself in a state of constant indefatigable fear and confusion. Being Christian does not and never has and never shall equate to being morally perfect or coming close. Christians, like every other last human soul on this planet are flawed, imperfect, sinners and failures; they're vulnerable, mortal and just as open to corruption as anyone else. The key difference between the average believing Christian and anyone else? The believing Christian listens and looks for the voice and sight of God, and knows/feels the eternal, ancient presence of God in all places in everyday life. The believing Christian has matured sufficiently enough to be capable of accepting an authority higher than himself; higher than mankind. And lastly, the believing Christian believes in forgiveness, sometimes with consequences where due, and will at least try to live his life by Christ's example, although doing that is next to impossible, as other people will challenge you every step of the way and our own internal conflict unending can be the highest hurdle.

Your problem, same as millions of other morally bankrupt fools, seems to be in your unwavering belief that only paragons of moral virtue can call themselves Christian. Why do you think Christ came down to Earth and showed mankind the way to eternal life of the soul? Mankind was far from your ideal perfection then, and so he still is today. Expecting perfection in any fellow human being is gonna disappoint you in the end, real badly. However, forbidding yourself to practice Christianity simply because you see no perfection in any Christian shows a distinct lack of understanding of your fellow examples of mankind. Look in the mirror. You are not without flaws and never shall be. Nor will I or anyone else you could meet who calls themselves Christian or otherwise. Accept that, move on, deal with it. You want salvation, ask Christ for it. You want human perfection? Write a novel about perfect people . . . although, that'd likely be boring as all hell.

Yes I know, a Christian is now a pathetical liar, a cheater, an adulterer, a female assaulter, an accused rapist, a bigot, has shown to be racist towards brown, black and Muslims, and the big one:
surrounds himself with like people.

I am not asking for perfection, but he and most of the GOP have gone overboard on everything to such an extent , they use God as a means to justifying everything under the sun.

You could not be farther from the truth. While no man is perfect, unchangeable/indelible concepts of right and wrong are requirements for the existence of civilization. Men will always be flawed; foundational principles upon which we build civilizations must no be. Unless you truly haven't stuck your head above ground for decades, you will know the truth. The truth which is the centuries old ideology of radical leftism is doing its damnedest to destroy America as we speak, but not only that. Radical leftism is attacking the minds and bodies of our children foremost; assaulting all traditional beliefs and hopes and otherwise trying to flush America down into the sewers of history; to remake American in its anti-image. That you would see the exact opposite of what is really happening speaks to some kind of lack of common sense/personal decency within you or some kind of brainwashing which has worked incredibly well on you. Then again, maybe you're just another one of those people who has allowed hatred of Donald Trump to lead them to climb into bed with the literal devil if doing so gets rid of him. Either way, you're a simple troll or completely clueless and frankly, I and millions of other Americans have long since run out patience for dealing with the Gratefully Blind . . . we're done with you.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
Christianity was started as a political movement.
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.
Don't be mad at people for not meeting your expectations. Judge not...

They don't even meet the min requirements to call someone Christian.
In YOUR judgement?

Yes it is, and I know a lot about Christianity and he is not a Christian, not like ones I know.

You seem upset, you so badly want him to be a Christian, why is that??
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
Christianity was started as a political movement.

True, but some people still believe , not tramp and most of the GOP.
Who in the hell would vote for a republican if their skin was black, brown, gay, or trans or mulsim, or any minority

If they are a thinker, and not brainwashed by the Far Left.

Iron Mike Tyson is both African American and a devout Muslim, and also a tremendous supporter of President Donald J. Trump. Tyson knows phonies very well, he's been on top of the world and on the bottom when landed in prison.

Trump is no phony, real men like Tyson appreciate that.
All the Evangelicals and pretend to be Christians is the reason I will never call myself Christian anymore,

They, the GOP and Tramp give Christianity a bad name.
Don't be mad at people for not meeting your expectations. Judge not...

They don't even meet the min requirements to call someone Christian.
In YOUR judgement?

Yes it is, and I know a lot about Christianity and he is not a Christian, not like ones I know.

You seem upset, you so badly want him to be a Christian, why is that??

President Trump believes in Almighty God and the Sanctity of Human Life itself. He believes that Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden, and Eve was a Cisbroad.
Easy the Evangelicals, Fundamentalists and even some Catholics are intrusive on government.
The pro life and pro gun , anti gay, anti trans, anti SSM all in the name of God.
Are you demanding all these people have your views, that your view is the one and only? Is religion any more intrusive on government than government is intrusive on religion? All are working for a balance and it is reasonable to agree that sometimes it is difficult to keep that balance. Most people, however, try.
I’m betting you never were a Christian.

I know I was never a Christian,
Because I use to believe:

Its better to be stolen from than to steal..
Its better to be lied to than to lie.
Its better to be killed than to be a killer.

I have not believed in several years and I definitely to do not believe now that I'm completely aware that Christianity is something to be used for political purposes.

but I still have my morals which were taught by my parents.
Christianity was started as a political movement.

True, but some people still believe , not tramp and most of the GOP.

Actually, there is nothing in the Bible to support Gay Marriage and people changing genders. No character, either good nor bad, ever transitioned.
Easy the Evangelicals, Fundamentalists and even some Catholics are intrusive on government.
The pro life and pro gun , anti gay, anti trans, anti SSM all in the name of God.
Are you demanding all these people have your views, that your view is the one and only? Is religion any more intrusive on government than government is intrusive on religion? All are working for a balance and it is reasonable to agree that sometimes it is difficult to keep that balance. Most people, however, try.

Who is a Christian and lead a life like tramp and who is a Christian and sprouts what he says out of his mouth.

Who do you think a Christian is??
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