Too Much Spending By Trump And GOP; Shutdown Impending As Result

G.05 never met a debt or deficit he didn't like, under a liberal administration.

Ha! You must be new here. He's been ranting about tax deductions and cutting costs for as long as I've been here.

Just because the guy in the WH has an "R" next to his name hasn't changed his tune at all. Shame I can't say the same about conservatives, they're turning a blind eye to what they hated just over a year ago.
soggy has been here longer than you wacked one....
If the govt shuts down, Trump can go golfing.
yep, he's still got a long ways to go to catch Obama like golf play.......

Another fool who has drank too much of the kool aid. Trump has blown away Obama’s rounds of golf in his first year. Obama played 29 times in his first year. Trump at least 51 but more likely 76

Sent from my iPhone using
Only an idiot would care how much golf Trump plays while giving us the best economy in decades. Maybe most politicians insulate themselves from most real people. Although Trump is wealthy beyond most peoples imagination he got out on construction sites and worked with real people. He eats like them, talks like them and knows what they need to be successful and have self respect. The only thing he doesn’t do is smoke and drink like them, but we don’t hold that against him.
Hey, retard. Since the beginning of my time on this forum I have been posting about the debt and how to pay it off.

Nice try, hypocrite.


Then you also know how we got into this problem and it wasn't because of Trump....

Trump just added to the problem.. What happened to the republicans for less Government and Spending?...Haaa Haaa


It takes time to undo Democrat Obama;'s case the problem is ten fold

I'll tell ya what, just this once I'll be serious about answering your question, even though we all know you don't care about the deficit

What did Obama do to add to the deficits?
Well they created entitlements, but never want to modify them for the current time
They created a much bigger govt with huge labor costs
They reduce the tax base with burdensome regulations and high tax rates
Then you had Obamacare, where many people got laid off or hours cut...reducing the amount they paid in taxes
And the stimulus, a giveaway to unions and Obama's friends.....but never fixed anything
Auto Bailout

Entitlements? are you referring to the increase in government services due to the Bush recession?

What bigger Government?

What tax increases?

No one got laid off because of the ACA.

The stimulus. When the fuck are vou ignorant fools going to get it right about the stimulus bill? For one, 38% were tax cuts. 60 billion in infrastructure, money to fund the need for added help to food stamps & unemployment - bad shit happens when you lose 800,000 jobs a month as done by the Bush recession. Billions went to help the States that used the money to stop teacher & Law enforcement layoffs ( you know what you call helping the unions). So teachers & policemen are your enemies? Is that right?

The Auto Bailout. One of you buttfucks were bragging yesteday how many jobs Chrysler was bringing back from Mexico. You dumbficks would let Chrysler go bankrupt.

Frank-Dodd. God forbid we don't put in regulations to stop another near financial meltdown.

No worries though because your Shithole President is gutting these regulations so be prepared for anotrhet Deepwater Horizon, Mine accident, another bailout of wall street. Why? Because you asswipes can't fucking learn, You are too God damn stupid.

Bush inherited a balanced budget & surplus. A Conservative's wet dream. He left with the worst recession in 80 years, a near financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month. Bush's first economic move - tax cuts.
'You stupid shits think its OK to borrow 1.5 trillion for tax cuts with a majority having zero economic effect.

You people are dumber than shit.
This isn't Trump's economic recovery, it's still Obama's economic recovery.

Trump's tax cuts won't happen until next year, and it will be until months if not years before the effects are felt.

The only boost that Trump has given the economy is the speculative investments in the stock market. Yes, he's caused a lot of optimism on Wall St. However, those gains are entirely speculative and are NOT of result of any huge difference in the Trump administration's economic polices - because there are none yet.

Of course Wall St. is overjoyed with having one of their own as President. A New York billionaire and a global elitist!

They're all laughing at the fools that believed that Trump was a nationalist and a populist! The reality could not be more opposite.
If the govt shuts down, Trump can go golfing.
yep, he's still got a long ways to go to catch Obama like golf play.......

Another fool who has drank too much of the kool aid. Trump has blown away Obama’s rounds of golf in his first year. Obama played 29 times in his first year. Trump at least 51 but more likely 76

Sent from my iPhone using
Only an idiot would care how much golf Trump plays while giving us the best economy in decades. Maybe most politicians insulate themselves from most real people. Although Trump is wealthy beyond most peoples imagination he got out on construction sites and worked with real people. He eats like them, talks like them and knows what they need to be successful and have self respect. The only thing he doesn’t do is smoke and drink like them, but we don’t hold that against him.
Only a stupid fick would have their candidate PROMISE never to golf & then hops on to the golf course way before he does anything.

You people are so easily duped. You think a rapidly rising Stock market - people treading pieces of paper, is a sign of a great economy? It is a sign of rich people & well off corporations getting richer & needing a place to put their money. The tax cut will just push it higher & higher.
Then you also know how we got into this problem and it wasn't because of Trump....

Trump just added to the problem.. What happened to the republicans for less Government and Spending?...Haaa Haaa


It takes time to undo Democrat Obama;'s case the problem is ten fold

I'll tell ya what, just this once I'll be serious about answering your question, even though we all know you don't care about the deficit

What did Obama do to add to the deficits?
Well they created entitlements, but never want to modify them for the current time
They created a much bigger govt with huge labor costs
They reduce the tax base with burdensome regulations and high tax rates
Then you had Obamacare, where many people got laid off or hours cut...reducing the amount they paid in taxes
And the stimulus, a giveaway to unions and Obama's friends.....but never fixed anything
Auto Bailout

Entitlements? are you referring to the increase in government services due to the Bush recession?

What bigger Government?

What tax increases?

No one got laid off because of the ACA.

The stimulus. When the fuck are vou ignorant fools going to get it right about the stimulus bill? For one, 38% were tax cuts. 60 billion in infrastructure, money to fund the need for added help to food stamps & unemployment - bad shit happens when you lose 800,000 jobs a month as done by the Bush recession. Billions went to help the States that used the money to stop teacher & Law enforcement layoffs ( you know what you call helping the unions). So teachers & policemen are your enemies? Is that right?

The Auto Bailout. One of you buttfucks were bragging yesteday how many jobs Chrysler was bringing back from Mexico. You dumbficks would let Chrysler go bankrupt.

Frank-Dodd. God forbid we don't put in regulations to stop another near financial meltdown.

No worries though because your Shithole President is gutting these regulations so be prepared for anotrhet Deepwater Horizon, Mine accident, another bailout of wall street. Why? Because you asswipes can't fucking learn, You are too God damn stupid.

Bush inherited a balanced budget & surplus. A Conservative's wet dream. He left with the worst recession in 80 years, a near financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month. Bush's first economic move - tax cuts.
'You stupid shits think its OK to borrow 1.5 trillion for tax cuts with a majority having zero economic effect.

You people are dumber than shit.

Your reply is based on myth, distortion, and half-truths.

Although Trump's tax cuts are just now going into effect, Trump implemented a number of pro-growth measures soon after taking office. He also changed the business climate. Businesses now knew that they had a president who did view wealth and success as evil.

Go ask any credit union or small business council about the stupidity of Dodd-Frank. Thankfully, Trump and the Republicans have taken many of the fangs out of this growth-killing monstrosity.

The Sarbanes-Oxley mark-to-market rule greatly contributed to the severity of the recession because it required companies to value assets at stupendously unrealistic numbers instead of their actual worth at a critical time in the early stages of the recession.

Democrats were all for Freddie and Fannie's massive intervention in the housing market, which (1) enabled tens of thousands of people with bad credit to get home loans they could not afford, and (2) pushed up housing prices to grossly unrealistic levels. This intervention created the housing bubble, which in turn led to the toxic assets that triggered the financial meltdown. If the feds had kept their hands off the housing market, there would have been no toxic assets and no financial meltdown.
Last edited:
If the govt shuts down, Trump can go golfing.
yep, he's still got a long ways to go to catch Obama like golf play.......

Another fool who has drank too much of the kool aid. Trump has blown away Obama’s rounds of golf in his first year. Obama played 29 times in his first year. Trump at least 51 but more likely 76

Sent from my iPhone using
Only an idiot would care how much golf Trump plays while giving us the best economy in decades. Maybe most politicians insulate themselves from most real people. Although Trump is wealthy beyond most peoples imagination he got out on construction sites and worked with real people. He eats like them, talks like them and knows what they need to be successful and have self respect. The only thing he doesn’t do is smoke and drink like them, but we don’t hold that against him.

I do not care how much he golfs, besides maybe a little envy that I cannot play that much.

What I do care about is ignorance and false information that is passed off as reality. I will call it out whenever I see it.

Sent from my iPhone using
Then you also know how we got into this problem and it wasn't because of Trump....

Trump just added to the problem.. What happened to the republicans for less Government and Spending?...Haaa Haaa


It takes time to undo Democrat Obama;'s case the problem is ten fold

I'll tell ya what, just this once I'll be serious about answering your question, even though we all know you don't care about the deficit

What did Obama do to add to the deficits?
Well they created entitlements, but never want to modify them for the current time
They created a much bigger govt with huge labor costs
They reduce the tax base with burdensome regulations and high tax rates
Then you had Obamacare, where many people got laid off or hours cut...reducing the amount they paid in taxes
And the stimulus, a giveaway to unions and Obama's friends.....but never fixed anything
Auto Bailout

Entitlements? are you referring to the increase in government services due to the Bush recession?
Do you know what an entitlement is?

What bigger Government?

What tax increases?
Full List of Obama Tax Hikes | Americans for Tax Reform

No one got laid off because of the ACA.
Clean Up Your Act, PolitiFact: Why Ted Cruz Was Right On Obamacare And Jobs
Yes, Some Companies Are Cutting Hours In Response To ‘Obamacare’
Employees working fewer hours due to Obamacare: survey

The stimulus. When the fuck are vou ignorant fools going to get it right about the stimulus bill? For one, 38% were tax cuts. 60 billion in infrastructure, money to fund the need for added help to food stamps & unemployment - bad shit happens when you lose 800,000 jobs a month as done by the Bush recession. Billions went to help the States that used the money to stop teacher & Law enforcement layoffs ( you know what you call helping the unions). So teachers & policemen are your enemies? Is that right?
They sent to money to organizations and departments as well as states....but nothing specific....and it ended up doing nothing for $1 trillion

The Auto Bailout. One of you buttfucks were bragging yesteday how many jobs Chrysler was bringing back from Mexico. You dumbficks would let Chrysler go bankrupt.
Yes, if they cant compete, they go bye bye, it's how business works.

Frank-Dodd. God forbid we don't put in regulations to stop another near financial meltdown.
These wouldn't have stopped anything....regulations caused the problem in the first place

No worries though because your Shithole President is gutting these regulations so be prepared for anotrhet Deepwater Horizon, Mine accident, another bailout of wall street. Why? Because you asswipes can't fucking learn, You are too God damn stupid.

Bush inherited a balanced budget & surplus. A Conservative's wet dream. He left with the worst recession in 80 years, a near financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month. Bush's first economic move - tax cuts.
'You stupid shits think its OK to borrow 1.5 trillion for tax cuts with a majority having zero economic effect.

You people are dumber than shit.
Are these serious questions?
He got us out of the first one with the tech bubble collapsing and 911.
The second was caused by forcing banks to lend to people who cant afford the loans...why not let the banks lend to the people they think can pay them back?
If the govt shuts down, Trump can go golfing.
yep, he's still got a long ways to go to catch Obama like golf play.......

Another fool who has drank too much of the kool aid. Trump has blown away Obama’s rounds of golf in his first year. Obama played 29 times in his first year. Trump at least 51 but more likely 76

Sent from my iPhone using
Only an idiot would care how much golf Trump plays while giving us the best economy in decades. Maybe most politicians insulate themselves from most real people. Although Trump is wealthy beyond most peoples imagination he got out on construction sites and worked with real people. He eats like them, talks like them and knows what they need to be successful and have self respect. The only thing he doesn’t do is smoke and drink like them, but we don’t hold that against him.


GTFO with that nonsense. You can't be serious.
If the govt shuts down, Trump can go golfing.
yep, he's still got a long ways to go to catch Obama like golf play.......

Another fool who has drank too much of the kool aid. Trump has blown away Obama’s rounds of golf in his first year. Obama played 29 times in his first year. Trump at least 51 but more likely 76

Sent from my iPhone using
Only an idiot would care how much golf Trump plays while giving us the best economy in decades. Maybe most politicians insulate themselves from most real people. Although Trump is wealthy beyond most peoples imagination he got out on construction sites and worked with real people. He eats like them, talks like them and knows what they need to be successful and have self respect. The only thing he doesn’t do is smoke and drink like them, but we don’t hold that against him.


GTFO with that nonsense. You can't be serious.
Yep he called Africa a shithole......worst person ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just look at how Trump turned it all around for us! THANK GOODNESS FOR TRUMP!!

If the govt shuts down, Trump can go golfing.
yep, he's still got a long ways to go to catch Obama like golf play.......

Another fool who has drank too much of the kool aid. Trump has blown away Obama’s rounds of golf in his first year. Obama played 29 times in his first year. Trump at least 51 but more likely 76

Sent from my iPhone using
Only an idiot would care how much golf Trump plays while giving us the best economy in decades. Maybe most politicians insulate themselves from most real people. Although Trump is wealthy beyond most peoples imagination he got out on construction sites and worked with real people. He eats like them, talks like them and knows what they need to be successful and have self respect. The only thing he doesn’t do is smoke and drink like them, but we don’t hold that against him.


GTFO with that nonsense. You can't be serious.

Everything he said is true. What's the problem?
Trump just added to the problem.. What happened to the republicans for less Government and Spending?...Haaa Haaa


It takes time to undo Democrat Obama;'s case the problem is ten fold

I'll tell ya what, just this once I'll be serious about answering your question, even though we all know you don't care about the deficit

What did Obama do to add to the deficits?
Well they created entitlements, but never want to modify them for the current time
They created a much bigger govt with huge labor costs
They reduce the tax base with burdensome regulations and high tax rates
Then you had Obamacare, where many people got laid off or hours cut...reducing the amount they paid in taxes
And the stimulus, a giveaway to unions and Obama's friends.....but never fixed anything
Auto Bailout

Entitlements? are you referring to the increase in government services due to the Bush recession?
Do you know what an entitlement is?

What bigger Government?

What tax increases?
Full List of Obama Tax Hikes | Americans for Tax Reform

No one got laid off because of the ACA.
Clean Up Your Act, PolitiFact: Why Ted Cruz Was Right On Obamacare And Jobs
Yes, Some Companies Are Cutting Hours In Response To ‘Obamacare’
Employees working fewer hours due to Obamacare: survey

The stimulus. When the fuck are vou ignorant fools going to get it right about the stimulus bill? For one, 38% were tax cuts. 60 billion in infrastructure, money to fund the need for added help to food stamps & unemployment - bad shit happens when you lose 800,000 jobs a month as done by the Bush recession. Billions went to help the States that used the money to stop teacher & Law enforcement layoffs ( you know what you call helping the unions). So teachers & policemen are your enemies? Is that right?
They sent to money to organizations and departments as well as states....but nothing specific....and it ended up doing nothing for $1 trillion

The Auto Bailout. One of you buttfucks were bragging yesteday how many jobs Chrysler was bringing back from Mexico. You dumbficks would let Chrysler go bankrupt.
Yes, if they cant compete, they go bye bye, it's how business works.

Frank-Dodd. God forbid we don't put in regulations to stop another near financial meltdown.
These wouldn't have stopped anything....regulations caused the problem in the first place

No worries though because your Shithole President is gutting these regulations so be prepared for anotrhet Deepwater Horizon, Mine accident, another bailout of wall street. Why? Because you asswipes can't fucking learn, You are too God damn stupid.

Bush inherited a balanced budget & surplus. A Conservative's wet dream. He left with the worst recession in 80 years, a near financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month. Bush's first economic move - tax cuts.
'You stupid shits think its OK to borrow 1.5 trillion for tax cuts with a majority having zero economic effect.

You people are dumber than shit.
Are these serious questions?
He got us out of the first one with the tech bubble collapsing and 911.
The second was caused by forcing banks to lend to people who cant afford the loans...why not let the banks lend to the people they think can pay them back?

The problem really was not with banks being “forced” to give high risk loans, it is what they did with those loans once they were finalized.

Sent from my iPhone using
It takes time to undo Democrat Obama;'s case the problem is ten fold

I'll tell ya what, just this once I'll be serious about answering your question, even though we all know you don't care about the deficit

What did Obama do to add to the deficits?
Well they created entitlements, but never want to modify them for the current time
They created a much bigger govt with huge labor costs
They reduce the tax base with burdensome regulations and high tax rates
Then you had Obamacare, where many people got laid off or hours cut...reducing the amount they paid in taxes
And the stimulus, a giveaway to unions and Obama's friends.....but never fixed anything
Auto Bailout

Entitlements? are you referring to the increase in government services due to the Bush recession?
Do you know what an entitlement is?

What bigger Government?

What tax increases?
Full List of Obama Tax Hikes | Americans for Tax Reform

No one got laid off because of the ACA.
Clean Up Your Act, PolitiFact: Why Ted Cruz Was Right On Obamacare And Jobs
Yes, Some Companies Are Cutting Hours In Response To ‘Obamacare’
Employees working fewer hours due to Obamacare: survey

The stimulus. When the fuck are vou ignorant fools going to get it right about the stimulus bill? For one, 38% were tax cuts. 60 billion in infrastructure, money to fund the need for added help to food stamps & unemployment - bad shit happens when you lose 800,000 jobs a month as done by the Bush recession. Billions went to help the States that used the money to stop teacher & Law enforcement layoffs ( you know what you call helping the unions). So teachers & policemen are your enemies? Is that right?
They sent to money to organizations and departments as well as states....but nothing specific....and it ended up doing nothing for $1 trillion

The Auto Bailout. One of you buttfucks were bragging yesteday how many jobs Chrysler was bringing back from Mexico. You dumbficks would let Chrysler go bankrupt.
Yes, if they cant compete, they go bye bye, it's how business works.

Frank-Dodd. God forbid we don't put in regulations to stop another near financial meltdown.
These wouldn't have stopped anything....regulations caused the problem in the first place

No worries though because your Shithole President is gutting these regulations so be prepared for anotrhet Deepwater Horizon, Mine accident, another bailout of wall street. Why? Because you asswipes can't fucking learn, You are too God damn stupid.

Bush inherited a balanced budget & surplus. A Conservative's wet dream. He left with the worst recession in 80 years, a near financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month. Bush's first economic move - tax cuts.
'You stupid shits think its OK to borrow 1.5 trillion for tax cuts with a majority having zero economic effect.

You people are dumber than shit.
Are these serious questions?
He got us out of the first one with the tech bubble collapsing and 911.
The second was caused by forcing banks to lend to people who cant afford the loans...why not let the banks lend to the people they think can pay them back?

The problem really was not with banks being “forced” to give high risk loans, it is what they did with those loans once they were finalized.

Sent from my iPhone using

So the issue wasn't loaning money to people who couldn't pay....then what was the problem?
If the govt shuts down, Trump can go golfing.
yep, he's still got a long ways to go to catch Obama like golf play.......

Another fool who has drank too much of the kool aid. Trump has blown away Obama’s rounds of golf in his first year. Obama played 29 times in his first year. Trump at least 51 but more likely 76

Sent from my iPhone using
Only an idiot would care how much golf Trump plays while giving us the best economy in decades. Maybe most politicians insulate themselves from most real people. Although Trump is wealthy beyond most peoples imagination he got out on construction sites and worked with real people. He eats like them, talks like them and knows what they need to be successful and have self respect. The only thing he doesn’t do is smoke and drink like them, but we don’t hold that against him.


GTFO with that nonsense. You can't be serious.
Yep he called Africa a shithole......worst person ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You think he's the worst person ever for calling Africa a shithole? Weird.
If the govt shuts down, Trump can go golfing.
yep, he's still got a long ways to go to catch Obama like golf play.......

Another fool who has drank too much of the kool aid. Trump has blown away Obama’s rounds of golf in his first year. Obama played 29 times in his first year. Trump at least 51 but more likely 76

Sent from my iPhone using
Only an idiot would care how much golf Trump plays while giving us the best economy in decades. Maybe most politicians insulate themselves from most real people. Although Trump is wealthy beyond most peoples imagination he got out on construction sites and worked with real people. He eats like them, talks like them and knows what they need to be successful and have self respect. The only thing he doesn’t do is smoke and drink like them, but we don’t hold that against him.


GTFO with that nonsense. You can't be serious.

Everything he said is true. What's the problem?

Oh I know, it's all true. <wink> <wink>
I'll tell ya what, just this once I'll be serious about answering your question, even though we all know you don't care about the deficit

What did Obama do to add to the deficits?
Well they created entitlements, but never want to modify them for the current time
They created a much bigger govt with huge labor costs
They reduce the tax base with burdensome regulations and high tax rates
Then you had Obamacare, where many people got laid off or hours cut...reducing the amount they paid in taxes
And the stimulus, a giveaway to unions and Obama's friends.....but never fixed anything
Auto Bailout

Entitlements? are you referring to the increase in government services due to the Bush recession?
Do you know what an entitlement is?

What bigger Government?

What tax increases?
Full List of Obama Tax Hikes | Americans for Tax Reform

No one got laid off because of the ACA.
Clean Up Your Act, PolitiFact: Why Ted Cruz Was Right On Obamacare And Jobs
Yes, Some Companies Are Cutting Hours In Response To ‘Obamacare’
Employees working fewer hours due to Obamacare: survey

The stimulus. When the fuck are vou ignorant fools going to get it right about the stimulus bill? For one, 38% were tax cuts. 60 billion in infrastructure, money to fund the need for added help to food stamps & unemployment - bad shit happens when you lose 800,000 jobs a month as done by the Bush recession. Billions went to help the States that used the money to stop teacher & Law enforcement layoffs ( you know what you call helping the unions). So teachers & policemen are your enemies? Is that right?
They sent to money to organizations and departments as well as states....but nothing specific....and it ended up doing nothing for $1 trillion

The Auto Bailout. One of you buttfucks were bragging yesteday how many jobs Chrysler was bringing back from Mexico. You dumbficks would let Chrysler go bankrupt.
Yes, if they cant compete, they go bye bye, it's how business works.

Frank-Dodd. God forbid we don't put in regulations to stop another near financial meltdown.
These wouldn't have stopped anything....regulations caused the problem in the first place

No worries though because your Shithole President is gutting these regulations so be prepared for anotrhet Deepwater Horizon, Mine accident, another bailout of wall street. Why? Because you asswipes can't fucking learn, You are too God damn stupid.

Bush inherited a balanced budget & surplus. A Conservative's wet dream. He left with the worst recession in 80 years, a near financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month. Bush's first economic move - tax cuts.
'You stupid shits think its OK to borrow 1.5 trillion for tax cuts with a majority having zero economic effect.

You people are dumber than shit.
Are these serious questions?
He got us out of the first one with the tech bubble collapsing and 911.
The second was caused by forcing banks to lend to people who cant afford the loans...why not let the banks lend to the people they think can pay them back?

The problem really was not with banks being “forced” to give high risk loans, it is what they did with those loans once they were finalized.

Sent from my iPhone using

So the issue wasn't loaning money to people who couldn't pay....then what was the problem?

This gives a good start. I will add more but time is short right now

The subprime mortgage crisis wasn't about subprime mortgages

Sent from my iPhone using
Well they created entitlements, but never want to modify them for the current time
They created a much bigger govt with huge labor costs
They reduce the tax base with burdensome regulations and high tax rates
Then you had Obamacare, where many people got laid off or hours cut...reducing the amount they paid in taxes
And the stimulus, a giveaway to unions and Obama's friends.....but never fixed anything
Auto Bailout

Entitlements? are you referring to the increase in government services due to the Bush recession?
Do you know what an entitlement is?

What bigger Government?

What tax increases?
Full List of Obama Tax Hikes | Americans for Tax Reform

No one got laid off because of the ACA.
Clean Up Your Act, PolitiFact: Why Ted Cruz Was Right On Obamacare And Jobs
Yes, Some Companies Are Cutting Hours In Response To ‘Obamacare’
Employees working fewer hours due to Obamacare: survey

The stimulus. When the fuck are vou ignorant fools going to get it right about the stimulus bill? For one, 38% were tax cuts. 60 billion in infrastructure, money to fund the need for added help to food stamps & unemployment - bad shit happens when you lose 800,000 jobs a month as done by the Bush recession. Billions went to help the States that used the money to stop teacher & Law enforcement layoffs ( you know what you call helping the unions). So teachers & policemen are your enemies? Is that right?
They sent to money to organizations and departments as well as states....but nothing specific....and it ended up doing nothing for $1 trillion

The Auto Bailout. One of you buttfucks were bragging yesteday how many jobs Chrysler was bringing back from Mexico. You dumbficks would let Chrysler go bankrupt.
Yes, if they cant compete, they go bye bye, it's how business works.

Frank-Dodd. God forbid we don't put in regulations to stop another near financial meltdown.
These wouldn't have stopped anything....regulations caused the problem in the first place

No worries though because your Shithole President is gutting these regulations so be prepared for anotrhet Deepwater Horizon, Mine accident, another bailout of wall street. Why? Because you asswipes can't fucking learn, You are too God damn stupid.

Bush inherited a balanced budget & surplus. A Conservative's wet dream. He left with the worst recession in 80 years, a near financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month. Bush's first economic move - tax cuts.
'You stupid shits think its OK to borrow 1.5 trillion for tax cuts with a majority having zero economic effect.

You people are dumber than shit.
Are these serious questions?
He got us out of the first one with the tech bubble collapsing and 911.
The second was caused by forcing banks to lend to people who cant afford the loans...why not let the banks lend to the people they think can pay them back?

The problem really was not with banks being “forced” to give high risk loans, it is what they did with those loans once they were finalized.

Sent from my iPhone using

So the issue wasn't loaning money to people who couldn't pay....then what was the problem?

This gives a good start. I will add more but time is short right now

The subprime mortgage crisis wasn't about subprime mortgages

Sent from my iPhone using

Firstly, Matthews is a nut. Secondly, the last sentence "The booms that capitalism confers on us, it seems, will inevitably be followed by busts." is all you need to know.
Entitlements? are you referring to the increase in government services due to the Bush recession?
Do you know what an entitlement is?

What bigger Government?

What tax increases?
Full List of Obama Tax Hikes | Americans for Tax Reform

No one got laid off because of the ACA.
Clean Up Your Act, PolitiFact: Why Ted Cruz Was Right On Obamacare And Jobs
Yes, Some Companies Are Cutting Hours In Response To ‘Obamacare’
Employees working fewer hours due to Obamacare: survey

The stimulus. When the fuck are vou ignorant fools going to get it right about the stimulus bill? For one, 38% were tax cuts. 60 billion in infrastructure, money to fund the need for added help to food stamps & unemployment - bad shit happens when you lose 800,000 jobs a month as done by the Bush recession. Billions went to help the States that used the money to stop teacher & Law enforcement layoffs ( you know what you call helping the unions). So teachers & policemen are your enemies? Is that right?
They sent to money to organizations and departments as well as states....but nothing specific....and it ended up doing nothing for $1 trillion

The Auto Bailout. One of you buttfucks were bragging yesteday how many jobs Chrysler was bringing back from Mexico. You dumbficks would let Chrysler go bankrupt.
Yes, if they cant compete, they go bye bye, it's how business works.

Frank-Dodd. God forbid we don't put in regulations to stop another near financial meltdown.
These wouldn't have stopped anything....regulations caused the problem in the first place

No worries though because your Shithole President is gutting these regulations so be prepared for anotrhet Deepwater Horizon, Mine accident, another bailout of wall street. Why? Because you asswipes can't fucking learn, You are too God damn stupid.

Bush inherited a balanced budget & surplus. A Conservative's wet dream. He left with the worst recession in 80 years, a near financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month. Bush's first economic move - tax cuts.
'You stupid shits think its OK to borrow 1.5 trillion for tax cuts with a majority having zero economic effect.

You people are dumber than shit.
Are these serious questions?
He got us out of the first one with the tech bubble collapsing and 911.
The second was caused by forcing banks to lend to people who cant afford the loans...why not let the banks lend to the people they think can pay them back?

The problem really was not with banks being “forced” to give high risk loans, it is what they did with those loans once they were finalized.

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So the issue wasn't loaning money to people who couldn't pay....then what was the problem?

This gives a good start. I will add more but time is short right now

The subprime mortgage crisis wasn't about subprime mortgages

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Firstly, Matthews is a nut. Secondly, the last sentence "The booms that capitalism confers on us, it seems, will inevitably be followed by busts." is all you need to know.

Yes, it lets us know that he understands the economic cycles of the country.

Have you ever read the book “Fragile by design”?

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