Tolerance of "homophobia"

Flying Duck

Active Member
Aug 8, 2004
It seems as though those on the pro-gay side often make the case that homosexuality is somehow genetically predisposed or, for some other reason, innate. The argument being that they "were born that way" and can't help it.

Now, if we turn the tables, could it not also be that those who are averse to homosexuality are "born that way?" Shouldn't gays be tolerant of their views as well?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally feel a strong innate aversion to homosexuality. Seeing gays make out in public or thinking of the acts in which they engage I find innately offensive and unnatural. Where is the tolerance for the way I was born? Why am I labeled with the pejroative PC term homophobic because I have a natural aversion to homosexual acts? Why should I be made to feel guilty for this?

Personally, if people want to engage in perverse sexual acts and support/promote gay behavior, that's their business, but I think I should have the right to follow my natural instincts and voice my opinion without being labeled a bigot or intolerant.
The whole term 'homophobic' is BS, anyway. It's a word they slap onto anyone who opposes their views because slapping said term portrays them as bigots and discredits their arguments. It's also a BS term to begin with. I'm not "afraid" of homosexuals. I just think that what they're doing is vile and sinful.

Hey, whatever happened to Matts, anyway? Is he still here?
It seems that we have to have respect for every view that is out of the norm now days. We cannot pray in our public school, because it may offend someone, but yet a muslim can come to school with their 'head wrap' on, and that is not supposed to offend me.

We are supposed to respect and be okay with a homosexual making out in public, but I cannot pray in public, because it will offend someone. We cannot post the ten commandments because it will offend someone.

What ever happened to the rights and respect for the Christian, the straight man, the way I see it, the norm. It seems we are supposed to just give way to all of these views that go against what is considered the norm, while the norm just gives up the idea of receiving respect back.

I agree. I am not a homosexual and I don't agree with homosexuality, I think its disgusting, but I cannot help it, I was just born that way, so respect that.

Just ask John Edwards daughter, who is straight, she will tell you she is just being who she is, how she was born.
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This is a intresting topic I think homosexuals should have the right to do about thier business, although seeing two males kiss makes me shiver in disgust. This is a good point but good luck on trying to say this to politians and for them to impose this in school's, public places, and so on and so on.
Flying Duck said:
It seems as though those on the pro-gay side often make the case that homosexuality is somehow genetically predisposed or, for some other reason, innate. The argument being that they "were born that way" and can't help it.

Now, if we turn the tables, could it not also be that those who are averse to homosexuality are "born that way?" Shouldn't gays be tolerant of their views as well?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally feel a strong innate aversion to homosexuality. Seeing gays make out in public or thinking of the acts in which they engage I find innately offensive and unnatural. Where is the tolerance for the way I was born? Why am I labeled with the pejroative PC term homophobic because I have a natural aversion to homosexual acts? Why should I be made to feel guilty for this?

Personally, if people want to engage in perverse sexual acts and support/promote gay behavior, that's their business, but I think I should have the right to follow my natural instincts and voice my opinion without being labeled a bigot or intolerant.

But that is exactly how the queer's have gained the ground that they have. They have screamed, shouted down, brow beat, intimidated and named called until anyone and everyone is scared stiff to stand up and say, "this faggot shit stinks, and it ain't right", (sorry, that's how I say it), and they know it works. People, just for the sake of saving themselves from the brutal, caustic and horrendous retorts of the queers and their supporters, will just say nothing, and that's just the effect the fags wanted. They wanted the good people of the world to shut their mouth's about how sick and perverted their homosexuality really is.

Well, with the advent of the internet, and boards like this, this gives people a new chance to say whatever the hell they want, and if voicing their disgust with fags is what they want to say, then alright, and the queers and their supporters are just going to have to come to grips with the fact that there are still FAR more people out there that think homosexuality is a vile, perverted, sick and disgusting mental illness, and there's nothing they can do to shut us up this time.
Pale - I for one think you are a little full of crap! Have you ever known a homosexual, or just hate them without getting to know them? I don't like the picture of what goes on behind closed doors, but that is no longer my business than what goes on behind your closed doors. I am retiring tomorrow after more than 23 years with the same company. During this time, I have formed great friendships with 3 homorsexual friends, a gay woman, a pakastanian, and horror of horrors a couple of wonderful black women. Now Joyce will probably have a fit when he here'st that there's a couple of Jews thrown in with my friends. There was a time in my life (grammer school) when I was terrified of black people - yes we used the term ****** - and I am ashamed of it to this day. When I am with these women, color does not enter into the picture. We have remained a very close knit group, and their children refer to me as "Aunt Joan" - and I love it! I know our friendship will continue until we are no longer alive, but I dread the thoughts of saying goodbye to some of my other friends, as I'm not sure if our paths may cross again. I think what I'm trying to say, is move beyond your hatred of those that are different and see the people behind the stereotypes - they may just not be as bad as you are making them out to be!
But homosexuals AREN'T just doing it behind closed doors. They're making demands that we give them special rights, government recognition and so forth. That's when it becomes an issue. As Pat Buchanan said, "The love that once dared not speak its name now won't shut up!"
Joan said:
Pale - During this time, I have formed great friendships with 3 homorsexual friends, a gay woman, a pakastanian, and horror of horrors a couple of wonderful black women. Now Joyce will probably have a fit when he here'st that there's a couple of Jews thrown in with my friends.

Joan I think you will find that most of us take no issue with the sentiments you express. I personally find homosexual conduct unnatural and disconcerting. But I would have little or nothing to say about it if homsexuals didn't spend much of their time and energy demanding that I accept their conduct as "normal". Now I'm not going to go out and beat up homosexuals. Matter of fact, I won't even offer a verbal insult, but I don't have to accept their conduct or pretend that I think it's normal.

I officiate football for a hobby. I'm on a six man crew and we have been together for years. If one of my crewmates puts an arm around me, or slaps me on the butt, that doesn't bother me. But if one of my crewmates was a homosexual and did the same thing, I wouldn't know if he was being friendly or if he was copping a feel. So I don't hate or despise homosexual men, but I am uncomfortable around them.

Also I really don't have a problem with homosexuals who keep their sex lives private. But when Brucie and Skippy stand on the street corner swapping spit and wearing jeans with the ass cut out of them, they have crossed the line.
Merlin - I think perhaps because I'm viewing these guys from a woman's perspective, I see things different. I guess perhaps I'd feel uncomfortable in a scene with all gay women, not sure. Maybe I'm the nut case around here, but I've found the gay men that I know to be the most caring, nicest guys in the place. And yes, I've gone out socially with them, and the subject of their sexual preference has never been discussed. I have however, seen how they are treated by upper management (the good old boys society) - and I don't think it's fair. One had to cope with the death of his partner (of 18 years) - did any of upper management come to the funeral or at least chip in toward the floral arrangement - hell no! My friendship with these guys goes back to when I was a whole lot younger, and I think one of the reasons I've always felt comfortable with them on a social level as I never had to worry that dinner or drinks would lead to them thinking the next step would be a roll in the sack! (As most men do!) As for them cramming their sexuality down ones throat or forcing us to accept their lifestyle - I have never seen that. Yes, I've heard of the gay pride parades and the like, so maybe you are right. I try to treat all people as they treat me - whether its a homo, a Jew, a black person, or even God Forbid a Muslim (yes I am friendly with one of them). There are so many "average white" people that I would rather not associate with due to the fact of them thinking they are a "cut above" anyone else! Thank you for listening - and good night.
i have friends who are unable to hang out with gay friends i have. i don't have a problem with that, i understand that some people are uncomfortable with homosexuals. not a problem.

i have known people who treat gay people with disrespect, hostility and cruelty. this is a problem. yes it is a free country, but i think of these people the same way i think of those who treat people who are different from them with respect, hostility and cruelty... as idiots stirring up trouble.

i have witnessed extreme acts of cruelty towards homosexuals, including one of violence i posted in another thread and this one:
i saw a gay veteran (at 10 years old, i didn't know what gay meant, only some man was being told to leave, he couldn't see his dying friend) denied the right to be with his dying partner in a VA hospital in 1992. my mother, periliously ill and bedridden from a severe infection she suffered during an army training exercise in Florida swamps, threw a fit i'll proudly remember for the rest of my life. She hollered, screamed and acted a fool to get the attention of the nursing staff to this idiot doctor who was treating this poor man like some monster. This older, blonde haired lady took this young doctor to the side and gave him a piece of her mind. Then she found a chaplain and walked the poor man in with the chaplain to see his partner. My parents are fair play people, everyone should be treated the same, something they learned from 25 years both spent in the Army.

there are others i can share as well.
but never in my life have i seen a homosexual cruelly treat someone because they were straight, or christian, or whatever.

someone else may have another experience, but its most certainly not the norm that homophobia too often still is.

i define homophobia as an "excessive, often expressive hostile behavior towards homosexuals." like kids who bully another kid because he's "gay". leaving it at not wanting to know gay people or be around them is not homophobia in my mind- like kids who don't play with another kid because he's "gay".
My personal opinion is that most homophobes are somehow concerned about their own sexuality! God Bless your mom for what she did!
Flying Duck said:
It seems as though those on the pro-gay side often make the case that homosexuality is somehow genetically predisposed or, for some other reason, innate. The argument being that they "were born that way" and can't help it.

Now, if we turn the tables, could it not also be that those who are averse to homosexuality are "born that way?" Shouldn't gays be tolerant of their views as well?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally feel a strong innate aversion to homosexuality. Seeing gays make out in public or thinking of the acts in which they engage I find innately offensive and unnatural. Where is the tolerance for the way I was born? Why am I labeled with the pejroative PC term homophobic because I have a natural aversion to homosexual acts? Why should I be made to feel guilty for this?

Personally, if people want to engage in perverse sexual acts and support/promote gay behavior, that's their business, but I think I should have the right to follow my natural instincts and voice my opinion without being labeled a bigot or intolerant.

If you're being intolerant of a legal practice that affects you in no way other than turning your stomach, you should not expect your intolerance to be tolerated.

Your logic is roundabout. You think you should have the "right" to speak out against an offensive act (which you do), but you DON'T believe people should have the right to speak out against YOUR act, which they might find offensive?

Doesn't make much sense, does it.
It seems as though those on the pro-gay side often make the case that homosexuality is somehow genetically predisposed or, for some other reason, innate. The argument being that they "were born that way" and can't help it.

Ah, damn. If only decades of psychological research didn't help to suggest that it is genetic. Damn. Damn those scientists to hell! Those anti-god commie loving bastards. Who the hell cares about the human genome?

Now, if we turn the tables, could it not also be that those who are averse to homosexuality are "born that way?" Shouldn't gays be tolerant of their views as well?

Not really, seeing how an opinion (which is what you are describing) is developed through thought, albeit less logically based in this case. No one is born predisposed to be a Christian. It is through their nurturing that they develop their morals and ethical beliefs. If your parents are Christians, it is likely that you will be Christian, or some offshoot there of (granted there are always extenuating cirucmstances).

Why should gays be tolerant of a view that advocates violence, segregation, and "separate but equal?"

That's almost synonymous to asking the Blacks to be tolerant to the KKK. Not likely to happen.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally feel a strong innate aversion to homosexuality. Seeing gays make out in public or thinking of the acts in which they engage I find innately offensive and unnatural. Where is the tolerance for the way I was born? Why am I labeled with the pejroative PC term homophobic because I have a natural aversion to homosexual acts? Why should I be made to feel guilty for this?

You know, I don't particularly enjoy watching Men make out on the side of the street. But if they want to do so, then who should stop them? Lately this America, has become the "land of the free" only if you agree with my views. If you find what they do disgusting, then turn your head. No one is forcing you to watch.

Sorry, but you are trying to erroneously draw conclusions that you were born with a certain mindset in place. Seeing as there is no psychological or physiological evidence to support that opinions can be dissemenated by your parents or through other means (biologically speaking from mother to child while the child is still in the womb), you are speaking out of your ass. There is no evidence to support your claim that you can be born with a skewed view of the world.

Are racists born hating those of color? Was Hitler born hating Jews?

The answer to that question is a resounding NO.

Why shouldn't you feel guilty for abjectly labelling a perfectly fine group of people as "fags and queers?" Why don't we go around calling people with brown hair, "shit heads?" How would they feel? Sub-human?

Muchless, I don't have a problem with you expressing your opinion. I do have a problem when people like you, try to circumvent every ideal that this country was founded on and try to "protect the sanctity of marriage" by introducing a federal US amendment. I have a problem when people like you try to "convert" gays to see the "light" of Christianity. I have a problem when kids like Matthew Shephard are drug and beaten through the streets by people who hate fags.

Why? All in the name of their sexual orientation? How is that just? How is that right? How?

Personally, if people want to engage in perverse sexual acts and support/promote gay behavior, that's their business, but I think I should have the right to follow my natural instincts and voice my opinion without being labeled a bigot or intolerant.

Unless you change the definition of a bigot or intolerance, then you will be labelled one.

You have the right to voice your opinion, which YOU WERE NOT inherently born with.

Definition of a bigot:

Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices

Definition of intolerant:

Main Entry: in·tol·er·ant
Pronunciation: -r&nt
Function: adjective
1 : unable or unwilling to endure
2 a : unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters b : unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights : BIGOTED

Either change your views, or continue to be labelled as a bigot.

Circular logic and a lack of basic knowledge about biology nail this argument shut.
Just because someone doesnt agree with your lifestyle doesnt mean they are "afraid" of it. I have a number of gay friends and wouldnt give up that friendship for the world. My gay female friends find 2 men in a relationship unnatural. My gay male friends find 2 women unnatural.

Now I may be crazy but I personnaly find 2 women or 2 men unnatural but by the gay agenda I am a homophobic individual;

I am not "afraid" of homosexuals I just dont agree with the lifestyle, just like they dont agree with my lifestyle.

What ever you do in the privacy of your own bedroom is your own business. I for one dont want to come to work and here about how you got "laid last night". If I come into work and talk this way I would be fired for sexual harrasment by creating hostile working environment.

If we are to give special treatment for who we have sex with than who is going to be asking next pedophiles, necrophiliacs, or people into beastialty.

They are just a different lifestyle and shouldnt we give erveryone who is different special treatment. If we are to accept one type of alternate lifestyle than dont we have to accept all of them???????


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