Time To Admit That 'Liberal'...

Are we going to have an actual definition of the term from which we all work, or is this just another simplistic partisan circle jerk?
No need: socialism is like pornography. We know it when we see it.
Okay. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all socialist elements. Income taxes redistribute wealth.

Is America a socialist country? If not, why not, specifically?
...is spelled s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-t.

And that's not American.

1. Those of us who have studied history have been saying it all along.
Socialists are, colloquially and correctly called Liberals...or, Modern Liberals if you prefer.

Communist John Dewey persuaded the Socialist Party to steal the name Liberal, and their control of the media has cemented the term for them....much as they now call their homes 'Blue States' when communists, socialists, anarchists have always been represented as 'Red.'

Classical Liberals, called conservatives today, and the Founders, stood for
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Leftists called Liberals stand for something quite different:
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

2. "Socialism had the lowest percentage positive rating and the highest negative rating of any term tested. Still, more than a third of Americans say they have a positive image of socialism.

Exactly how Americans define "socialism" or what exactly they think of when they hear the word is not known. The research simply measures Americans' reactions when a survey interviewer reads the word to them -- an exercise that helps shed light on connotations associated with this frequently used term.

There are significant differences in reactions to "socialism" across ideological and partisan groups:

· A majority of 53% of Democrats have a positive image of socialism, compared to 17% of Republicans.

· Sixty-one percent of liberals say their image of socialism is positive, compared to 39% of moderates and 20% of conservatives."
Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans

3. "Democrats see major upset as socialist beats top-ranking US congressman
Joe Crowley, 10-term Democrat expected to be party’s next House leader, loses to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, in New York

4. And lots of Democrats voted for full-bore Communist, Bernie Sanders.

This is who you are if you vote Democrat.
You're certainly not American.
New York primary girl is a straight communist.
...is spelled s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-t.

And that's not American.

1. Those of us who have studied history have been saying it all along.
Socialists are, colloquially and correctly called Liberals...or, Modern Liberals if you prefer.

Communist John Dewey persuaded the Socialist Party to steal the name Liberal, and their control of the media has cemented the term for them....much as they now call their homes 'Blue States' when communists, socialists, anarchists have always been represented as 'Red.'

Classical Liberals, called conservatives today, and the Founders, stood for
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Leftists called Liberals stand for something quite different:
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

2. "Socialism had the lowest percentage positive rating and the highest negative rating of any term tested. Still, more than a third of Americans say they have a positive image of socialism.

Exactly how Americans define "socialism" or what exactly they think of when they hear the word is not known. The research simply measures Americans' reactions when a survey interviewer reads the word to them -- an exercise that helps shed light on connotations associated with this frequently used term.

There are significant differences in reactions to "socialism" across ideological and partisan groups:

· A majority of 53% of Democrats have a positive image of socialism, compared to 17% of Republicans.

· Sixty-one percent of liberals say their image of socialism is positive, compared to 39% of moderates and 20% of conservatives."
Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans

3. "Democrats see major upset as socialist beats top-ranking US congressman
Joe Crowley, 10-term Democrat expected to be party’s next House leader, loses to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, in New York

4. And lots of Democrats voted for full-bore Communist, Bernie Sanders.

This is who you are if you vote Democrat.
You're certainly not American.
8 years ago they were afraid to admit they were socialists.

Eventually they'll have the courage to admit they are communists.

Liberals hate that they have to hide who they are.
...is spelled s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-t.

And that's not American.

1. Those of us who have studied history have been saying it all along.
Socialists are, colloquially and correctly called Liberals...or, Modern Liberals if you prefer.

Communist John Dewey persuaded the Socialist Party to steal the name Liberal, and their control of the media has cemented the term for them....much as they now call their homes 'Blue States' when communists, socialists, anarchists have always been represented as 'Red.'

Classical Liberals, called conservatives today, and the Founders, stood for
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Leftists called Liberals stand for something quite different:
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

2. "Socialism had the lowest percentage positive rating and the highest negative rating of any term tested. Still, more than a third of Americans say they have a positive image of socialism.

Exactly how Americans define "socialism" or what exactly they think of when they hear the word is not known. The research simply measures Americans' reactions when a survey interviewer reads the word to them -- an exercise that helps shed light on connotations associated with this frequently used term.

There are significant differences in reactions to "socialism" across ideological and partisan groups:

· A majority of 53% of Democrats have a positive image of socialism, compared to 17% of Republicans.

· Sixty-one percent of liberals say their image of socialism is positive, compared to 39% of moderates and 20% of conservatives."
Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans

3. "Democrats see major upset as socialist beats top-ranking US congressman
Joe Crowley, 10-term Democrat expected to be party’s next House leader, loses to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, in New York

4. And lots of Democrats voted for full-bore Communist, Bernie Sanders.

This is who you are if you vote Democrat.
You're certainly not American.
8 years ago they were afraid to admit they were socialists.

Eventually they'll have the courage to admit they are communists.

Liberals hate that they have to hide who they are.
I don't.
...is spelled s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-t.

And that's not American.

1. Those of us who have studied history have been saying it all along.
Socialists are, colloquially and correctly called Liberals...or, Modern Liberals if you prefer.

Communist John Dewey persuaded the Socialist Party to steal the name Liberal, and their control of the media has cemented the term for them....much as they now call their homes 'Blue States' when communists, socialists, anarchists have always been represented as 'Red.'

Classical Liberals, called conservatives today, and the Founders, stood for
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Leftists called Liberals stand for something quite different:
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

2. "Socialism had the lowest percentage positive rating and the highest negative rating of any term tested. Still, more than a third of Americans say they have a positive image of socialism.

Exactly how Americans define "socialism" or what exactly they think of when they hear the word is not known. The research simply measures Americans' reactions when a survey interviewer reads the word to them -- an exercise that helps shed light on connotations associated with this frequently used term.

There are significant differences in reactions to "socialism" across ideological and partisan groups:

· A majority of 53% of Democrats have a positive image of socialism, compared to 17% of Republicans.

· Sixty-one percent of liberals say their image of socialism is positive, compared to 39% of moderates and 20% of conservatives."
Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans

3. "Democrats see major upset as socialist beats top-ranking US congressman
Joe Crowley, 10-term Democrat expected to be party’s next House leader, loses to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, in New York

4. And lots of Democrats voted for full-bore Communist, Bernie Sanders.

This is who you are if you vote Democrat.
You're certainly not American.
8 years ago they were afraid to admit they were socialists.

Eventually they'll have the courage to admit they are communists.

Liberals hate that they have to hide who they are.
Not really. They've been hiding who they are since they reached puberty.
...is spelled s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-t.

And that's not American.

1. Those of us who have studied history have been saying it all along.
Socialists are, colloquially and correctly called Liberals...or, Modern Liberals if you prefer.

Communist John Dewey persuaded the Socialist Party to steal the name Liberal, and their control of the media has cemented the term for them....much as they now call their homes 'Blue States' when communists, socialists, anarchists have always been represented as 'Red.'

Classical Liberals, called conservatives today, and the Founders, stood for
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Leftists called Liberals stand for something quite different:
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

2. "Socialism had the lowest percentage positive rating and the highest negative rating of any term tested. Still, more than a third of Americans say they have a positive image of socialism.

Exactly how Americans define "socialism" or what exactly they think of when they hear the word is not known. The research simply measures Americans' reactions when a survey interviewer reads the word to them -- an exercise that helps shed light on connotations associated with this frequently used term.

There are significant differences in reactions to "socialism" across ideological and partisan groups:

· A majority of 53% of Democrats have a positive image of socialism, compared to 17% of Republicans.

· Sixty-one percent of liberals say their image of socialism is positive, compared to 39% of moderates and 20% of conservatives."
Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans

3. "Democrats see major upset as socialist beats top-ranking US congressman
Joe Crowley, 10-term Democrat expected to be party’s next House leader, loses to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, in New York

4. And lots of Democrats voted for full-bore Communist, Bernie Sanders.

This is who you are if you vote Democrat.
You're certainly not American.
8 years ago they were afraid to admit they were socialists.

Eventually they'll have the courage to admit they are communists.
and what makes them socialist or communist?
They are pro socialist and communist tendencies...many of these tards think communism is great, it just hasn't been executed well..
Are we going to have an actual definition of the term from which we all work, or is this just another simplistic partisan circle jerk?
No need: socialism is like pornography. We know it when we see it.
Okay. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all socialist elements. Income taxes redistribute wealth.

Is America a socialist country? If not, why not, specifically?
Mixed economy. Federal power needs to be reduced, and federal government has no role to play in trying to influence our culture.
...is spelled s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-t.

And that's not American.

1. Those of us who have studied history have been saying it all along.
Socialists are, colloquially and correctly called Liberals...or, Modern Liberals if you prefer.

Communist John Dewey persuaded the Socialist Party to steal the name Liberal, and their control of the media has cemented the term for them....much as they now call their homes 'Blue States' when communists, socialists, anarchists have always been represented as 'Red.'

Classical Liberals, called conservatives today, and the Founders, stood for
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Leftists called Liberals stand for something quite different:
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

2. "Socialism had the lowest percentage positive rating and the highest negative rating of any term tested. Still, more than a third of Americans say they have a positive image of socialism.

Exactly how Americans define "socialism" or what exactly they think of when they hear the word is not known. The research simply measures Americans' reactions when a survey interviewer reads the word to them -- an exercise that helps shed light on connotations associated with this frequently used term.

There are significant differences in reactions to "socialism" across ideological and partisan groups:

· A majority of 53% of Democrats have a positive image of socialism, compared to 17% of Republicans.

· Sixty-one percent of liberals say their image of socialism is positive, compared to 39% of moderates and 20% of conservatives."
Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans

3. "Democrats see major upset as socialist beats top-ranking US congressman
Joe Crowley, 10-term Democrat expected to be party’s next House leader, loses to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, in New York

4. And lots of Democrats voted for full-bore Communist, Bernie Sanders.

This is who you are if you vote Democrat.
You're certainly not American.
New York primary girl is a straight communist.

This is what the Democrats/Liberals have supported and engendered.

And now it is coming around to bite them in the butt.

Couldn't happen to a nicer.....
Are we going to have an actual definition of the term from which we all work, or is this just another simplistic partisan circle jerk?
No need: socialism is like pornography. We know it when we see it.
Okay. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all socialist elements. Income taxes redistribute wealth.

Is America a socialist country? If not, why not, specifically?

Income taxes are not to redistribute wealth what the hell are you smoking? Neither is Social Security, I pay only enough to receive the maximum benefit. Anything I earn over $128,700 is not subject to the social security tax e.g. I'm not paying the social security tax for deadbeat lazy fat ass losers. Also if you don't pay into SS you don't get SS.
Young people don’t remember the Cold War...the slaughter of millions by Soviet Union, Pol Pot, Mao, and Fidel. The fact that a communist state had 15,000 nuclear warheads pointed at us. They don’t understand why everything is not free.
Are we going to have an actual definition of the term from which we all work, or is this just another simplistic partisan circle jerk?
No need: socialism is like pornography. We know it when we see it.
Okay. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all socialist elements. Income taxes redistribute wealth.

Is America a socialist country? If not, why not, specifically?

Income taxes are not to redistribute wealth what the hell are you smoking? Neither is Social Security, I pay only enough to receive the maximum benefit. Anything I earn over $128,700 is not subject to the social security tax e.g. I'm not paying the social security tax for deadbeat lazy fat ass losers. Also if you don't pay into SS you don't get SS.
16th Amendment was intended to as a Progressive Era Amendment.
Are we going to have an actual definition of the term from which we all work, or is this just another simplistic partisan circle jerk?
No need: socialism is like pornography. We know it when we see it.
Okay. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all socialist elements. Income taxes redistribute wealth.

Is America a socialist country? If not, why not, specifically?

Income taxes are not to redistribute wealth what the hell are you smoking? Neither is Social Security, I pay only enough to receive the maximum benefit. Anything I earn over $128,700 is not subject to the social security tax e.g. I'm not paying the social security tax for deadbeat lazy fat ass losers. Also if you don't pay into SS you don't get SS.
You're saying that the government does not redistribute wealth via income taxes? Holy crap.

Okay, throw that one out. We have Medicare and Medicaid. And several federal departments.

Are we a socialist country?
Young people don’t remember the Cold War...the slaughter of millions by Soviet Union, Pol Pot, Mao, and Fidel. The fact that a communist state had 15,000 nuclear warheads pointed at us. They don’t understand why everything is not free.

Government school.....a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Inc.
Are we going to have an actual definition of the term from which we all work, or is this just another simplistic partisan circle jerk?
No need: socialism is like pornography. We know it when we see it.
Okay. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all socialist elements. Income taxes redistribute wealth.

Is America a socialist country? If not, why not, specifically?

Income taxes are not to redistribute wealth what the hell are you smoking? Neither is Social Security, I pay only enough to receive the maximum benefit. Anything I earn over $128,700 is not subject to the social security tax e.g. I'm not paying the social security tax for deadbeat lazy fat ass losers. Also if you don't pay into SS you don't get SS.
You're saying that the government does not redistribute wealth via income taxes? Holy crap.

Okay, throw that one out. We have Medicare and Medicaid. And several federal departments.

Are we a socialist country?

You may want to check the federal budget and note what they actually spend the money on.
Are we going to have an actual definition of the term from which we all work, or is this just another simplistic partisan circle jerk?
No need: socialism is like pornography. We know it when we see it.
Okay. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all socialist elements. Income taxes redistribute wealth.

Is America a socialist country? If not, why not, specifically?

Income taxes are not to redistribute wealth what the hell are you smoking? Neither is Social Security, I pay only enough to receive the maximum benefit. Anything I earn over $128,700 is not subject to the social security tax e.g. I'm not paying the social security tax for deadbeat lazy fat ass losers. Also if you don't pay into SS you don't get SS.
You're saying that the government does not redistribute wealth via income taxes? Holy crap.

Okay, throw that one out. We have Medicare and Medicaid. And several federal departments.

Are we a socialist country?

You may want to check the federal budget and note what they actually spend the money on.
Again: Are we a socialist country, or are we not?
...is spelled s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-t.

And that's not American.

1. Those of us who have studied history have been saying it all along.
Socialists are, colloquially and correctly called Liberals...or, Modern Liberals if you prefer.

Communist John Dewey persuaded the Socialist Party to steal the name Liberal, and their control of the media has cemented the term for them....much as they now call their homes 'Blue States' when communists, socialists, anarchists have always been represented as 'Red.'

Classical Liberals, called conservatives today, and the Founders, stood for
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Leftists called Liberals stand for something quite different:
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

2. "Socialism had the lowest percentage positive rating and the highest negative rating of any term tested. Still, more than a third of Americans say they have a positive image of socialism.

Exactly how Americans define "socialism" or what exactly they think of when they hear the word is not known. The research simply measures Americans' reactions when a survey interviewer reads the word to them -- an exercise that helps shed light on connotations associated with this frequently used term.

There are significant differences in reactions to "socialism" across ideological and partisan groups:

· A majority of 53% of Democrats have a positive image of socialism, compared to 17% of Republicans.

· Sixty-one percent of liberals say their image of socialism is positive, compared to 39% of moderates and 20% of conservatives."
Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans

3. "Democrats see major upset as socialist beats top-ranking US congressman
Joe Crowley, 10-term Democrat expected to be party’s next House leader, loses to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, in New York

4. And lots of Democrats voted for full-bore Communist, Bernie Sanders.

This is who you are if you vote Democrat.
You're certainly not American.

You've got it backasswards, as usual.

You should get down on your knees and kiss the ground of the country that allows someone of any political persuasion to run for political office.

Putin doesn't allow that and he's still a communist.

Fun to see you so threatened by a 28-year-old woman who doesn't hide behind a computer screen and spew bile. She's out there taking the shots, something you could never do.
No need: socialism is like pornography. We know it when we see it.
Okay. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all socialist elements. Income taxes redistribute wealth.

Is America a socialist country? If not, why not, specifically?

Income taxes are not to redistribute wealth what the hell are you smoking? Neither is Social Security, I pay only enough to receive the maximum benefit. Anything I earn over $128,700 is not subject to the social security tax e.g. I'm not paying the social security tax for deadbeat lazy fat ass losers. Also if you don't pay into SS you don't get SS.
You're saying that the government does not redistribute wealth via income taxes? Holy crap.

Okay, throw that one out. We have Medicare and Medicaid. And several federal departments.

Are we a socialist country?

You may want to check the federal budget and note what they actually spend the money on.
Again: Are we a socialist country, or are we not?

Isn't it obvious, when was the last time an openly socialist puke was elected president, never? :itsok:
Okay. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all socialist elements. Income taxes redistribute wealth.

Is America a socialist country? If not, why not, specifically?

Income taxes are not to redistribute wealth what the hell are you smoking? Neither is Social Security, I pay only enough to receive the maximum benefit. Anything I earn over $128,700 is not subject to the social security tax e.g. I'm not paying the social security tax for deadbeat lazy fat ass losers. Also if you don't pay into SS you don't get SS.
You're saying that the government does not redistribute wealth via income taxes? Holy crap.

Okay, throw that one out. We have Medicare and Medicaid. And several federal departments.

Are we a socialist country?

You may want to check the federal budget and note what they actually spend the money on.
Again: Are we a socialist country, or are we not?

Isn't it obvious, when was the last time an openly socialist puke was elected president, never? :itsok:
Well, I tried.

Since we never get serious or specific on the definition of the term, this is a worthless "conversation".
Fun to see you so threatened by a 28-year-old woman who doesn't hide behind a computer screen and spew bile. She's out there taking the shots, something you could never do.

You are speaking of that foreign woman in New York somewhere, with the long two-part name. Not of interest.

Bernie Sanders is a socialist, and so is Elizabeth Warren, so the infection is definitely spreading in this country. It is very unfortunate this disease is coming back.

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