THIS is why I say Israel is fascist

Somebody needs to tell that a list of moronic blogs don't add up to facts.

Actually, the Lebanese civil war was started by Palestinian Muslims who with the help of neighboring Muslim nations committed ethic creasing and genocide on the Christians of Lebanon. By the time it was over the Palestinian animals had killed over 150,000 Christians and Lebanon had turned from a tolerant progressive paradise into yet another Islamic shithole, run by Hezbollah terrorists. Yet another example of Islam's inability to coexist. What else is new?

Roudy---when I was a kid---I learned that Lebanon was just about 50/50 ---Christian/Muslim----
I wonder why no one asks--------"DID THE CHRISTIANS OF LEBANON AGREE TO DONATE
SOUTH LEBANON TO IRAN" ?????? Is it too late for them to object?

Over and over I read on these boards that the JOOOOOS who purchased land
in Palestine in the 1800s had NO RIGHT TO DO SO and should be considered
INVADING COLONIALISTS from some wicked place called "zioland"-----and
therefore arabs (or muslims of any background) do have a right to slit their
throats--------and tell them "GO BACK to _____????"

Its just demographic shift.

I think Lebanon would do well to take another census, and divide the country up in a modified plan. Instead of the President always being Maronite, make the president a member of the most populous group. But I don't get a vote in Lebanon.

By the way, I am sure I mentioned I am a federal employee? The virus or trojan or whatever it was infected a federal system today. So our discussion of international affairs has become an international incident.

LMAO! Ooooh, so you're a federal worker who's so lacking in knowledge about the basis of US Government that you could even voice the idea of nuking an ally. What is your rank, GS-1 ????

It's just too amusing how you've got to toss out those little 'sound bites' to puff up your purported CV.....they're no more real than anything else you've claimed.
Roudy---when I was a kid---I learned that Lebanon was just about 50/50 ---Christian/Muslim----
I wonder why no one asks--------"DID THE CHRISTIANS OF LEBANON AGREE TO DONATE
SOUTH LEBANON TO IRAN" ?????? Is it too late for them to object?

Over and over I read on these boards that the JOOOOOS who purchased land
in Palestine in the 1800s had NO RIGHT TO DO SO and should be considered
INVADING COLONIALISTS from some wicked place called "zioland"-----and
therefore arabs (or muslims of any background) do have a right to slit their
throats--------and tell them "GO BACK to _____????"

Its just demographic shift.

I think Lebanon would do well to take another census, and divide the country up in a modified plan. Instead of the President always being Maronite, make the president a member of the most populous group. But I don't get a vote in Lebanon.

By the way, I am sure I mentioned I am a federal employee? The virus or trojan or whatever it was infected a federal system today. So our discussion of international affairs has become an international incident.

LMAO! Ooooh, so you're a federal worker who's so lacking in knowledge about the basis of US Government that you could even voice the idea of nuking an ally. What is your rank, GS-1 ????

It's just too amusing how you've got to toss out those little 'sound bites' to puff up your purported CV.....they're no more real than anything else you've claimed.

The FBI monitoring this forum is probably having a good laugh too, Marg.
Amazed that so few understand the civil war in Lebanon. With two embassies and the marines barrack bombed most of you haven't the foggiest idea what or who was involved.
There is no legitimate equivalency between Musllims and the Nazi's. It just shows an utter ignorance of history.

Get back to me when you compile reports of now tney conducted inhuman medical experiments on Jewish children, stuffed entire families into gas ovens for extermination, forced them to starve to death in concentration camps along with gypsies, disabled, slavs and more. Get back to me when the entire Muslim religion banded together to create a regime of eugenics, racial purity, and the extermination of "inferior" groups.

Islamofascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From the source:

From the source: The term Islamofascism is a neologism based on clerical fascism which draws an analogy between the ideological characteristics of specific Islamist movements and a broad range of European fascist movements of the early 20th century, neofascist movements, or totalitarianism. In particular, this term relates the widely accepted pathogenicity of fascist belief systems to current radical Islamic belief systems.

Both americanthinker and nationalreview are well known far right pro-Israel publications. It would be nice to see some serious scholarly and unbiased looks at Islam as fascism.

Middle East Forum: from wikipedia: The Middle East Forum (MEF) is a American conservative[1] think tank founded in 1990 by Daniel Pipes, who serves as its president.[2] MEF became an independent non-profit organization in 1994. It publishes a journal, the Middle East Quarterly.

A blog:....A gleaning from the writings of Ali Sina exposes Islam as a totalitarian political movement in the guise of religion and a threat to human civilization.

Really now.

Do you even read your link Aris? After bashing another poster for linking with hate sites and using biased sites? I think I've lost all respect for you here.

From that Article
Informed consent is violated in community-based experimentation in which individuals are not consulted. It is illegal to force participation of the weak (prisoners, children, the ignorant, mentally incapacitated, and the poor) in clinical trials.

And you think that is the same as Nazi experimentations????


Paper written for the UAE International Conference on Healthcare Ethics 10-13 March 2002 by Prof Omar Hasan Kasule Sr. MB ChB (MUK), MPH (Harvard), DrPH (Harvard) Deputy Dean, Kulliyah of Medicine, UIA Faculty of Medicine, Kuantan MALAYSIA EM

Omar Hasan Kasule, MBChB (MUK), MPH, DrPH (Harvard) graduated from Makerere University in Uganda and subsequently obtained his postgraduate training in public health, including a doctorate in epidemiology, from Harvard University. He was a fellow at Harvard and taught a course on the delivery of maternal and child health services. At the Harvard Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts, he worked on cancer clinical trials and analysis of cancer epidemiological data from the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG). Additionally, Dr. Kasule obtained a certification in Arabic and Islamic studies from Bilal institute in Kampala, Uganda.

and you consider this a hate source????
Roudy---when I was a kid---I learned that Lebanon was just about 50/50 ---Christian/Muslim----
I wonder why no one asks--------"DID THE CHRISTIANS OF LEBANON AGREE TO DONATE
SOUTH LEBANON TO IRAN" ?????? Is it too late for them to object?

Over and over I read on these boards that the JOOOOOS who purchased land
in Palestine in the 1800s had NO RIGHT TO DO SO and should be considered
INVADING COLONIALISTS from some wicked place called "zioland"-----and
therefore arabs (or muslims of any background) do have a right to slit their
throats--------and tell them "GO BACK to _____????"

Its just demographic shift.

I think Lebanon would do well to take another census, and divide the country up in a modified plan. Instead of the President always being Maronite, make the president a member of the most populous group. But I don't get a vote in Lebanon.

By the way, I am sure I mentioned I am a federal employee? The virus or trojan or whatever it was infected a federal system today. So our discussion of international affairs has become an international incident.

LMAO! Ooooh, so you're a federal worker who's so lacking in knowledge about the basis of US Government that you could even voice the idea of nuking an ally. What is your rank, GS-1 ????

It's just too amusing how you've got to toss out those little 'sound bites' to puff up your purported CV.....they're no more real than anything else you've claimed.
Enmity is a Pallywood actor. Possibly even Pallywood Oscar material. However, the judges will vote against it, because it's so stupid it can't even keep up with its own bullshit.
It is mildly amusing when americans think their system is transferable to other countries far old.
I'm sure the intent is good but it does not work like that.
The confessional system in Lebanon was so all religions would be represented and no single religion could cut another out.
If the diaspora is included, christians would still be dominant. So many left during the war, as did the jews. Muslims, particularly the shiite were as a whole less affluent and likely could not afford to leave, though today most families have many children that found well paying jobs outside of Lebanon and send money back to support those remaining.
Americans republic, divided by states and population can't work in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, etc. You can't take religion out of the equation of life, culture or politics in the middle east. Nor would it be right to have one sect dominate and not let others have representation.
In my heart of hearts I am convinced that those gunmen who shot the four people in Ain el-Rummaneh, in April 1975 that started the civil war, were Israelis. This has been how they have operated throughout the middle east.

And the above is exactly why NO 'argument' of yours can ever be valid. You are making your "argument" from emotion, not facts. And emotions have ZERO truth value.

There is evidence, there is not proof, yet. To me it was so obvious that the only group coming out ahead in this was Israel. Everybody else lost big time.

Some people almost got tried for war crimes for this, and it is not too late even now.

the "who benefited" ? ploy is very prominent in islamo Nazi propaganda-----
the objective is to create a suspicion that if islamo Nazis did not
TRIUMPH--- (as would be the will of allah) then it should
"logically obvious" that the enemeeeees of islaaaam
created the situation. They even used this rationale
and stretch of sophistry to 'prove' that DA JOOOOS
did 9-11. The "who benefited" thing is the
backbone of their propaganda filth
Sure, and the extensive bloodletting in Iraq, Syria and Libya were also insigated by Israel. :doubt:

Don;t doubt it, cupcake. Tomorrow's history lesson will be the Lavon affair. And after that we will discus how Israel was caught red handed blowing up synagogues and attacking Jews in Arab countries to make them afraid and want to leave to go to Israel. Muslims were doing hardly ANY of it.
And I have got more. I do one of these every day for MONTHS.

Wow - so the AL had nothing to do with the beggaring and ejection of nearly a million Jews! And of course the AL "leadership" didn't keep a bit of the possessions or lands which they confiscated, either.

Not sure who "AL" is.
but the governments did for the most part keep the land. and the people did do some of the destruction.

Its like I keep telling you, ya gotta stop pissing people off if you want peace.

And it seems to me you DON'T want peace, you just want people to stop attacking Irsael :cuckoo: You want Israel to be able to continue to attack.
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Hah? You cited four blog clogs in your article. We don't expect a person of your lowlife liar caliber to be honest. But that's not all, you then go ahead and blame Israel for something it had nothing to do with, while ignoring the tens of thousands of Lebanese Christians that the Palestinians not only savagely killed, but actually started the civil war in Lebanon. Oh but you're so upset that the Christian Lebanese decided to extract some payback on the Muslims who had committed massacre after massacre. Lebanon is just like Israel just like all the other hotspots involving Muslims all over the world. They attack, terrorize and murder people because of their race or religion, and then cry foul when they receive a consequence for their barbarism.

You don't have a moral or ethical leg to stand on, you phony baloney false propagandist convert who defends Palestinian baby killers.

If someone is doing well sourced scholarly work in a blog, they're in.

IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH? Are you delusional?

Israel told the BIG LIE that facilitated the events, then surrounded the camps, allowed the Kataeb people in, and prevented Palestinians from escaping. They were coordinating the entire event from a high rise building nearby. There are tapes of conversations between Israeli commanders and Kataeb commander, and film footage showing specifically what Israel's role was.

All the multi-faceted forms of collaboration with Israel in Lebanon taken together look a lot like this:
Collaboration with the Axis Powers during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The strategy was something like this:
Vichy France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And the tactics were a lot like this:
Genocides in history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those who support Israel have to account in their own minds and in public arenas for what it is doing.

And don't tell me "THIS isn't nearly as bad as THAT", because the point is that we are getting there over the decades. And with the so-called "demographic timebomb" Israel has to figure out what to do soon or it will no longer be a Jewish state "of, by, and for the Jews."
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the "who benefited" ? ploy is very prominent in islamo Nazi propaganda-----
the objective is to create a suspicion that if islamo Nazis did not
TRIUMPH--- (as would be the will of allah) then it should
"logically obvious" that the enemeeeees of islaaaam
created the situation. They even used this rationale
and stretch of sophistry to 'prove' that DA JOOOOS
did 9-11. The "who benefited" thing is the
backbone of their propaganda filth

Don't worry about conspiracy theorists, they're not important. What IS important is that Israel's engineering of and participation in the Sabra and Shatila massacres is very well documented and undeniable.
ISRAEL DID THIS. DON'T BLAME "THE JEWS.." And don't try to pretend that Palestinians, Arabs, or Muslims blame "THE JEWS" either.

And how do you account for that?
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It is mildly amusing when americans think their system is transferable to other countries far old.
I'm sure the intent is good but it does not work like that.
The confessional system in Lebanon was so all religions would be represented and no single religion could cut another out.
If the diaspora is included, christians would still be dominant. So many left during the war, as did the jews. Muslims, particularly the shiite were as a whole less affluent and likely could not afford to leave, though today most families have many children that found well paying jobs outside of Lebanon and send money back to support those remaining.
Americans republic, divided by states and population can't work in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, etc. You can't take religion out of the equation of life, culture or politics in the middle east. Nor would it be right to have one sect dominate and not let others have representation.

You are right. And the net effect is that Lebanon today is even MORE overwhelmingly Muslim than it was in 1975. And those people tend to support Hezbollah.

Congrats, Israel, another major blunder coming out of your attempts to covertly engineer the rest of the world to your advantage.
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LMAO! Ooooh, so you're a federal worker who's so lacking in knowledge about the basis of US Government that you could even voice the idea of nuking an ally. What is your rank, GS-1 ????
Very many scenarios that are brought up in abstract discussion as last ditch alternatives to potential extreme situations conclude with "the nuclear option." But how often has it ever been used? It would be entirely unlikely in this case, too. So don't worry about that.

But not because the U.S. and Israel are allies. Alliances are fragile things. We may not be allies one day in the not too far distant future. You are taking us for granted without LISTENING to us and considering U.S. interests.

But we can see the direction the American government's view of Israeli actions is trending just by looking at videos on You Tube, one of which I posted, or reading what is written in the better quality periodicals and policy journals, to wit: Outta there as fast as we can if Israel doesn't start cleaning up its act... We don't need more enemies, and we don't want to be associated with what Israel is doing. This has been trending for a long time, and everything I have said was already being discussed when I was an undergraduate, too.

So bear in mind, we do allow quite free speech here and your attempts to smother honest debate under a bunch of hate speech, phony websites, and artificially concocted hate-inciting ideology ("Islamofascist"?? gimme a break) are just another tiny nail in the coffin of U.S./Israeli relations. Hate speech and illegal activities further expose Israel's ever more more obvious unwillingness to play by the rules.

And you will see that everything I have said is true.
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... but actually started the civil war in Lebanon. Oh but you're so upset that the Christian Lebanese decided to extract some payback on the Muslims who had committed massacre after massacre.

There is no one credible who would assert that Palestinians started the civil war in Lebanon. They already had everything to lose, were in a precarious position, etc.

Payback for massacres? No, Sabra and Shatila massacre was payback for killing Bachir Gemayel, which is what Israel told the Phalangists the Palestinians had done. FALSELY.
And can you be more specific about these purported massacres you are talking about? The only massacre I can think of is Damour. And clearly the people of Sabra and Shatila did not do that, either. The fedayeen were long gone, Roudy. The people left there were civilians. You are falling into the trap of the collective punishment mentality.
LMAO! Ooooh, so you're a federal worker who's so lacking in knowledge about the basis of US Government that you could even voice the idea of nuking an ally. What is your rank, GS-1 ????
Very many scenarios that are brought up in abstract discussion as last ditch alternatives to potential extreme situations conclude with "the nuclear option." But how often has it ever been used? It would be entirely unlikely in this case, too. So don't worry about that.

I know a lot more about that topic than you imagine, Hostility. And I certainly don't worry or not worry based on your words.

But not because the U.S. and Israel are allies. Alliances are fragile things. We may not be allies one day in the not too far distant future. You are taking us for granted without LISTENING to us and considering U.S. interests.

You must have missed the part where I'm part of the 'US' myself. And no, US alliances are NOT all that fragile as you are claiming.

But we can see the direction the American government's view of Israeli actions is trending

Oh, again with the 'we' crap. I've told you before, Hostility - I don't care what your pet cockroach says!

just by looking at videos on You Tube, one of which I posted, or reading what is written in the better quality periodicals and policy journals,

Those videos are not put out by the US Government, so why fantasize they represent any official POV. And your concept of 'better quality' is ludicrous.

to wit: Outta there as fast as we can if Israel doesn't start cleaning up its act...

We aren't 'in there' militarily - and military intervention on behalf of Israel has NEVER been proposed to my knowledge. Why are you lying?

We don't need more enemies, and we don't want to be associated with what Israel is doing.
Certainly we don't need more enemies - but again with the 'we' crap. SOME Americans want us to *attack* Israel - they aren't in charge of the government.

This has been trending for a long time, and everything I have said was already being discussed when I was an undergraduate, too.

So have the US invasion plans for Canada - and their for resisting said invasion.

So bear in mind, we do allow quite free speech here and your attempts to smother honest debate

STOP RIGHT THERE. I have done NONE of the following in a single one of my posts, and those are MY words above you've quoted and are replying to. What you are doing is a form of 'collective punishment': you attack me over what you perceive others as having done.

under a bunch of hate speech, phony websites, and artificially concocted hate-inciting ideology ("Islamofascist"?? gimme a break) are just another tiny nail in the coffin of U.S./Israeli relations.
I don't see why, since I'm not an Israeli. And if those words are so awful - what about the filth of suggesting Americans' basic civil rights be rescinded for supporting Israel?

Hate speech and illegal activities further expose Israel's ever more more obvious unwillingness to play by the rules.

Look, Hostility - you attempts to use 'federal employee' status as a bully pulpit to add weight to your arguments are a form of 'dirty trick' in themselves.

And you will see that everything I have said is true.

Oh, boy - again with the ego the size of Montana...... ALL I can see is that you're an arrogant poseur.
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From the source:

From the source: The term Islamofascism is a neologism based on clerical fascism which draws an analogy between the ideological characteristics of specific Islamist movements and a broad range of European fascist movements of the early 20th century, neofascist movements, or totalitarianism. In particular, this term relates the widely accepted pathogenicity of fascist belief systems to current radical Islamic belief systems.

Both americanthinker and nationalreview are well known far right pro-Israel publications. It would be nice to see some serious scholarly and unbiased looks at Islam as fascism.

Middle East Forum: from wikipedia: The Middle East Forum (MEF) is a American conservative[1] think tank founded in 1990 by Daniel Pipes, who serves as its president.[2] MEF became an independent non-profit organization in 1994. It publishes a journal, the Middle East Quarterly.

A blog:....A gleaning from the writings of Ali Sina exposes Islam as a totalitarian political movement in the guise of religion and a threat to human civilization.

Really now.

Do you even read your link Aris? After bashing another poster for linking with hate sites and using biased sites? I think I've lost all respect for you here.

From that Article
Informed consent is violated in community-based experimentation in which individuals are not consulted. It is illegal to force participation of the weak (prisoners, children, the ignorant, mentally incapacitated, and the poor) in clinical trials.

And you think that is the same as Nazi experimentations????


Paper written for the UAE International Conference on Healthcare Ethics 10-13 March 2002 by Prof Omar Hasan Kasule Sr. MB ChB (MUK), MPH (Harvard), DrPH (Harvard) Deputy Dean, Kulliyah of Medicine, UIA Faculty of Medicine, Kuantan MALAYSIA EM

Omar Hasan Kasule, MBChB (MUK), MPH, DrPH (Harvard) graduated from Makerere University in Uganda and subsequently obtained his postgraduate training in public health, including a doctorate in epidemiology, from Harvard University. He was a fellow at Harvard and taught a course on the delivery of maternal and child health services. At the Harvard Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts, he worked on cancer clinical trials and analysis of cancer epidemiological data from the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG). Additionally, Dr. Kasule obtained a certification in Arabic and Islamic studies from Bilal institute in Kampala, Uganda.

and you consider this a hate source????

No. Not that one. Nor Wikipedia. However Daniel Pipes, and some of the others certainly fall within that category. The medical article is a good professional article. What I don't understand is why you chose it - if you are trying to infer that Muslim's have a similar attitude towards medical experimentation as the Nazi's then that article certainly doesn't support that.

The other articles are little more than highly biased opinion pieces from rightwing think tanks and bloggers. No actual scholarly or peer reviewed research. Wikipedia describes "Islamofascism" as a "neologism" - a newly coined word that is yet in the official vernacular. It's a word that's come about only since 9/11 and the upswing in anti-muslim rhetoric and sentiment that often lacks logic behind it. Your choice of links looks like a google search to find links that support your view without being discrimminating as to whether or not they are well sourced or emotionally driven. Maybe because it is such a new term there doesn't exist much in the way of good material or maybe it's such crap designation no good scholar is going to waste time on it.

I did a search - I can't find much at all that seems a good source on the topic outside of blogs and opinions much of which seem to come from groups like Daniel Pipes or Pamela Geller.

Here is one blog opinion that seems to be more accurate in defining Radical Islam - not as "fascism" but as a militant theocracy. Atheist Ethicist: Islamic Fascism - it's a leftwing opinion but it's not a hate group.

Wikipedia characterizes fascist systems in the following way:
Fascism /fæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism[1][2] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Influenced by national syndicalism, fascism originated in Italy during World War I, combining more typically right-wing positions with elements of left-wing politics, in opposition to liberalism, Marxism, and traditional conservatism. Although fascism is usually placed on the far right on the traditional left–right spectrum, several self-described fascists said that the description is inadequate.[3][4]

Fascists sought to unify their nation through an authoritarian state that promoted the mass mobilization of the national community[5][6] and were characterized by having leadership that initiated a revolutionary political movement aiming to reorganize the nation along principles according to fascist ideology.[7] Fascist movements shared certain common features, including the veneration of the state, a devotion to a strong leader, and an emphasis on ultranationalism and militarism. Fascism views political violence, war, and imperialism as a means to achieve national rejuvenation,[5][8][9][10] and it asserts that stronger nations have the right to expand their territory by displacing weaker nations.[11]

Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state. Leaders such as Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany embodied the state and claimed indisputable power. Fascism borrowed theories and terminology from socialism but replaced socialism's focus on class conflict with a focus on conflict between nations and races.[12] Fascists advocate a mixed economy, with the principal goal of achieving autarky to secure national self-sufficiency and independence through protectionist and interventionist economic policies.[13]

That neither describes the state of Israel nor the religion of Islam as a whole.
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Fascism /fæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism[1][2] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Influenced by national syndicalism, fascism originated in Italy during World War I, combining more typically right-wing positions with elements of left-wing politics, in opposition to liberalism, Marxism, and traditional conservatism. Although fascism is usually placed on the far right on the traditional left–right spectrum, several self-described fascists said that the description is inadequate.[3][4]

Fascists sought to unify their nation through an authoritarian state that promoted the mass mobilization of the national community[5][6] and were characterized by having leadership that initiated a revolutionary political movement aiming to reorganize the nation along principles according to fascist ideology.[7] Fascist movements shared certain common features, including the veneration of the state, a devotion to a strong leader, and an emphasis on ultranationalism and militarism. Fascism views political violence, war, and imperialism as a means to achieve national rejuvenation,[5][8][9][10] and it asserts that stronger nations have the right to expand their territory by displacing weaker nations.[11]

Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state. Leaders such as Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany embodied the state and claimed indisputable power. Fascism borrowed theories and terminology from socialism but replaced socialism's focus on class conflict with a focus on conflict between nations and races.[12] Fascists advocate a mixed economy, with the principal goal of achieving autarky to secure national self-sufficiency and independence through protectionist and interventionist economic policies.[13]

That neither describes the state of Israel nor the religion of Islam as a whole.

So true----it neither describes Israel nor the religion of islam as a whole----what it DOES
describe is the ISLAMIC STATE----in fact, very accurately and in detail. Islam as a
religion does not require that a muslim live in an Islamic state----but doing so is
a DEFINITE IDEAL ----something which HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of muslims believe
is a HOLY QUEST. It is the stated goal of Hamas and of Isis. A person on this board posted
that she spoke with lots of muslims and never ecountered even one that "wanted shariah"----
well------she did not talk long enough or---perhaps did not obtain the trust of
her informants. I am short----and non-threatening (in appearance and demeanor)----
people tell me everything especially when I was very young----before I met my
husband-----who ----interestingly enough, was BORN in an Islamic state At the present
time----the streets (and valleys and streams) run red with blood over an effort to -----
Islamize even more than it is Islamized right now in that very land----at which point it will again be
a FASCIST STATE ----they may even reestablish a monarchy----at which point ---
criticism of the monarch becomes a capital crime----blasphemy.
From the source:

From the source: The term Islamofascism is a neologism based on clerical fascism which draws an analogy between the ideological characteristics of specific Islamist movements and a broad range of European fascist movements of the early 20th century, neofascist movements, or totalitarianism. In particular, this term relates the widely accepted pathogenicity of fascist belief systems to current radical Islamic belief systems.

Both americanthinker and nationalreview are well known far right pro-Israel publications. It would be nice to see some serious scholarly and unbiased looks at Islam as fascism.

Middle East Forum: from wikipedia: The Middle East Forum (MEF) is a American conservative[1] think tank founded in 1990 by Daniel Pipes, who serves as its president.[2] MEF became an independent non-profit organization in 1994. It publishes a journal, the Middle East Quarterly.

A blog:....A gleaning from the writings of Ali Sina exposes Islam as a totalitarian political movement in the guise of religion and a threat to human civilization.

Really now.

Do you even read your link Aris? After bashing another poster for linking with hate sites and using biased sites? I think I've lost all respect for you here.

From that Article

And you think that is the same as Nazi experimentations????


Paper written for the UAE International Conference on Healthcare Ethics 10-13 March 2002 by Prof Omar Hasan Kasule Sr. MB ChB (MUK), MPH (Harvard), DrPH (Harvard) Deputy Dean, Kulliyah of Medicine, UIA Faculty of Medicine, Kuantan MALAYSIA EM

Omar Hasan Kasule, MBChB (MUK), MPH, DrPH (Harvard) graduated from Makerere University in Uganda and subsequently obtained his postgraduate training in public health, including a doctorate in epidemiology, from Harvard University. He was a fellow at Harvard and taught a course on the delivery of maternal and child health services. At the Harvard Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts, he worked on cancer clinical trials and analysis of cancer epidemiological data from the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG). Additionally, Dr. Kasule obtained a certification in Arabic and Islamic studies from Bilal institute in Kampala, Uganda.

and you consider this a hate source????

No. Not that one. Nor Wikipedia. However Daniel Pipes, and some of the others certainly fall within that category. The medical article is a good professional article. What I don't understand is why you chose it - if you are trying to infer that Muslim's have a similar attitude towards medical experimentation as the Nazi's then that article certainly doesn't support that.

The other articles are little more than highly biased opinion pieces from rightwing think tanks and bloggers. No actual scholarly or peer reviewed research. Wikipedia describes "Islamofascism" as a "neologism" - a newly coined word that is yet in the official vernacular. It's a word that's come about only since 9/11 and the upswing in anti-muslim rhetoric and sentiment that often lacks logic behind it. Your choice of links looks like a google search to find links that support your view without being discrimminating as to whether or not they are well sourced or emotionally driven. Maybe because it is such a new term there doesn't exist much in the way of good material or maybe it's such crap designation no good scholar is going to waste time on it.

I did a search - I can't find much at all that seems a good source on the topic outside of blogs and opinions much of which seem to come from groups like Daniel Pipes or Pamela Geller.

Here is one blog opinion that seems to be more accurate in defining Radical Islam - not as "fascism" but as a militant theocracy. Atheist Ethicist: Islamic Fascism - it's a leftwing opinion but it's not a hate group.

Wikipedia characterizes fascist systems in the following way:

You might not like their point of view but they are the experts on the middle east. MEQ has arab/muslim writers as well.
Opinionated, yes. Hate sites, no.
Daniel Pipes, is considered one of the most senior scholars who focus on radical Islam.

No all muslims/arabs but radical, which we all seem to be concerned about.
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Hah? You cited four blog clogs in your article. We don't expect a person of your lowlife liar caliber to be honest. But that's not all, you then go ahead and blame Israel for something it had nothing to do with, while ignoring the tens of thousands of Lebanese Christians that the Palestinians not only savagely killed, but actually started the civil war in Lebanon. Oh but you're so upset that the Christian Lebanese decided to extract some payback on the Muslims who had committed massacre after massacre. Lebanon is just like Israel just like all the other hotspots involving Muslims all over the world. They attack, terrorize and murder people because of their race or religion, and then cry foul when they receive a consequence for their barbarism.

You don't have a moral or ethical leg to stand on, you phony baloney false propagandist convert who defends Palestinian baby killers.

If someone is doing well sourced scholarly work in a blog, they're in.

IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH? Are you delusional?

Israel told the BIG LIE that facilitated the events, then surrounded the camps, allowed the Kataeb people in, and prevented Palestinians from escaping. They were coordinating the entire event from a high rise building nearby. There are tapes of conversations between Israeli commanders and Kataeb commander, and film footage showing specifically what Israel's role was.

All the multi-faceted forms of collaboration with Israel in Lebanon taken together look a lot like this:
Collaboration with the Axis Powers during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The strategy was something like this:
Vichy France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And the tactics were a lot like this:
Genocides in history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those who support Israel have to account in their own minds and in public arenas for what it is doing.

And don't tell me "THIS isn't nearly as bad as THAT", because the point is that we are getting there over the decades. And with the so-called "demographic timebomb" Israel has to figure out what to do soon or it will no longer be a Jewish state "of, by, and for the Jews."
Another lame attempt at hiding the fact that Palestinians caused the civil war in Lebanon in order to reap the rewards of an Islamic takeover, while killing over 150,000 Lebanese Christians. The only party that came to the rescue of the Lebanese Christians was Israel.

Those are the historical facts, now deal with it, convert.
I consider Daniel Pipes to be a fine scholar-----but he pushes a POV ----therefore
I would no more quote him than quote Miko Peled----not a fine scholar at all---
but a desperate seeker of attention. I do like PRIMARY SOURCES we are lucky
to have Aris, a primary source. ----our dear Roudy---another primary source----and
thru me----hubby ---another primary source having been born a bonafide "dhimmi"

Wikki is not a reliable primary source nor are propaganda videos on the net

Daniel Pipes is a catholic turk----his primary sources have been his relatives'
Elia Kazan is, unfortunately, dead

a question for our dear Roudy-----roudy---did your family need Zionist attack in order
for your family to want to leave Iraq---or Iran?

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