This is the REICH wing summed up in one little post.

Cold Fusion38

The Rabbi
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Quote: Originally Posted by Cold Fusion38
Quote: Originally Posted by California Girl
Oh goodie. Fucking idiots who think they know more than career soldiers.... yep, we sure need input from you. Please email Obama - be quick, he's planning to make an annoucement.... just as soon as he's had a few more fucking days to think about it.

You have GOT to be fucking kidding RIGHT!!!??? After BUSH ignored and FIRED any military advisor who didn't get in lock step with his agenda?

But Bush was right. Obama is wrong.
Whatever he decides on Afghanistan, it will be the wrong decision. And it will be the downfall of his presidency, as the left deserts him in droves.
A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion.
Francis Bacon

Quote......"Whatever he decides (Obama) on Afghanistan, it will be the wrong decision"

This sums up Rabbi and his rabid hatred for Democrats and/or Black people. There is NO OTHER explanation for his post........

(emphasis added to highlight the extreme ignorance of the QUOTE)
Ooh, Cali Girl. When Cold Fusion calls you a Nazi then you know you've arrived. Where you will have arrived to I don't know. Moronville, maybe?
You're memory is shot, along with any critical thinking facility you might have.

But the thread prompted me to examine why I wrote that to begin with.

Obama is faced with a bad situation. Whatever he decides, he will piss off some people.
If he decides to send more troops, he will piss off the left wing of his party, which after all elected him.
If he decides to wind down the war, he will look like a feckless weasel since he spoke as late as August about how this was the necessary war, the good war we should have been fighting all along.
Whatever he decides it has to do be done with conviction that it is the right course for the country and its security. It has to be done without political consideration. In short, it requires leadership.
Bush had a bad call to make on Iraq as well. He had commissions telling him it was time to leave. He had plenty of political cover to make that call. Ordering the surge was unpopular and many predicted it would fail. He did the right thing. He listened to his commanders on the ground and went ahead, knowing his political situation would suffer. It was the right decision and it won the war.
Obama has shown absolutely no capacity for this kind of leadership. He is a political animal, always lookng for the short term political gain over anything else. If he can put off an unpopular decision, he will do so. If he can blame someone else, he will do so. If he can let someone else take the heat, he will do so.
So his decision will be of this nature: short sighted, political, and wrong.
You're memory is shot, along with any critical thinking facility you might have.

But the thread prompted me to examine why I wrote that to begin with.

Obama is faced with a bad situation. Whatever he decides, he will piss off some people.
If he decides to send more troops, he will piss off the left wing of his party, which after all elected him.
If he decides to wind down the war, he will look like a feckless weasel since he spoke as late as August about how this was the necessary war, the good war we should have been fighting all along.
Whatever he decides it has to do be done with conviction that it is the right course for the country and its security. It has to be done without political consideration. In short, it requires leadership.
Bush had a bad call to make on Iraq as well. He had commissions telling him it was time to leave. He had plenty of political cover to make that call. Ordering the surge was unpopular and many predicted it would fail. He did the right thing. He listened to his commanders on the ground and went ahead, knowing his political situation would suffer. It was the right decision and it won the war.
Obama has shown absolutely no capacity for this kind of leadership. He is a political animal, always lookng for the short term political gain over anything else. If he can put off an unpopular decision, he will do so. If he can blame someone else, he will do so. If he can let someone else take the heat, he will do so.
So his decision will be of this nature: short sighted, political, and wrong.

When you refer to "good war:cuckoo: we should have fought" I hope you're not referring the the great welfare project called IsNtReal when you say WE ?
Our " greatest ally" who is yet to enter a battlefield with the US.......unless it was mossad ,on the other side, trying to keep things going for the great Zionist experiment, which will surely fail.:clap2:
You're memory is shot, along with any critical thinking facility you might have.

But the thread prompted me to examine why I wrote that to begin with.

Obama is faced with a bad situation. Whatever he decides, he will piss off some people.
If he decides to send more troops, he will piss off the left wing of his party, which after all elected him.
If he decides to wind down the war, he will look like a feckless weasel since he spoke as late as August about how this was the necessary war, the good war we should have been fighting all along.
Whatever he decides it has to do be done with conviction that it is the right course for the country and its security. It has to be done without political consideration. In short, it requires leadership.
Bush had a bad call to make on Iraq as well. He had commissions telling him it was time to leave. He had plenty of political cover to make that call. Ordering the surge was unpopular and many predicted it would fail. He did the right thing. He listened to his commanders on the ground and went ahead, knowing his political situation would suffer. It was the right decision and it won the war.
Obama has shown absolutely no capacity for this kind of leadership. He is a political animal, always lookng for the short term political gain over anything else. If he can put off an unpopular decision, he will do so. If he can blame someone else, he will do so. If he can let someone else take the heat, he will do so.
So his decision will be of this nature: short sighted, political, and wrong.

When you refer to "good war:cuckoo: we should have fought" I hope you're not referring the the great welfare project called IsNtReal when you say WE ?
Our " greatest ally" who is yet to enter a battlefield with the US.......unless it was mossad ,on the other side, trying to keep things going for the great Zionist experiment, which will surely fail.:clap2:

WTF are you talking about? Do you even know?
"Short-sighted, political, and wrong."
Damn, did I call that one or what?? So he's authorized more troops. But not as many as his general on the ground said he would need to win. He's authorized them, but only for 18 months. Why 18 months? Because thats the amount of time he can get away with it without totally alienating his base. All the Taliban have to do is beat feet for 18 months and their home free.
Is this president a dimwit or what??
Who even knows what to do in Afghanistan? It's a backward and fractured country.

We had our chance right after 9/11. Bin Laden cornered. And that State Department report about Bin Laden being cornered in Tora Bora is 5 years old.

The Bush Administration had the entire world behind him. We could have "turned" Afghanistan.

Instead, it's our economy in tatters. (Republicans never included the cost of either war in their outrageously bloated budgets. For all the money Republicans spent, where did it go? Our infrastructure wasn't improved. No money for health care. In eight years of a Republican supported Bush administration, it's just one disaster and scandal after another supported by a breath-taking display of incompetency.)

So what to do now? The military says Afghanistan has less than 100 al Qaeda. So, who are thirty thousand more troops going to fight? Honestly, I don't know.
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I sure don't. But I knew whatever he did, Obama would do the wrong thing. He has an unfailing instinct for the flop, the turkey, the loser. Remember his redesign of the presidential seal? Remember the no American flag lapel pin? These are pretty minor but instructive nonetheless. Obama has the worst instincts and judgement of any president, probably ever.
And with this move he will simultaneously cement his newly hostile relationship with the Left and get us into a long intractable war that cannot possibly be won.
Great move. How's that Hope N Change working out for you?
You're memory is shot, along with any critical thinking facility you might have.

But the thread prompted me to examine why I wrote that to begin with.

Obama is faced with a bad situation. Whatever he decides, he will piss off some people.
If he decides to send more troops, he will piss off the left wing of his party, which after all elected him.
If he decides to wind down the war, he will look like a feckless weasel since he spoke as late as August about how this was the necessary war, the good war we should have been fighting all along.
Whatever he decides it has to do be done with conviction that it is the right course for the country and its security. It has to be done without political consideration. In short, it requires leadership.
Bush had a bad call to make on Iraq as well. He had commissions telling him it was time to leave. He had plenty of political cover to make that call. Ordering the surge was unpopular and many predicted it would fail. He did the right thing. He listened to his commanders on the ground and went ahead, knowing his political situation would suffer. It was the right decision and it won the war.
Obama has shown absolutely no capacity for this kind of leadership. He is a political animal, always lookng for the short term political gain over anything else. If he can put off an unpopular decision, he will do so. If he can blame someone else, he will do so. If he can let someone else take the heat, he will do so.
So his decision will be of this nature: short sighted, political, and wrong.

ONE MORE TIME YOU IGNORANT FUCK!!!! The "surge" was paying off insurgents not to kill us or other Iraqis. Right from YOUR pocket to PAY THEM OFF. Once the money stops coming they will start killing each other and anyone else in their path.
Quote: Originally Posted by California Girl
Oh goodie. Fucking idiots who think they know more than career soldiers....
I quoted someone quoting you now C Girl!

Both Patton and MacArthur were great generals. Hall of Fame type fellas. While I agree they earned the right to have their political opinion heard I think both were wrong a fair amount of the time.
Quote: Originally Posted by California Girl
Oh goodie. Fucking idiots who think they know more than career soldiers....
I quoted someone quoting you now C Girl!

Both Patton and MacArthur were great generals. Hall of Fame type fellas. While I agree they earned the right to have their political opinion heard I think both were wrong a fair amount of the time.

Yea, but at least they had some vague understanding of war.

However, I think this thread is more of a whine fest between two particular individuals.... :doubt:

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